Dominica News Online (DNO) has received word of another vehicular accident which occurred at Tarreau at around 5.00 pm today.
According to the information received, it involved an SUV and a motor cycle.
The bike rider was taken to hospital. However, DNO has not yet been able to determine the extent of his injuries.
We will continue to follow this story and bring you more information when it becomes available.
We have to look at the process of driving license. What is the process now for the issue of a drivers license? Do applicants have to do a written test or is it still oral questions by the examining officer? What of vision are we doing vision testing of applicants? It is necessary that drivers should have a vision test, also a comprehensive overhaul of the examinig system to include writen testing and a wait time of at least 6 months before an applicant with a learner permit can be tested to get a license.
With the popularitry of cell phones it is important that laws should be enacted to prohibit use of cell phones while driving. The increase numbers of traffic accidents points to increasing number of uneducated drivers, the numbers can drop once we start to properly educate drivers on safely operating a motor vehicle.
We get a few decent roads and we feel that we have carte blanche to drive as we please . Do we have adequate traffic signs and what good are they if not enforced . Perhaps the time ? Perhaps the time has come to either reintroduce a traffic patrol that we used to have or install speeding cameras in certain locations ,
we all have to pray cause if not the nation will suffer that dream i had from mary mother of jesus christ
we need to pray alot cause if not the hole nation will suffer dream from marry the mother of jesus christ
I suppose you blame Skerrit for your birth so stupid. You guys are fixated on Skerrit are you handsome?
Well, he is our “daddy”, is he not? Oh, and remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and only ever skin deep.
Stop that bull crap about we were sold and skerrit dis and dat.we need to take care on the road.look out for each othee
these Drivers should have known life in the Days of my grandmother and father, their movement to Roseau and back was to take a boat ride from Salisbury, no roads back then today Drivers love the road so much they killing each other for it SHAME no control
The bigger questions that should be asked “What did the politicians involved themselves in/with to win during the elections?”
“Did they make deals with the strangers in the night to aquire so much?”
“Are those chinese straight, who built the roads?”
So many questions but we are looking at the different places for the real solutions.
Dominicans open all you eyes , these accidnets are not simple events!
Alkaline unleash some demons , maybe
Here’s an interesting scary link
there goes ignorance
The answer to why so many accidents? It is quite simple the majority of accidents on the roads are avoidable, but for some strange reason dominican drivers have this idiotic idea that they must overtake regardless whether due care and observation is taken. I experience this madness on a daily basic some moroons even overtake on the left. Somehow they carry the notion that in order to prove yourself a good driver the critea is to overtake. Its a case of never see come see, the motor car for a large majority of drivers in Dominica is a new experince. They posses no road etiquette, like thank you or acknowledging when a courtesy has been extended. We need a handbook on drving on the road, and all drivers should sit a theory test before taking their driving test. I am not suggesting that there will be no accidents, but at least some of the margee on the road would be reduced. And lastly I am callling on the police to please do your job, by paying more attention to the many reckless
People have you all realized from the time Skeritt and Alkaline debate sprang up un explainable things are going on in relations with deaths and accidents…The artist openly worship Satan he looks Demonic and Sinister .when we had very bad roads in Dominica we never had these accidents now the roads are wider and paved all of a sudden in the month of April when the artiste were to perform on the Island sinister events are taking place take a real closer look!!!!
Dominica is @ a breaking point,god help my people.
Something is sweeping across our nation. I suspect it will stop one week after this weekend, like it started one week before this weekend
Everybody will eventually die, so the count of souls are the same whether people diesooner or later
Someone is telling us something. We better listen. Some people were calling for the death of others or feel happy and rejoice at the misfortune of others. Be careful what we ask for and what we cheer about.
We just never know when it is our turn. Be sympathetic to all. Never wish harm to any of our fellowmen. Wish only good for everyone.
May the Good Lord look after all of us I pray. Drive carefully everyone and think of the other drivers and pedestrians. May all the negative energy disappear forever. May the Good Lord be your guide and keep us all safe.
Has the police started to investigate to see if there is a connection (even a tiny one)? For example, did any of these vehicle owners buy tires at the same place? If so, are these snow tires that do not have traction on our roads causing them to skid rather than stop as usual? What about brake pads?
I know the level of recklessness is increasing as I have recently almost been written-off myself by two vehicles racing and overtaking in no overtaking areas.
I honestly think the police need to take control and start to enforce the road rules that are on the books like seat belts. It’s a $250 ticket for that since 1993! Start issuing these tickets and enforce the other clauses of the law
NONE-SENSE!!!!! Prayer can’t change anything!!!! Someone loves me & cares about me & because I don’t feel the same the best way to get my attention is by trying to kill or hurt me? NONE-SENSE!! Don’t drink & drive & use common sense when you get behind the wheel,have some value for your own life & the life of others & lets all try to make the roads safer for each other.
Those roads not built properly
People calm down…………..accidents happen all the time. Some are reported, others are not. With everyone connected digitally and all those smart phones we are more inclined to hear of every accident which occurs. This was not possible in recent years.
Nothing is wrong in the country……. “we still talking about accidents eh!” its just easier to report them as the occur.
I just waiting for the DAEC to say Alkaline send a demon to cause the accident…oh, wait, they already say that. Lol…boy, Dominica is a place. It bad enough we have an accident, which we should take seriously…instead, we have organisations like the DAEC implying that Alkaline has caused the series of unrelated mundane accidents that have happened in d/a over the last week or so. Unless you have hard scientific evidence, don’t make such foolish statements. Alkaline is just any other dancehall artiste. A human being. Accidents happen. Nothing surprising in accidents occurring. You will only find a pattern in them if you are already looking for one.
How on earth does this have anything to do with
election? Please we need to address this situation
Properly .
When all you bring people like Alkaline in Dominica we are importing demons, and that is the result.
Pray before you leave for your road trip. STOP DRIVING DRUNK! STOP SPEEDING! Give thanks to God when you arrive at your destination.
Let safety on the road be a priority. Also while you might play it safe another driver might not so I encourage you to:
1)Wear a helmet ( cyclists)
2)Wear your seat belts ( driver & passenger)
3)When possible, let children ride at the back of a car ( the impact of an accident will affect them less)
4)Put the cell phone down ( that call and text can wait, if not pull over and use the phone, not while driving
5)Do not drink and drive .
6)Avoid speeding
Even if some of these things are not laws in our country let us think of the safety of ourselves, our passengers, others and our family.
Also, I strongly believe that the police officers should be patrolling the streets more. ( I see they have bikes now). If their presence is felt more I think that some accidents can be avoided. You on your bike you see a driver pass and he is driving too fast, follow him and ask him to slow down.
All in all I hope and pray that all these accidents will not increase and that we…
I support you except on one point. Children should never, I repeat NEVER be in the front seat of a car but always in the back, secured by a seat belt and in an approved car seat if they are too small for a seat belt to properly hold them. Don’t tell me that is too expensive. If you can buy a car you can buy a safety seat for your child. In any case, it is cheaper than a funeral!
Well to be honest I believe that children should never be at the front of a vehicle, I live in North America an that’s a no-no. When I come to Dominica I speak about it but I am told that children travel on vans ( pick ups) so it is not always possible for them to be in a car seat. I personaly would not have y child without a car seat or seat belt. I was explaining to someone that even an airbag can break a child’s neck.
That’s ashame of so many accidents maybe to many careless drivers on the road. Drivers to much speeding and take you time on the road you always get where you leave to.
Some people are so quick to judge. These incidents all seem strange, happening all of a sudden. Instead of pointing the finger and laying blame, say a prayer. You just never know when it could be you in an accident, as an innocent passer-by or driving on your own merry little way.
People, you need to start your journey with God on your mind from day to day. Give thanks to Him for another day as you walk out the door of your dwelling; pray that He will go with you as you carry out your routines for the day.
Without God we are on our own; and on our own we are exposed to the jungle of existence out there–with no guidance, no protection, no spiritual instincts.
To start your vehicle and take off on your way, without a pray to God, for safe driving–with control and tactic–you are on your own, and who knows what kind of difficulty circumstances you are going to bump into? Those kind of deadly accident of driving your vehicle is one of them.
So by this logic, why aren’t the billions of atheists and agnostics and people of other religious faiths not dead from car accidents? This is evangelical foolishness…you can believe what you want, but don’t peddle it to others as if it is a scientific fact. PROVE to me that devoute Christians get into statistically significantly fewer accidents and then we can talk eh
@Gabby May 3, 2015
Before started writing foolishly, you should have noticed that I said: “those kinds of deadly accident is one of those difficult circumstances which we may have to deal with, on our own, when we leave God behind.
Also, you do not know what God said about the people of any Nation, pertaining to His judgment for and against their attitude and conducts.
Here is what He said to Abraham, who pleaded to Him on behalf of his nephew Lot in “Sodom” and “Gomorrah”: God said, “I will not destroy (those cities) for the sake of ten good people there–God destroyed those cities and their people”
With that said: Ask yourself how many wicked and disgusting people have God saved because of a few good people among them?
But also, God is full of patients, mercy, and compassion; without those attributes of His, through His Person, Jesus the Son, you would not be in existence to speak the foolishness, which you have spoken above
God is giving them a chance to repent. Their day is coming.
What scientific? What has God got in common with science? What do we have in common with science? Did science ever create anyone and anything? Can science keep us healthy and save us?
It pays to pray. If they do not get into an accident, fortunate for them. If they get into an accident and they die, they will not suffer eternal punishment as the agnostics and atheists who do not recognize God and do not pray to him.
You better commence recognizing God and praying to him. You do not know when your Creator, your Maker, God will say to you, “Your time is up. Now for your eternal judgment.”
To think that persons would dislike this comment eh, Lord help us!!
@Strange May 4, 2015
Those people are they who are blind to the Light; they see the darkness through their physical eyes, but Spiritual eyes are needed to see the Light of the Spirit–you and all of those who thumbs me up have that eyes my friend, my people in Jesus Christ. Blessings!
There goes the other one with her religious nonsense.
Sot! How do you know that the drivers did not start the day by praying? All the prayers in the world cannot make up for unsafe driving and other causes of vehicle accidents.
These accidents are one too many. Driving safely on the road is of vital importance.
My prayers go out to those who were affected. I do hope there were no fatalities and the injured will recover in time.
I must tell you this, we must pray daily, a few times a day/night. The Mother of God, Our Dear Lady, the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary said in one of her messages to a visionary which is a message for us all, God’s created children, “Pray, Pray, Pray, Dear Children. . .” A song was made of it which I have.
I recognize sometimes we are too busy to pray or to think of praying at all times but it is necessary for our mortal and spiritual well-being; also our happiness and peace of mind.
The following is a prayer which all Catholics learned from childhood. Some may or may not remember it.
Daily Prayer to (our) Guardian Angel
Angel of God my Guardian Dear
To whom His love commits me here
Ever this day/night be at my side
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen!
Catholics, please take note, if you are not aware, it is advisable to “Say daily upon arising. 7 Glory Be’s to your Guardian Angel” in addition to your other prayers.
There are many more vehicles today than ever. Some of the roads are widened. Who knows? Some may have potholes.
Vehicles may or may not be road worthy. Some may drive too fast, impatiently and try to overtake a vehicle or more even when they are turning corners. These are factors which cause accidents. Reckless driving is a disaster waiting to happen.
The Prayer to St. Michael is also efficacious to be prayed at anytime. He is the defender of the faith.
Prayer to Saint Michael
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou O Prince of the heavenly host by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen!
If you want to do something sensible before your journey starts — use seat-belts and put small children in baby-seats. Do not drive like an idiot. Do not allow passengers to be in the back of pick-up trucks. Use helmets when driving a motor cycle. Do not drive when intoxicated. All thees precautions will be much more useful than whining and praying to a ghostly spirit.
The bible tells us there is one God and one mediator between God and man
The same bible says that we are to pray to God in the name of a Jesus. Nowhere in the bible ate we commanded to pray to angels or to Mary. It is time to return to the word of Gid and not the words of man. These prayers will get you nowhere.
Will you spare us with this religious clap-trap? Of these drivers take there time to drive properly, these accidents would not happen. What does that have to do with prayer?
@zandoli May 4, 2015– “.What does that have to do with prayer?
Prayer has everything to do with it–except that I speak about prayer that is straight from the heart, and is sincerely presented to God the Lord, through Jesus the Son, not something that someone else wrote about another human being for us to read.
Whom do you think is giving those people the instincts to watch the road, to think “be careful”, and all the other things people do while driving, but they should not be doing those things–such as talking on their cell phone while they drive?
You claimed that my message was nonsense; but your idea of good driving comes from nothing and no one else if not from God, through our request by prayer, God will not disappoint us–believe it or not!
My work involved driving, which I did for 30 years; we had just one simple accidents during those years which I worked–I am talking about driving the highway and byways of Ontario; if you can imagine!
Tell that to your D/can drivers.
It is wise to pray prior to leaving home and ask God for his protection. Many people have been protected because of their prayers. As in everything there are exceptions which we should not question or scoff at but leave them all up to the wisdom of God.
In Toronto last year, a woman got into an accident. It was stated through the Media, when she was pulled out of her car, she had her Rosary in her hand, obviously praying. Surprisingly and unbelievably, she was not injured.
There are some who do not practice the faith who still pray. It is wise to pray.
When St. Padre Pio of Italy was dying, he was asked what message he would like to give to the world. He replied: “Tell people to pray and get others to pray.”
You must never deny or doubt what you cannot prove. This is what wise people would do. You do not rank among the wise.
May God enlighten you before it is too late for you to obtain eternal salvation.
@ Odinn
As it is stated in the Old Testament: “Fools say in their heart there is no God.”
Another saint said: “Those who pray are certain of saving their souls. Those who do not pray are certain of losing their souls.”
Do not live in such a manner that when you die you will live to regret your words and your lifestyle away from God. This would be sad for all eternity. May God help you to see the light and the truth.
We are not supposed to pray to Angels. Instead, we should pray to the Father that He will send Angels, like He promised to keep us in all our ways in Psalm 91. God is faithful, He will send Angels if you hold Him to his word by faith!
Pray and ask God for help and guidance but at the same time being careless while driving….oh no, can’t do!
Scooters overtaking you on your left and ppl not attentive to the road, perhaps distracted by phones or company….Dominicans be careful.
What do you know? You do not know anything. God gave them to us to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth to eternity. They are our intercessors, guides and protectors; our shields. They can help us very well, much more than you or anyone else on earth can help.
Know that “The Catholic Church Has The Answers.” There is a book which is entitled as such, written by a former atheist. This Church has the fullness/deposit of faith, a mandate given to It by Our Lord Jesus Christ. This is why it has so many enemies, commencing with the enemy of God and of our souls. You should know whom.
For your mortal and spiritual walk to eternity, you should view and listen to the Global Catholic Radio if you can get this one. Many have been converted by this Global Catholic TV and Radio. In time, many more will do so.
Some people do not want to hear this but God wants them to hear it. This is why it is stated. God inspires. God saves!
The devil is trying to gain some new souls for the holidays but I rebuke him in the name of Jah Jah and my two guardian angels st Jude and st Michael!!!
Who is jah, jah? You can’t be a genuine practicing Catholic, who believes all what the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church believes and teaches.
You believe in the guardian angels, St. Jude and St. Michael and no doubt pray to them. Yet you refer to God as jah, jah? I am unable to comprehend that.
God is one way; not two ways if you know what I mean. If you were indoctrinated to call him jah, jah, it is false teaching. There is no such name for our God. It is ignorance of not knowing who God truly is.
Just think, going before him and calling him jah, jah. How much you would offend him. Those who offend God to the end of their lives, we know where those souls will end up.
You want to bet that he does not appreciate you calling him, jah, jah and in view of that nor is the guardian angel, St. Jude and St. Michael, all who serve God who would never accept him being called, jah, jah. It is insulting our God. You are in need of true religious indoctrination.
God has many names including the popular Jehovah, Most of those names belong to Jesus Himself; since Jesus told us “I am in the Father and the Father is in Me” The prophet Isaiah said about Jesus–He will be called Emanuel–meaning God with us!
Here is the Psalm which refers to God as JAH, it says:
Sing to God, sing praises to His name;
Extol Him who rides on the clouds,[a]
By His name YAH, (this is the New King James version; the Old one says “JAH”)
And rejoice before Him. Psalm 68: 4
That is just one or two names for God, there is a lot more, even if they all refer to the same God of Spirit and Truth, whose Temple belong in the Body of the Man Jesus. That is how we know Jesus is the Christ–and Christ means Eternal Spirit, God Almighty–believe it or not
Liza, think and comprehend! Our Lord Jesus Christ did not tell us to call God, His (Our) Almighty Father, Jehovah and Jah, Jah. The Jews and Adventists who do not accept Our Lord do so.
Catholics are Christians. We do not fall into these categories. We are not one and the same, are not at par with them and are not to be compared with them. We are not protestants nor a denomination.
I do not know if you know this word, jah, jah. It has something to do with the rastas. They worship Hail Selassie. This is how they refer to whoever they worship; not our God as we know him.
Christians are the New Testament people. For us Christian Catholics, we know that God should not be called by any other name but Our Almighty Father in Heaven.
Some Christians are genuine; others are not. Some are neither here nor there; some are closet/cradle ones. Some have renounced their Catholic faith to join other churches. God knows who they are. He knows this and more than I do.
@ Liza
I am surprised that you who appear to know especially the New Testament would make such a statement and accept Jehovah and jah, jah. As God gave you a free mind and will, you and some others have that mind and will to be free to accept them but we Catholics DO NOT ACCEPT those names and DO NOT call Our God by such a name. You must respect that just as you expect us to respect yours.
Let the Jewish people and other non-Catholics do so. We are not arguing with you about it. We just do not want those who are not of our Catholic Faith to dictate to us how to call Our Almighty Father, Our God as His Blessed Son Our Lord Jesus Christ taught us, 2000 years ago.
Those who came behind us, do not know more than we do especially that the majority of us did not waver in the faith or fall away from it.
We know our faith according to Its teachings which is approved by God and which He is pleased with. We know that God gave us this mandate. We are correct!
@The facts
Okay, Okay, Okay! I am not into argument about what God’s name is; I just wanted to point out that JAH (Pertaining to God mentioned at Psalm 68: 4 in the Old King James Version of the English Bible it says: “Sing unto God, sing praise to His name; extol Him that rideth upon the heavens by His name JAH, and rejoice before Him” This Psalm is spoken by David
I know what you are talking about pertaining to the Rastafarians and I do not think of God’s name as JAH, neithere Jah Jah but I cannot ignore the fact that God has many names including the great “I AM THAT I AM”
That payback there is not an easy one … The devil is alive …we were bought and sold December 2014 Election season it’s pay back time
U will run your mouth for the next five years !!!!!!!!!!
What…gasah, you is a mad fellah. You never see a car accident before? Why you bringing up devil and election for? You must be a real country bookie
the devil the devil the devil allu acting like the devil is a god SIGH is allu that CANNOT DRIVE PROPERLY allu see nice road so allu rather speed, it had less accident when Dominican had small road, why because allu couldn’t drive fast on brokeadoke road
Are you God? I will inform you through my strong instinct that God is pleased with the election results.
You stated nonsense. Do you really know what you stated? Why not state that you have not been practicing the faith? Or are you one who fell away from the faith? This is also where the devil is. Put the blame where it belongs.
Due to this you do not pray and may not recognize God. So where do you stand before God?
Should you not have stated that, it could be (speculating) due to allowing a man, an artiste to perform in Dominica whose lyrics are satanic and DAEC and others who opposed his visit were not listened to as some approved his visit, went out of their way in droves to see him sign his CD’s, etc. and also attended his show? The accidents could be the result of his visit to Dominica. The innocent usually pays for the guilty but God will exalt them someday.
ok ok. DNO is there a way you can do a comprehensive review on the accident trend of the last year or so?
Jesus, please take the Wheels and the Wills!
Why would a comment like this have 3 dislikes? smh people eh
Shockingly, in this era there are too many godless people in D/ca which is why all what is occurring is attributed to them, their likes and their actions. They place a curse on D/ca and especially the good nationals. They will pay for it.
Whatever good which is stated and about God, they renounce. As I always say, God has taken note. This will be their funeral.
check the ALKALINE in your batteries before you leave home people and drive carefully.
You need some alkaline for all that acid in your brain gasah
I like that. Good for you. I said, ha, ha, ha! This alkaline battery which has been around for a long time, is an extremely powerful one and long lasting. Beware!
The Lord is our keeper ,the Lord is the shade upon our right hand.Lord do not sleep nor slumber when this hand is on the wheel .
papa bondiue but what is this in my country Lord? More accident? I hope those people going to be ok eh. If all you doh see by now we are being punished for the behavior of Roosvelt and those corrupt and indecent men who manage the country all you will never learn. Further more u see that goat that man steal i say already they have to inspect that goat for abuse because people desperate things hard in DA people frustrated no work no more hand outs no tablets no red clinic NEP dead out and people just in accidents.
your foolish u find u making sense @too late
they need to inspect your mouth….cause only rubbish coming out of it
The spirit of Alkaline is working in our midst .
@too late May 3, 2015
I cannot believe there are 8 people in agreement with that stupidity of yours!
But a joke that man. What is wrong with these drivers.