Accident at Dublanc

The accident occurred on Thursday morning
The accident occurred on Thursday morning

Dominica News Online has received information about an accident which occurred  in Dublanc on the west coast of the island on Thursday.

Circumstances surrounding the accident are unknown but the information received indicates that it happened where a section of the road recently collapsed.

At this point, there is no information on injuries.

A section of the road collapsed earlier this month following periods of heavy rain. It began crumbling after the passage of Tropical Storm Erika in August last year.

DNO is following this developing story and will publish information as it becomes available.

dublanc accident1dublanc accident2dublanc accident3

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  1. eat em
    March 29, 2016

    Every time Dominicans see a vehicle in a ditch they calling it an “ACCIDENT.” How do they know? Eh?

  2. bad mind
    March 28, 2016

    we Dominican’s wait for things to happen but what about the areas of roads that needs more attention…..we wait for another Erika to continue where it left off….like under the cliff to Champagne

  3. Shameless
    March 26, 2016

    But wait a minute, don’t we have a new minister of public works? This is an indictment to her new ability. Another square peg in a round hole if you ask me. I say suit the damn government and the minister because they are too negligent.

    Always Assertive! :twisted:

    • Prophet
      March 29, 2016

      If it’s one thing I know, the public works Department are trying their best, you believe the terrain of Dominica is an easy one to work with, this type of thing happemns in a all mountainous countries.

    • forreal
      March 29, 2016

      as long as there is barriers in place to alert the motoring public of a road hazard,you are on your own when your bottom burn you,so suit what,you need to stop writing crappy assertiveness

      • forreal
        March 29, 2016

        and further more,that not even looking like an accident,that looking like a insurance collect :(

  4. ??????.....
    March 25, 2016

    No one died. There were two persons who were removed from the vehicle.

  5. Crab and Manicou Hunter
    March 25, 2016

    Where are the civil engineers in Dominica? It is abundantly clear that there should be emergency funding to handle such disasters. Work should have already commenced on repairing this section of road. Then again, it’s Dominica that we’re talking about. It might take 100 years, before anything is done.

  6. respect
    March 25, 2016

    bubut we know is always whensomething happen something is done
    now as that happen they put proper ribbon in macosherie. alas look after de country is that allu getting paid for. is that I vote allu for is not to full allu belly
    and dno get information first before u post news to avoid allthose unnecessary comments. my two cents shhhhh

  7. nphill
    March 25, 2016

    I pray that everyone is okay. Hopefully these accidents won’t continue to happen

  8. beautiful Lady
    March 24, 2016

    I pray that those who were onboard are ok

  9. March 24, 2016

    I hope no one was injured in this incident! And people, please relax…accidents do happen! Why look for someone to blame? Accidents are unfortunate events that happen without warning…and sometimes we cannot avoid them or prevent them from happening. Just pray that you are not the NEXT one in an accident!
    I am NOT afraid!

  10. B.E.B
    March 24, 2016

    All I can say is, this accident was planned, no passengers , no driver.

  11. Face the Facts
    March 24, 2016

    Many speculations how this accident occurred and is anyone injured and hopefully not killed. We hope DNO will post explicit information pertaining to this accident. We are all curious. :)

  12. March 24, 2016

    Somebody did not do a good job of reporting. Too much info missing.

    As it was said there should be advance warning when there is a road problem ahead.

    Besides there are obvious road problems that have been left unattended.

    I sometimes visit the Caribbean and when I do I am all over the island by car day and night. Of course this is true of many others. As somebody who is not a Dominican and not living on your beautiful island I feel I have a right to express myself on this subject. I am not blaming anybody. I am just speaking for the good of all.

    A blessed and happy Easter to all.

    I invite you to visit our website

    Click onto SERMONS. Listen to my sermon MANY INFALLIBLE PROOFS. In this sermon preached in a Canadian church I will share with you proofs of the literal bodily resurrection of Christ that according to lawyers would stand up in a modern court of law!

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill.

    Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

  13. eat em
    March 24, 2016

    But where the driver passed to come out, nuh?! In de tailpipe?

  14. engineer
    March 24, 2016

    This is Dominicans at their best. Looking for every opportunity to get some money for an old out dated looking bus. This road collapse has been on news all over. This rollover is blatant.. Maybe No insurance no license Kelly’s blue book would value this vehicle less than $5k. Good luck in getting any any money. These guys would rather put lives in danger to see if they will get money for a raggedy bus. Dominicans low life characteristics.

  15. A Doubting Thomas In Solidarity
    March 24, 2016

    No one is speaking of the driver or if anyone was in the car? Makes me wonder if anyone was even in the vehicle.

    Could the driver be out of the vehicle, left the engine running and the vehicle accidentally plunged there all by it own self?

    Was it a stolen vehicle? We are missing something. DNO I believe human beings are the most important aspect of an accident happening. Is this an accident or not? Was there EMS on sight?

    Have anybody reported anyone missing? Is there a person in the vehicle? Did the person make their way out of the wreckage?

    Is it an attempted murder or attempted suicide? Was it really an accident Or is it mischief of any kind? Something is missing. Since 11:30 no updates? Something is fishy. And if it is truly an accident, I hope the occupants are okay.

    • Hans
      March 24, 2016

      Call the ” baboonette ” from Kingshill and those idiots on Kairi who know how to investigate attempted murder, fire bombing, arson etc.

    • Peter Karam
      March 25, 2016

      yes the EMS was there the extra marital sex people were there

    • SharLiz Sylvia Lewis
      March 26, 2016

      Yes dere were people in the bus. Two of us me and my father. It was an accident. Half way coming down de hill de brakes just flew of, of de bus and then my dad a hit de drums in de middle of de road and then de bus fell on its side and dragged along de road until it reach de rage of de bridges and den it started tumbling down until it stop in de river.

  16. Caretaker
    March 24, 2016

    The charge against you is- you drive on the LeBlanc highway : Without-due, care and attention. we can replace the vehicle but we cannot replace life. If people overseas reading these comments, what do they think of us

  17. March 24, 2016

    Not one person has commented on the passengers that may have been in the bus. Jesus! I’m I dyslexic or something or have we gotten that cold? Lord I hope the passengers made it out safely.

  18. Driver
    March 24, 2016

    Hope no one was injured. There are many broken roads like that as you drive around Dominica, what I find lacking is advance warning that the road is broken; you find out the road is broken when you actually get to the broken part. The tape is good but I think way ahead there should be a sign that says \” broken road ahead\” or whatever it is that will make a driver know that they would have to change lane soon or be careful.

    Driving around Dominica one has to be careful. Not everyone know all the broken spots, , also we have to take into consideration that there are tourists or maybe even returning Dominicans who are not aware of these broken parts in the road.

    I pray that everyone is safe.

      March 25, 2016

      Driver cant understand would give you a thumbs down for this post. A very great post.

  19. strokey
    March 24, 2016

    DNO please clarify did the accident occur at that section of the road?? Or was it elsewhere

  20. Big Bannan
    March 24, 2016

    Since everyone’s being sarcastic I have a question: Is this a van, or a bus invold in the accident. You know we
    Mess that up in Dominica too. Lol.

    • eat em
      March 24, 2016

      Yes, a bus and a van “INVOLD.” INVOLD IS THE NEW MODEL. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • jahgirl
      March 24, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      March 24, 2016

      In Dominica you all call such things “Bus” the reality is they are Mini-vans or actually a van, in any event that is not a bus by any standards!

      In Dominica your government make you register them as busses, so that they can rip off your money, the registration fee for a bus is more than a van. I experience that crap in Dominica in 1977

      • Great
        March 29, 2016

        why can’t it be a mini bus. The name was there before this government. Why must everything be about government this and government that. Francisco hop off your foolishness. It was a bus to you until you traveled away from Dominica. So stop that.

  21. Anna Prince
    March 24, 2016

    Dominicans should be outraged, what is this government doing? How many lives have to be lost in all aspects of this country? A vibrant little girl just died because of an infection at the hospital and there is a veil of silence. Any one heard of the MERCER BACTERIA? Google it! Roosevelt Skerrit is all over handing out money that we do not have and our roads in all parts of the island are an accident waiting to happen.
    The rivers are silted, debris on the banks and river beds, the rains in March are not sending the message to Roosevelt Skerrit and his bunch of incompetence that something has to be done.
    A people brandishes their stupidity as a badge of honour celebrating an honorary degree with carnival like celebrations. Lord please protect my family and my close circles while stupidity reigns in this land.
    God bless.

    • John Paul
      March 24, 2016

      Captain not there ,there.Dominica on remote control!

    • Lingkokwing University alumni
      March 25, 2016

      It’s MRSA bacteria, short for Methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus. If you send them to look for MERCER they’ll never find it. Lol! Excellent point though. Dominica needs A LOT of HELP in the medical department. They should take courses in HIPAA rules also.

  22. magway ca
    March 24, 2016

    looks like an insurance job what better place to push ur vehicle of the road then say is an accident blame the bad road and insurance give u a new ride ( just my opinion it used to happen between loubiere and point michell before the seawall was built )

    • eat em
      March 24, 2016

      :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Well…..

      March 25, 2016

      There are times when its best to keep our opinions to ourselves. You should have this time.

  23. papa
    March 24, 2016

    Every where giving u a permit for 1yr da is six month what u expect no experience to drive

    • eat em
      March 24, 2016

      You are right on the money. Greedy they greedy so for money; and not taking in account people’s lives. :twisted:

  24. fed up
    March 24, 2016

    I vex !!! all now they are putting non sens signs and Keep clear in roseau, playing the country “developing”, when they should concentrate on those very important damages. Put proper sign with light, and start to fix the country for the economy to roll…

  25. dissident
    March 24, 2016

    The government is fully aware of the danger in that particular location!
    It was highlighted in news reports earlier this month!
    How did the government respond?
    Should someone or some government department be held responsible for not acting appropriately and responsibly?
    How long should we wait for a response?
    Parl rep
    Ministry of works
    Minister of finance
    Prime minister!

    How long will we wait while the situation worsens?
    The Easter holiday weekend begins tomorrow!
    Our roads are not safe!
    Will this area suddenly become a priority?
    $13 million CAN’T DO IT!
    What an insult!

  26. Seven months too late!
    March 24, 2016

    Without blaming the Government??? LMFAO

  27. Me
    March 24, 2016

    The P.M. is alleged to have a security detail of at least sixteen but we can not properly safeguard a hazardous place like this???

  28. da massive
    March 24, 2016

    Accidents can happen at anytime ,but our bus drivers are way to reckless on the road..

  29. faceup
    March 24, 2016

    While Skerro giving money to Charities in India to pay for his nonsence of a Doctorate, you guys or Laborites love your PM..Take this..?

    • faceup
      March 24, 2016

      Some of you my fellow country men still living in a way of the 1960s..SUE THE GOVERMENT I say..

      • Tjebe Fort
        March 26, 2016

        What, and get them file a judicial review for you to wait more than five year for your case to come to court if ever? Don’t rely on government my man. Here is everybody for himself and the P.M. first.

  30. verna
    March 24, 2016

    but why isn’t the regime being open with Dominicans…they are selling these passport no accountability to the citizens at all…heard the UN Amb saying USD 124 Million dollars over a six month period…never heard the regime here say anything…

    way too much hidden secrets, dominica is ruled in the dark..thus nothing blossoms…

    but sadly over 65% of the people in dominica praise that type of evil and wicked governance…

    • Punjab
      March 24, 2016

      what does that have to do with the accident? Where did you get your statistics from? Where did you get your information from and if you have facts come forward with the evidence..

      • fed up
        March 25, 2016

        we dont need evidence, all the bull… in front our eyes. Only the stupid blind dont see or dont want to see.
        You canot tell me, since Erika, I drive all over Dominica, and I dont see no important project start yet. With all the help they get, all what they do, is fulling the pot wholes, the same way they fooling stupid people, and think we satisfy.

    • eat em
      March 24, 2016

      Don’t forget, it’s a regime!!! :twisted:

  31. March 24, 2016

    Lang Mama said that this was “accident waiting to happen”. This is not political but reality. That is why we pay taxes and the reason why we vote people to govern our affairs. Experience public work employees sent home when projects like these need desperate attention all over the island. Any body driving through this area and seen the road collapse will agree that this area needed immediate is the route that Reginald Austrie, Ian Douglas, Roseanne Paul take every day for goodness sake.
    All it takes is for two vehicles travelling g st 45 mph to stove at the same location both having to merge into that one lane.
    For partisan politics sake some may say that the government dont care but to me it is none of thst . It is simply the government is broke. The country is totally mismanaged and we are in a tail spin. Misdirected resources -$250000 for airport renaming, Sous se sel home coming, passport money in campaign. Donation in India etc. Do you know how much could…

  32. AS I SEE IT
    March 24, 2016

    First of all, Sorry for any injuries sustained in this mishap, or any expenses incurred, but thank God for Life any way. But I hope it was not speeding that was at fault. I can understand if brakes give way. I’m saying this because in my opinion, there is enough warning signs, drums, and tape put up at reasonable distance from the break in the road to warn of the ONE LANE TRAFFIC. Even a big GIVE WAY sign. People need to take their time, and also Pay attention. As I said I’m sorry for the bad side of the story but people…please be careful.

  33. street side
    March 24, 2016

    not a issue here folks…another hotel on the way…that will solve all the dominica probs…..what a bunch of dazed and lack luster folks dominicans are….

  34. ms gumbs
    March 24, 2016

    Well I guess it is time for the government to start repairing the roads to prevent these sort of accidents from happening. It is almost a year since the passing of TS Erika and nothing is happening to our road networks. Where is all the financial assistance received from regional and international friends of Dominica. Will we get the road on the eve of the next general election?

  35. Rocky Hills
    March 24, 2016

    another of Dominica’s cherished mediocrity elements at work…

    does Dominica have a Government or a passport hustling team……..

    fools paradise will continue to be enslaved….

  36. Whistler
    March 24, 2016

    Will honestly confirm that the vibes in Dominica which is before them are actually embraced by the citizens of Dominica, they dislike Dominica period…

    All over the civilized world citizens pressure, advocate demonstrate their disgust, but in Dominica where fools resides what should one expect..

  37. Addie
    March 24, 2016

    @ eat em….you are so insensitive. You should be concerned about the people in the accident. This is a serious matter.

  38. its an accident
    March 24, 2016

    Looks bad,I hope there no fatalities, it could have happen to anyone,but still we need to be more carefully on the roads,especially after storm Erica,without blaming the govement let’s hope these roads gets repaired soon,lots of the roads near rivers have been under mined,so in the mean time look carefully an expect anything whiles driving

    • Viewsexpressed
      March 24, 2016

      It is an accident and stupid to depend on this loose and irresponsible government. Their driving is very poor, always in some kind of accident.

    • Zandoli
      March 24, 2016

      Surely you are being silly to say this accident could happen to anyone.

      Accidents usually happen because of negligence. In this case it could be negligence on the part of the government for not installing proper signage to indicate that the road is damaged. It could also be negligence on the part of the driver for not be sufficiently careful in knowing that the road is damaged.

      I drive the highway all the time and I see stupid drivers on a daily basis. These STUPID drivers are the cause of the carnage we see on the roads. Drivers who use their brain and pay attention to the road conditions and are aware of their surroundings usually make the trip in safety.

  39. Optimist
    March 24, 2016

    I find some of these comments on here are so callous. I pray that no one was seriously injured.

  40. A Waiting Accident
    March 24, 2016

    When this road collapsed some contributors on here said this was an accident waiting to happen. Well it seems like they were right and it they did not have to wait too long for their prediction top become a reality.
    Now,the question in asking myself is,whether there is enough road signage which warns motorist of the hazard that lies ahead. Dominica is not a country which actually bothers with sufficient road signs in the diary place.

    What a country of mediocrity and minions. When will people of this county demand better servuces from the various governmental departments

    • Titiwi
      March 24, 2016

      No, there is not enough road signage.Nor are there temporary barriers in place but the worst thing is that there are no warning lights during the night! How much would it cost to install temporary traffic lights at this spot for instance. I would go as far as to label it criminal negligence. I just hope nobody got seriously hurt.

  41. AAGabriel
    March 24, 2016

    This was an accident waiting to happen. I mean the long standing damage to the road is one thing but the government failing to secure and make safe that part of the road is quite another. I would sue for damages. Maybe one day they’ll learn.

    • Backup
      March 24, 2016

      You will drink, you will sue, you will fall down…… If Hot Wheels was driving at a controllable speed, then he would not run through the caution tape, hit 3 drums and go down there.

      • Disillusioned
        March 26, 2016

        Very foolish comment. This road has been in a deplorable state since after Ericka in August 2015. Nothing has been done to remedy the road issue. We are 3 (THREE) months away from the start of another hurricane season and still, nothing is being done. We in Dominica are often content to sit by and watch things happen and is only concerned when things reach our doorstep to then have some knee-jerk reaction. In addition to the regular road license we pay a highway maintenance levy and to look at the state of the roads currently, you would think is joke they playing on us. When are we going to hold our leaders accountable in this country? Why are we paying them to look out for our interests when they can’t even do that?

        How is traffic suppose to flow properly when is just a 1/4 of a road that you can use? A main road connecting the north to the south? We are just unbelievable in this country. Where are our priorities?

  42. eat em
    March 24, 2016

    Bring it to our shop, we can fix it.

  43. eat em
    March 24, 2016

    I’m looking at the stones – Not one stone got any bruise or crack. Don’t play wid stone, boy…

  44. eat em
    March 24, 2016

    Looks like a free carwash. Some folks need to retake their road test. Seriously. Not sure if some pay Xtra for de license. De way I see some people driving on the road, I wonder how dey got their drivers license. Something to look into.

    • March 24, 2016

      U was there man…. U saw d crash?..exactly….

    • March 24, 2016

      The road cllapsed. Had nothing to do with the driving. SMH. ..and really such an accident this is the best you could come up with? Free car wash? I hope it wasn’t any of your family members or friends in that bus. Some people just don’t know what to say.

      • eat em
        March 24, 2016

        “The road cllapsed. Had nothing to do with the driving. SMH.” SO DE ROAD COLLAPSED AND DRIVING HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT? NOT EVEN TO DRIVE MORE CAREFULLY AND CAUTION? THAT’S HOW MUCH YOU KNOW ABOUT DRIVING. :twisted: And by the way, the word is “collapsed.”

      • March 24, 2016

        Sorry for the accident. I am a driver and have had accidents. No need to look for somebody to blame. At my last accident the investigating officer told me ”We have to charge somebody.”

        In this case the road collapsed. You might be surprised how often this happens especially after a major storm. The truth is we hear of quite a few such accidents right here in my part of Canada.


        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Evangelist.

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