Cabinet and police to review strategy in search for Shanice Jemmott

Shanice Jemmott

The Dominica Cabinet will meet with police here Tuesday to review strategies regarding the search for Shanice Jemmott, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit disclosed today.

Jemmott has been missing for about three weeks now.

The Prime Minister will chair the cabinet sub-committee which comprises Minister for Education Petter Saint Jean, Minister for National Security Charles Savarin and Member of Parliament for Layou Kelver Darroux.

Skerrit said the team will also look at its plan in the search for “the gentleman who is with her [Shanice Jemmot] and to see what additional action, if any, we can take to certainly bring greater attention to our operations”.

There have been a number of leads which the police and Ministry of National Security have been giving attention to but according to Skerrit, “so far we have not been able to locate Shanice”.

Youth Affairs Minister Justina Charles has appealed for collaboration in the search for Jemmott.

“As a nation we should all come together in prayer and all able bodied citizens should join in the search and cooperate with the authorities in the quest for her safe return,” she said.

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  1. One with ties to Dominica
    March 15, 2011

    I have roots in dominica and I think the first thing to do is to see where was Ms Jemmott last and who she talked to last and to interview witnesses. The boyfriend should be questioned and to see if they had an argument of anykind and if at anytime did he hit her or assaulted her in the past. Witnesses should also be talked to and asked the similar questions but seperately. If she had a car fingerprints should be taken. If she had other male friends and if the boyfriend was one who did not like her talking to other men. If she had a passport and to see if she had family on the other islands and to see when last she left the island. There are many other things besides these in which to conduct an investigaiton. And yes I am a former Federal Agent and Investigator with a degree in the field of Criminology. I will pray for her family that she is found alive

    • TeteMorne I from...
      March 15, 2011

      Great suggestions but they are not going to do much about this missing child. I guess they are waiting, hoping she returns. The police are perharps expecting her to walk right through their door. Your advice will go waaaaaay over their heads. Some backward investigators we have here….not even a freakin’ dog they can invest in. Perharps YOU should come help out. I bet the family would be thankful!

      March 15, 2011

      well you can not have dogs looking for someone who do not want to be found…she is with her boyfriend already pal…

      • sense n sensibility
        March 29, 2011

        Thank God my cousin has been found…i wonder how u must feel spreading awful rumours like that. May God be the glory..All u stupid dominicans spreading terrible rumours abt her being with her bloody boyfriend??? u dominicans..all u ever do is gossip and spread rumours absent solid facts..that’s y the country is so bloody f’ed up…i kno i have d/can family but it’s d/cans like u who make me hate this country so much smtimes…stupid flippin ppl!!

  2. natural dominican
    March 15, 2011

    why the hell is carbinet involved in reviewing strategy to retrieve this girl…is our police that incompetent….damn….girl may god bring you back because you cannot depend on this police force

  3. blackberry356
    March 15, 2011

    My dear fellow Dominican’s,

    I have been following the story on facebook and DNO since it first came out. It has never been made clear what is going on. I heard from one off my cousin on facebook that the young man missing is a very close relative of mine. We are first cousin but DNO or the police have never made it clear that he was involved with it.

    Mr. Weekes sad he was missing but it was not related. His photo has only been posted once and was never talk about again as missing or found. He is much older that the Child that is missing. Mr. Weekes must tell as more about the young man so the public can help find them both if it is related. By reading the comment online I am putting one and one together but I do not know the facts.

    My family owns acres and acres of land in the heights of St. Joseph start looking there. Check for them in the neighboring countries as well.
    I am living in New York and have not seen this young man in over twenty years, I may not even make him out it I seen him today. I was home last year and ask about him and I was told he was ok and doing well. My personal interaction with him when he was a child he is a trouble child and may have grown to be a trouble adult.

    I have not get in touch with any of my family back home about the situation for the fact that I have not been in their lives’ for a bit but I will go see them if and when I am in Dominica.

    I do hope and pray that they both will be found alive & well and that my cousin was not involved.
    I am also appealing to my family in Dominica if they know anything about the situation please please please help the police result the matter. My heart goes out to both mothers and their family.

    PS: He is not the only member of my family that has gone missing without a trace long before there was DNO was reporting news.

  4. happy
    March 15, 2011

    i heard rumors she was spotted in a particular village during the carnival and when she realized she was spotted she and guy left… sorry to say but I don’t think that she is being held against her will.

    my only problem is that the people of the village should have alerted police but instead they saying “is not her nuh they looking for?” stupid people and it is heard all over the village a a they girl was here wi for carnival

    • On boii
      March 15, 2011

      yow yow.. if you dont want to say the name of the village on DNo call the police to say what you here. is not beff i want so say the name of the village on DNo or call the police to say what you heard . period. action.

    • really
      March 15, 2011

      And who you expect to believe this story…..seriously

  5. outrage
    March 15, 2011

    the country should have called in outside help after a week, to much time has gone now, all eveidance will have been lost, why cant we ask the english scotland yard or the US FBI for help,,,,

    and what happen to mr who went missing the ssame time, what has happened about him

    • Ghij
      March 15, 2011

      U taking this thing tooooo over the top… This sort of thing happens maybe once every 8 years.. DNO just happen to b around when this one took place.. Kids do this c*&p to revolt

      • annon
        March 16, 2011

        you think a child going missing is noe big thing cos it happen every 8 years or so, would you be that ez if it was your child, go and tell shanices family what you have just written, you have no heart or feelings,,,,

  6. african queen
    March 14, 2011

    I don’t believe the girl is in dominica..the country is too small..someone should have seen her already..if she is in the the mountains, a farmer would have seen her..and besides, if she was held captive in the mountains, how do they eat..he would have to come down to the village to buy basic things like sugar or is there someone bringing it to them..nobody knows..I have 2 girls..please someone if u know something then inform the police..

    • Anonymous
      March 15, 2011

      oh please what do you mean they need to come to the village to buy goods. substitutes; sugar – cane; meat- crayfish crabs agouti and oppossum. soap- pachoulie; shampoo- hibiscus or young cocoa. don’t be fooled.

    • outrage
      March 15, 2011

      yes dominica small, but why has no one see her leave, she could not go from layou out of the country with out a soul seeing her

  7. Brain Damage
    March 14, 2011

    Better late than never. She was to Mars but its gonna be tedious to find her way off in Pluto.

  8. loco
    March 14, 2011

    :( sorry abot that…………………………………………….

  9. Nornoy
    March 14, 2011

    Why is the Minister of Youth not on this committee?

  10. Leroy Registe
    March 14, 2011

    My prayers and thoughts are with the Jemmott family. I hope for the best for the family, everyone working on this case should work collabaratively to bring this case to a happy end. However, on the other hand three weeks is too long to find a missing person in Dominica unless (1) the person is not in Dominica (2) the person is hiding in an exclusive place, (3) the person is murded, and the body is been distroyed, or the investigation is sloppy. Based on the Statement I read this individual was in the company with someone else, that person should be in custody while the investigation is been conducted. I encourage the Prime Minister not to focus on one place of the investigations look else where, maybe there is a sex slave some where in Dominica and she is beening held their. I think she might still be alive. Buy air time and plead for her safe return you might get a lead to her whereabout. Mr. Prime Minister put a reward out for any information leading to an arrest and her safe return. Put more undercover investigator and police on the field make this case your priority and bring it to a closed.

  11. pumpkin
    March 14, 2011

    I am a mother and my heart goes out to the mother of this child and i dont care whwt anyone says she is still a child put yourself in the persons place if it was your child would you care weather she was bad or not? a mothers child will always be a mothers child and some of the negativity some of us have in us is exactly what causes these things to happen sometimes have a heart>

    • Amazed1
      March 15, 2011

      I have 2 agree with u 100%….lets put aside whether she bad or she do it especially or she with a man somewhere….A parent is going crazy out of her mind that her child has been missing for quite some tiime now. I really wish that they find her soon and my heart goes out to the mother and family aswell.

  12. ...
    March 14, 2011

    to show u how the relevant authorities are not busy to recover the girl nor the man eh, they haven’t shown or giving details over the radio about where they were seen, when, how, if in vehicle, what color, type, registration number. noting na. pple could be seeing the individuals every day and not kno who they’r looking at.

  13. Anonymous
    March 14, 2011

    Better late than never though never late is better!

    Skerrit have been seeing what bothers us the most!

    • Fly on the Wall
      March 14, 2011

      qouting drake i see

  14. Ignorance
    March 14, 2011

    Well i have been following this story since it came out on DNO and never knew the child was in the company of a gentleman…What i remember reading from Mr. Weeks was that a young man from the same area also went missing but there are no leads to say that the two are together. I guess i missed something somewhere. Either way, its time for the child to be returned home whether or not she is being held against her will..she is a child.

    • Hairy Bank
      March 14, 2011

      Its the same thing that has been going through my mind.

      • Concerned Dcan.
        March 14, 2011

        I was thinking the same thing.

        • Cah-C-Bruce
          March 15, 2011

          Exactly (Above). There was one report but the majority of posters claimed that they were unrelated cases. They need to step up their efforts and find this young woman. Clearly the young man has some information (in the least) and he needs to be the number one priority.

          Did she leave with him voluntarily or not? That is the big question

  15. yoked
    March 14, 2011

    How will they torture him if they cannot find him?

    I hope we will start talking to our daughters. If she had more standard and class she would not allegedly date someone without a high school education. If he had a high school education he would’ve encouraged her to stay in school instead of taking her away from school.

    Unequally yoked does not refer to religion only!

    • sense n sensibility
      March 14, 2011

      Wha do u mean if she had more standard or class…how dumb can u be…she is a the hell would she have the wisdom of an adult to tell wot guy is of standard and class. children at that age cannot see reason. the decisions u make at 14 would n’s dumb never be the same decisions that you would bloody well make as an adult…and the man is several generations older than she is making his influence so many times stronger. and plus she is terrified of him making matters worse…seeing as he threatened to kill her and her FAMILY ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. i kno i have dominican parentage..but it’s dumb citizens like you who make me hate this country so much. Always quick to assume absent sense and facts. Always going by heresay rather than solid facts and quick to criticize everyone..including the bloody kids. no wonder the country is so bloody well f’ed up.

      • yoked
        March 15, 2011

        I am trying to understand what you are trying to say, but I am having a hard time understanding.

        The key word is “allegedly.”

        • sense n sensibility
          March 28, 2011

          Yes but you are saying that is she a 14yr old child had any standards or class she wouldn’t date the likes of someone like him….whether it’s allegedly or not she is a child…the decisions you make at 14 would never be the same decisions u make as an adult…she is a bloody child…i wish u dominicans would stop behaving like it’s her fault. and stop to think that she is a bloody child…and this is a grown man.

  16. TheTop
    March 14, 2011

    all i can say when i hear dat is
    1) d/a gettin 2 hibocorosly influenced by american crimes look at dat first time in history of d/a a child kidnap 4 so long

    • Ghij
      March 15, 2011

      Omg shut up! If DNO wasn’t around u wudnt have known anything n who say she kidnap????? Y’all don’t know Jack

      • scared to death
        March 16, 2011

        u kno dat is a dam lie it hav dbs and dominicans 2 lik beff thetop woulda still get 2 kno about a kidnapped child

  17. Oh my.
    March 14, 2011

    I come on here everday, in hope that she is found.
    Lord have your way

    • loyalty.........
      March 14, 2011

      n i come on here everyday expecting to see something like” members of trhe Dominica cadet corp well help in the search of her”

  18. YES
    March 14, 2011

    This has happen in dominica befor, and it took fourty five days, to find the girls. people were saying they see them. and that was not true. Girl i feel sorry for you and your family. I said it and am saying again, you must have a plan, who ever is holding her have a plan, One that can work. were are the girls who was held up in the bush. and the police who work on that case , Like insector John,, butcher St jean and others, why not ask them to assist ,I DONT CARE WHAT SOME MAY THINK OF THIS CHILD , WE NEED TO FIND HER , SHE IS A CHILD. A MOTHER LITTLE GIRL,

  19. Mr cool
    March 14, 2011

    :cry: OMG…terrible

  20. mouth of the south
    March 14, 2011

    garcon that’s a shame,,, a real shame smh tsk tsk tsk,,, now now magway sah

    • shatta
      March 15, 2011

      mouth of the sort i agree wit u

  21. bunny
    March 14, 2011

    does any one really believe that this young lady is still in dominica?

  22. wow
    March 14, 2011

    hey how about torture. then deny that it was ever done. information will be revealed. do it to that guy. it works in antigua. make the guy sit on a chair with a space in it then use 2 books , bring then togetherr on anything that’s hanging

    • concern child
      March 14, 2011

      8-O :lol: did someone do that to you?

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