UPDATE: British tourist dies in Antrim accident

Scene of the accident
Scene of the accident

One tourist visiting the island has been confirmed dead in an accident in Antrim on Wednesday afternoon.

The visitor is said to be from Britain.

The bus involved in the accident was carrying British passengers when the accident took place.

The visitors were all from a cruise ship which is presently docked in Dominica.

Reports are that the bus was coming from the Emerald Pool when the accident took place.

Several other passengers were injured.

More information will be published as it becomes available. 




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  1. December 10, 2016

    i was in Dominica last year for the carnival. I was great but i did notice that a lot of vehicles would drive at high speed, even on shall narrow roads.
    Seeing bus/cab drivers doing this alarmed me.
    I have recently published a health book giving drivers guidance on how to manage the stresses of their job, With advice on how to stay alert, considerate and maintain a professional approach to their job. With lots of info on healthy eating and exercises that a driver can do to encourage a healthy attitude and sustain their lives.
    This manual will help, It would be a positive start to give the public and tourist some comfort that Dominica does care about lives lost to vehicle accidents.,
    If readers could to let Minister Officials, Tourist Agencies and drivers know this book is available from Jays LTD, 42 Kennedy Avenue Roseau, TITLE: Health & Well-Being For The Professional Driver, This book is also available from Dominica Taxi Association, 16 Steber Street, Pottersville,…

  2. Bumbble Lee
    November 13, 2016

    Some of these buses are not insured! Owners are risking it. Tourist board don’t care; Once a ship is in the harbor they happy. :twisted:

  3. Fran
    November 10, 2016

    Condolences, to the family

  4. Anonymous
    November 10, 2016

    They need to invest in some speed bumps Dominica because the speeding is ridiculous

  5. Loogahrooooo
    November 10, 2016

    RIP to the person who died and speedy recovery to the injured.
    There are a number of reckless people driving vehicles in Dominica…When you take to de Road in DA you must always stay paranoid to stay alive!

  6. November 10, 2016

    Sorry to hear that news

  7. Steve king
    November 10, 2016

    but wait you all must be blind…..look at the bus …..the man was driving less than 20 and the car ran into him so who wrong…….I’m not no police but if the bus driver was my family …….let there be peace in my vountry

  8. bro
    November 10, 2016

    I’ve read numerous comments on this issue, and not one person has mentioned the lack of seat belts in our local buses. I tell you what, a significant number of road fatalities this year alone could have been avoided with seat belt usage. People always crying and praying for God to change things- well 1st we got to change our mindset in not using standard safety equipment. We are 9x more likely to survive a vehicle accident using a seat belt. Looking at the accident pics, and from the reports out- I bet the driver was using a seat belt (usually the only person on the bus who wears one), and he survived despite the side of the bus he was on took the full hit in the accident.

    Do the research, wearing a sit belt saves lives, and if we want change then demand every bus has a seat belt for every passenger. If not then just carry on and keep your mouths shut cause within 6 weeks we’ll be here on DNO again crying over the same thing.

    • Mahaut
      November 13, 2016

      Where do most buses in Dominica come from and does the sources have many buses available with seat belts ? How much more would it cost to buy a bus with seat beats ? How much would it cost and how difficult would it be to have them fitted here in Dominica ?

  9. Bumbble Lee
    November 10, 2016

    Any of the drivers arrested? Excessive speed was the one and only cause of this incident – Not an accident. Someone must be charged with vehicular homicide. This will send a strong and powerful message to speeding drivers – Letting them know that there will be consequences when someone dies on their vehicle due to speeding. But again, Dominica we talking bout; No law here. :twisted:

    • Mahaut
      November 13, 2016

      How can you realistically police speeding in Dominica outside Roseau – put speed humps in strategic locations (something I would actually support as its the cheapest solution in my opinion) ? How much will it cost to implement and would it be worth it considering other priorities for the county ?

  10. Andrew
    November 10, 2016

    Every day I see people, particularly bus drivers, overtaking on blind corners. It is only by the grace of god that more people are not killed. On the way to the Creole Music festival a bus tried to overtake 4 vehicles on a blind corner, and had to slam on his brakes, and cut up the vehicles he was overtaking as a truck appeared. It seems they have a total disregard to their own lives, the lives of their passengers, and other road users. Do the police ever prosecute for reckless driving?

  11. DA girl
    November 10, 2016

    I don’t know what happened but I highly doubt the bus carrying the passengers was speeding. Usually these tourist buses would be driving a bit slower than regular traffic to allow the visitors to take in the sights. I would really like to know what happened. This is a sad day for the visitors and family and for Dominica. This is not a good start to the season at all.

  12. Dominican
    November 10, 2016

    Listened to Matt this morning on the Hot Seat and was astonished to hear that DBS, the national radio station still has to report on this tragic accident. P&O Cruises, the operator of the boat, the “Azura” already issued a statement from the U.K. on Facebook last night, through their Sr. V.P. Paul Ludlow, expressing his saddness and telling the public that the bus carried 12 people, of which 10 were Azura guests, 1 dead and 9 injured.
    What is the secrecy? http://www.facebook.com/pandocruises/posts/1015463074732078

  13. LifeandDeath
    November 10, 2016

    Such a sad story with reeling int’l implications for Dominica. Even worse that it’s another bad report for the tourism industry. Instead of offering only prayers We need more cautious drivers on the Road in Dominica. Some of the local businesses can help by erecting small signs/billboards along route advocating cautious and responsible driving. So this is not only a Government issue, every Dominican using the roads can do their part. The Police, traffic department needs to be more visible on the roads.
    I am of the firm view that Pond Casse area needs a Police and Emergency outpost. Essential services are too far from the central region, people can die waiting for help along those scenic but windy routes up the mountain and through the central region.
    Nowadays to blow approaching corners seems to be weak and a sign of cowardice, a poor and shallow mentality prevalent especially among young drivers.
    Dominicans shouldn’t only be reactive to everything..proactive planning avoids…

  14. YESAH
    November 10, 2016

    On Behalf of the Dominican People, please accept our deepest sympathies to the deceased family and speedy recovery to those that were injured.

  15. Proud Dominican
    November 10, 2016

    I’m seeing the bus way on the left side of the road where he should be. I’m not hearing any comments about the driver of the car.. what it doing way over on the right? Am I looking at this wrong?

  16. Tjebe fort
    November 10, 2016

    Why was government controlled Marpin news unwilling to confirm this death in their 8 o’clock news bulletin last night? More and more that news services is being used as an extension of government propaganda crap.

  17. Vaffanculo_PM
    November 10, 2016

    Prayers my foot Skerrit need to go, dam hypocrites.

    • qstorm78
      November 10, 2016

      Was he driving any of the vehicles involved?

  18. Frenchi
    November 10, 2016

    No road rules being implemented. No regular vehicle inspections by a certain deadline or be fined. No ticketing of drivers. Bus drivers make their own rules here. Anybody can drive buses. They drink alcohol while they wait for passengers….they speed and overtake all the way to their destination in corners and over cliff hangers…other drivers andvpassengers should be allowed to forward these driver hire number to a certain department to deal with even if by a points system. I wonder if the police check dno for tips and ideas of improving theit job.

    • qstorm78
      November 10, 2016

      What you’re saying might be true but do you know with certainty that this was the case in this accident? Its good to sound all correct in what you’re saying but if its not fact in this case then its irrelevant in this conversation.

      Just my 2 cents..

    • qstorm78
      November 10, 2016

      Was it the case in this accident? U might be right about what you said but if its not a fact in this case your point here is irrelevant.

  19. Pauline
    November 10, 2016

    As a British cruise passenger and a regular cruiser to the Caribbean I can tell you now that it is my intention never to set foot in Dominica again. The standard of driving is appalling and the treatment of vendors outlined by Carnival is the reason. The cruise Industry must bring in a lot of revenue to the Island but there appears to be no reinvestment.I will now ensure my family remove this port from their itinerary And ask P&O to do the same. My sincere condolences not only to the family of the deceased but to all the passengers/drivers on this bus who must be traumatised by this terrible fatal acccident.

    • AnonymousRex
      November 10, 2016

      Yeah, cause fatal accidents never happen in Britain.

  20. Tell the Truth
    November 9, 2016

    It appears the vehicle in front was turning the corner (or driving uphill) and the vehicle behind ran into the one in front. That driver may have been going too fast and caused the accident. Guilty without a doubt.

  21. Me
    November 9, 2016

    Since it is a British national it must be a passenger of the Azura?

  22. Bumbble Lee
    November 9, 2016

    What’s there to be seen at the Emeral Pool anyway!!??

  23. Bumbble Lee
    November 9, 2016

    Tourists visiting Dominica should make up their mind to walk to whatever destination/site they wish to visit. We have no roads suitable for automobile in Dominica. Yes, we have tracks paved with ASS-FAULT; But no roads. The visitors should be given proper instructions on the “roads” condition; Telling them to “RIDE AT YOUR OWN RISK.” :twisted:

    • Krylesa Holden
      March 8, 2017


  24. Romeo
    November 9, 2016

    One thing some people just like to jump and discriminate. You wasn’t there but you want to blame someone. At the end of the day we all are humans and if someone knew the actual facts they wpildmy be saying that.I’m sorry this happen .rest in peace britian your family feels the pain and so do us here in Dominica

    • Bumbble Lee
      November 13, 2016

      “And so do us?” :lol: :lol: You must be a laborite. :twisted:

  25. Iamanidiot
    November 9, 2016

    Chhh…not good for our tourism industry AT ALL. Second time for the year?

    • Dominican
      November 10, 2016

      Yes, I remember that poor 18 month old Italian baby that was killed in a similar accident ivolving a tourist bus only last January and his mother seriously injured. People, these vehicles must be thoroughly inspected before every cruise season and not just any old policeman looking at them and make sure all passengers wear a seat belt. We must give an assurance to our visitors that they are safe with us. Dominica is beautiful but also treacherous, so we have to proceed accordingly.

  26. Mac
    November 9, 2016

    My condolences to the family and friends of the deceased, a very terrible accident wish all a speedy recovery, I can hear from their voices that they were British, it must be terrible for those people having to be on an island with such poor health care, ( I know I am going to get stick for this but before you do tell me what you know) You are boasting how you got improve tourist bisniss, again like melvillehall no hospital, there is no Troy mariama centre in Dominica, we don’t have hospital near to the airport, if the accident had happened closer to marigot or they were coming in by plane, where would they taken them . I don’t lie to people I tell them Dominica is the most beautiful n the world, I tell them we have plenty of fruits and food, but when come to the health care it’s non existent for the ordinary man, before you all start cussing me have you got a hospital that can take 20 Troy mariama patients no . So come tell me all you want Dominica needs to open thei

  27. Yesjayson
    November 9, 2016

    No paramedics on ambulances may very well be regarded as high risk internationally and tours may well be frowned upon by the cruise companies…

  28. dominica for alah wii
    November 9, 2016

    we need to really watch what is being said on the media forums ok cause the is now a global village and remember we depend on tourism… it is very unfortunate that this had to happened i feel bad for the family of the victim but please stop calling down the country ok it belongs to us lets put our differencies aside and lets see how we can put our heads together to sensitize our drivers or something but lets stop bashing our country ok……GOD BLESS DOMINICA AND ALL ITS OCCUPANTS…..GOD SEES ALL AND AINT LIKE UGLY….more life to the survivors

  29. Me
    November 9, 2016

    Sorry about the dead but nothing can be done to bring him/her back. I hope for the vehicle drivers’ sake that they have adequate insurance to cover this because if not there will b hell to pay with the cruise ship operators.

  30. Steve
    November 9, 2016

    Hi——i am not from DOMINICA but i have stayed in this beautiful paradise several times. i have driven hopped up cars and larger old big cars all my life . when i get in most vans or taxis on the island from Portsmouth to Roseau—-i am terrified. These gentlemen driving are good drivers but under conditions of road structure- narrow roads and very steep plunges —-you HAVE-to slow down ——you cannot drive to the max and expect to win every time. gotta remember if trying to make an extra run by pushing it to the limit cost you or someone else life then it becomes a crime .the island in its beauty is only so long and so wide sooooooooooo–slow down and all will enjoy the trips more–peace

  31. okden
    November 9, 2016

    I have seen a video of the aftermath of the accident on Facebook and while the intentions may have been good by the individual who posted it, there are a few factors that we really really need to keep in mind during those times.
    1. I do not think that family members who are not aware of the situation would appreciate learning of or even seeing their loved one sprawled over in agony like this.
    2. I think that we should learn to refrain from making comments such as ‘he or she is dead’ unless we are trained professionals, nurse practitioners, ME’s, MD’s, etc
    3. I will again reiterate and plead with the health department and schools to undertake some form of emergency, first aid, or even first responder training in schools or community so that more of our citizens are prepared to render aid during such times.
    4. Something simple as securing the scene and preventing a constant flow of onlookers, photographers and directors to add anxiety to an already anxious scene.

    Just my…

  32. Stupesnstupes
    November 9, 2016

    I not much for government interference but I believe our transportation system should be state ran with drivers taking written aND mental tests. The things them drivers doing on the highways we have there…they have no consideration for human life.none.

  33. Sandy
    November 9, 2016

    We don’t know what happened. From what I saw, in the picture, the bus is on the left side of the road…. let’s not judge ok? Not all bus drivers are careless. Remember things are hard for most people in Dominica. Even when you have a job it is hard. Cost of living is atrocious! Pray for Dominica and Dominicans. SMH Be careful drivers. (ALL)

  34. Me
    November 9, 2016

    So sad eh.

    I wonder if all the preachers who come praying online whenever something goes bad, whether they pray offline in privacy. God truly hears us when we have a private heart to heart talk with him. He does not hear LOUD sounds for the world to hear or see. Pray for peace and protection and give him thanks always.

  35. Just Passing Through
    November 9, 2016

    Any accident that results in a death is very sad. My condolences to the family of the deceased. May the deceased soul rest in peace. I also sympathize with all the injured may they have a speedy and complete recovery. To the drivers of the vehicles I pray it was an accident that was unable to avoid; must not be easy with anyone involved.

  36. The Thinker
    November 9, 2016

    Start of tourist season and once again bus carrying tourists in what looks a speed related accidents.Not enough police surveillance on the roads.Do not say we don’t have the manpower.Hundreds on parade at Independence?

  37. November 9, 2016

    When bus drivers are driving 100 miles per hour full with passengers ,to make matters worse sometimes on a wet road.If a bus or as a matter of fact there are no buses in Dominica ,there are mini vans,when these vans normally takes 15 people ,they squeeze people on on the other and to make matters worse they add little wooden boxes where there is a little space next to the seats in order to make more money.They don’t care about people’s lives,people reach in the town with cramped feet and creased clothes without forgetting the “smello vision” contest that you have to deal with alcoholics one the journey.Bald tyres are very common ,the most inexperience drivers drive the fastest on the road with no respect for pedestrians either especial the old and the little children.The gov’t should raise up the vehicle insurances in order for families to get proper compensation after the loss or injury of a family member .There are almost no speed limitation signs and danger signs on the…

    • A. George
      November 9, 2016

      From the last photo the bus driver is in his lane. The car on the other had is in the bus driver’s lane… I am no expert but lets not jump to conclusions. I do agree that many bus drivers out there are reckless but I would like to believe that when they have tourists they make an extra effort to be above board (yes I know they should do the same for locals). this is sad and I hope that it is a wake up call to the authorities.

    • Driver
      November 9, 2016

      You said that to say what?

    • home
      November 9, 2016

      in this situation neither the bus driver nor the car owner are at fault but another moron trying to overtake round a corner,,,

    • Stupesnstupes
      November 9, 2016

      The authorities won’t do anything about it….the powers that be don’t realize how not doing their jobs affects the people. Remember when they were getting tough on seat belts. .for a month everybody wore seat belts police was on look out. As the police stop people go back to their ways….you see police ticketing anybody

    • Mac
      November 9, 2016

      Clearly you weren’t there. It was not the bus driver’s fault. The other driver was the one who tried to overtake and was also unlicensed.

      • Andrew
        November 10, 2016

        How do you know the other driver was unlicensed?

    • Bus driver
      November 9, 2016

      .. think b4 yu talk.. a tourist bus can’t go and carry tourist with bald tires..

    • jack
      November 9, 2016

      u stupid gossip monger.

    • Unknown
      November 9, 2016

      The bus driver was not speeding and is not at fault… The other vehicle however was speeding n tried overtaking another vehicle which caused the accident

    • Pedroito
      November 9, 2016

      u r a major jackass

    • Big Bannan
      November 9, 2016

      You are exactly in point with your comment, thus the reason you have all thumbs down. You are lucky DNO even posted that. One error though cause you mention speed : remember are large percentage of our drivers are illiterate to begin with, and down here it doesn’t matter how fast you drive. When’s the last time you saw one of us pay attention to our speedometer and the posted speed?

    • Yesjayson
      November 9, 2016

      I never see these bus drivers driving fast when they have tourists on board. They drive like snails. I can almost put my hand in fire for them in that regards.

    • Annoyed
      November 9, 2016

      First of all dumb , the bus driver was not in the wrong, the car was. Secondly you need to go and search on Google for what is a minivan, because clearly you don’t know. You come on here like you witnessed the accident. Go have a seat please

    • Tell the Truth
      November 9, 2016

      You are correct. Those who gave you these dislikes did not appreciate what you stated. They appear to be guilty of something. Too bad for them. They never think that one day they, or someone they know could be affected.
      This is an area that must be addressed. The number of passengers they could take comfortably and the speed regulations. I think it is high time the government and the traffic department do something about that.
      Lives are too precious to take chances, A life cannot be brought back. Even those who are injured could die of their injuries. Some could be maimed for life.
      When will drivers ever learn to drive cautiously?
      Those who cause accidents, injuries and death should be sued for an exorbitant sum. It should be mandatory that all drivers have an insurance policy.
      The family of the British person who died will do their investigation and sue.

    • tulip
      November 10, 2016

      Why so many red flags, this person is very correct

    • November 10, 2016

      Stop barking to a flying bird … ignorance at its best … another Dom-in-a-can!!

      November 10, 2016

      Very iIrresponsibe and inaccurate post.

    • derp
      November 10, 2016

      they add the wooden boxes, lol when last you come Dominica, I cannot remember when last I see that xD, but it seems every tourist season a tourist dieing in Dominica o.o

    • Interested
      November 10, 2016

      When persons like you run their mouths 100 miles before getting the facts, then there will always have false rumors making wrong judgements. From the picture, you see the bus being hit on its left side by the car. In other words the car was on the wrong side of the road. GET YOUR FACTS

    • Cece
      November 10, 2016

      As Far as I heard the car was the one in fault, as it was overtaking another vehicle and slammed the bus head on….so yeah bus drivers sometimes drive questionably but in this case its not the bus drivers fault…keep informed

    • Ou Sot
      November 10, 2016

      Really careless words by a don’t care person. Why is such stupidity allowed?

  38. November 9, 2016

    Since the evening of 3rd November a heap of Tarrish was carried on the road by heavy rain that left the entire lane heading south to Roseau blocked and the lane heading to portsmouth is partially blocked, with only in the middle clear. It would only take a backhoe 10 minutes to clear, but yet it is still there almost a week later on our only highway, between Colihault and Bioche. Reggie, Skerrit, Ian, Roselyn Paul all pass there every day but no one cares about safety. So our drivers are reckless and our government does not place emphasis on safety until a visitor dies. We are in a very sorry state in Dominica and unless we get serious we will continue to have these same things happening. I am deeply saddened by the death of the visitor and those taken to the hospital. Something needs to be done to ensure our drivers are safer and are tested for alcohol and drugs while using the roads. No I am not saying those involved in the accident were under any influence.

  39. Domino Queen
    November 9, 2016

    I am currently visiting on the island and I am totally amazed at how reckless most drivers are. They are discourteous towards other drivers as well as pedestrians. I virtually feel like I am taking my life in my hands every time I venture from my residence.
    This does not bode well for Dominica ‘s tourist industry.

  40. November 9, 2016

    Well that is speed on the parkway!

  41. Francis charles
    November 9, 2016

    Our bus drivers need to slow down,and respect other peoples lives.All tourist coming to our island saythe same thing,our bus drivers need to slow down,always chasing the $

  42. November 9, 2016

    Oh my God! That ‘s not good folks. A very sad accident involving a tourist has occurred and I am deeply saddened by it. My condolences to the family of the deceased, and I pray speedy recovery for those hospitalized. Though DNO not give information on the cause of the accident but as a Dominican leaving abroad, I am very concerned about the manner our drivers conduct themselves on the road. They néed to learn to be safe first. I think they are too busy, reckless, and do not drive with other road users in mind, which make them very dangerous on roads that are very dangerous to drive on and something must be done about it. Not only that, but most times our drivers are under the influence of drugs or alcohol knowing that at no time will they be pulled over by cops. Also, the government does not pay attention to safety of our roads. On the EO Le blanc highway since last Thursday heavy rain brought a hip of Tarrish on the road that blocks a lane yet it still there.

  43. concerned citizen
    November 9, 2016

    I do not understand what is going on in DA. This week alone has had at least three road accidents. i saw bloody persons been brought at the hospital today and it was a chocking sight to see. What is wrong with our drivers? What is going to happen to our tourist economy?
    And boy, thay clean that road so fast… i could not even make out the spot where the accident happened. We need to do better than that.

  44. Tell the Truth
    November 9, 2016

    We realize that accidents may happen but drivers must do their utmost to avoid them. When carrying tourists – visitors to the island from a cruise ship, be extra careful.
    This is another red flag for not visiting Dominica, which many will avoid. It is not the first time. Remember a few years ago of the little boy who died in an accident. The mother was injured. They were visitors. We heard no more of it.
    What does it take to remind drivers about driving safely? You have the road. You know you are to drive on your side of the road, proceed carefully, drive slowly and decrease your speed especially when turning around a corner.
    If per chance it is raining, the road will be slippery, slow down and drive cautiously. Know also that not everyone will get into an accident. The few who do, it could be cause of negligence. Those who do not, they are fortunate and by the grace of God. He knows..

  45. beautiful lady
    November 9, 2016

    Another one, protect your children Lord. I also believe that the way people is driving have something to do with these accidents.

    • November 9, 2016

      Accidents happen everywhere but it is a fact that our drivers are very recless. They always seem busy most times going to no nowhere, and will overtake anywhere, when you lease expect. I also think drivers need to be pulled over and be tested for drIvins under the influence of drugs and alcohol as well as texting. Also the authorities need to ensure roads are always safe and when there is debris on the road don’t wait for an accident to clean it. Their is some debris on the west coast road since independence and as of today it is still there! Safety must be everybody’s business and as I see it, neither drivers nor the authorities care a damn

  46. Education for ALL; by a ALL means.
    November 9, 2016

    We rebuke the angel of death hovering over this land. Nonetheless, we give God thanks it could have been worse. Jeffery, thank God you’re alive. Reynold my neighbor and most treasured friend, just take it easy. God doesn’t give more than we can bear as such, He will take care of you. By no means least; please Lord, look upon the injured tourists, grant them speedy recovery and the ability to treasure the good that they had already experienced before the tragedy.

    • Driver
      November 9, 2016


    • Driver
      November 9, 2016


    • Mac
      November 9, 2016

      God don’t listen to wicked people

  47. Master-B
    November 9, 2016

    Wow. We really need more prayers in Dominica. Speedy recovery for all the victims.

    • Jo
      November 9, 2016

      No. We need better drivers

      • Observation
        November 9, 2016

        More prayers for better drivers!

      • Dean Martin
        November 10, 2016

        Until reckless driving is recognized as both antisocial and criminal, Dominicans will simply continue to drive like brainless twelve year-olds on crack.

  48. analy thomas
    November 9, 2016

    Hear ye! now that today you have heard his word harden not your hearts! We are at the hour of his coming! because our time is magnified by 1000 times to 1 his short day seems long to us. He is coming! John the Baptiste said that he was coming and he did. He said that he would come again himself! and he honors his words the most! He will come and he is coming! We will see the signs and not take heed doing our selfish chores. People. People People!!!! you hear, see and read!

    • star
      November 9, 2016

      i feel shivers.. oh lord bless your holy name.. i want to be at peace with you.. forgive us lord for we have failed you many times from our selfish ways.. do not let us suffer no more… young and old people give your life to christ for it is written and we are living it out right now.. in the last days planes will go up and not come down.. brother againg brother.. nation against nation.. .uprising and unrest.. killings.. stealing.. injustice.. corruption…the time is near

    • Mac
      November 9, 2016

      God don’t listen to wicked peoplec. Yes jesus is coming but think you yourself will kill him again he might not bring for your party he might see and tell all the wicked things that you all are doing in his name

      • analy thomas
        November 10, 2016

        Judgement is for the lord! Examine yourself and help others move to that place of repentance and relationship. You are either hot or cold! his humble worker or his enemy! If you talk against him or his will or his word you will have much to answer to. He is a just, loving God who feels the pain that we feel but he is also a God of wrath toward sin. never will he hate us but he does not like sin. When he speaks in this condition his voice hits you before you even hear him! No storm,is as powerful as his voice in that manner. But he is compassionate, just loyal, loving and meaningful! Seek his face.

  49. Dominican Passports
    November 9, 2016

    But aye, what really going on? I live Roseau and every minute I hearing the ambulance pulling out :-? :-?

  50. Very Concerned
    November 9, 2016

    The number of accidents involving bus drivers is a national disgrace. I am aware that we do not have all the details yet. However, why must there always be a bus driver involved? I will tell you why. They do not value their lives, or that of their passengers. And unfortunately, the docile passengers never tell them to slow down and drive more carefully and consider others.

    • Sad state
      November 9, 2016

      I always ask them to put me down…..

    • May
      November 9, 2016

      Is the bus driver at fault??? Were you there??? Stop passing judgment. Obviously you were not there.

      • Kendra
        November 9, 2016

        IKR…STUPESS and the other driver dt was a fault he was overtaking. .nt all times bus drivers do shit

      • Very Concerned
        November 10, 2016

        Whether or not I was there, you’re missing the point that’s why we can’t make progress. The point being that on a very regular basis, road accidents nearly always involve bus drivers. So, something needs to be done. Like I said, it should start with the passengers, who are paying their fare for a safe journey. If you have no solutions, please keep your opinions to yourself. Thank you.

    • Unknown
      November 9, 2016

      Stop passing judgements without facts…. The bus driver was not at fault :-?

      • Me
        November 10, 2016

        …so why are you passing judgement yourself then? Let the police sort it oput. I shall wait till then.

    • Tell the Truth
      November 9, 2016

      In those days when there were trucks and narrow roads, there were not so many accidents; hardly ever..

    • Interested
      November 10, 2016

      So if a bus is driving at 20 miles per hour on the road and a careless driver speeding down the road overtaking loses control and slams in to the bus, are you telling me that it is the fault of the bus driver. SMH

    • Ou Sot
      November 10, 2016

      Like U said U don’t know details so shut that crevice.U aren’t concerned at all.

  51. D/ ca all the way
    November 9, 2016

    So unfortunate

  52. Dominican
    November 9, 2016

    Dominican’s saying things. they saying is a accidnt with a tourist bus and someone die

  53. Matt Sam
    November 9, 2016

    Where are you going with all that speed. Hope the courts will serve justice, for this excessive reckless driving.

  54. Truth Be told
    November 9, 2016

    This level of impact and wreck is an indication of speed! On such a narrow and winding road… God bless Dominica! :oops:

  55. Roger Burnett
    November 9, 2016

    Almost every time that I pass along this stretch of road I see an accident about to happen. The straight stretch beneath the rock face tempts vehicles to overtake without making allowance for on coming vehicles on both the up-hill and down-hill corners.

  56. Pinnez
    November 9, 2016

    Lord have mercy