Builder proposes 40,000 jobs development plan

Andrew says, if it implemented his plan could reduce Dominica's import bill in 20-25 years.
Andrew says, if it is implemented, his plan could greatly reduce Dominica’s import bill in 20-25 years.

A local builder says he has put together a $170 million agricultural development plan that will greatly benefit the entire country, if implemented.

Clarington “Twa Woche” Andrew told Dominica News Online (DNO) that the plan was conceptualized since before the 2009 general election, but within the passage of time, it got destroyed and three months prior to the 2014 general election, he had it redone.

Andrew says his plan, based on agriculture,  ,  could create 40, 000 jobs
Andrew says his plan, based on agriculture, , could create 40, 000 jobs

“That is a development plan that I have for the country for 40,000 employees based on agriculture,” Andrew said.

The main elements of the plan include the construction of a multi-purpose agricultural facility, an agriculture finance centre and a ship berth which will be located at Point Round in the Portsmouth area. The other element consists of regional sales and distribution depots or outlets which would be built in other Caribbean countries. The idea is that fresh agricultural produce from Dominican farmers would be purchased and distributed to the regionally based depots, for sale in those islands.

He said the Point Round location is ideal with the sea and flat land and it would bring much needed development to the north, since the city is already “compact.”

Andrew said that he has sent his multi-million dollar proposal to the prime minister for his perusal and says he is elated that in the 2014 manifesto of the Dominica Labour Party (DLP), it was mentioned.

“I sent it to the Prime Minister and as I see right there in his manifesto he use it,” he said. “So I would really love to see him continue and push it to come to pass. Because what we counting on in Dominica is development and it’s all about development.”

He said he wants to expose the idea to the public and in this regard, it will be shown through an exhibition at the Trafalgar community center from 3-7pm  on Wednesday and through-out the tourist season.

“It’s no kind of a small plan, it can develop into the Caribbean. It might be the biggest in the Caribbean for now because it’s 40,000 employees,” Andrew said. “As a builder, we do not have enough structures building in Dominica and not enough work for me and I am thinking about the other farmers and the rest and with my development plan I am proposing to the government I feel that 40,000 people back in Dominica, Dominica can move somewhere.”

He said he needs work as a constructor and more people in the country when this development plan kicks off, would mean more houses to build and everybody else will benefit.

Andrew is also of the view that this plan is easier for Dominica since the country has all the raw materials such as the lumber, stones and sand required. “Cement and steel are the only thing we don’t have, and the labour cost,” he said.

He also believes that if the plan is implemented, it would greatly assist in reducing the country’s import bill in the next 20-25 years.


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  1. DA to D Bone
    January 9, 2015

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: 5 0 DA to D BoneMay 26, 2011
    Well said Farmer for life.
    We have countless trained personnel in the division of Agriculture that can coordinate but every Government wants to play politics with agriculture and have Registe be the coordinator. How can an outsider now want to come tell the hard working farmers of the nature Isle what to do? Square pegs in round holes, and this is the same for the government role/ contribution in the sector.
    We had over 300 delegates come to the Invest in Agriculture Symposium a few years ago, and tangible conclusions were given to move the sector to the next level, but certain ministers stood up at the Symposium and said that if he has one dollar, he would invest it in Tourism and NOT Agriculture………………………….. What do you expect the farmers of the land to do when they can hear this minister representing the Government saying such, seeing that so much more investment is placed into Tourism?
    Today, they are crying that…

    • DA to D Bone
      January 9, 2015

      If we are serious in the sector, let’s have a full proof plan that will touch the three essential pillars in the sector: Marketing, Production, and Agri- business.
      First, we MUST dissolve the entire Ministry of Agriculture, and remove friends and family that are non productive and especially those that have political affiliation to the present administration. We need to maximize our Human resources (and we do have abundance of knowledgeable personnel) to effectively get the job done.
      Marketing – We already have Dexia that can continue to play a bigger role in scanning every Caribbean Island, looking at every Hotel, restaurants, shop and analyze every marketing index and interpret this data to production. Their role is to seek, find and drive what is being produced and how much and when. A component of RnD is essential at this point…

      • DA to D Bone
        January 9, 2015

        Production – Agricultural Production should be aggressively driven in both plant and animal production. Extension should be divided into four quarters to serve the four corners of the island and Food security should be the number one goal. Every quarter should be able to provide food for its people; hence, investment will be the same in every quarter of the island. Bi -annual soil test MUST be conducted where soil profile should be known. Mr. Registe, with just knowing our soil type, we already know what crops can be grown, and where to grow them. We can project our income from each and every farm in each quarter from a soil analysis.
        Existing departments like Livestock, plant protection and quarantine, Extension, organics and Information should remain while new departments like irrigation, transportation and mechanization, entomology, genetics and biotechnology, etc should be created. The Division of Agriculture in the Botanical Gardens should also be incorporated into a new…

      • DA to D Bone
        January 9, 2015

        new research center with state of the art production (plants and animals) labs and basic research should be conducted on every crop in every quarter on the Island. This center will produce new varieties of crops that can be enhanced into sweeter, high yields, disease – free plants and should not be free to the farmers, but at a subsidized cost. Plants from this center will be grown in the extension stations in every corner and field demonstrations will be done periodically as new findings are established and older ones are re- visited. Production should be increased ten folds and farms should meet their quota that is pronounced by the marketing agency/ Dexia.
        The Livestock department will have the same exercise and their labs will be designed to genetically modify our species of livestock on Island to safely produce more volume at minimum cost to farmers. The Londondery animal farm should be one that can supply the entire country with sufficient offspring in every class, which would…

      • DA to D Bone
        January 9, 2015

        include but not limited to poultry, ruminants, rabbits and pigs, etc.
        Agri- Business Center should be established so that every farmer, anyone with a back yard can come in and sell their produce at the established market value. Raw materials should be graded, cleaned and sanitized and professionally packaged for the market as this would ensure that cross- contamination of products are never to be on the regional markets. All by- products should be done by creating the environment where the private sector can flex its technology into competitive items for the increasing demand on the Caricom market.
        These will in turn be sold at huge farmer depots in every Caribbean country, where the brand name “DOMINICA” shall be made known and quality products can be offered for sale in the raw and processed state. This will not eliminate the hucksters but only assist them with better packaging and appearance at the market level, however, to motivate more hucksters to aid in the distribution, a…

      • DA to D Bone
        January 9, 2015

        discount will be given to hucksters who buy directly from center. New industries such as pharmaceutical, feed plants, fertilizer plants, juice, jams and jellies, milk and chocolates, coffee, Soya products, abattoirs etc will be established.
        The Minister of Agriculture will coordinate these three pillars with a qualified and experience team (not Mr. Registe not Mr. Walters) where systems in marketing, SPS, codex, organics, HACCP, ISO, GMPS and SSOPs can navigate the markets and competition on the regional markets can be eliminated. Sound and competent employees will lead each department, and thousands of lucrative jobs and businesses will be created.

      • DA to D Bone
        January 9, 2015

        Farmers will be trained on how to manage and not just how to plant and grow.
        These managers will also demonstrate their skills not only on the field but in the classrooms at the state college and with the help of N.A.Y.A, they will motivate our youths to love and appreciate agriculture for generations to come. Yes, this will surely be a grand investment, but this would create the enabling environment for a productive, efficient sector and we can now ask our friends and partners/ Governments out there to help with grants.
        Nature Island Farms (N.I.F) is inevitable, it’s ours

  2. Truth be Told
    January 9, 2015

    An economist proposed creation of 5000 jobs and the government and people laughed and said how? where? when? A builder proposed 40000 jobs out of Agriculture in a land where Agriculture is dead and the PM used it in his manifesto and most people on here says great idea! I have only one question, where are the farmers and produce to stock up the “multi-purpose agricultural facility, an agriculture finance centre and a ship berth, regional sales and distribution depots or outlets which would be built in other Caribbean countries”? Don’t get me wrong, I believe this could work if we had the farmers and produce like we did back in the day, but our efforts now have to be rebuilding the farmers and produce, build up the farms capacity! Otherwise this is a brilliant cart before the horse scenario. Dominica does not even have bananas to sell!

    January 8, 2015

    Its all in the details…. I hope to see your dream come to fruition but I hope that you have conceptualized every detail not just in the physical resources but the human resources and the business acumen to keep the dream alive.

  4. The Facts
    January 8, 2015

    Your article outlining your plan is exactly what we need to know, should know and should concern us at this point. Everything else will be put in place once it is approved. I sincerely hope it will become a reality for the present and the future economy of Dominica and employment of nationals.
    Since it was mentioned in the DLP Manifesto, it shows that the PM is interested in your plan and approves it.
    I recall reading on DNO of a farmer who had numerous cherries :?: rotting on the ground. What a waste. He did not have a market for it. Here is a farmer, among others, who wants his produce sold and would like to get a market for it. Your plan fits this bill and will obviously assist him.
    I read about the health benefits of cherries as also D/ca’s other produce. Stating about cherries which are generally sweet, it makes my mouth water for some. :lol:
    Good luck to you in all your endeavors to implement it as soon as possible. God be with you.

  5. Anthony Ismael
    January 8, 2015

    Admin. I see that you’ve instituted a word counter for the New Year. Let me start by saying that this is utter rubbish. What would be the purpose of such a measure?

    My guess is you want to restrict articulate, lengthy rebuttals to some of the nonsense that your chosen scholars choose to publish on this site.

    What you should add is a spell check so that contributors can check for mistakes quickly, instead of writing articles in Microsoft Word Perfect, then copying and pasting the article on DNO.

    Restricting freedom of expression on a site like this, is the best method to keep Dominicans in ignorance.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 9, 2015

      Anthony, I tend to agree with you; however, DNO do reserve the right do what they wish with their site. The problem as it is people are limited as to what they can write. There are semi-illiterate people who are one liners, their comments only makes sense to them.

      For someone like me who write in detail, it becomes problematic. Let us take for example Dr. Christian who writes some very good and intelligent articles, be it about medicine or otherwise. Where it pertains to medical science, of which I have a medical background, as it is right now; perhaps it will not serve any purpose for me to try to contribute to his topics, since an explanation dealing in science, medical science need more than a single line, where we see comments such as: “thank you doctor Christian or thank you Sam.”

      I dealt with something he wrote, as a result there are people who were appreciative of what they learnt from my response, they contacted me and told me, about their experience; as it is right…

  6. Anthony Ismael
    January 8, 2015

    Andrew, I would “Shake your Big Toe” if I was next to you. I am elated with your idea. We need more people like you to stand up and not be afraid to think and plan for Dominica’s future.

    “Those empty-headed Academics” who love to write rubbish on DNO that cannot help Dominica could never produce anything close to what you did.

    On a somber note, I hope you’re aware and adept at playing “Politics” and by that I mean: Understanding who the major players are in Dominica, how things get done and which “Behind” you need to kiss real good. I also hope you’re aware of the “Influential Families” who pretty much control Dominica and have been for decades now.

    My real fear is that parts of your business model may compete with powerful well connected persons on the island who will do everything in their power to make sure that yours never gets off the ground.

    If I may, start holding town-hall style meetings all over the island and involve and many locals as possible…

  7. Great Potential
    January 8, 2015

    In the words of Samuel Johnson:
    “Agriculture not only gives riches to a nation, but the only riches she can call her own.”

    This development plan provides the best opportunity for revenue generation and the creation of economic benefits for the country.

    40,000 jobs are feasible through:
    1. an increase in the farmer population to provide a continuous supply of produce to the multi-purpose facility
    2. the operations of the multi-purpose facility, agricultural finance centre and regional and international depots

    In the case of the regional and international distribution and sales depots, the majority of job positions would go to Dominicans residing in the countries where these depots will be constructed.

    Yes, 40,000 additional jobs can be created for Dominicans living here in Dominica, in the region and internationally.

    For those in doubt, visit the Trafalgar community centre for a look at a model. You can peruse the hard copy of the document.

    Look on page…

    • Great Potential
      January 8, 2015

      Look on page 21 of the Labour Party manifesto for the same ideas of the development plan.

  8. raspluto
    January 8, 2015

    the idea and vison of the rastaman that is some really good idea it would be wise for the goverment and the oposition should come together and make this project work. it is time we come together and unite and help build our beautiful island . all those that comment with the negative vibes trying to bring a brother man idea down like u all can come up with a better idea than what the rastaman came up with.Before you all come with all them bull comments you all should be giving him the support or help in any way u all can to help this project up and running.

  9. tru d bino q la
    January 8, 2015

    It may be a case of blindness on my part but the picture in this news release is pretty blurred literally; not even through my binoculars am I able to discern the image on display. I suggest that picture quality be a criteria for posting. Take note DNO!

    In the same key but on a different note, I suspect that, ideally, one would need not just a dream and money but also human resources (boots that are already on the ground) to forward that endeavor to fruition. In the absence of such do not expect a miracle.

  10. Sean Bardouille
    January 8, 2015

    when I read all those comments the guy is getting a lot of, it a great idea, especially from people who made negative post with regards to the 5000 jobs in three years… yet a builder, not an economist, put together a plan when all man and woman, girl and boy, dog and cat in dominica will be working in agriculture…

    and no one is telling the guy that he may have a few zeros to many in his presentation…. shame on allu..
    and if allu can support that plan then DOMINICANS ARE VERY WICKED PEOPLE

  11. H
    January 8, 2015

    Anyone with a better idea, state it. Especially you Francisco Telemacque and “stop that loose bowel of talk “{(quote)

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 8, 2015

      You all do not need any idea you know especially from me. My ideas are for me to uses for my personal development, and that of my children, and grandchildren when they come to me to seek some advise. You all have voted the god, and little dictator Skerrit into office.

      He is the man, who has the plan which I know to be the never ending handouts, five years from now Dominica will not be transformed, it will remain as it is as long as Roosevelt is Prime Minister, when he leaves office, he will be over wealthy, with money to burn, he will continue to feed you all until the day of his demise! What you people wonted you’ve got it; live with it. Let Hartley Henry who is Skerrit’s boss continue to run Dominica in the foreground whiles the puppet Skerrit follow his instructions, to the day the bottom of the economy falls out. I am only concern about certain members of my family back there, other than that I wish suffering on the rest of the country! Dominicans are too stupid to…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 8, 2015

        Okay sorry, my mistake eh!

        Here is my idea, go to Anguilla and Montserrat, and Haiti to look for work, Antigua too, that is my best idea. That will take Dominica to the next level, and transform it into Skerrit’s and Hartley Henry, and Ralph Gonzalez ideas also. By way, I did not see Ralph at Skerrit’s fourth inauguration.

        Could it be that Skerrit is fuming mad about the opening of Agile International Airport in St. Vincent, while all he can do is rename Melville Hall Airport Charles-Douglas, or is it Douglas-Charles Airport-With-Night-Landing-Lights, all that which is hyphen is the name of our night landing airport you know.


        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  12. January 8, 2015

    Get the Ras in the ministry of planning and job creation, this is the man to save DA :lol:

  13. B Lion
    January 8, 2015

    The infrastructure to accommodate trade in farming is a light issue on the development road towards a thriving farming export industry. Our farms must be treated sufficiently for fruit flies and other pests that other countries may accept what we have to sell. And our cost of production must decrease by farming more large scale farms reducing per unit cost. There are thousands of natural farming tips online that can be used to enhance farming quality and output, while reducing cost of production. Like keeping a chicken farm to make natural manure for plants, with egg production paying the cost of feeding the chickens. And that plan needs its own aircraft to reduce spoilage and downtime..

  14. positive vibes
    January 8, 2015

    This Plan by Mr. Andrew is very ambitious and I think if he is given a chance with the private sector and Govt it can be materialized. we need thinkers like this man and I applaud this brother for his efforts. My advise is lets pay attention to him.

    we should not for get that Dominica is full of natural resources water for example. we know the fiasco with those who were given the go ahead to use the marigot river and look I am hearing something is going wrong with nature island water. we can make it lets give it a hit

  15. grell
    January 8, 2015

    Skerrit has no interest in agriculture,it is dead my friend,look @ the banana industry this idiot did nothing to combat the disease.

  16. ukdominican
    January 8, 2015

    how did Skerrit get into all you vision. This guy sounds like someone who is going of his head,. I am not critisizing him because his vision might come of the ground but please.
    In terms of the 5 thousand jobs from Linton he would have sacked all working Labourites and give the job to UWP did you really think he could produce jobs if that is the case why on earth would you allow your own people to suffer without money or food. Give me a break

  17. Support our Own
    January 8, 2015

    Effort like this should be commended as it creates discussion thinking. Yes some things seem a bit over the top but instead of condemning him praise his effort and let the financiers etc and other professionals come together and make a plan of this nature feasible.

    Great strides come from a single thought, single action, and grow with passion and support.

    Ras I support you and your plan and hope those that criticizing will also review and add constructive criticism and ideas to make it tangible.


  18. January 8, 2015

    At least this man has a plan. Over the past 15 years there has been very little planning to move the country and people forward. UWP had a constructive plan at least. Creating 20000 jobs in Dominica is an easy thing. Get the builders building, the farmers farming and manufacturing moving

  19. BEB
    January 8, 2015

    We had so many ideas such as these before. In the early 60’s, there was talk of developing the Carbrits in the north into a Sunshine Village. Some of the promoters had already recruited some people, issuing them with ID cards. that project never started off the ground. After this there was that German guy who lived in the same area promises to develop the same area again. Again we never saw the fruition of that project. Some persons were planning to erect a marina village in the Castle Bruce beach area, this became some dream of the past.. There was talk of an oil refinery in the Point Round area, this was just talk.We were promised a floating village by a certain businessman in Roseau, again I think that this was just crazy talk.I hope that this is not one of those, He did not even say how this will be finance .

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 8, 2015

      BEB, glad you notice that Dominicans are all about ideas, which boils down to nothing except talk!

      They talk about for years, however, when it is time to get started somebody cries out “we doh have de money eh.” The talkers go to bed that night and by daybreak, they wake up with amnesia, forgetting everything they planed for years.

      Five years, and one month ago Roosevelt Skerrit told Dominicans “I am going to take Dominica to the next level.” A few weeks ago prior to election he us: “I am going to transform Dominica.” What is the difference words ” taking Dominica to the next level, and I am going to transform Dominica?” Both words means the same thing, but then again it is only a matter of talk, because he has yet to take Dominica to the next level, if the island is not yet transformed under Skerrit rule when shall it be transformed? We talk ourselves to death, followed by zero actions.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  20. RastarMarn
    January 7, 2015

    Very good Concept, one thing though you might want to reconsider the designs of the buildings, from the rendition presented they look a little European for my liking,,,

    All in all great concept, good on you Rastar,,,

  21. The Facts
    January 7, 2015

    Dominica needs such an enterprise which will also benefit the farmers. I recognize this is a huge undertaking and a lot of thought and planning have gone into it. Then the discussions pro and con to ensure that it is a viable project and hopefully a successful one which will employ the number of people as stated. I foresee it will be doubly work to make it a reality.
    You will need help from the right persons including funding to implement it. Good luck with this venture. May it be approved.
    Do not be swayed by those negative people who contribute nothing else which is useless. Nothing beats a failure but a trial. Those words are not stated without reason.

  22. lougawo
    January 7, 2015

    Dirgo u need 2 get very close 2 dat gentleman and get dat AD back in business

  23. Rabbit
    January 7, 2015

    George what degree? The man have 360 degrees jus like a circle.

  24. Pedro
    January 7, 2015

    Interesting ideas which are to be encouraged! The whole strategy of agri business has to be re-thought and ideas should be encouraged far and wide. The amount of input and passion he has is incredible and we should give such thinking maximum exposure and encouragement.

  25. Labour ka twavay!
    January 7, 2015

    My real name is Lespwee Mal papye, and I must commend you sir for this tremendous vision which no doubt has the potential of turning things around, if implemented. However, I have the following questions: 1. Are you a Dominican? If yes, you should know that Skerrit will not take the idea of any Dominican because that will make them look better than him, locals will know about the opperations and he will not be able to pocket too much. Ask local businessmen who were once laborites 2). Skerrit WILL NOT implement anything that will (A) make the country better (B) create employment because he knows the Dominicans become employed and do not have to depend on him, they will vote him out. So keeping them poor at all cost must be the agenda. 3). Your vision contradicts the agenda of Skerrit since his is one based on killing agriculture at all cost. Hell knows he will not do anything to revive it. Good vision but Not Skerrit’s style.

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      Are you are human being and a Dominican at that? What inaccurate views. You are pathetic and have an extremely negative, low mind. These words of yours should never be stated. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:
      Do you know what is in the mind of the PM and can you read it that you make such a rash judgment, being positive that he will not be pleased this project? It is people as you who discourage others from trying to do something good for D/ca. You know how to debase people and think lowly of them.
      Who is the fool who will think your views as credible and take your advice? Anyway, they are your views and are not worth a thing to others.
      You are not interested in Dominica’s progress and increased employment. Your comments project that it is minds and words as yours that will keep Dominica down.
      The PM is obviously interested in Dominica’s progress and employment for especially the youths.

      • anonymous
        January 8, 2015

        what has PM done is the last 15 yrs to create employment? You all playing blind and dotish, but is wicked all u wicked. The guy never discredited the Ras plans. He is simply saying PM Skerrit will not implement it. and thats it.

    • lovely
      January 8, 2015

      @ labourkatwavay thats thumps down for you .j dont know why I press thump down but instead thumps up was check but its really a thumps down because your statement is useless

  26. Joeblo
    January 7, 2015

    Now lets see Drigo’s plan.

    • john paul
      January 8, 2015

      Drigo was put there to put the final nails in the Coffin of Agriculture, Matthew already built the coffin

    • Sean Bardouille
      January 8, 2015

      drigo never even plant a yam in his life, in church mister used to stay

  27. anonymous2
    January 7, 2015

    Sounds rather expensive to me. Who is the financier?

  28. Francisco Telemaque
    January 7, 2015

    “The main elements of the plan include the construction of a multi-purpose agricultural facility, an agriculture finance centre and a ship berth which will be located at Point”

    Nothing more than sweet sounding, babbling hog-wash. In the first place the resident population of Dominica is approximately forty (40,000) thousand people, so what this guy is actually saying is that his plan is going to turn every resident in Dominica into an agricultural farmer!

    That sort of rubbish babbling’s is nothing more than total madness! Why the need for a special berth for a ship to collect agricultural products, and what is a multi-purpose facility anyway, in regards to agriculture. Agriculture products in Dominica falls into about five different category, so, what he is talking about, make no sense

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Bomboclat
      January 7, 2015

      Boss you all over man? Free up on a post Na. Go do something you say your bank account so full!! And I know is lie you lying. Go and look for work to do jeeez

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      Do you expect him to employ 40,000 people immediately? New enterprises commence with a small number of employees. As they expand they will require additional ones.
      He has given it a good thought and this is his proposal which will be perused by the PM and the agricultural minister. They are the ones to decide; not you. Give him credit.
      A person as you will always be negative and you have no suggestions for enhancing D/ca to make it a success story.
      Cease your negativity. If you have such excellent ideas why do you not present them to the proper authority?

    • RastarMarn
      January 7, 2015

      Is man like allyou dat have Dominica the way it is wi,,,

      The Man say 40,000 will be employees, your albino buddies didn’t go Africa and get millions of workers to come work the Caribbean fields, as far as the story goes Dominica have been coined the Breadbasket of the region and is about time this is realized, instead of trying to depend on two little tourist.

      From the stories they tell people came from all over to work on the Dominican Plantations.
      Get your head out of your %rss and come talking some sense, if you don’t have no encouragement for progress you better just stay quiet!!!

      We had no idea how dumb you were but your opine says it all,,,

    • drone
      January 8, 2015

      @ Fete aka resident idiot: What do you propose you pompous inflated degenerate? His ideas may not be well articulated but there’s potential in it that can be scaled and tweaked. You this old hag has no contact with the realities of Dominica. When did the population become 40,000? You’re always ready to debase and abuse somebody. This may be the best he has to offer but it’s the best if him because he had the courage to say, I have a dream to share. You that donkey aka fete now ridiculed him. I know your desperate behind will come back with your rant on how much smarter you are than the universe and wealthher than the Sultan of Brunei, nobody cares. You are irrelevant to US.

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 8, 2015


        You see you are calling me out of my name: I have not called anybody stupid, or idiot since 2015 began, and that is all due to my New Years resolution, in which I promised not to call anybody out of their mane: You do not wish to open the pandora’s box, nor a can of worms okay.

        So just watch your mouth when you decide to attack me! Believe that nonsense, that man spoke, and see how far it gets you and your feeble mind. People like you, entertains all sort of nonsense when your hear it, any wonder Dominica, is such a backward place, it is all talk, sweet sounding music, that is what Skerrit knows about you people, that is why he brought foreign entertainers to fill your mind with music, and take away your ability to think about anything else, except vote labor. Suck your salt and gomorra, I am enjoying life!

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemmaque

      • Francisco Telemaque
        January 8, 2015

        “You this old hag has no contact with the realities of Dominica.”

        As I told Gary sarcasm, and insults has no effect on me, anything nasty you wish to say about me simply invert it, draw a vertical line write your name above the line, and write my name below the line, and then invert it you will find out that I am above the garbage you spew, that all relates to your person.

        Try thing in a cognitive manner,try and do some deductive reasoning and perhaps you will find the way to see that what that guy is talking about makes no sense, and as for the realities Dominica, I hear it everyday when my telephone rings and someone is asking me for some help! Dominica’s reality I see when I have to go and wire some money to some unfortunate soul in Dominica. You have a dream, a dream is something one cannot hold unto, but I assure you I can return to Dominica tomorrow, and within a month set up any of three business which I once owned and operated.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  29. yes
    January 7, 2015

    Yes Ras days wat we need to boost up economy.hope those in power take steps toward it.big up natiwel movements and Dominica at large.

  30. desperate
    January 7, 2015

    oh and in this 21st century? i don’t like the design of this building

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      What are your views for a different design?

  31. desperate
    January 7, 2015

    well lets see..uwp got blasted for wanting to create 5,000 job.. and your plan could create 40,000?? .. wait.. did you say 40,000????? yes you did! wow.. there’s a saying, never stop a man who says he can when you say you can’t… well.. lets see

    • Francisco Telemaque
      January 7, 2015

      You know there are people alive who can stand and face the Sun, and cover it from shining on them with a single finger you know. Yes they can use one finger to cover the sun.


      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • RastarMarn
      January 7, 2015

      The man talking about a regional employment force with agricultural Depots in other islands, how allyou mind so small nuh,,,

      Stop drinking all that rum and looking for the next jam and think a little nuh!!!

      Aillass Poor allyou wi no wonder tings the way they are allyou have no vision!!!

  32. Lori Kovac
    January 7, 2015

    Hate to be negative, but I have a few questions. Why would other islands purchase Dominican goods instead of their own local produce? $170 m is a lot of money; where would it come from? What are the jobs that will be generated?

    I’ve long thought that value-added products are easier to ship, can be sold for more money, and create a lot of jobs in production. There is a large market in developed for exotic ingredients. If the government would focus on making contact with buyers such as large supermarket chains in those countries, new markets could easily be opened up.

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      Do you not know the types of jobs which will be generated based on the products? Think! You should have a fair knowledge of how businesses operate and what type of jobs they will create. There would also be office/administration jobs as management, accounts payable and receivable, shippers, etc. You need to expand your knowledge about these.

  33. 19794eva
    January 7, 2015

    This man clearly has vision…. we need to encourage initiatives such as these. we need more people of vision..and the support of financiers to bring these jewels to fruition. Hope to hear more about this initiative.

  34. Good Ways
    January 7, 2015

    Great Idea Bro one of the better ideas to come up for 2014

  35. eddie wallace
    January 7, 2015

    Looks like he can do a much better job than our minister Johnson Drigo. With the recent lost of bananas.

  36. real possie
    January 7, 2015

    This is what we need people who put a plan together to help the country, I don’t care if it was UWP who had just won. This is just a great idea no matter who it’s coming from, I hope the PM really use as much of this as possible. That is what a patriot looks and sounds like, not the ones that cry down the country from overseas and people label them patriots when those so called patriots are painting the country with a dirty brush.

  37. Bee
    January 7, 2015

    Llets hope Skerit did not add it to the manifesto because he was bankrupt of ideas. it remains to be seen if it willi ever implemented. that is of course if it is really feasible.

    • anonymous2
      January 8, 2015

      Skerrit isn’t into agriculture. Can’t you tell be the condition that it is in? But he still likes to eat well.

  38. Trolol
    January 7, 2015

    Interesting… That’s a hefty price tag though, I doubt skerrit will do it.

  39. Free and Fair
    January 7, 2015

    Very interesting and ambitious plan. It would have been even more interesting if we had some idea of how the project would be financed.

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      What difference would it make at this time? Some steps have to be taken and followed. First the thought. Then the plan and then the presentation to the proper authorities. Then the proposal has to be reviewed,. If approved, then financing will be sought.

  40. george Fontaine
    January 7, 2015

    DNO, did you see his degree?

    • out of south city
      January 7, 2015

      When I was growing up many of our school teachers did not have a degree and they were very effective teachers. I also know many people who did not attend high school who now have degrees. Just because he does not have a degree does not mean he is illiterate. Anybody can obtain a degree if they have the opportunity. All you have to do is to study and make the grades. We need to stop despising each other. When it comes to being educated, nothing beats having wisdom.
      Even here on this forum, it appears that some people with a degree post the most ridiculous comments.
      We need to accept people for who they are and not what they possess. In other words we need to learn to respect each other.

      ONE LOVE

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      Since you asked, there are many people in the world who own businesses who are now CEO’s, etc and do not have a degree. God gave everyone intelligence to utilize it wisely.
      I always say Dominica was not founded with people who have degrees; likewise in bigger countries. Their businesses are successful ones with thousands of employees.
      I am further stating, these days, as an example, the buildings which are constructed in those big countries are none to be compared and stronger than those that were built in bygone years. Therefore if he has a vision which it appears no one had, he is an extremely wise man. Wish him well.

    • joe
      January 8, 2015

      We didn’t see the leader of the leader of the opposition DEGREE either~~~ Still waiting for it!!!!

  41. Peter Potter
    January 7, 2015

    Nice dream my friend and on Skerrit’s desk it will end. We as a country need to stop dreaming now. We need to transform dreams and plans into reality. You all missed a golden opportunity about a month ago to start turning things around and let dreams become reality…but you all decided to go with the same old. So for that reason, keep on dreaming…

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      You are not encouraging. Do you not know, “What is life without a dream and dream on”, considering the dream and putting it into plan and action?
      You do not have the same mind of all D/cans wherever they may reside. Your opinion is just what it is, your sole opinion.
      If only you knew, D/ca did not miss any golden opportunity. What makes you think electing UWP would have been a golden opportunity for D/ca? For one, you are not God. My vision is, there would have been chaos in the land. Our instinct should tell us that God spared D/ca and nationals from that. They have the golden opportunity in elected DLP, the PM.
      When are some of you going to cease referring to politics and your negativity in every article which is posted? You might as well cease because it will not get you, Dominica and nationals anywhere.
      The past is gone. Election was called for another five years. Allow the elected government, the PM to perform his job. Look to the future with confidence.

      • Peter Potter
        January 8, 2015

        Keep on dreaming…

    • January 8, 2015

      UWP refused to explain how they would have turned things around they failed to address to the Dominican people how they would have turned things around, how they could have create 500 jobs Dominica doesn’t have the resources by all means they wouldn’t have no choice to ask grant from a foreign country, during the campaign they refused to address to the Dominican voters the country they would be able to have a close relationship.if Dominicans had voted UWP it would have been a set back for our country they would’ve first try to build a relationship with a foreign country and that wouldn’t happen overnight, most Dominicans are smart voters,

      • Peter Potter
        January 8, 2015

        Most Dominicans are smart voters?! You realy crack me up. Most Labour voters can not add up 1+1. Let me give you the truth, if it was not for the Red Clinic the DLP would not have been in government for so long. If you are honest with yourself you’ll agree. I live in a community where over half of the people are regular visitors to the Red Clinic. On the other days, when they are not there, they lay about, get plastered in the numerous rum shops and smoke gunja. So are these the same people you refer to as smart voters. Do us all a favour and see Dr. Benjamin. You never know he might still be able to help you.

    • Charlie
      January 8, 2015

      because your dream of change did not materialize you blue vex.I don’t understand why people like you think because the majority has spoken and you are in the minority that we were wrong..when we dream with labour it is the Joseph dream…please take a bow and try again in 2019 when I am certain you will be still dreaming..

  42. January 7, 2015

    This article is as illogical and irrational as the plan itself. It is not specific in any aspect and very difficult to understand exactly what the whole idea behind 40000 jobs are. Is it agriculture? Is it in housing? Is it in shipping produce? What exactly are you doing? Please be more specific. Your Ideas are as opaque as that of the administration.

    • DonK
      January 7, 2015

      I couldn’t have said it better myself. This plan is all over the the place with no specifics. It almost looks like that he created the ‘plan’ that will fit his desire to construct the housing buildings.

      As for the agricultural aspect of the plan, it’s pure wishful thinking. Just because i have agricultural products ( that are now far from ‘natural’ with the influx of pesticides and ‘weedicides’ being used) there’s absolutely no guarantee our neighbors will buy them if the price and quality are not favorable.

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      You better re-read the article for it appears to be explicit. While at it, take your time to read and digest it. First things first. If approved, you will read more about it in detail. Patience for now.

      • January 8, 2015

        I think you should read between the lines. More power to the developer who is trying to do something but sad to say the way the article is written does not clearly articulate the intention of the developer. It is not specific with a hodgepodge of ambiguous ideas.

  43. joe
    January 7, 2015

    Who going to do the weeding and digging?? We do not have labourers willing to work the land is lots of chiefs and no Indians so i doh see that plan being implemented at all!!!!!

    • The Facts
      January 7, 2015

      Oh please! Why all this negative speculation? Are you the laborers? If I knew someone as you and I had a plan I would not inform you about it. Before this plan gets approved and off the ground, you are already criticizing it and making negative comments. You are not a smart person. Some of you are something else.

    • anonymous2
      January 8, 2015

      How about the Chinese. They have picked up where the Dominicans have fallen down.

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