Dominica and Venezuela coffee joint venture agreement passes first reading

The Venezuelan National Assembly (AN) has started a debate on a bill that will approve a cooperation agreement between Venezuela and the Caribbean Commonwealth of Dominica to set up a coffee joint venture company.

According to a news report in Maracaibo broadsheet, Panorama, the joint venture will produce, process, exchange, distribute and market coffee.

The agreement comprises 15 articles and the company will be registered in Venezuela. The Commonwealth of Dominica will have 49% of shares and Venezuela 51%. The company HQ will be in Dominica.


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  1. Nollywoodscene
    July 6, 2010

    Anything that creates employment while preserving our natural resources is fine!

  2. Anonymous
    July 5, 2010

    @jah: people like you need to live in caves

  3. jah
    July 5, 2010

    PWELL, Nothing wrong with that, but is it any different from the layou river stuff where the Dominican government wanted majority shares?

  4. only
    July 5, 2010

    DA needs a coffee factory like it needs another hole in the head.
    The coffee and banana market is already taken.
    Try a crop where you have a chance to make it with in the market place. Diversify.

    And yes, there is no shortage of oil in the Caribbean or the world for that matter. The “shortage” is caused or rather manipulated by the mafia monopolies that run the operations…………..The major share holders…….queen of England, Netherlands, and of course Goldman Sachs always has its hands in there somewhere with their criminal activities. Chavez has his own set of people.

  5. Pwell
    July 5, 2010

    @jah: Man, Dominica not putting anything to start the project. Venezuela will be financing the whole project but will be in Dominica. Is there something wrong with that?

  6. jah
    July 4, 2010

    What a joke venezuela 51% – Dominica 49%, guess who own it?
    everybody “mamaguying” Dominca goverment and its people.
    Venezuela can leave anytime and take it with them.
    good luck “dumb-e-knee-icans”

    when will dominca ever ask for what it needs, instead of others telling dominca what it needs. Is there a goverment with a vision for this island?

  7. muche Miel
    July 4, 2010

    The % aspect brings the follow to light. Q95’s owner operates it by remote control itis said. As he had to skip town yrs ago. His first agreement was a 45:55% split of profits.With 45% for him and the rest for the staff. He flies out and by some flick of a switch the arrangement is reversed.Can any one clear the air on this or fortify it?
    The Chavez interest in DA has to do wih our oil deposits in the region of Bird Island.We are being fooled into accepting litte gifts so they can tap into the oil reserves by bribing DA not to take the matter to the international court. We getting coffee instead of oil lol! What are we chopped live? as Ronnie dangerfield would say .The bright boys cannot see that or were they promised a cut inthe oil proceeds when they begin to drill Mr.Ambassador let me hear you. See you skipped Maryland for piece of the action. D/cans better watch those guys deals behind our backs.Look at the business man in question in the money laundering scene! can we afford more mafias on the island even or “honorable” ones.More money more problem( Biggy.) lawyers police business men & women in the corruption what will the citizens do? DA is making a bed for an upheaval remeber May 79? We need one 100 times bigger.Anyone will too organise it?

  8. Cracking up
    July 4, 2010

    and one more step towards the nationalization of Dominica by Papa Chavez and Venezuela

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