More banana plans

Minister Walter

Technical staffs are preparing a National Adaptation Strategy for the new banana regime in which the resources for the initiative are to be provided by the European Commission.

Minister of Agriculture Mathew Walter announced the initiative at a press conference this week.

“This will involve a multi-year, multi-million dollar project to commence in the second half of 2011 through to 2013,” he said.

Minister Walter noted that this undertaking should serve as proof to farmers that they “are not forgotten” and that “government will continue to make resources available to farmers as is possible”.

With this, he has called on farmers to put the resources made available to them to good use, citing specifically the $1 million being provided for the banana sector development initiative by government.

“It is only through improved competitiveness and efficiency we will maintain a presence on the UK market,” the minister concluded.

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  1. shortleg fielder
    September 10, 2010

    why not diversify. There are so many fruits in Dominica, why not reorganise the agro processing plant. All the drinks sold in Dominica are imported, why not invite investors to deal with the mango, orange, grapefruit, and so forth. There can be a big market in the productiion of fresh Dominica Juices. Instead of sayin so many things bout bananas please diversify. why cant the ,minister of agriculture and those who talk out of turn get a goood livestock market organised in Dominica. Why not have a massive Poultry farm in Dominica. Locally produced chicken is the best.. Other islands are doing just dat. why have so so much a a haevy import bill- esp – frozen for life chicken from the usa. The minister and those who usually give the speeeches in and out of season can think of these things. If promises could have made people rich my word folks would have beeeeen filthy rich .. but talk is cheap . Light camera action- Dominica suvived on agriculture for years… so minsiter please get down to work and when u do just dat trust the street men and women to rally around ya for life…….

  2. JUDGE
    September 10, 2010

    It seems that the people of Dominica are confusing the Government, First we ask that the banana sector to be revived then, when the Government is taking an interest, we refute it. Is it a joke ?

    It is my recommendation that, the Government do what is best for the island as seen fit and not be allowed to be swerved by the people.

    If Dominicans are not thinking positively about our country then, we will lead to it’s downfall, it will not be the fault of the government, we just go on an international forum and spoil our country’s good name instead of being apart of the solution and work along with our leaders.

  3. New thinking
    September 9, 2010

    Please, please my people, Govt. and other stakeholders given the problems that exist with the export of the fruit in a fresh state to the UK market, and the lose of preferential duties, isn’t it more than time to put a new strategy in place as regards bananas. The plan should be to diversify within the banana industry. Develop the manufacturing of banana chips, banana curls, vinegar instead of mainly producing bananas for export to UK? By so doing Dominican Banana farmers would still be selling bananas for the manufacturing sector and adding value to the crop. Many persons would be employed in that manufacturing business. Extensive educational sessions and advertising could be done to sensitize the youth and older population to eat more chips and curls instead made from bananas as a more nutritious snack. Our youth are eating corn curls and other snacks, imported from outside, that are filled with additives, coloring and are less nutritious. More money would remain in the country.

    There are many studies done, the information is available and such projects are feasible. The problem is we lack the will to embark on those important projects and prefer instead to adopt a policy of begging, begging other countries all the time for their money for our survival. We must think global, but act local. There are also lucrative markets for ripe bananas right here in Dominica and the region. Bananas are extremely nutritious, even more so when ripe People eat so many apples from the US. With consistent education and aggressive marketing, Dominica could seek to sell a lot more ripe bananas in the region. What is that talk about regional integration and CSME? Are we worried at all about food security, food production, nutrition and manufacturing from our agricultural products? Rethink development. Govt. with there reactive, piece meal, refusing- to- plan attitude re. agriculture, in particular, and developing the Dominican economy is failing us. Our laid back private sector also need to be more creative.

  4. Grand Bayrian
    September 9, 2010

    When the dame told famers they shoud leave Bananas, before bananas leave them, Eddo take it and run with it, promising farmer $ /lbs of Bananas. Now we have a government throwing money in a barrel with no buttom. the reality is that the Banana industry is not viable today. its going the same way, coffee, coaco, vanilla, cassava, coconut, lime and oranges. So as Chubby would say bring back the milk and honey, coconut oil and cassava!

  5. Mac
    September 9, 2010

    The government should stop throwing money at the banana industry; it is a declining industry and should be allowed to die. The government is only propping up a declining industry and delaying the inevitable. Let the industry die and invest money in to agriculture areas that can be self sustaining.

    Cotton, sugar cane, citrus, vanilla, spice and lumber were all once large industries in Dominica, but are no more. If agriculture is to remain the corner stone of the Dominican economy the farmers will have to grow produce that is in demand.

  6. CuCum
    September 9, 2010

    I think that government has dumped enough money in bananas. When is this madness going to stop?

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