The Dominica Organic Agriculture Movement (DOAM) is offering three courses in Organics for the public at various locations on the island.
These courses include Organics Training: Level 1, Organic Input and Composting Techniques and Organic Farm Records, Plans and Management. Those wishing to take the classes can register either at the class or at the DOAM office at 14 Great Marlborough Street at the corner of Kings Lane.
The courses are as follows:
Organics Training: Level 1: This is a 30 hour 10 week class held one evening per week plus field trip opportunities to local organic farms. The courses will be held in two locations: Roseau at the Prevo Cinemall on Wednesdays from 5 to 8 pm and at Kai Wosche in Delices which is on the road to Jungle Bay, on Thursdays from 5 to 8 pm.
The course outline includes a board range of subjects including: organic principles and development, record keeping, tropical soil fertility and cultivation, plant nutrition, manures, composting and composting teas, pest management, companion planting, weed control, biodiversity management, seeds and seedlings, propagation, conversion to organics, marketing and economic performance of organics. Classes are interactive session where participants learn and share while getting acquainted with organic practices. Course are taught by local technical experts. The fee for the full course is $80 which includes a one-year membership to DOAM or $50 for DOAM members or a special 1/2 reduced fee for Dominica State College Students which includes a student membership in DOAM.
Organic Input and Composting Techniques Workshop is a 20 hour, 5 session workshop which includes field trips.
This workshop will be held at Hempstead Estate with carpool transportation from Calibishe and Portsmouth and environs. The first meeting will be May 27 from 2-6 pm. Register prior to the course if you need transportation. Participants will learn about the benefit and fundamentals of composting. The fee for this class is $50 which includes a one-year membership to DOAM or $20 for DOAM members.
Organic Farm Records, Plans and Management is a 12 hour course with four sessions. This course will be held Wednesdays beginning May 26th from 5-8 pm in Roseau at the Prevo Cinemall. This workshop is an excellent opportunity for the organic farmer and those wishing to transition to organics to develop a comprehensive farm plan that will organize, review and utilize records that lead to organic certification. The Organic labeling of products requires special handling and record keeping. The fee for this class is $50 which includes a one-year membership to DOAM or $20 for DOAM members.
For more information, call 275-2824 or visit the DOAM office or call, 265-8570. DOAM Office hours are Tuesdays through Fridays 11 am to 4 pm or visit the DOAm website
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