White potato season begins

potatoThe Division of Agriculture is pleased to advise farmers and backyard gardeners that the 2014-2015 White Potato Season has commenced and land preparation and other related activities should be undertaken as soon as possible.

Annually the DoA undertakes the procurement of seeds, as this short term crop has shown much success and decreases our national consumption of imported potatoes to nil during the months of March- June.

On Friday 5th December 2014, a 40-foot reefer with 1,080 55lb bags of White Potato Seeds Variety – Desiree was been cleared by staff of DoA.

It is estimated that from establishments in Bellevue Chopin, Giraudel, Eggleston, Morne Proper, Souboulie/Massarce and parts of the North East approximately 35
acres in total will be cultivated.

Seeds will be housed at the DEXIA Packing Shed on Goodwill Road, behind Vanoulst House, the former DBMC BUILDING. Prices remain the same as last year at $80 per bag and will be available for purchase from Tuesday 9th December 2014 between the hours of 8.30am-4.00pm For purchases of every eight bags, a 100 bag of Triplesuperphosphate, will be provided free of charge.

Those requiring tilling services are asked to contact their Extension Officer or the Main Office at the Division of Agriculture as soon as possible so that this service can be arranged.

The Southeast Agricultural Team anticipates a hectic but productive and successful 2014/2015 White Potato Season.

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  1. Nac Vibes
    December 8, 2014

    Make sure you earth up the chits as they grow, the more you earth up, the more potatoes you get.

  2. The Facts
    December 6, 2014

    The weather in Dominica at this time will be cooler and fit for growing white potatoes. Pont Casse area and whereabouts would also be an excellent place to grow potatoes. As we know, the temperature of that area is cool.
    Take advantage of this opportunity. Imagine the different ways potatoes could be prepared, baked, mashed, scalloped, roasted, fries, in casseroles, stews and as frittatas. I love white potatoes although it is not cooked frequently in my household.
    The grocery store occasionally has potatoes, carrots and onions on sale especially in summer. In late summer, I bought a 10 lb bag of each, at $1.59 each. In fact 3 bags each of carrots, onions (red or white) and potatoes were 3 for $5.00. I bought potatoes, onions and carrots separately and so I paid a few cents or dollars more. I complained about it to the store management. :lol: Nevertheless, it was a real bargain. They are not yet finished.
    In this country we complain about costs. I would say about everything but we are realistic. A country of complainers. :lol: Some grocery stores have price matching if what they sell is more expensive than elsewhere on their flyer for a similar product, customers bring the other flyer and they will match the price. The stores compete with others so as to retain customers and business.
    We love bargains/sales and look for them too especially in flyers. Saving a few cents/dollars here and there helps the budget.
    Therefore, please purchase the potato seeds. You can also place potatoes in the fridge or freeze them. If you do not know how this is done, Google the information. You can Google the benefits of white potatoes, etc. As always, eat in moderation.
    Happy growing and eating! Enjoy! :lol:

    • The Facts
      December 8, 2014

      Here are some more dishes that you can make with potatoes:
      potato cakes, potato soup, potato croquettes, potato balls (not what you may be thinking of :lol: ); potato salad, potato croquettes. Imagine all what could be done with them. The same applies for sweet potatoes.
      If you Google the health benefits of potatoes and other vegetables you will note the amount of information and Vitamins to be derived from eating them.
      While you are at it (if you do), Google the health benefits of parsley, basil, thyme, etc. There is so much information on the Internet that it is difficult to keep up. However, I did appreciate reading them, some of which I saved for future reference and for giving/forwarding to others also when they are in need of them. I love sharing.
      Fellow Dominican,s happy gardening. Make the most of the tropical weather you have. We in the cold country have to wait for some more months to grow anything. When that time arrives, we only have a few months, if only three months, depending on the weather. Therefore, you are a fortunate people. Appreciate what you have and I reiterate, make the most of this time and weather.
      God bless!

  3. Anon..
    December 6, 2014

    Arrrggg. I hate this time of white spuds. What is produced are awful.
    Scraggy, crappy little things. Only good to feed to pigs and cows.

  4. cohenval
    December 6, 2014

    The seeds are coming in too late. Production will be poor. The Ministry of Agriculture having been saying that the best times to plant white potatoes is October 15 to November 15. The crop grows best in the short days of the year.
    That’s inefficiency on their part.

  5. Jaime Lewis
    December 6, 2014

    Can the Agricultural Division provide some information to first time farmers about the type of terrain, soil condition, level of moisture and other factors that would determine the success of potato farming. Under which conditions will potatoes be more successfully grown? Which conditions will yield a better product? Can potatoes be grown organically, or will they require fertilizers? Does soil condition determine the quality of your crop? Can potatoes be grown in one’s backyard? Can they be grown in raised beds?

    I think these are questions the division could address to assist young people in particular to try their hand at potato farming. This will certainly help the economy.

    Even Village Councils and Village Improvement Committees could implement village gardens. Agriculture is a sustainable industry; grow what we eat, and eat what we grow….ALL SHALL THEN EAT!!

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