[BBC]Donald Trump indicted over classified documents case

Former US President Donald Trump has been charged over his handling of classified documents after he left the White House.

Mr Trump, 76, faces thirty seven charges including unauthorised retention of classified files, US media reported. The charges are not yet public.

It is the second indictment of Mr Trump and the first ever federal indictment of a former president.

He is campaigning to make a return to the White House in 2024.

In a post on Truth Social, Mr Trump said he was innocent and had been summoned to appear at a federal court in Miami on Tuesday afternoon, where he will be arrested and hear the charges against him.

“I never thought it possible that such a thing could happen to a former president of the United States,” he wrote.

He added: “This is indeed a dark day for the United States of America. We are a country in serious and rapid decline, but together we will Make America Great Again!”

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    June 12, 2023

    but didnt biden have top secret documents stacked in his garage ? ( there is photographic evidence actually showing it )

    didnt biden have top secrete documents in a safe in an office he hadent used for about 4 years ?

    didnt hilary provide false evidence to the FBI against trump concerning russia?

    so the man that not a politition but came in and rocked the cradle u all want to kill not the actual criminals

  2. J.John-Charles
    June 12, 2023

    America is falling,because Biden is falling all over the place.
    He fell 4 times on the steps of Air Force One (the plane).He fell while riding his bike.He fell on the stage and blames a sand bag.As a fact he has fallen 8 times 7 in public.On the podium he is taking his wife as his sister.
    China is flying spy balloon all over the U.S.
    Russia is destroying U.S. drone over international waters.He left billions of dollars worth of first class weapon for the enemy in Afghanistan. And 13 U.S. soldiers perished,because of his weakness.This man is unable to compete a sentence.
    So when China and Russia see Biden stretching his Hand, shaking it with the air.What you expect.
    Oh God help us.

  3. J.John-Charles
    June 12, 2023

    Blacks (Not all)are like bartered women . The so-called boyfriend will not marry her,
    She is treated like garbage.When she is asked.
    “Why endure this treatment under a man who don’t love you,but just using you?
    The answer is.
    “I cannot leave I am nothing ”
    Elections after Elections all the Democrats are saying to blacks
    “Republicans are racist”
    Friends, every states and cities that Are under Democrats control.The blacks are in misery, sleeping in tents on the roadsides using cardboard boxes to build shacks. Many blacks are drug addicts. Again not all Blacks.
    Blacks are voting Democrats every elections.
    Asked Obama, asked Biden.What have you done for then?
    Biden is allowing millions to walk in through the southern border,house them in expensive hotels. But blacks,? You know the answer.
    The last memorial weekend,33 shoting in Chicago,11 deaths.Isn’t Obama from their?
    They only care if a white police kill a black,
    But blacks Are killing blacks and…

  4. Dillinger
    June 10, 2023

    What orange Kool Aid have the pro-Trump posters drank? That serial narcissist has zero allegiance and would not urinate on you if you were on fire.

    Many of you pro-Trump aplogists are ready to lay your lives on the tracks for this twice impeached / twice indicted rabble rouser but are eager to roll Skerrit off a cliff for fake and concocted transgressions.

    By the way, don’t forget to wear your orange “lock him up” t-shirts when following the criminal proceeding on television.

  5. J.John-Charles
    June 9, 2023

    Let me continue where I stopped.
    Now the FBI,DOJ and the Democratic media .might have to admit Joe Biden is corrupt after hearing and seeing the facts.
    So the same day Joe Biden was being exposed to the world.So the DOJ,and FBI decided to indict Trump to draw attention away from their crookedness.
    That is why you have stories on DNO, DBS and others about Trump’s indictment and nothing on FBI, DOJ and crooked Biden.

    But God is in control.Not man

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  6. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 9, 2023

    “Mr Trump, 76, faces seven charges including unauthorised retention of classified files, US media reported. The charges are not yet public.” (DNO).

    Admin, that was as of yesterday: However, the indigent is unsealed, and we found out Donald trump is facing 37 counts (charges) rather than seven. Right now we are listening to the Special Council Jack Smith who brought the indictment against Donald Trump!
    We also learn someone is charged along with him, thus proving conspiracy which is making the case more difficult for Trump escape jail!
    He is lucky he is not charge with treason.

    ADMIN: Thank you, the post has been updated.

  7. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 9, 2023

    “The anti-Trump forces continue with their legal stunts and/or machinations against Donald Trump – the man they cannot control, the man they absolutely fear.

    Such in the quote are the sentiment of a fool!

    If they fear Trump, he would not be indited this moment he has 37 counts against him; the man you think they fer and cannot control unless he is able to cut a deal with the government, his butt is going to jail for at least 40 years, because there are two counts which carries twenty years each in jail!

    And you that silly ignorant backward Dominican can’t do anything about that!

    If you think it a legal stunt, next Tuesday tell that damn criminal crooked Donald Trump not to turn himself in to be arrested, and you will see how many FBI and other law enforcement officers dance the stunt with him!
    Why don’t you mind your damn Dominica business regarding our poverty, and backwardness, and Roosevelt fleecing the country, America deals with rich criminals, they go to jail!

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  8. J.John-Charles
    June 9, 2023

    Good timing,Biden have been lying to us by saying.
    I have not received money from any foreign governments or business, while senator.or V.P.
    “I have never discussed with my son Hunter, and my brother about their business dealings. I had no involvement in their business”
    Although in his son’s laptop proved otherwise. Which laptop is in the hands of the FBI and DOJ. for the last 4 yrs.But they are protecting Biden and his son.
    Now, here is the bombshell. A gentleman working in the FBI department, came forward and claimed “Whistle Blower status” because he could no longer stand the politicization of the FBI and the injustice when comes to Trump.
    He told the congress how the FBI have in their possession, the evidence where Joe Biden received $5,000 000 from Ukraine.They refused to give or show the document to congress,which have oversight over the FBI.
    When Comer was going to sue Chris Wray.He let them see the documents yesterday.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 12, 2023

      But do’t you think you sound ridiculous making such stupid comments?

      “Good timing,Biden have been lying to us by saying.”

      Biden have been lying to us who?
      Question: can you tell me or the world if Dominica is a colony or any part of the United States of America?

      If there is no political connection, how could Biden be lying to you a damn ignorant Dominican. Do you understand how the American system works, where it pertains to the justice system, politics, and politicians?

      Why don’t some of you; including you just be quiet and leave things to people who reside in America to deal with American issues.

      How come you are not demanding Roosevelt account to you for the billions of Dollars from the sale of passports missing from the Dominica treasury, which never got into it.

      I bet you anything, any politician in America having a bank account outside of America, the FBI or CIA would know about it, and how much is in it, and when the account was activated.

      Shut up!

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  9. MEME
    June 9, 2023

    America has always been the most evil empire on planet earth, all that has to happen to it, as CHINA emerges as the DOMINANT global force. Both the Justice Department and the FBI have inserted themselves into the electoral politics of the USA. It is an indictment made by a justice department controlled by Trumps opponents.Was Trump the first predident to remove declassified documents?The administration of justice should be impartial, but it surely isn’t in that case.
    It’s the same kind of petty politics we see happening in Dominica, where the ruling DLP does what it wants, how it wants, when it wants and gets away with it, while its political opponents suffers!!

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  10. Me
    June 9, 2023

    Couldn’t happen to a better man.

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  11. Ibo France
    June 9, 2023

    Donald John Trump is like the proverbial cat. Purportedly, he has nine (9) lives. I hope this time, finally, his bad deeds have caught up with him.

    This man is like a human plague ( pandemic) that has done irreparable damage especially to black and brown people, the environment, to race relations, to social, economic and political systems. There is hardly anything that he has not bruised, corrupted nor destroyed.

    His presidency has given rise to racism and fascism all over the world. He has embraced and befriended Kim Kong Un, the world’s wickedest dictator.

    Hope Karma has finally caught up with him and will exact its pound of flesh.

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    • MEME
      June 10, 2023

      Kim Jung Un is defending his country against American aggression…How would you describe all the American presidents who presided over the slaughtering of millions of innocent people worldwide?
      All you comments points to the fact that you are a numskull. All countries must protect themselves against American aggression!
      Countries are tired of being bullied by America.

  12. Channel 1
    June 9, 2023

    The anti-Trump forces continue with their legal stunts and/or machinations against Donald Trump – the man they cannot control, the man they absolutely fear.

    When the corporate media and big business interests along with their sycophants & puppets in various government agencies are against an individual, there is a good chance that individual is on the side of and fighting for the common man.

    US 2024 Presidential Elections: President – Donald Trump; Vice President – Ron DeSantis

    Stay tuned…

    P.S. – I am of the opinion that sinister forces are desperately trying to take down America (using all sorts of destabilization techniques – economic, social, US currency devaluation, the propagation & upholding of perverted ideologies, illegal immigration along the US/Mexico border, stoking of racial conflicts etc) and Donald Trump is the last or one of the last major obstacles to their globalist world-government plans.

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    • Ibo France
      June 9, 2023

      No cerebral person will put Donald J. Trump on a pedestal as a champion of the people.

      This man failed to pay taxes due to the government; went bankrupt multiple times; was ruled by the court to return fees to students who attended his bogus Trump University; called black countries ‘Sh-t Hole’ countries; stirred his diehard supporters to overthrow a legally elected president. I haven’t even begin to touch the surface of this man’s illegalities.

      The world will be a much better place without the likes of the Donald and his new best friend, Kim Jong Un.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 9, 2023

      You like DeSantis: This goes to show you how …… you are; haven’t you heard that DeSantist is a raciest too!
      He is the bastard removing every trace of Black history in all schools in Florida, even to banning a poem written by a Black girl which she read at Biden’s inauguration. If you are a Dominican and black, I feel sorry for you because you seems ignorant of what is going on around you: Sorry but this person seems to be a fool!
      If you are not an American, who cares about your stupid opinions!
      I Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque is a Wesley Village born, naturalize American citizen the only time my opinions count in America politics, is when I vote in State elections, and in the Federal Presidential Election!
      I live here, I make a better living than if I could have ever made in Dominica, yet I do not concern myself so much with America politics, because it matters not the power that be it does not change my life and that of the rest of millions of people.
      Who are…

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      • ???
        June 12, 2023

        @Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        You are a nobrainer, a …… person who can’t influence anyone….Noone listens to you!! Thats a fact! Are you not the semi illiterate who slways insult black people here on DNO?? Are you a drunksrd???

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          June 12, 2023

          I don’t know how you manage to deduce such nonsense!
          Who said am trying to influence anyone, or wish that anybody listen to me?
          Where it pertains to Dominica I feel sorry for the idiots who are living in agony under Roosevelt Skerrit oppression; while you waste your time trying to trade insults with me; you should get yourself educated to your human rights; and, and the economic benefits that you entitled.
          In the first place you don’t have a name, as such you have rendered yourself a nobody!
          Calling me illiterate does not help your cause, because such stupid rhetoric proves that you are the illiterate one, unable to write anything significant on any subject, and that is because your brain is limited: without your cellular phone you can’t write a sentence which make sense, so you and others target me.
          You do not know me, I am sure if I arrive in Dominica today, and cross path with you; you might beg me for a dollar not knowing I am the one you hate!
          That has happened in the…

    • MEME
      June 9, 2023

      @ Channel 1
      I don’t think it’s sinister forces trying to take down America.
      America is FALLING because it has been evil and sinister for too long in its DIRTY foreign policy of destabilising countries, overthrowing governments, and killing million of people with unjustified wars.
      The Ukraine war is a perfect example. It all started when America, (the neocons) overthrew the pro Russian government led by Victor Yanokovich in 2014!
      But yes under Biden America is in real TATTERS! Trump was better by a very very long way.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        June 12, 2023

        You are one very sick and demented person, spewing venom because you have a grudge against America, yet you scums of the earth never stop trying to find your way int America, mainly to live off the welfare system; to which citizens like tax money I pay help to support the welfare system.

        I would hope that the State Department is reading DNO and due to the Dominican’s express hate for America, they would restrict the flow (even claimed visitors) to their country.

        Most Dominicans should not be granted a visa to visit America, since the intention is to remain here illegally!

        I’ve never seen more hate; for a country, you dogs are sick barking dogs; talking crap; how the F., you scumbags talk about Ukraine when Putin a damn murderer declared war on a defenseless nation killing women and children in the hope of annexing the country; and scumbags like you all without a put to urinate into have the nerve to attack America for doing the humane thing.
        Are you people human or dogs?

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    • Brain Damage
      June 12, 2023

      Agreed with you Channel 1.
      Sleeping and Falling Joe, has hidden classified documents all over the place but nothing is said about it..
      Hillary Clinton got rid of hers… they set her free..
      Donald Trump is their only obsticle…
      Trying to get rid of him…

      • Channel 1
        June 12, 2023

        @Brain Damage – Ah well done, I see you are paying attention. It’s all tactics from the playbook on how to selectively weaponize the justice system against one’s political opponents.

        P.S. – Similar tactics re: the selective weaponization of the justice system in the persecution of political opponents is visible in Dominica against Lennox Linton, Thomson Fontaine & other elements of the Dominican UWP.


        • MEME
          June 12, 2023

          @Channel 1
          You are echoing my exact sentiments. You must have read it from one of my earlier comments. Same things happens here with the DLP government.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        June 12, 2023

        Poor dog; how many millions of dollars has the president Biden made in his entire political carrier; without suspicion of corrupted money?

        How much have you made in Dominica without stealing it?

        Biden is the most successful President in recent American history, has produce more jobs in two years than any president in American history!
        Some of you woke up in Dominica this morning and do not have a tube of tooth paste, nor a tooth brush to wash your mouth, because your are poor without a dime to acquire such sanitary comfort.
        How can any Dominican in their right mind make comparisons between Dominica and America?
        Are you people mad?
        If Dominica was better of than America, do you scum of the earth people believe Roosevelt Skerrit would ensure that his children with Melisa are born in America?
        Do you stupid people think if Roosevelt did not know that Dominica will eventually collapse, he would ensure he became a French citizen!
        food for thoughts you sick idiots!

        • Brain Damage
          June 13, 2023

          Francisco are you sick..
          to say President Biden has produced more jobs in 2 years than any other president ..
          You don’t live in America.. so shut up.
          America is in a mess now because of Biden…

          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 14, 2023

            I don’t usually deal with dogs and idiots, especially a brain damage dog: Idiots do not have the capacity to understand thing that was not developed in their own mind, hence you will not understand anything that I now present you you!
            “Jobs and Unemployment”
            The pandemic remains the major driver of the economy, which has continued to recover under Biden. While the employment picture has improved dramatically in Biden’s first year, it has not yet returned to pre-pandemic levels.

            Employment — The U.S. economy added 6,215,000 jobs between January 2021, when Biden took office, and December, the latest month for which data is available from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

            Biden has repeatedly boasted that that is “a record number for a new president.” And in raw numbers, that’s correct. But not as a percentage increase. Over the same period in President Jimmy Carter’s first year, employment grew by 4.6%, compared with 4.4% growth under Biden.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 14, 2023

            I Francisco is an intellectual, not a jacka.. okay!
            “We should also note that jobs have not fully recovered from the pandemic. There were nearly 3.6 million fewer people working in December than there were in February 2020.

            The increased number of jobs is in line with the long-term economic outlook that the Congressional Budget Office released on Feb. 11, 2021, just a couple of weeks after Biden was sworn in as president.

            “Labor market conditions continue to improve,” CBO wrote. “As the economy expands, many people rejoin the civilian labor force who had left it during the pandemic, restoring it to its prepandemic size in 2022.”

            Of course, the CBO’s projection was based on the assumption that “vaccination is expected to greatly reduce the number of new cases of COVID-19” and more people would return to work. It did not anticipate the spread of the omicron variant, which has led to a record-setting level of new cases.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 14, 2023

            Job Openings — The number of unfilled job openings stood at 10.6 million on the last business day of November, BLS reported, up nearly 3.5 million from January. That’s a whopping 49% increase. (December data will be released on Feb. 1.)
            In fact, in November, there were nearly 3.8 million more job openings than job seekers.
            Meanwhile, a record number of Americans are quitting their jobs — which some have taken to calling the Great Resignation. In November, 4.5 million people quit their jobs, the highest number since the Department of Labor began tracking the statistic two decades ago.
            All of that may be good news for workers, but it has put a strain on businesses seeking to retain or hire workers, particularly those in the accommodation and food services business.
            Labor Force Participation — The labor force participation rate has inched up some during Biden’s first year, from 61.4% in January 2021 to 61.9% in December.
            Despite the upward trend, that’s still below the pre-pandemic.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 14, 2023

            Again only stupid dogs bark at flying birds?

            If the Administration print my latest on the subject, I grantee you will not understand a single line of what is conveyed: all of which are public record in America.

            And be reminded I am a Dominican-American residing in America, in the State of California; with different residence address, in Los Angeles, and the Inland Empire!

            I make it my business to know what is taking place in the nation, politically, and economically.

            Can you state here and now in which of the fifty (50) States within the United States you reside?
            Don’t open your mouth on me who ever you are, because I do not deal with scum of the earth who are beneath me intellectually!

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