Beware of transactional sex during the festive season – HIV Prevention Unit

The HIV Prevention Unit in Dominica says it is concerned about transactional sex, which is usually on the rise during the festive season.

Julie Frampton, head of the HIV Prevention Unit, says those who will be engaging in sex for “tickets, outfits to go to the shows, for the hair, for the nails”, must remember that they would have to live with the possible consequences.

“HIV is real. It’s with us in Dominica. People are sexually active. We are sexual beings and people will continue to have sex but we need to be responsible for our actions,” she said.

Frampton also expressed concerns over what she says is the rampant use of alcohol among Dominica’s youth.

“I notice that a lot of alcohol is being sold and if people are not in control, they cannot make informed decisions. We as a society have a role to play in terms of who we sell alcohol too. If a minor comes to a bar, they should not be sold to. We have seen over the past two weeks, the young people have been drinking a lot,” she added.

She says the way that some young people and even adults dress, is also very worrying.

“What people wear may not be a reflection of who they are, however that is what is perceived by the public. Hence people must be mindful of what they wear. People already think that if you dress in a provocative manner, it gives light to a certain type of personality,” Frampton pointed out.

Respect for one self is also important, she added.

“Please be appropriately clad, respect yourself, you may say that it’s not anybody business how you dress but people see it differently, she added.

Members of the Drug Abuse Prevention Unit have also expressed concern about a new “under the table” drink spiked with marijuana.

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  1. Anonymous
    October 29, 2012

    that’s what happening now. people do not have money so they have sex to get what they want! THE GOVERNMENT is partly resposible for that. you government die-hards do not want people to mention the government but they are partly resposible!

      October 29, 2012

      The Women that engage in sex for $$$ are 100% responsible for their actions. The only way the government can be partly responsible here is if the government is actively involved in paying the women for sex. People call them salop, sluts, whores tout, if that’s what they are then that’s what they are. Nobody making you sell your body for top-up, clothes or tickets. I can understand if its for food or school books yes then government is partly responsible otherwise you just a whoe.

      • Dominican abroad
        November 21, 2012

        And what about the adult males who buy things for the under age children to have sex with them?

  2. Yout
    October 29, 2012

    Transactional sex! I am sure this dude is offering free housing and cell phones for the girl and her mother, so they can have money to pay their bills and buy top up. I am glad sthe kid threw away the cell phone, but the majority of the mature women would fall for the trap.

    On observation, with all these gay rights all you preaching and even want to legalise same sex marriage. All you keep saying homosexality is alive and well, it will not go away and that it is the same kind of sin like the others. Why is not there a photo of a man, chasing a boy. These homos are the ones controlling the world economy.

    • Side note
      October 29, 2012

      All the Dominicans so blind about Obama. He is pushing for “gay marriage” in the US…. He wants this lifestyle to be seen as normal….. So how can u as a Christian or someone who knows this is a lifestyle of death promote Obama? Food for thought.

      • December 30, 2013

        A large percentage of people voted for him – not because he is for “gay rights” – but because he is black!

        I know this because a survey showed many back people who oppose the gay aganda voted for Obama!
        If I remember correctly they said it was about 80%. I have no idea how they did the survey. It has been a long time since I saw the figures so please excuse me if I have the math wrong.

        Understand, I think the right black man (or black woman) would do an excellnt job in the oval office. I hoe tht day comes. If I was an American citizen living in the States I would vote for him or her. But I decide who to vote for on the basis of what I think their political abiliy is, their platform, and moral convictions,
        not race. We don’t always get a God fearing PM, and in the past many of us have been disappointed.

        I saw on T.V. the people in one village in Kenya dancing in the street the day Obama was elected. I wondered how many of them knew he was for abortion and intended to push “gay rights” through. :twisted:

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • Side note
      October 29, 2012

      I AGree with u

  3. I don't want you...
    October 28, 2012

    And the man in the photo looks like a quite handsome and influencial millionaire sacca boy. Waw! look at his shoes. Is he married? Is he a Dominican or a French man? It is so glaring; was that photo taken in the a.m or p.m?

  4. lydia
    October 28, 2012

    I think during these festivals is the best time to promote the importance of different topics. The Health Department could set up a booth and educate public about HIV. Maybe give out condoms and also promote awareness of Drugs among people especially our youths.

    • December 31, 2013

      How about a tent here and there with qualified
      Christian counselors explaining he merits of self control, respect, and chastity before marriage?

      It might help to teach them that fornication is wrong, that it does emotional harm to both parties, and carries definate risks, instead of teaching them how to do it without getting caught.

      Just as the old saying goes, “You are what you eat” it true young people are what they hear, see, and read. They are becoming what they are taught. The young people in Dominica are whatever you have made them. By your example, teaching, and influence you have either produced a generation of respectable, clean, respectable young men and ladies, or you have just the opposite.

      What they do not need is for someday they are suppose to able to trust and respect handing out condoms. Try setting up tables with New Testaments and some of the best Christian literature, CDs, and DVDs you can get.

      Naturally, if the kids think you expect them to be fornicating in the bushes or the back seat of a car they’re going to assume it’s O.K. as long as they don’t get pregnant or catch a dose of something! They need to be taught differently! It s wrong because it violates God’s laws!

      Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill, D.D., Pentecostal Evangelist.

  5. good
    October 28, 2012

    true but not all

  6. October 27, 2012

    “What people wear may not be a reflection of who they are, however that is what is perceived by the public. Hence people must be mindful of what they wear. People already think that if you dress in a provocative manner, it gives light to a certain type of personality,” Frampton pointed out.

    It is unfortunate that so many young people–especially women fail to understand that principle stated above. Respect is not a virtue that is granted to us– it must be earned. Our young women should be aware of this fact first and foremost–but are we?

    Modesty is a virtue which gains much respect–I believe that if I have the figure which will attract a man, he will see that attraction regardless of what I am wearing–that is why when I was a younger woman, I would rebuke the man who would say to me: Hi Sexy!

    One of those men suggested that most women like it when a man says that to them; so I told him that I am not “most women”–don’t call me sexy! Of course I knew that I was sexy and I still am even in my mature years today.
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Hence I did not feel that I had to go with my body uncovered in all unreasonable places to put me on display. I met my boyfriends at parties where I was always wearing a long dress or a reasonable party suit.

    It is also true that some of us women do not dress the way we do, to provoke any kind of attention from our male counterparts, we simply feel more comfortable dressed that way, especially in climates like that of Dominicam where it can get so hot! That should be understandable, but in so many cases the mind has no control against the seed that is sowed on its grounds–process and production will happen.

    That is the way our comfort kind of provoke some kind of discomfort in others–and so we become the victim of circumstances. O dear!

  7. October 27, 2012

    “I notice that a lot of alcohol is being sold and if people are not in control, they cannot make informed decisions. We as a society have a role to play in terms of who we sell alcohol too. If a minor comes to a bar, they should not be sold to. We have seen over the past two weeks, the young people have been drinking a lot,” she added.

    In countries like Canada there is no way that a person under 18 years of age can enter a bar, a beer store or a liquor store to purchase alcoholic drinks.

    In many cases that person may not look like the age above 18, and so the receptionist demands that he or she shows identification with date of birth and a photograph–before he or she is served. That practice does cut down on the number of under aged young people who consumes alcoholic drinks to the point of intoxication.

    I wonder why those procedures are not practiced every where, where alcoholic drinks are sold and served–even at those parties, which really belong for adults only. People under 18 and children, who are allowed to be at those places need to be chaperoned.

  8. non-resident
    October 27, 2012

    According to Wikipedia:
    Transactional sexual relationships are sexual relationships where the giving of gifts or services is an important factor. Transactional sex relationships are distinct from other kinds of prostitution, in that the transactional sex provides only a portion of the income of the person providing the sex. Those offering sex may or may not feel affection for their patrons.

  9. D
    October 27, 2012

    Hello!!!! “Transactional sex? Isn’t this a daily thing in DA?

  10. 911
    October 27, 2012

    dominica dont i.d for alcohol.i was in dominica for this year carnival and i went to a bar on the port my daughter ask for a kubuli because she had always hear about it but never tasted it .the young man at the counter just open that and gave it to her .i ask him how old she must be do buy a beer, mister tell me any age.ok we are back in the states now so the only alcohol she will drink is NON.ALCOHOL.

  11. Righteous
    October 27, 2012

    @Truth- My sentiments exactly. Transactional Sex?? I guess it is a politically correct term for Prostitution. Basically tell them young girls doh make bomb during the Creole Festival.

  12. Truth
    October 27, 2012

    Wel a little bomb now and the does not from the leader to the pastor on the train. So julie get on it. To hell wit HIV/AIDS just another cause of death

  13. Anonymous
    October 27, 2012

    Tell them again!!! Those avaracious women… All they think about is clothes and hairstyles and how much money they can get in their pocket. and they dont want to find honest work to get them.

  14. ideal
    October 27, 2012

    I agree with this article, I think a condom is much cheaper , that the consequences of the action. We should be handing out some free condoms
    there, I am not condoning “sex”, but lets face it we know that it is rampant in DA

  15. Yah man
    October 27, 2012

    “Transactional sex” wah dat? You mean Doh Make BOMB!

  16. Anonymous
    October 27, 2012

    Dont make bomb you may get aids

  17. Big-Bannan
    October 27, 2012

    It is so shameful for people outside to read that local women are drawn to prostitution in order to attend a national event.

  18. what goes around
    October 26, 2012

    use your condom the world end on 21 DECEMBER

  19. D/A guy
    October 26, 2012

    the government need to put the cost of food and school books and the high cost on the ports in Dominica Down and put the high cost on all the RUMS thay seleing to our young woman and man in Dominica befro when am in dominica i use to think that Dominica young man had are problem but now i see its more the young weman thats doing all the things man would be doing thats so bad hope one day my son can find are good young wife in Dominica

  20. mouth in d south
    October 26, 2012

    Well unfortunately modern day prostitution seems to be very much accepted nowadays and not just for certain seasons but all year around. Young women are constantly selling themselves for promises of houses, land, vehicles, education, jobs, promotions and so much more. It’s really hard to dfind a woman who is simply looking for love. What’s really going on?

  21. coconut passion
    October 26, 2012

    i love what Miss Frampton said but i know that there is alot of young women who maybe read and just stupes. dont worry, we will hear the statistics soon. THEY JUST NOT LISTEN, THEY DONT HEAR. YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE LORD.

    • October 29, 2012

      @coconut passion

      No one can hear that their body is the Temple of God, if they do not hear that there is a Living God, who is of Spirit and Holiness.

      They do not hear because when those who know God try to speak about Him and His Ways, there is always those who try to block the sound of that “voice crying in the wilderness” to make way for the Lord–so who can hear what they do not believe–especially that they cannot see?

  22. T mama
    October 26, 2012

    parents must be open with their children and speak the truth to them….HIV is real…get it people…protect yourself and those that know they have it, giving it to other persons on purpose…

  23. Stay Alert
    October 26, 2012

    Don’t sell your precious temple for an outfit or any other item or object, whether you are a man or woman. Keep your body pure for your spouse whether it is Independence, carnival time or no festival at all. This is especially relevant to our young girls who want everything they never worked for.
    Respect yourself and you will demand respect form others. AIDS is real and there is no cure. It is your call.

    October 26, 2012

    SORRY FOR GOING OFF THE TOPIC BUT I JUST HAVE TO SAY THIS. I love you my Dominican People. Thanks for keeping your sense of humor alive. Every time I visit this site I am in a very happy mood. I laugh til my belly bust. I can always count on a good laugh when I am stressed out.

    I think that this is the best site to visit to relieve your stress.

    And caution. If you are stressed please don’t visit SMN news Network of St. Maarten. These people have no sense of humor like we do. They are forever angry and very insultive to each other and especially foreigners.

    My Dominican people you are THE BEST. Even when your grammar n spelling are incorrect, who cares? We do get your point. It’s always funny to hear when we speak our broken english/dialect/patois….it adds flavor to the comments.

    • D/A guy
      October 26, 2012

      friend you just make me laugh thank you very much and i must sat one love to all dominicans all over take care of your self and keep smiling

  25. KPT
    October 26, 2012

    When government doh pay the people they doh expect them to go and KPT then?

    KPT = Koupe Pour Ticket

    • coconut passion
      October 26, 2012

      so KPT, that is what u did. Koupe pour ticket. well it is not a ticket to go to heaven, so it is not a must. u dont have ticket, u dont have clothes,stay at your home. it is not a must.

    • hmmpphhh
      October 26, 2012

      i like that 1…KPT!! lolol :lol:

    • D/A guy
      October 26, 2012

      friend the government is not the one going to get sick thats why some people have to say some ppl just dont have sense

    • ralphena
      October 27, 2012


      • December 30, 2013


        If a boy carries a sexually transmitted disease he can pass it on to any girls he has sex with and they can pass it on to their future partners who in turn pass it on to others.

        If a young person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease do you think it does not hurt their mom and dad? Are you a parent?

        If a teenage girl gets pregnant don’t you think it hurts her parents, and to some extent even her sibblings? Don’t you think the baby suffers?
        It is raised without a father by a mother who usually struggles financially and sometmes can’t provide it with the necessities of life. Studies have shown it is often the baby who suffers the most in the years to come.

        Society suffers when a girl must drop out of school to accomodate her pregnancy and/or raise a child. A young woman who could have become a contributing member of society – a professional person making her family proud – is lost to the community and the nation.

        So what if they practice “safe sex”? There is no such thing as 100% safe sex. This is because not all sexually transmitted diseases are passed on in body fluids. Condoms have been known to break or slip off.

        There is another problem here.

        We attract to us the kind of person we are ourselves. A clean living man with good morals will be attracted to a clean living viruous woman. They want to build a solid future with somebody they can trust. He wants a woman like that to be the mother of his children. She wants that kind of man to be the father of her kids.

        A loose woman who is known to be “easy” and has no moral standards will go with any man who talks nice, buys her things, and slips her a few $$$. She does not wait til marriage to have sex. But she will only attract men like herself, and will be used and abused again and again by men who don’t want her for a wife.

        At the end of the day these people hurt many others not only themselves.

        God is a God of love who wants what is best for the human race. In His Word (the Bible) He has give us a pattern for a happy and successful life. Those who follow His instructions find they work!

        One of God’s rules says “Flee fornication” (1 Corinthians 6:18) which is sex outside of marriage.

        Sincerely, Rev. Donald Hill. Pentecostal Evangelist.

    • ME
      October 27, 2012

      but moron it not yet month end what u talkign about nuh just cause people want to go show is government that have to shift there pay tables just to suit jump up then

  26. Malatete
    October 26, 2012

    Very good advice but why cloak such activities with the euphemism “tranactional sex” when all it means is “prostitution”. Please, let’s use a term that everyone understands.

  27. FED UP
    October 26, 2012

    “Those who will be engaging in sex for “tickets, outfits to go to the shows, for the hair, for the nails”…what the hell? Is this what Dominica has become? Are we really that materialistic and shallow that we would resort to prostitution (yes that’s what it is – SEX = MONEY) to get our nails and hair done? SMH!!!!

  28. October 26, 2012

    Okay then every year is the same thing.

    Every year i read sure and hear such and yet still DOMINICANS still drink irresponsibly and dress as if it is canival that came around the corner once again.

    We Dominicans DO NOT LISTEN…

  29. Truth
    October 26, 2012

    Title should be “Don’t be a prostitute”.

    Also, stop deleting my comments.

    • Be Real
      October 27, 2012

      I agree… Talking about “beware” like is something that just creeps up on you…. stop doing it.. plain and simple!

    • 100%
      October 27, 2012

      I agree with u. My grandma always said, “pas fan chapeau ou la ou pa sa wivey!” If u can’t afford these luxuries (wants) then don’t do things u would not normally do to have them. simple.

  30. Truth
    October 26, 2012

    What is “transactional sex”. In this article it refers to prostitution. The title should be “Don’t be a Prostitute because you might get AIDS”

    • Big difference
      October 26, 2012

      Prostitution is when one make a living out of it. Transaction is when it is a one time transaction: example in return for clothes and ticket to go to Creole festival. So I take it next time it should read CFT. Creole Festival transactionas sex.

      Wee papa, boy all u in tings.

      Ah dey e dey.

  31. Soufriere in Canada
    October 26, 2012

    Congratulations. All comments are in perfect order. People need to take the necessary steps, especially our young women.

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