Bioche man charged $30k for trafficking cocaine in the Kalinago Territory

Magistrate Michael Laudat says, the court takes a very dim view on any offense relating to the drug cocaine which according to him is destroying the fabric of the Dominican society.

His comments came whilst handing down a $30,000.00 fine against a Bioche man, Andray Christophe Alexis who pleaded guilty to trafficking 1134 grams of cocaine at Salybia which carried a street value of $30,051.

On June 11, 2023, at about 5:00 p.m., acting on certain information, Corporal Kenny Thomas left the Roseau Police Station on duty to Salybia along with other members of the Task Force Unit.

On arrival, the officer conducted searches of two vehicles but nothing liable for seizure was found. However, at about 8:15 p.m., while patrolling, Corporal Thomas noticed Alexis walking along the road in Salybia and he was approached by the officers.

Alexis had his hand underneath his shirt and when questioned about what he was hiding, he revealed a black package, wrapped with clear tape with a black logo written on white paper.

He was cautioned and replied, “officer a brick that there.”He was then arrested on suspicion of Drug Trafficking, by being in possession of a quantity of cocaine more than one gram.

Alexis then stated, “officer is on me all you get it eh but is a partner up the road that give it to me, I can bring all you by him.” He was then transported to the Police Headquarters in Roseau

On arrival, the package which was found in the defendant’s possession was weighed in his presence and he was subsequently searched and placed in police cells.

Following the police investigation, Alexis was charged with Drug Trafficking, for being in possession of a quantity of cocaine more than one gram to wit 1134 grams.

He was cautioned and he replied, “I don’t like the situation I in there now, my first time.”

At his court appearance, the defendant was represented by attorney-at-law Joshua Francis.

In his plea in mitigation to the court, Francis asked the presiding Magistrate to temper justice with mercy on the first-time offender.

According to him, the 25-year-old man who is a landscaper by profession “contributes to bread on his family’s table, who are said to be indigent.”

The attorney describes his client as quiet, easygoing, polite, and a kind person not known to be involved in unlawful activities.

He pleaded with the court to not impose a custodial sentence since Alexis pleaded guilty at first opportunity thereby not wasting judicial time, his cooperation with the police, and his deportment in the court as he was very emotional.

“This gentleman found himself in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Francis averred. “He followed a group of people to the Kalinago Territory, and someone gave him the brick to hold.”

Francis continued, “so Your Honor I am asking for a second chance for this very contrite and remorseful man. He wants an opportunity to do better. He is not a cocaine dealer, or user and was involved in his incident by mere circumstances.”

The attorney further pleaded with the court for a very lenient noncustodial since according to him, Alexis’s source of income is not lucrative.

However, in handing down his sentence, Magistrate Laudat said, the court holds no tolerance for the distribution or trafficking of cocaine.

“The court must take into consideration the effect that cocaine has on the fabric of our society. It is an added burden to our health care system, and it is destroying our men.”

He further posited, “being remorseful after an arrest does not cure the longstanding impact that cocaine has on our society.”

Notwithstanding the court deviation from the sentencing guidelines, discounts were awarded to Alexis for his guilty plea, his cooperation with the police, and the fact that he is a first-time offender.

The maximum penalty for drug trafficking is $150,000.00 or three times the street value –whichever is greater –, or a term of imprisonment of 15 years.

However, the court imposed a fine of $30,000.00 against Alexis of which, $5,000.00 is to be paid by October 31, 2023, another $5,000.00 by January 31, 2024, $5,000.00 by July 31, 2024, $5,000.00 by October 30, 2024, and the final payment of $10,000.00 by January 31, 2025.

In default of any of the $5,000.00 payments, he will be imprisoned for one month while nonpayment of the $10,000.00 will result in a term of two months imprisonment for Alexis.

The sentences will run consecutively.

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  1. Lin clown
    June 20, 2023

    I am with Mr.Laudat 100%.What these criminals do is mix the coke with marijuana and 4 cup the unsuspecting head.By the way you,Bwa, Michael Laudat is not Carl he is called BURKE by his friends.

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 20, 2023

      Son I did not refer to Mr. Laudat as Carl in my comments even if I could. We refer to each other as comrade, Carl or bro when we greet. I have known the man since school days so take a chill pill. We have fired serious waters together back in the days so yes he is my bro and knows that I will critique his actions when needed but will personally commend him when he 4 cups on the job.

    • Bwa-Banday
      June 20, 2023

      Son I did not refer to Mr. Laudat as Carl in my comments even if I could. We refer to each other as comrade, Carl or bro when we greet. I have known the man since school days so take a chill pill. We have fired serious waters together back in the days so yes he is my bro and knows that I will critique his actions when he 4 cups but will personally commend him when he does well..

  2. Where is the Justice
    June 20, 2023

    Does this even make any sense about this sentencing? You charged him 30,000 but if he doesn’t pay he goes to prison for 1 month and 2 months if he fail to pay the sum. Tell me how does that make any sense. That’s not a deterrent at all..In my opinion this one month and 2 months is garbage..

  3. Johnny
    June 19, 2023

    Boy what kind of nonsense is this, since the meeting on get tough on drugs and guns not 1 criminal take jail yet for god sake, over a 1000g of cocaine, is this system serious, no man charge with gun offense take jail yet. The judicial system in Dominica love gun and drugs case dollars alone they SEE. Recently a man steal something from the church you jailed him, man this place would make a good comedy if the reality wasn’t so serious, corrupt police corrupt man wearing wig equals more dollars.

  4. Curious
    June 19, 2023

    But what about the guy he mentioned ?
    No action was taken to apprehend?
    No attempt to get to the source?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 0
  5. Ibo France
    June 19, 2023

    These guys are selling poison. They should be dealt with as harshly as possible as the law allows. No mercy should be given to these purveyors of death and destruction.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  6. Bwa-Banday
    June 19, 2023

    Good job comrade Laudat!

    Nice googlee indeed! Hit them as hard as they come so we can get rid of the demon called drugs in society. I have always advocated for you sir and will continue to do so when you do right. Now get ready to be Deputy Police Commissioner under Comrade Weekes as commissioner so we can rebuild the force back to its glory days.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2

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