Barbadian firm lands major contract in Dominica

Housing was seriously affected during the passage of the storm

Barbadian precast and construction firm Preconco Limited has been awarded a major contract by the government of Dominica to assist in the housing reconstruction effort in that storm-battered Eastern Caribbean island.

The development comes two months after category five Hurricane Maria bore down on Roseau, leaving behind a mountain of devastation, including significant damage and destruction to a substantial number of structures.

Operations Manager of Preconco Ltd Joshua Read has not disclosed the value of the contract, but said in a release this afternoon that the first shipment of precast was expected to arrive in Dominica in just under two weeks’ time.

He also said the project was expected to expand as the company “provides housing solutions throughout the island”.

“We’ve engineered the housing structures to suit the required needs. We’ve also implemented our design for a concrete roof system and installation of the homes should be underway within four weeks,” Read said.


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  1. Laplaine Observer
    November 27, 2017

    So much for tackling the 26 percent unemployment rate in Dominica. This incompetent government seems to be stuck on giving contracts to outside companies instead of capable Dominicans. This is another slap in the face to Dominican contractors.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 27, 2017

      Capable Dominicans? How many roofs, windows and walls flew off in Dominica during Hurricane Maria?

  2. marie-claire R Skerrit
    November 27, 2017

    Why is this Government so stuck on providing these major contracts to these contractors in Barbados. I smell a bug rat just like that bridge contract.

  3. Real truth
    November 25, 2017

    This Government is far worst than Hurricane Maria! The end…………

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 27, 2017

      You are far worst by judging him. Remember the words of Our Lord Jesus Christ: “Judge not that you may not be judged accordingly and two-fold.” Do not condemn yourself by judging others and wrongfully also.
      If every time people open their mouths to speak unkind words and God struck them down, how many Dominicans would be left, beginning with you? Keep that in mind.

  4. Real truth
    November 25, 2017

    So from what I’m gathering, all the materials and labor will be bajan??does that mean that local companies here who provide building supplies have to besides being affected by this natural mega disaster forced to reduce on the price of their “now inferior product” or gonna work with our the local man’s pocket this ensuring that Dominican builders know their trade? ???

    • dee
      November 26, 2017

      Barbados firm again .
      allu people not seeing Mister have special affiliations with Barbados ?
      Somefing not right .
      I didn’t hear anyone comment when Mister say he open account with company in Barbados to supply food right after hurricane , now one fing i know Barbados imports most of its food ,so they would import, then, re-export to us, with added costs . It takes three times as long for a shipment to arrive from Barbados as it would have, if the food was facilitated from Martinique or Guadeloupe both, a stones throw away , But Barbados ? Barbados must have a strainer or someway of syphoning our Govt. funds . there must be an account in Barbados that Dominicans dunno about .
      That’s just a bit too much now .Or Is the account in St. James ? Strange, man, strange .

  5. Jonathan Y St Jean
    November 25, 2017

    Just like the contract awarded to a Bajan firm for the demolition and rebuilding of the new bridge over the Roseau River and there was no open tender process,it sounds like Skerritt has not learnt any lessons going forward.I never heard of an announcement of this intention much less a tender offering by the Skerritt administration this time around.Why does Skerritt think that his rogue form of leadership is what Dominica needs.He continues to operate like Dominica is his private estate and we are his hired hands or labourers.He Skerritt as Prime Minister is the prime civil servant in the country and should act in the way as set out by his predesessors for good governance.This rogue will not learn that he is responsible to the citizens of Dominica and not only his one man party

    • dee
      November 27, 2017

      All hands on deck was the call
      lets clean , lets cut up fallen trees , move dirt , carry rubbish , all voluntarily ,no pay , just good heart , as we want to build better ,but now spending big money time come , to build better , lets give that to the Bajans to cream off . let our fathers , brothers and friends scrunt ,and fight for crumbs , then lets call them lazy so and sos , no problem .
      when election time come round ,lets just , give dem some monkey nuts and rum and tell dem sing Labour kar twarvai ;
      De next level tan .
      God helps those who help themselves , so stay dere ,sarkway sots

  6. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    November 25, 2017

    Roosevelt Skerrit has absolutely no respect for the people of Dominica; he does not have any confidence in the professionals of our nation.

    What is the point of sending young Dominicans, practically all Labor Party supports to study building architecture, and all sorts of engineering; nevertheless, when they return; the government which spend taxpayers money to educate them refuses to employ the same!

    If there is any doubt in Roosevelt mind that Dominicans architects are not capable to build modern homes, the simplest thing to do is allow whoever the are the opportunity to draw a plan (blueprint) give them the raw materials and a site to build a model home, see what it looks like on completion performing architect should be awarded the contract.

    Our people need work, but Skerrit concern is employing Barbadians, could that be an advice he took from his Barbadian yard foul adviser, the real prime minister: is Hartley Henry the real prime minister of Dominica?

  7. Tony
    November 24, 2017

    Hello and good afternoon my people. Well it’s pretty clear that our Government don’t have any confidence in our contractors and trades men/women in rebuilding our country. We are receiving loans and grants but the money isn’t circulating in our country rather it’s going to outside contractors when we can rebuild our buildings ourselves. Our government is saying that we can’t build bridges ,roads and now home ourselves . What a vote of no confidence .

  8. I Must admit
    November 24, 2017

    I must admit that CBI is going to pay for this project since we know for a fact that no donor or country gave Skerrit money for this project and since Maria, Dominica has not been able to make money through taxes or any other financial engines of the country. Were these monies hiding in Dubai, Panama or in private accounts and now that Dominica is being scrutinized Skerrit is trying to move money speedily and as a result could not trust a local construction company because of t lack of transparency? Actions speak louder than words and we sure seeing a lot of questionable and crooked actions

  9. Zandoli
    November 24, 2017

    Dominicans are happy that accept assistance from foreigners but God forbid a contract is awarded to s fellow Caribbean company.

  10. Saying it as I see it
    November 24, 2017

    At this stage of Dominica’s economic life, it is not wise to have substantially money leaving the country. Giving a way contract to foreign companies are a no no right now. Money needs to stay in the country to circulate and rebuild.

    Why is wrong with the local contractor? There is nothing that needs to be built in Dominica currently that the local contractors cannot handle. I do agree that we need to move forward in the direction of resilient structures, but how is a foreign company coming here to build these structures going to benefit the construction industry in the long-term. If you get what I am saying, it is the local contractors that will continue building homes etc in the future. Instead of giving away these projects to foreign companies why not get consultant teams here in Dominica to assist the local contractors to build resilient houses for the long-term. Resilient houses are not a one-time project, so don’t overlook your local contractors.

    The government must…

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 25, 2017

      Since they will be residing in Dominica, at least some of the money will remain in Dominica. Furthermore, did you not read that Dominicans will be employed?

      • November 27, 2017

        You that man that resides in canada will protect that retarded Pm in anything.Does he support you financially?
        We need every cent to stay in the country not going to any other country

  11. Dowad
    November 24, 2017

    This government, this Skerit government, these guys are good to put in a ” sack mayoul ” and dump them. At least one Dominica contractor should be considered.
    And that’s the way you want Dominica to develop.
    Waste of precious timers.

  12. Roger Burnett
    November 24, 2017

    Temporary concrete pre-fabs…may be. But for the longer term, Dominica has in abundance the world’s most user friendly and climate resilient building materials: stone, hardwood, bamboo.

  13. dissident
    November 24, 2017

    our PM does not show any confidence in local skilled trades…….what a shame!!!!

    I note ” We’ve also implemented our design for a concrete roof system…”
    Is preconco doing engineering design for the physical planning division and the ministries of works and housing………that would be very interesting.

    If de pm will show that much disdain for local skilled trades and contractors……..maybe skerrit should go to barbados next general election to round up preconco employees to vote for dlp!!!!!!!!

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 25, 2017

      What is the matter with you? Re-read the article. Some of them will also be employed.

  14. As I see it
    November 24, 2017

    A BIG CONGRATULATION to Hartley Henry for once again delivering the goods for Barbados! By now I hope readers will agree with me that the capital of Dominica is BRIDGETOWN. It’s clear that Dominica is being run from Bridgetown. Hartley Henry is grabbing everything from Dominica and takes them to Barbados. Here are a few examples: Here is his resume: During the 2014 elections, Barbados got ALL printing contracts and other airline charters, to the point that he was boasting of helping boost the economy of Barbados; Last year the contract for an $18 million dollar bridge went to barbados. Due to Maria I know most of you did not know that Avinash Persaud of Bados became Skerrits chief economic advisor; today we are hearing another contract leaves Roseau and went to Bridgetown at a time when our people are badly in need of money and our people. The way I see it is though Skerrit’ wins the election in Dominica but Hartley Henry is Prime Minister and Bridgetown is capital. Fools we are!

    • As I see it
      November 24, 2017

      Here is proof that while Dominica was buried by Maria, nine days after Maria, Skerrit was able to hire a Barbadian as his economic advisor: It doesn’t seem like Dominica has one single economist whether in Dominica or in the diaspora, that capable of advising Skerrit. Now to make matters worse, former PM of Barbados Mr. Owen Arthur, warned Skerrit not to do so and gave him reasons why he should not hire him; but Skerrit rejected his advise according to . The question we now need to answer is, is PM Skerrit confirming that Dominicans are fools, with no intelligence and no one is capable of doing the job whether it is to build a bridge, build houses,, conduct a poll, print Tee shirts and other election materials, chief advisor or economic advisor and we are only good enough to vote for him? It sure seems so to me

  15. Faceup
    November 24, 2017

    Skerro man that is wide open Bobol.. SA! You got power Smh 8-O

  16. November 24, 2017

    I do hope they Employe the locals . There’s a lot of work to be done in Dominica and we need outside help for sure.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 25, 2017

      These are a set of negative people and complainers. They are not helping Dominica in any way. They are an ill-wind that blows nobody any good; not even themselves. Of course, we know that they are non DLP supporters which is why they spew all this negativism.

  17. November 24, 2017

    Everyone talking about local contractors. Is there are company here who manufactures precast concrete walls? Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!. Furthermore local contractors hardly wanna pay proper wages sooo better off giving it to a foreign company

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 25, 2017

      You are correct! They may want the job but they will not be able to deliver and on time. Are they serious and hard-working people?

    • Eddie
      November 25, 2017

      Foolishness you writing. This is not rocket science. Dominicans can be trained to deliver prefab concrete buildings. This smells of corruption. Skertit not learning? God is watching and if we sre not careful more disasters are coming our way. Stop the CORRUPTION

      • Think
        November 25, 2017

        Preconco Ltd will be working with local contractors and training several Dominicans in the installation of the precast structures,” did you not read the article?

  18. Real!!!!
    November 24, 2017

    Why are these contracts not done in partnership with our local construction companies?????

    What is the plan to support the local contractors who were also affected by Maria to help re-build their financial capacity to operate/remain in business and keep employing the locals on island.

    You have two contracts for housing restoration and they are given to St. Lucian and B/dos company….SMH.

    This GOVT don’t have a clue about economic rebuilding and are unable to connect the DOTS!!!!

  19. Scarsdale, New York
    November 24, 2017

    This is so unfair. That’s why other countries prosper and Dominica remains in the dump. I would rather local contractors to rebuild our country, to circulate the revenue in Dominica and create jobs after the rough times they encountered.

    • Let The Truth Be Known - Original
      November 25, 2017

      If they are experts in re-building Dominica that when a hurricane hits nationals will not lose their roofs and their walls. Give them the opportunity to re-build Dominica. They will also be employing Dominicans.
      There will be a hurricane season in Dominica next year.

      • Jonathan St jean
        November 26, 2017

        When last did a hurricane hit Barbados so what d*mn experience does a Bajan firm have in building houses to withstand hurricanes.Skerritt should have put this thing out to tender to get the best resources for the country.But alas he thinks Dominica is his private estate so he just does whatever he feels is best for the rest of us his estate labourers.It’s a d*mn shame

  20. Yo Yo
    November 24, 2017

    You remember how much the bridge cost this time round Dominica will be getting million pound houses still made out of wood, oh sorry it will be climate resilient wood, so many unemployed in Dominica and you seriously telling me this government have to look off shore for workers, how is the local man suppose to feel sitting on a rock watching a stranger doing what he can do, this fake Dr have no shame man.

  21. Pamala
    November 24, 2017

    Da ppl can’t build our money need to stay in da

    • Primrosette
      November 24, 2017

      The hurricane showed that we cannot build or we stealing people. The cheap materials used for these expensive houses we have that’s robbery

      • For Real
        November 24, 2017

        I agree with you 100% Primrosette

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