Joseph recommends making Sunday a business day

CEO of the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC), Achille Chris Joseph.

The debate continues over making Sunday a day for business in Dominica.

In his latest statement on the subject, Achille Joseph, who is also chief executive officer of the Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC), said Dominica’s diversifying economy can make very little progress with Sunday designated a public holiday.

Speaking on a radio program this week, Joseph suggested that Dominica’s cruise sector, is losing out because of the lack of business in Roseau on Sundays.

“Cruise ships come in here almost every day so we have a situation where you have boats coming in to this country on a Sunday … so how do we promote Dominica as the destination of choice for cruise passengers and at the same time the country shuts [down] on a Sunday?”

Joseph believes Dominica may have to reconsider the law that declares Sunday a public holiday, if it is to make the most of the opportunities in the tourism sector.

“The act goes further to say that it is a closed day in the state. It means that legal transactions cannot be concluded in Dominica on a public holiday in Dominica including Sunday. If we want to capitalize on the opportunities in tourism, I think it’s not really right to have a law that basically shuts the country down on a Sunday,” he said.

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  1. thinker
    April 21, 2011

    Is it the Chinese pressuring the government to open shops on Sunday because they’ve opened so many businesses in Dominica so they could fleece us even more. This is the day of the family – Sunday

  2. Me
    January 31, 2011

    Achille spoke boldly on a subject many policy-makers are just afraid to speak on. Why didn’t the Government or any of the State Agencies condemn the statements made by ACHILLE? Why didn’t the DHTA say he was talking shit? Why didn’t the DAIC itself disassociate itself from the comments even though Mr. Joseph was speaking in his own private and personal capacity when he made the comments?
    Too many of us hide behind religion when it suits us. When the political parties move into campaign gear every five years, I do not recall anyone asking them to move their rallies to another day because we all have to go to church on Sundays. When there is a BIG sporting activity on Sunday, no one complains. As a matter of fact, the church does not encourage us to keep Sunday holy! The church itself organises all kinds of fun and frolic for Sundays.
    So if some people want to fight what Achille said because of their hypocritical statements about Sunday as a day for worship and family, it would be interesting to hear what their children say about this “family” time on Sundays.
    So, my take on this subject is for everyday to be treated alike unless, as a Christian community, we have a God-given commandment to keep a particular day holy and different form the others……….and Sunday is definately not that day in scripture.

  3. kenneth
    January 28, 2011

    Bull-shit, you are not making any sense. you are sounding very jealous about the guy education.
    sometimes we have to understand that not all of us are blessed with the same talents.. Therefore, we need o learn and respect those who God chose to give more than us. we need all kinds of minds to make the country move forward. This man is speaking as a public servant whose job is to be able to generate economic progress for his country. secondly, not every one goes to church, not everyone believes in God and not everyone goes to church on Sunday. Thirdly, why would someone not have the skills to raise their children during the week but acquire it on Sundays. Do you know how foolish these comments sound.? Last, but not least, why do we always talk about Dominicans as a bunch of God fearing people, yet we are never compassionate, quick to judge and always willing to mixed God in our ignorance, Jesus himself said, render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar , and to God, what belongs to him. I believe that our hypocrisy and our ignorance are holding us back.
    I believe that having this industry open on a Sunday is a good idea.. Also, remember that not everyone will be working on this day. No one for certainty knows which day is the sabbath day. Let us stop being lazy, ignorant and narrow minded and start thinking for ourselves instead of just going on foolish traditions and innuendos..

    • play it again
      January 28, 2011

      my brother who ever you be u will agree with me that is only on a sunday u really find a whole family at home together uh if u r astreet rat and dont go church well just too bad i mean come on whole week ppl working just tw days to wash clean your home and do other things u think it fair. silly goat

      • belle story
        May 9, 2011

        u comment is silly.

  4. lespwi mal papai
    January 27, 2011

    Man, everyone have the right to do whatever they feel like…I say open on Sunday and free up that religious hold that is on D/a…besides there a lot more hipocrites inside of the churches anyways…

  5. bull shit
    January 27, 2011

    this is pure crap talk you see dem man dere all they concern about is dere . pocket they doh care about people spending quality time with their children and teaching them things at home is so all u think dominican stupid and … like all you. u that Mr. Joseph dere alll u so have all the wealth and still not happy u know so all u want every body to be like all u , sunday is a family time have a lil more respect for people my brother , when you speak like that people cannot respect you my brother come on dominicans are not foolish . and all u still want to talk about them children on road have no manners , how u expect them to have manners when parents working on a sunday? uh in your …

  6. trupatriot
    January 27, 2011

    i like that idea. or if not the whole but atleast half the day… alot can be gained in an added hr you know…

  7. so
    January 27, 2011

    an international airport is more an interesting debate if you want to talk about TOURISM than the crap that is in melvin hall OH PLEASE!

  8. .......
    January 27, 2011

    Is that the direction we want in this Country. Sunday is the sabbath, a day for many Dominicans to worship. The choice could be open. Staff can be scheduled on availability and a day off given on another day for those working on Sundays, like majority of the Hotels do. But this should not be in the law. This is just overstepping of people’s previleges. A Sunday is generally a family day, time to relax, to prepare to the work week……come on DAIC. Is the family unit of any importance to our and staff wellness. What is your take on the minimum wage, and the potential causes for the increased in absences from work…….back to the drawing board.

  9. lesspwimalpapai
    January 27, 2011


  10. AC
    January 27, 2011

    I’m not interested in the politics. For me, this is about freedom. It is about freedom to work or worship on Sunday or any other day if I choose to. If I chose to worship my god on Monday, it’s my “darm business.” If I choose to iron my children clothes on Thursday, that is my business too. And if I want to work 7 days a week, then that is my business. Stop trying to control people. If you telling me that Sunday is the only day that we can find time for our children and the rest of our family, then we have bigger problems. You should find time for your family all the time. Not just Sunday.

    I don’t work everyday. I work when I need to. If Sunday is one of those days, then so be it. And for the religious fanatics, God answers prayers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays too. In fact, you might want to consider worshiping and praying to him on a different day besides Saturday and Sunday, because God probably too busy on Saturdays and Sundays to hear you. He has enough trouble on Saturday and Sundays listening to hypocrites.

  11. charmed
    January 27, 2011


  12. charmed
    January 27, 2011


  13. hope
    January 27, 2011

    This gentleman’s opinion does not carry any weight so i am not going to entertain this. He is not important! These educated fools forget what is important. His mama did not raise him right.

  14. charmed
    January 27, 2011


    TELL THAT MAN NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Mr.Interrup
    January 27, 2011

    This has two different sides to it.

    1) it will be a revenue earner for Dominicans who want to work part time! – by declaring Sundays as a business day it will allow more economic activities. Most of the developed countries has Sundays as a business day

    2) On the other hand, Sundays is the day Dominicans go to church and give thanks to the almighty! We are a christian nation. I wonder if Achille working on a Saturday? he not a seven day Adventist nuh?

    I have Interrupted

  16. Stupes
    January 27, 2011

    Mr Joseph, if Seventh Day Adventist cannot work on Saturdays (which they consider to be their sabbath), why should christians work on a Sunday (which we consider to be our sabbath)?

    Secondly, speak to the shop owners and ask them how much do the tourists buy when they visit Dominica. Only the tour operators make a little money. Cause its the same things being sold from one island to the next. The only difference is the name of the island on it.

    SMH……well I am not working on a Sunday cause I am not a nurse, fireman or policeman.

    • worshipper
      January 27, 2011

      I dont think the adventist count it as their Sabbath, nor do the sunday worshipper call it their Sabbath.. it has to be the Lord’s Sabbath, and according to the Bible, which day is it?

  17. Playboy
    January 27, 2011

    From a business standpoint, Achille, I agree with you 100%.
    We want to emulate developed countries in all kinds of ways except the progressive ones.
    Let your critics who know tell me how many malls are closed in the U.S. on Sundays!!

    If it was meant to be a religious hoilday, then we should close on Saturday and whatever other day some Christian denominations celebrate their Sabbath, and not be ethnocentric.
    And we should remember too that there are other RELIGIONS, be they Muslims, Jews, Hindus, or other, who feel that they should not be marginilzed, and rightly so.

    Let us for once please open our minds to CHANGE. For God’s sake, IT IS NOT A FOUR-LETTER WORD.

  18. TsB
    January 27, 2011

    First, they claim: “the voice of the Church is silent” (which to me is a real crafty accusation. And mark you; those politically driven puppets who are pushing this accusation, never step foot into bible teaching churches anyway (discounting funerals)! Instead, they go based on what/who they hear coming out on Q or ‘who call Matt at the time’, as if people don’t have anything better to do than play politics.)

    Now, the rulers of the darkness here are pushing with phase 2: a disregard for a day set aside for Worship and rest. The average Dominican wouldn’t think-up such a think; we are God-faring people. But if you examine the wealthy, discontented handful of businessmen running this country (Daic) you’ll get your answer. I wasn’t surprised when the Indians began to open their doors on Sunday’s -well, with so many idols, these people couldn’t care less about Sunday anyway. But now since the ‘great’ Nassief’s followed suit the handful is now recommending that the rest of Dominica march like ants 24/7 (to make them richer) – blaming it on tourism.

    Pretty lame excuse because most of the souvenir vendors I know do come out on Sundays when ships are in port, most do. Moreover people, and contrary to popular belief, tourists do not necessarily visit Dominica to shop; they come here for a difference, which is nature, because we are unique! And all the bus drivers do show up to ensure that they bask in nature.

    But the principalities and powers aren’t really interested in the Daic filling their pockets by 15% annually (that’s what the Daic day dream about). What’s really being planned, is to give Christians a mandatory alternative to gathering to worshiping their Creator on a Sunday. That’s what’s at stalk.

    By the way, working 7 days a week never helped America. Along with still crashing their Economy, being hundreds of Trillions of $ in Debt to the rest of the world, leaving millions out of work, loosing their homes and lands everywhere (foreclosures like rain), the United States of America has becoming godless to the core.

    If 6 days of work isn’t enough for the Daic here, nothing will be. “He who loves silver, will never be satisfied with slilver” Ecc 5:10. My Lord said rightly: a Camel would easier pass through the eye of a needle than for one of these to enter into heaven. “They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”

  19. AC
    January 27, 2011

    This is why the Chinese will take over DA. Chinese want to work all the time. Dominicans are complaining about not having enough work to do, not making enough money, not having this, not having that, but at the same time, they quick to say they don’t want to work on this day and that day and they don’t want to do this job or that job. Well, guess what? The Chinese and people from the Dominican Republic will work on what ever day there is work to be done, and they will do whatever job needs to get done. Now the question is, “who do you think will have more money?” The lazy ass complainers or the Chinese?

    • charmed
      January 27, 2011

      well whoever you are you prbably don’t have kids a real life or you dont worship God ….go ahead and work every single day og ur life…………..have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • M_A
        January 27, 2011

        @ AC: It would be a good thing to gain the world and loose your soul isn’t it? :-D

  20. Bro Dee
    January 26, 2011

    Somebody throw some holy water on this guy; he needs deliverance. He is not only deranged, he is naive and needs to go back to school. We have to watch guys like these who think they know it all and want to make a difference…but their judgment is off….do you guys recall when some proposal was made for the northern part of D/ca to be sold to this Texan millionaire? And then the government leaders ordering defense force soldiers to shot into the demonstrations? Plz don’t forget how evil can influence our good people into thinking these stupidity. If this guy wants to mock God, he is on his own. God commands us to keep His Sabbath Holy. Most Christians acknowledge that and do their best to follow the laws of God. So PLEASE HELP THIS GUY GET BACK TO HIS ROOTS. DOMINICANS CAN’T GO FOR THAT NON-SENSE.

    • Midget
      January 27, 2011

      It is true that GOD ask us to keep His sabbath holy, but you have the wrong day. Study your bible and you will see that the bible sabbath is not Sunday.

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        January 27, 2011

        @ Midget:

        The mere mention of the word, nickname “Midget” tells me a lot about you.
        Who are you? Are you a Christian? Do you not know The Ten Commandments of God? Here is the answer to your question:
        The Third Commandment of God: Remember Thou Keep Holy the Sabbath Day.
        By no means is Sunday the wrong day of worship. If you are well-versed in Catholic matters/ information you will know this and not question it or dispute about it.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ was Crucified on a Friday and rose Three Days after – Resurrected. Count those days. IT WAS A SUNDAY!
        When Our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to the apostles, it was always on a Sunday.
        This is the reason why the Catholic Church which was established after Our Lord resurrected instituted Sunday worship. No other religion and down through the ages were responsible for this.
        As I always state, if Sunday was the wrong day when Our Lord appeared to certain people in the ancient days and/or in previous years, if He did not approve of Sunday worship, He certainly would have informed them about it.
        Some religions which were formed long after the Catholic Church was established through the years as Jehovah Witness and Seven Day Adventist have decided that their Sabbath is on a Saturday as the Jewish Sabbath.
        Keep in mind that some Jews accepted Our Lord Jesus Christ, Christianity and some did not which is why these worship on a Saturday. The day will come when they will know the truth.
        The true Sabbath and/or worship is on a Sunday and not on a Saturday. It is also a day of rest for the coming week.
        Sunday is the beginning of the week. It is quite appropriate that we go to Church on Sundays to praise and thank God also for the past week, seeing us through it and ask for His Divine help in the coming week. It makes good sense to me.
        After we attend Church on Sundays, we go out into the world “To Love and Serve the Lord” through others and not mainly ourselves. Thanks be to God!
        Keep in mind also that there is only One True Religion and not thousands of them. Pray to God for enlightenment. No more clarification is necessary.

    • D/A in Texas
      January 27, 2011


      • charmed
        January 27, 2011

        trust me its not going to maka a difference cause the tourist dont buy ………….was in the business i quit….the want to go and explore besides the vendors just buy stuff from the chineese and mark Dominica on it …the same stuff they already bought on their first sense and the taxi drivers are always there…so why do other people have to wrk on a sunday tell me!!do you even have kids to take care of …………no wonder our kids are being abused and going astrsy cause people like you dont care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        all you all see is the dollar sign$$$$$$$$$

    • storm
      January 27, 2011

      Yes, God commands us to keep his sabbath holy, And if you would read the bible properly you would see that God’s sabbath day is NOT Sunday. It is the seventh Day, Saturday so what’s your point.

      • claire
        January 27, 2011

        he rested on the seventh day he did not say wish one you can start to count on any day and worship on the seventh for exsample i can start counting mines on friday and make thursday the seventh

        • Jade
          January 27, 2011

          You a sooo righ. Man came up with these days but God himself never named them Sun, Mon,Tue who know when the Seventh day is? I fully agree with you i work and i take one day of the week as my Seventh to rest and worship. Like u said be it Mon, Tues, Wed ect…AMEN

        • M_A
          January 27, 2011

          God does not rest, kindly stop the blasphemy. Thank you.

          We agree the creation was completed but God does not rest or sleep. He is always aware, sustaining, maintaining the universe. Thanks

  21. DA ANGEL
    January 26, 2011

    The idea of having Roseau lively when there is a ship in town is a good idea . But Sunday SHOULD not be considered a business day, Businesses that is affiliated with tourism should be the only ones to open, example, restaurants, bars, and all the souvenir shops. there should be local music at the port also…..everything that would make the visitors want to come back to DA………..It should be a matter of choice who would want to open and the employees should be paid double……They should be allowed to open only when there are ship in port..

    i am living in SXM, and almost every sunday there are more than one ship in port……All Government offices, banks etc are closed the only places that are open are shops, stores, restaurants souvenir shops and those in the tourism sector. Those who work on sunday get paid double or get another day off during the week, ……. let us all try to make DA a #1 tourist destination

    • charmed
      January 27, 2011


  22. claire
    January 26, 2011

    i think it is up to the employer if he wants to open on a sunday and pay doubleday Mr. Joseph is an elder in the seventh day adventist church so ask his followers to seek for sunday jobs this sunday job should be a choice and not a command . Sir would you work on a saturday? your sabbath

    • 40 and loving it
      January 28, 2011

      I doubt that. I wonder if he goes back to his office on Saturday nights and Sundays after his Sabbath break?

  23. looking ahead
    January 26, 2011

    soon enough DA stores will be opened on Sundays and it will no longer be a public holiday…….

    Dont you people see the Chinese are quickly taking over our land all the greedy lazy people in Roseau renting their property for big money while the Chinese are settling in our town we will not have a choice soon in this matter, can any one give a count on the number of stores owned by Chinese in town….keep looking

  24. makakwi
    January 26, 2011

    monsieur sa la cette un makakwi. is either he not travelling or when he travel he not travelling on sunday. man is who want that does open their shop on sunday, every where even new york city. who want to go work will do so but no body cannot fuss you unless u like the arab on whose behalf u talking…makakwi!!!

  25. disappointed
    January 26, 2011

    Mr joseph must have no fear of God,to want people to work on sundays. so there is no rest for people we are back to slavery days dont you know that God work on six day and rested on the seventh so who are we not to get rest you people have no heart. Its not all about money Mr Joseph because we all have to go and the money will remain and we wont even know when we are leaving it behind you heartless man. When tourist season closes and Roseau is back to its usual ghost town you and your family will come and shop in the businesses you let open you will be the tourist

    • storm
      January 27, 2011

      Exactly. God worked six days and rested on the seventh. Which day is the seventh day. You quoting scripture but you do not even understand it. Sunday is the first day of the week and always has.

      • Annonymous Reader
        January 28, 2011

        well if my sabbath is the 3rd day of the week who are you to come between me and my sabbath??? all dat nonsense about saturdays and sundays sabbath is just pure rubbish anyway….the days were named after the Norse Gods. Even the length of the 7 day week was mainly because besides the moon and the sun, them astronomers could only see 5 planets…stupes.

  26. true dominican
    January 26, 2011

    hey archille whats up this is your old classmate at the roseau boys school just say ale up hope life is treating u good what ever hapen 2 our clasmate sexy eyes fr kennedy avenus dont no if u remember him

    • I know the East is the Best
      January 26, 2011

      whats yr point…….reunion? well get another forum…………..we talking bout working/slaving mr achille’s way on a sunday…….back to the topic man.

  27. sad dominican
    January 26, 2011

    respect the man opinion, that is what democray i all about

  28. AC
    January 26, 2011

    Boy some people in Dominica funny. I see so many rum shops opening on Sundays and nobody complaining, but when someone says to work on Sunday, every body screaming. HYPOCRITES!!!!! You don’t want Sunday for any damn Sabbath. You want Sunday to drink more rum and waste more time.

    Some of the people here who talking about Sabbath, committing more sins on Sundays than on any other day. HYPOCRITES!!!! If you don’t want to work on Sundays, that should be your right. But don’t put down another person who feels differently. What if Sunday is my only chance to earn a dollar? What if I prefer to go to church on Saturday, or even Thursday? Take off you blinders. Everyone is not a Christian. Everyone doesn’t worship on Sundays.

    Government should make business easier to conduct by allowing business owners and operators to use their own ideas. If opening on Sundays will help business, then it’s more tax revenue for the government and it would be in the government’s best interest to facilitate the process.

    Once the peace is not disturbed and the necessary authorities can handle the change, I say go for it.

      January 26, 2011

      Good, very good

    • Nac Vibes
      January 27, 2011

      The point is not only about religion, if sunday becomes a normal working day, then companies do not have to pay staff overtime so this guy is speaking from a businessman point of view, and these days businessmen want to make very much more trhan they need while paying crap wages, this about greed.

  29. Anonymous
    January 26, 2011

    He is the stupid negro agent/mouthpiece of the Jews and Arabs in this country, who want us negroes to work for little money on a Sunday so that they can get richer.

    • Nac Vibes
      January 27, 2011

      Sound reasonings

  30. Tru Blu
    January 26, 2011

    well yah, look vibes in Dominica them times……. I am not reading about anyone fighting for people salaries to rise and for more jobs to be created in Dominica…..Dominica is not ready for sunday as a work day, you all should just come out and say straight is for them tourist all you doing that( or want to implement this sunday ting)….Now my Fellow Domincans, sunday is not thechosen day to worship….sunday is not the seventh day of the week, its the first day…Saturday is the Day of the lord….Jah Knows Best

    • M_A
      January 27, 2011

      I respect your opinion at Tru Blu. We must understand that majority of the people here worship on Sunday, that is their rest day. If the people going to accept Saturday as their day it has to come from their heart. Thus, we must respect their religious ordinances. One has to be just to them. As one comment states, would Mr. Joseph like to work on his prefered day of worship? I’m sure he would not like that. Didn’t the very bible states, ‘Do onto others as you would like them to do onto you?’

  31. Azu AzuwAy Shou SHOT JAUN SORT
    January 26, 2011

    Mr. is no religious man. u must respect the religious right of the people of this country. common man.

  32. Disgusted
    January 26, 2011

    This is serious, go find a better way to go pay for you’re $100 000 ride and $1 000 000 house. You want to live lavish on the poor backs of Dominicans. You merchants keep on exploiting the people with your $800 salary when you rip hundreds of thousands of dollars in profits and still you want to take away a blessed holiday form my poor brothers and sisters. Never, not as long as l breathe air. Talking about boosting our economy, if you want boost our economy increase our salary. you’re a disgrace to the Joseph name. Never would think greed could consume a man’s heart to that point!


  33. Gee
    January 26, 2011

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOY!!! BEHAVE YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe you don’t appreciate a nice sunday afternoon relaxing in peace and quiet!!
    Now you want to make sunday a normal work week because a few boats sometime comes on Sunday??????

    Boy behave yourself!! This is not USA. See the people in the U.S how they always stressed out. They never have a quiet day!! Don’t try to spoil our way of life!!

    Sunday is a time….

    when people go to church to give thanks.
    When family come together since they could not see each other during the busy work week!
    When people go out and take a little sea bath..

    I’m not even going to say more….. each of us know what’s makes our sundays special!! Don’t touch our quiet Sundays. We like our work free Sundays. we like that the business are closed so we can have a little peace and quiet from the hussle and bussle of the week!!!

    All I can say is ……….. [as mighty sparrow say..] we like it so!!!

    January 26, 2011

    While we party and sewo every weekends including Sundays well drunk and drive to lagoon for Jelly Water, we pass the chinese labouring hard for us to build our roads, seawall ….but we still have a problem.
    We complain, why is DA not moving fast enuff. When we want to shop we can Win-Air away for a weekend in SXM, Gwada, St Lucia and we happy to do this. But we don’t want that kind of life in DA

    OMG, its going to kill us, OMG, the sky is going to fall, OMG its 2012…end of the world…but then we cry, DA is not moving fast enuff….the place dread, Roseau is a ghost town

    Damm it…you all better make up all you mind. If Dominica has to develop, this things will come to pass and we will have shops and restaurant and movies and bars and all these things opening.

    We cannot wait for a another 20 years and still discussing these same things.

    Dominca get with the program…open the econnomic spirit and create employment and keep our people in this lovely rock….because if we don’t …GUESS WHAT


    • Nac Vibes
      January 27, 2011

      Chinese don’t believe in god, yhey should go back to china

  35. follower
    January 26, 2011

    I will reserve my comments until Hon. Peter R Augustine addresses the nation on this one since he was so quick to criticize UWP when they invited the nation to delibarate on making Sunday a work day. I will never forget how Hon. Peter R used Christianity to push his political agenda and since we are so not thinking in Dominica, being a Christian, I opposed the idea. Since the Hon. Minister who keeps referring to Mr Skerrit as a man who fears God, now got what he was looking for, I wish to hear what tune he is playing to on this matter before I share my opinion.

  36. sadden
    January 26, 2011

    Bondieu well papa i will have to go and join Seven Day Adventist cause that mean i can have Saturday off and work under Mr.Josephs’ law on Sunday? I always knew Adventist had it right: Saturday is the sabbath…humm Mr.Joseph must be an adventist..and if he is not he is a D++m fool…Mr.Joseph i do hope you a reading these comments cause u need to..DNO can you print these comments and send them to this idiot Mr.Joseph so he can see what a fool he is?

    • hmmmmmmmmmm
      January 26, 2011

      yes Adventist always had it right ” the 4th commandment” is still binding, if it is not then we have 9 commandments not 10

      • TsB
        January 27, 2011

        We no longer live in an old testament son, we now live in the new one. These law (and it’s ordinances) were more like a headteacher pointing us to Jesus Christ(Gal.3:24), because there’s no way we could keep the strictness of these laws to get to heaven anyway(Gal 2:16) -we all sinned and fell short!

        But when Jesus came, he established a new covenant (testament, agreement) ‘Everyone who will be saved or wants to be saved, will only(John 14:6) be saved by the grace of God. Not by works of righteousness which you have done. You are saved by grace which you can only receive by faith; the saving doesn’t come from you, it is the Gift of God. Not through any good thing that you have done, so no-one will be able to boast (Eph 2:8-9). This agreement was made through the death of Jesus Christ -he dying in our place. Now it’s up to you to believe (have faith) and receive Him.

        That’s New Testament style, you won’t find grace like this in the old (it was an eye for an eye back then -Mat.5:38-39). So stop living there; old testament scripture was preserved for our learning -(Rom15:4). If your’re truly Born again (Jhn 3:3-5) live by the fruits of the Spirit “love, joy, peace… of such there is no law” (Jhn4:7-8)

        • worshipper
          January 27, 2011

          God knew what would happen that’s why he said ” remember” the sabbath day.

          The only laws that were done away with, were the laws that were pointing to the sacrificing of the animals which was an anti-type of the type who was to come ( Jesus). Thats why when Jesus died on the cross the veil of the temple was torn in two, meaning ‘no more of this type of sacrifice’. the sabbath was not poinitng to the coming of Jesus as it was from the begining of creation even before man sinned and there was no need for the savior The Sabbath was also kept in the new testament.

          The problem with us is that we have a false concept of the Sabbath ( Pharisee) But remeber even in the new testament when they were trying to keep the sabbath strict thinking that this was the way, Jesus called them out on it. He healed the sick, preached in the synagogue and went about doing good on the Sabbath.

          We need to study history and we will see how many times the Catholic church has stated that they were the ones who changed the day of worship from Saturday to sunday. God said the 7th day and he meant it, the 10 commandments still stands, we must stop giving God half day worship, he gave us 7 days a week and he’s asking back for 1. Is that too much to give?

    • Azu AzuwAy Shou SHOT JAUN SORT
      January 26, 2011

      its Seventh-Day Adventist

      • M_A
        January 27, 2011

        @ TsB: I guess one should not follow laws right? One cannot live by Grace alone. Aren’t the two supposed to work together, belief and righteous deeds?

        To the adventists: Why do you follow some of the Old Testament laws and not others, I’m not speaking about the sacrificing animals. I’m speaking about the dress of the women for example? The women have no jewellry however, their skirts are tight, short and revealing, not to even mention the shirts. We have to get things straight, you can’t hold on to one part of the scriptures and reject another. To all who are supposed to follow the way of the believing women, when they leave their homes, they are supposed to be veil according to Genesis.

  37. victor
    January 26, 2011

    DAIC to evil dem man doe even worry with GOD sunday is da lord’s day
    if we turn our backs on god , god will turn his back on us
    take heed !!!!!!!!

  38. Seriously Speaking
    January 26, 2011

    So padna, what you trying to say? Put it in simple English. You want to make Sunday a normal work day so that persons working on a Sunday not getting the little double time? If the business owners feel they can operate on a Sunday then great, but doh try taking that away from us man.

  39. hmm
    January 26, 2011


  40. GOM
    January 26, 2011


  41. Bless
    January 26, 2011

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: boy , this man need to be taken into the psychiatric unit immediately. lately Dominica have a lot of mad people in high office. lets sing calypso for mister.

    Dr. benjee hold AC ,

    the man done mad already.

    want to take priest and pastor money

    and bring to D.A.I.C.


    • sadden
      January 26, 2011

      road match king we giving u

  42. Bravo
    January 26, 2011

    Even i Puerto Rico there is no business on a Sunday. If people are interested in working on a Sunday then they should be paid double time. Even some Union officials agreeing with this nonsense. Their role is now to defend and fight for the employer!!!

  43. mouth of the south
    January 26, 2011

    stupes,,,,, mr doh wanna gimme time to wine n dine my woman nuh pal,,,,

  44. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    January 26, 2011

    My first reaction is Oh no! Not in Dominica! This is shocking to read. Who is complaining about the tourists not being able to shop on Sundays when they visit Dominica?
    This is not an excuse for stores to open on Sundays and one which God will obviously not approve of and add His blessing to.
    Joseph, are you a Christian who is introducing Sunday shopping for tourists to appease them and for the almighty dollar? What is wrong with you? Have you lost your Christian teachings and beliefs? It appears that you do not fear offending God of all.
    Hey, Joseph, this is just what Satan wants, another offence to God on His Sabbath by His Christian people which will please him and mock God and yourself too. This is very pleasing to the enemy of God and of our souls. It is a strike for this enemy.
    You who are a Christian are encouraging them to shop on a Sunday? This is difficult to believe and to bear. Who are you serving God or the tourists? Consider your lot should this occur.
    Some of those tourists are Catholics and some are also of other Christian religions who go to church on a Sunday of all.
    As heard on Catholic Radio/TV, Catholics of all are informed that God does not take a holiday because they are on holidays. They are encouraged to find a church to worship on a Sunday wherever they may travel to. In case you are not aware of that be informed now and take note.
    It would be godly wise to encourage them to do so and, to stand up for your faith and by It and inform those who think that the stores in Dominica and/or Roseau should remain open to serve them on Sundays that “Dominica is a Christian country” and the government cannot allow this Sunday shopping on the island. The government is Christian too. God will bless and grace you for this.
    It is too bad for them if they arrive on a Sunday. They should be advised to schedule their visit to fall during the week when stores are opened. Dominica will not financially lose if they do not shop on Sundays – in Dominica. Let Dominica, a Christian country, be an exception to the rule. This will please God and He will bless Dominica and Dominicans as yourself.
    Once when I visited Dominica, one Sunday morning as I was leaving the Catholic Church after Holy Mass, I saw a man coming into the Church. There was a tourist ship in the harbour. He was wearing shorts but he went to the Catholic Church to attend the other Mass.
    On another visit I also met a woman as I was leaving the Roseau Catholic Cathedral during the week. She went to Church. We spoke. She told me that she is a tourist.
    Joseph, you know that Sunday is the Lord’s day, a day of obligation and all Christians are obligated to attend Holy Mass. It is a grievous sin to miss Church if people are not sick. If they are bedridden, then, they are unable to go to Church.
    Christians who do not encourage other Christians to go to Church and who also institute laws that stores should remain open on Sundays as liquor stores commit a grievous sin against God. Those governments that do so will, in time, incur God’s fair and just punishment. They also bring down the wrath of God on their countries and nationals. You note what is occurring in those big countries in many respects? It is already bad enough in Dominica.
    We should not be conducting business on Sundays. There are exceptions as taxis, bus drivers, restaurants and hotels conducting business on Sundays to accommodate the tourists who also go sightseeing. These are necessary.
    To institute a law that stores will open on Sundays and in the future to serve those tourists, is absolutely unnecessary. They can go sight-seeing if they so wish. This will make up for the time they spend on Sundays in Dominica. Encourage them to go to Church as well. :)
    You cannot serve two Masters, God and money. Do you ever think “God?”. Ask yourself what will Our Lord Jesus Christ say?
    I urge you for the good of your soul, for Dominica and Dominicans in general you better abandon this idea and ask God forgiveness for trying to make Sunday, the Sabbath Day, a shopping day for tourists or not. You do know that the majority of Dominicans attend Church on Sundays. It is their day given to them by God Himself, a day of worship. I hope you also go to Church.
    Will you be rushing them out of Church to open shop – the stores for the tourists? Never try that for obvious reasons.
    Please do not go the way of other countries and adopt their ungodly practice. There is a price to pay to God for this. Pray to God for this enlightenment.

    • diaspora/concern
      January 26, 2011

      the writer explain sunday opening very well and I hope some folks will heed to what he said another thing right now you haven stores opening it have to be profit for the business and believe me touirit comes in now and they dont purchase anything instead they want things given to them

    • Gary
      January 27, 2011

      Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity

      Sometimes i wonder what religion has done to the minds of people. I must say You are entitled to your religious beliefs. Making Sunday a working day is not denying you or preventing you from worshiping your God. so why all that nonsense and absurdities you are talking about. If someone does not believe in your religious beliefs and they want to open their Business or work on a Sunday why should there be a law preventing them from doing that based on what your religion dictates and talk all that crap about Satan. When i read some of those comments It do sounds like some of you want to bring back the inquisition again.

      You made some statements which are so ludicrous in regards to what God will do if stores would open on Sundays, sometimes i wonder if people invent God or think of God with a prearranged you do. I always say we have just enough religion to make us believe in absurdities but not enough to make us think.

  45. Debs
    January 26, 2011

    Achill needs to get a life. He wants Sunday to be a regular business day, but my question is, will his office be open for regular business? Will he himself be working? These people who are in position try to follow the U.S and implements such crazy laws. The thing about it, while poor struggling people have to live their children and families to work on these days, They themselves take those same days off with their families, which is so unfair. Sunday is our sabbath day, a day to go to church and relax with our families. What the Hell is wrong with MR!!!!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      January 26, 2011

      Be informed that 99% places of employment in America operates five days per week, the people who works Saturdays, and Sundays, are mostly people who are working in minimum wage jobs, in areas, of fast food, grocery stores, and clothing stores.

      So, the crap that this guy is talking is not legal in the United States; he is not patronizing anything existing in any of the more develop nations in this universe. He is simply babbling because he has the opportunity to run off his mouth, but that’s the way it works in Dominica, everybody who sits behind a desk, become bigger than God, and so every opportunity, these god’s of Dominica gets they try to throw their godly weight around, looking to see who they can impress with their stupidity !

      I lived in England, and Germany, and know for a fact, they only have a regular five day work week in those country’s. I go into Canada, and Mexico, any day of the week I want; and I find the work system in Canada, and Mexico to be the same, as every other place in the modern world.

      Even hardware stores closed their doors Saturday afternoon, in America and reopens them on Monday!

      If you like to drink rum, and you live in a place as Bay Town, Texas, and you did not buy your rum by Friday afternoon, you have to wait until Monday morning to buy it, and if someone sells it to you on Saturday, and Sunday, you both may be going to jail for violating the dry county law’s.

      If you work in a industrial business, from the time you enter that business on a Saturday morning, you are paid double time for the first eight hours, in some cases it is triple time beyond the first eight hours. On a regular day, after the first eight hours, you get paid time and a half, and you do not have to be a union member to be paid, because, the Workers Compensation law’s demand that. Achille, is simply running his mouth off because he wants to be important.

      Nonetheless, research has proved that the more hours people work during day, the less productive these people become. That is why, on some jobs in Japan, the workers are allowed to take a nap during working ours, thus the found when people take a nap( get some sleep), during their work day, these people produced more than when they take only the regular fifteen minuets break, and the lunch hour break.

      This is the reason in the industrial world, they are contemplating a four (4) day work week, the idea is the more rest a persons body gets, the individual becomes more productive.

      A person mental capacity diminishes during the long hours of concentration during the performance of a task.

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • hey
        January 27, 2011

        what the hell is wrong with mimimum wage jobs. it’s employment isn’t it. would yu ratehr that they not work?. i would be happy for that mimimum wage job till i get myself a better one. it’s employment…..

      • Gary
        January 27, 2011

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

        There are two types of facts, those that are made up and those that are sought out and proven correct. Unfortunately you have chosen the first method, facts that you have made up, like saying 99% of Business of employment in America operates five days per week and your mention that most of the workers who work on Saturdays and Sundays are those that are paid minimum wage, is that really so.? Now if Mr Joseph proposes the idea that Stores should be open on a Sunday why is it you are saying that he is trying to impress you with stupidity, what is stupid about that.

        It is legal for stores to open Sundays in The US and Canada. The opening and closing hours may be different from State to State in the US and also Province to Province in Canada. Yes, there my be certain cities with By Laws which forbid the opening of stores on Sundays. In Certain Cities Places are designated Tourist Places and are permitted to open on Weekends.

        You are saying so much things that are irrelevant and not factual. One of the nonsense you are talking
        about is that in the Industrial world they are contemplating a 4 day work week, probably that’s your world, utter nonsense. The demand for Goods these days cannot allow a 4 day week. The proposal Mr Joseph made may have some value and should be looked at before making nonsensical statements and criticism.

  46. Bless
    January 26, 2011

    Boy, Mister mad!!!!!!!!! Lol, now you go hear them pastors and priest talking. You attacking the day them man have to collect $$$$$$$$$ (dollars.)
    Trust me; nuff licks on you my boy. Stay turned to your radio station. Lol. BLESS

  47. Thinking...
    January 26, 2011

    Not that this is an absolutely horrible idea… but it is not a very practical one either. Even if Sunday is made a legal business day, I doubt that it would be worth while for the majority of businesses to trade on a day that most persons (buyers) by tradition, religion or other do not part-take in that trade. The costs of an extra day of operating business for most where revenue would be very small even if a tourist ship or two stops by will be high.

    Employees have to be paid an extra full day, you will up your overheads (even if it may be slightly) and I am certain that there is no current or available data or study that would confirm a significant increase in business, enough to cover additional costs.

    But I guess we cannot really tell how well this would affect the economy or if it would be a bad move because no one has any concrete basis on which to make such a decision after so many years of a tradition of NO work (for most) on Sundays. In my opinion if I had to take a survey, I don’t think there is anything else I would need to get from a major supermarket, bank, or other business on a Sunday that I could not get on a Friday or Saturday. We keep comparing Dominica to other societies (bigger societies at that)… but decisions like this should be made on an individual case basis.

    I mostly live in New York at this time and 24/7 business is the norm but I have been to other places even bigger than New York City that is as “shut down” on a Sunday as it is at home in Dominica. Needs are differents and so are traditions and expectations and a decision like this with no concrete evidence of its need could hurt the economy rather than help it.

    • Annonymous Reader
      January 28, 2011

      True dat….I like to read when people present arguments in a clear, concise manner without all the name-calling and insults attached. @ Thinking…please do some more thinking. ;)

  48. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    January 26, 2011

    Achille you have too much time on hands, which has caused you to become delusional, every now and then someone in Dominica emerges out of nowhere; come loaded with useless, comments witch seems to defy commonsense.

    We live in a modern world, where even the most highly industrialized nations on earth, are contemplating a four (4) day work week, nonetheless, this Dominica genius of nothing, would like to introduce a seven day work week in an nonindustrial place like Dominica.

    What is the purpose of legalizing Sunday in Dominica, as a regular work day?

    What shall be the benefits?

    In this case, it would be better if this big bald-head Achille demand that we all in Dominica volunteer to return to both physical, and economically, slavery.

    Now that you secured your fifteen minuets of fame on DNO, you had better find something constructive to talk about, if it does not make sense, perhaps dream it, nonetheless, when we are wide wake, we should realize it was only a dream, and a dream is something that one cannot hold on to.

    Six days shall thou labor, and rest on the seventh day!

    Already the six days labor rule has been violated, now a Dominica god want to take it beyond a violation.

    I think this guy need to shut his mouth, if you want to be heard and seen, go and walk around Roseau naked, make sure Griffin Benjamin is not too far behind you with some straight Jackets!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • Bless
      January 26, 2011

      :lol: :lol: :lol: boy , this man need to be taken into the psychiatric unit immediately. lately Dominica have a lot of mad people in high office. lets sing calypso for mister.

      Dr. benjee hold AC ,

      the man done mad already.

      want to take priest and pastor money

      and bring to D.A.I.C.


    • hey
      January 27, 2011

      oh my god a four ady week week does not mean that people can’t work on sunday. sunday could be included in one of those four days. you are retired so what do you care. people need jobs. a four daywork week is indeed a birgith idea ……….more jobs to around. i don’t seee what sunday not being a work day have to do with if any thing it would make it more possible to have a four day work week if sundy wasincluded.

  49. dont let it happen
    January 26, 2011

    we need some people to pray about this it is not right god give us time to work and time to worship i hope we people takeing note of this dont lett this happen

  50. still
    January 26, 2011

    the unions are the ones supposed to be speaking out on workers rights, i hope they come out and oppose that soon. That is if the workers have any rights at all seeing is who have money controls all

  51. lol
    January 26, 2011

    Mr, Doe respect Jah boy!!!!
    wen ppl going go to church ?

    He and his buddies can open on a sunday if they like, they will just be the only ones there to operate their businesses thats all…..

  52. Independant not dependent
    January 26, 2011

    As long as its times 2 for the workers and not for the masters. Or else go to hell with that idea.

    January 26, 2011

    Look at what is happening to our society with both Saurday and Sunday as days of Worship. Just IMAGINE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IF SUNDAY IS CONVERTED TO A BUSINESS DAY!

    If you can’t imagine … that take a visual look on any given day on “T.V America”, or consider what has happen when any semblence of GOD was removed from schools ….. or other facets of society.


  54. Jade
    January 26, 2011

    I wonder what mr.joseph want to do to the island? Sir if you want to work on Sunday suit yourself cause u alone have to answer to your Lord but please dont try to put your money nonesense on our people. We have enough problems in Dominica as it is just doing business on 6 days why would u want to add another day to it? Mr.Joseph in other countries businesses do opperate on Sundays but it not a law no one say they had to do it. Do you know there are Certain states in the US that wont even allow alcohol to be served before certain times on Sundays? Do you know that in certain states liquor shops must stop selling alcohol after 2am Saturday night leading into Sunday? Please Mr.Joseph leave our culture alone if there is any business that want to open then they should but dont try to make it into law…..

    January 26, 2011

    Bondiere oiye, what the devil is wrong with this man? Why is he after making Sunday a regular business day ? Instead of making Sunday a regular business day, why not see into it that Roseau remains open longer on Saturdays and leave Sundays alone and go to church.

    • Annonymous Reader
      January 28, 2011

      At last some-else had the same thought as me!

      Mr. Joseph, even donkeys need a rest too, ok Sir?

  56. Worker
    January 26, 2011

    But what the ….is mister’s stress? What happen to my sabbath dread? and will you be working on a Sunday?
    Is the same thing, 1st it was people taking too much sick leave now is Sunday just now he will start to say the 40 hr work week is not enough.

    Why you eh opening your mouth and say workers need more money?

    Slavery Continues

    • Seriously Speaking
      January 26, 2011

      He will never say workers need more money cause he representing the companies.

  57. Interesting...
    January 26, 2011

    Mr Joseph,
    My God asked me to “Respect the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy”. Because I am a Christian of the Ressurection, this day is a Sunday for me. So if businesses choose to do business on this day it’s their perrogative, but who are you to ask for it to be compulsive??!!

    Is it such a wonder why the devil is taking hold of our country. Everything we see happening abroad we want to adopt. Pretty soon we will stop our children from praying at school too…

    I think you should just keep your mouth shut, because everytime you open it, is utter nonsense that comes out!

    • hmmmmmmmmmm
      January 26, 2011

      Sunday is not the sabbath, Jesus never changed the sababth. And if you keep sunday as the sabbath then keep it holy, and by holy i mean biblical holy

  58. JC
    January 26, 2011

    What about our christian values… i suspect you’re a seven days..

    January 26, 2011

    while sunday is, according to our laws a public holiday and i think will not change, the problem i think is the double wages for sunday which increases the overhead of businesses wanting to open on sundays. of course, while this is so, finding a compromise will not be easy, the sunday worshippers will want to have that day for rest.

  60. TUTH
    January 26, 2011


  61. hey
    January 26, 2011

    i’m gonna sound naive here. can’t private businesses open on sunday if theywant tooo? will they be charged if they do? why is it up to the government to make sunday a business day. certain business remain close even in america. but it there is a supermarket eg wall mart with abranch of that branch they eill be open there for a ceratin time. most time from 1-5. i don'[t get it. ar you telling me that if a brand of a bank open on a sunday and they perform a transaction that it is not legal? well i think this is stupid and i’m a christian

  62. bourne girl
    January 26, 2011

    man are you the devil’s child.. we all know we have to give GOD one day if ur is saturday well sunday i ours go as someone said go the helll….. is not all about money god will bless us.. sunday is a day of worship and rest.. relax..

    January 26, 2011

    Mr. Achille, i guess you join d band wagon and make MONEY or the love of it your god (and mark you god with a small “g”), but i have The ALMIGHTY GOD, CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND ALL THAT IS GOOD to go and give thanks and praise on a Sunday, and we have a command from HIS Son to go make disciples, so i am sorry for you, i gots to do HIS will. I must obey GOD as Ruler rather than man…ACTS 5:29.

  64. Miami
    January 26, 2011

    Sundays should be a regular business day in Dominica we are moving forward just like
    every where else. It is sad when a cruise ship is in port and the town is closed down. Some of
    the tourist are looking for a good island grill fish/good food. And some are looking for live
    reagge music/ steel band.

    Dominicans like too much holidays/day off they do not know how to hustle. Make the city
    lively too many dogs in the city.

  65. Hugo Grotius
    January 26, 2011

    So wait u mean to tell me with all the high taxes, port problems DAIC want to go against the bible.

  66. christian
    January 26, 2011


  67. M_A
    January 26, 2011

    Nothing wrong with operating on Sundays, I hope persons religious rights are respected. Also, since Sunday will not be considered a public holiday, I guess persons paid by the hour will not be given a double day?

    Also, we see salaries in high offices increasing at 150% whereas, many people in this country are underpaid? I tell you, anytime these laws are enforced, the policy makers are always prejudiced eh!

    Let’s see what happens…

  68. Jade
    January 26, 2011

    A U KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!

  69. The truth
    January 26, 2011

    It’s about time dominia realise and catch up to the rest of the world. This will also create more jobs too. we need to realise that tourists love 24/7 access to anything they need. Especially clubbing. So the police need to be effectively showing presence at clubs but allowing them to hold events at any time! If you want tourism this must come!

    Let’s bring in the all week and later openings. I support. Ofcourse, I am expecting lazy and Dominicans who don’t know better to moan and complain. Let’s see how that goes

  70. ah ha
    January 26, 2011

    de president of

  71. ah ha
    January 26, 2011

    madness comes in all forms …………………………………………………………………..

  72. CEO
    January 26, 2011

    Money alone that on your mind. Go to Church on a Sunday.

  73. Papa Met
    January 26, 2011

    Now i know Mr is an Atheist!!!!!…… is them so we have to look out for in Dominica

  74. Aaaaa
    January 26, 2011

    Boats come into miami harbour on Sunday. Do you see banks and other buisnesses besides restaurants open?

    Most of the tourist don’t even spend anything even M-F in DA anyway. What you all should pushing for is Dominica being one of the first destinations for certain cruise ships. After they go SXM etc do you really think those tourist going to spend in DA?

    From a buisness stand point unless they are bringing in several high capacity volume ships on Sunday in Dominica it doesn’t make sense because they won’t make a profit. Dominicans don’t go no where on sunday the place dread who they opening for? I swear DA need some experienced buisness people cause people just speaking without thinking.

  75. mouth of the west
    January 26, 2011

    all u greedy pigs can think about~~ money!! No respect for Sunday worshipers!!! is man like allu that will go down a cliff!!

  76. Good boy
    January 26, 2011

    Man get lost. maybe a goopwell on u and u wanna come to work to release ur stress, or maybe have some young woman in ur office and thats the only time u can get to look at her behind.U think dominica is mahattan man that always busy. boy go n pray for ur sins on a sunday with ur nonesense.

  77. Mannie
    January 26, 2011

    What is wrong with you people, Haven’t you heard of a day of REST. Even the almighty GOD rested. Think about that.

    • hmmmmmmmmmm
      January 26, 2011

      yup, he rested on the sabbath, he kept it holy

      • Be real
        January 27, 2011

        I assume you are a member of the seventh day adventist, one day you all know is the sabath wihich you all don’t keep holy like the sunday worshipers. worst set worshipers we have in d/a and most place they exist are the saturday sabath worshipers. For the 6 othe days the can do all kind of sin come saturday sabath they are holy like God untill 6pm that said evening. So it is not the Sunday worshipers alone the not keeping sabath holy. nough said

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