DAPEX sends three employees home; more could follow

DAPEXCiting serious financial difficulties, the Dominica Agricultural Producers and Exporters Limited (DAPEX) has presented some of its employees with their walking papers.

Dominica News Online (DNO) was informed that the employment of three workers at the company has been terminated due to redundancy and three more are expected to follow shortly.

DNO obtained a copy of a letter sent to one staff member dated December 30, 2014 and signed by DAPEX General Manager, Julian Elwin. In the letter, reference is made to a general staff meeting which was held on September 11, 2014, where staff were informed of a restructuring exercise “that must be undertaken given the current financial difficulties threatening the survival of DAPEX.”

The letter states, “As a result of this exercise, it is necessary that some positions be made redundant,” and continues, “It is in this regard we write to inform you that the position of Sales Services Representative which you currently hold will be made redundant effective January 31, 2015.”

“As a result you are hereby served with one month’s notice of management’s decision to terminate your employment as Sales Services Representative for reasons of redundancy in accordance with section 11 of the Protection of Employment Act, Chapter 89:02 of the revised laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica,” the letter added.

The financially beleaguered DAPEX has given the terminated employees the assurance that  they will be paid for vacation leave which may be due, less any amounts owed to the company. However, the letter from the general manager states that due its poor financial position, the company is unable to pay the redundancy benefits for which the terminated employees qualify. They are advised to immediately present an application for payment of redundancy benefits on behalf of DAPEX, to the Director of Social Security.

DNO was able to confirm that DAPEX wrote to the Dominica Public Service Union (DPSU), the recognized bargaining agent for the company’s employees, informing the union of its decision to make the positions  redundant.

A copy of the letter to one of the employees obtained by DNO is posted below.

letter three
letter twoletter one

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  1. ....................
    January 15, 2015

    eererrtererh uyy utyu ytyu t u yuyututyu rtyy ytyyuyuytu tyyuuu

  2. 6rrrttttertr
    January 12, 2015

    it is sooooooooooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaaad alllasssssssssssssss bondieu aide nous

    • cant believ dat
      January 12, 2015

      DAPEX management that killing de company look my uncle going for his money at 2.05pm one accounts clerk sick the other one gone to do her hair WTF is that. A big child that handling the company purse wat all u expect they can never have money. go to the storeroom best they close down NO cutlas,s vydate ,fasttack ,regent, cure ,basta, agral, gramocil ,napsac, file, digging tool, feed, fertilizer, roundup,sevin and the list goes on. dapex cannot get produce because de woman blocking all dem farmers for her boyfriend and their biggest competitor is a director of dapex. hey man doe blame skerro.

      • w90
        January 12, 2015

        eh see nothing yet

  3. is dat
    January 9, 2015

    is the DAPEX management and board you have to blame. they cannot manage as soon as the board change and the manager change things start to go downhill. accountant doing clerical duties and neglecting hers then want to send home the most competent accounts staff because she finding all the mistakes and comess is too outspoken. dapex office has a honeymoon suite.

  4. jim
    January 9, 2015

    since when Social Security is responsible for paying redundancy payments??????

  5. uh huh
    January 8, 2015

    I’m happy that our UWP administration did not come into this economic mess cause is those same labourites that would say is us that bring down the country. Let DLP bring them down to their knees, till their knee caps start to show, then they will turn to our humble United Workers Party Team Dominica to rescue them.

  6. Stupes
    January 8, 2015

    When UWP talked about creating the jobs and quite a few was in agriculture the labour ka travay people laughed. But I will tell you this, look around Dominica and what do we see? agriculture land. Blessed or curse that is what we have. Yes we can venture in other things but the core of our land is agriculture and that is something this Labour Government has ignored for too long.

  7. A Doubting Thomas
    January 8, 2015

    Is this the same company that most of the board members are supporters and executives members of the UWP? Can someone tell us who are the people managing DAPEX?

    • mec
      January 8, 2015

      you are so right. julien elwin is the manager samirha sebastien the accountant. the secretary thinks she is a manager but she is one of the least paid and cannot even sign a voucher for one cent. julien cannot manage the storeroom empty but dontworry those they fire have all the info of their suppliers and can close them down for ever unless crazy and dem take over. dapex people too dishonest fake shares…………………. I hear they want to fire the most competent staff in the accounts department because she finding all the………mistakes and keep a girl……………that never at work.

    • Mamizoo
      January 9, 2015

      Not sure how much pleasure you gto from your comments and if did not get enough pleasure here are a few more companies that have suffered under this dead economy. KFCin Portmouth;Subway; Aerial Tram; Castaways;the many stores in Roseau; Breeze Mat and many more.
      The last time I checked the owners of all the above mentioned businesses are Dominicans of different political intersets and it is the economic status that has destroyed their dreams.
      Major sectors of the economy has failed -tourism,Agriculture, manufacturing all have underperformed and the management is who again?
      We wonder why we are where we are and getting worse? It is not necessarily incompetent politicians but rather ignorant AH like Doubting Thomas, Real Porssie, Fast N FURIOUS. Also diabolical characters like the filthy lawyers and priests

      • The Facts
        January 10, 2015

        You accuse and judge everyone but yourself. What about you? What have you done to enhance Dominica and the economy? The pot always calls the kettle black. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:

  8. anonymous2
    January 8, 2015

    It is a real struggle for business owners here and some are finally forced to either downsize or give in as with Breezee Mart. That means less jobs and the real possibility of more crime.

    • The Facts
      January 10, 2015

      Why more crimes? You are encouraging crimes. Are you one of those non-law abiding ones?
      The government assists those who are in need of. If everyone who is employed were to commit crimes, what a set of non-law abiding people the country would have.
      If people are unemployed it gives them no reason to commit crimes. Those who commit crimes will one day be caught and they will bear the earthly consequences and receive their just penalty also in eternity.
      All over the world employees are laid off, some due to restructuring which also means downsizing; some due to decrease in business; some due to bankruptcy and also business closure.
      There was a time jobs were plentiful; not these days. Since the advent of Internet, computer and other technologies, jobs have dwindled.
      It is advertised that the Canadian-Federal government is offering businesses $10,000 for each staff employed. This is how bad the situation is, a worldwide one which will obviously increase.

  9. Lang Mama
    January 8, 2015

    And thee two boats they promised is coming and DAPEX laying off people. DAPEX why all you trying to make it look like Labar Pa ka Twavaille nuh.
    On DA Vibes there was an article that Bananas is booming in Dominica ( DNO the article about Dominica being top 7 richest in the Caribbean). Was it a lie , a priestly lie, a political, a wicked lie or a darn fool lie

  10. me again
    January 8, 2015

    I hope the DIASPORANS are reading this.

  11. Peter Potter
    January 8, 2015

    This is job creation ala Labour!!! Poor Dominica, this is only the beginning there is much more of the same to come. Having said that, I am absolutely convinced that this Labour cabal and it’s leader can drag the country down as much as they want, they will still win the next election. As long as they can afford to keep the Red Clinic going there is unlikely to be a change. The majority of Dominicans are to easy to please with a few dollars. No ambition, no character, no pride…
    History will tell where it is all gonna end. Venezuela and even worse North Korea spring to mind!

    • anonymous2
      January 8, 2015

      I think that China has already won the prize.

    • Barbara Saunders
      January 8, 2015

      Peter Potter

      I’m a little puzzled. These are genuine questions. Who was managing DAPEX? Who were the members of the Board of Directors? How does the Red clinic get involved? Is that the same organisation about which we have been hearing that Government was pumping money into? To whom do they report? What does the public know about their management performance? Just asking!

      • awaiting ur response
        January 8, 2015

        Barbs you know the links between the events and what it boils down to. Unemployed Check the RED Clinic. If you are a doctor for argument sake you perform 10 operations and in each case the patient dies what would you suggest? Barbs?

    • The Facts
      January 10, 2015

      Why not consider it signs of the times? The following is also attributed to all what is occurring in the world.

      St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungary, with St. Mathilda and St. Bridget, wishing to know something of the Passion of Jesus Christ, offered fervent and special prayers, upon which there appeared to them Our Lord Jesus Christ who spoke to them in the following manner:
      I descended from Heaven to the Earth in order to convert you.
      In olden times people were religious and their harvests were abundant; at present, on the
      contrary, they are scanty.
      If you want to reap an abundant harvest you must not work on Sunday, for on Sunday you must go to Church and pray to God to forgive your sins. He gave you six days in which to work and one for rest and devotion and to tender your help to the poor and assist the Church.

      This occurred years ago. Consider today, it is worst. As per above, ask yourself, what have you done with your time? Do not blame the government. You are to be…

      • The Facts
        January 10, 2015

        You are to be blamed. Consider your overall attitude. Too many blame the government (this pertains to such people in all countries) and do nothing but criticize, judge and condemn. Some do not go to Church; some have renounced God’s existence; some do not pray and help no one; they are not loving, kind and generous. They expect progress and success and to live a happy life with continuous employment. When this is not achieved, they blame the government. Their ignorance, lack of intelligence and common sense project themselves.
        Shame on people as you who consistently blame the government as if another one will do better. If you are a matured, intelligent adult and utilize your common sense, surely you should know better.
        As a national, you have a part to play for also your country. Get with it and do something for yourself and for others in Jesus Name who said, “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s. Render unto God the things that are God’s.” Need I say more?

  12. January 8, 2015

    They need to check how many persons left Clear Harbour in December as well.

    • ?????????
      January 8, 2015

      Ppl leaving on their own at clear harbour… working conditions in dat place terrible…. trus me….pple quiting like flies

      • The Facts
        January 10, 2015

        Telemarketing enterprises are not the best employers to work for. They are quick to employ and as quick to fire staff. They may be the worst employers.
        Those who have been employed in such an environment state it is extremely stressful. Their employees are either laid off for lack of what they call low productivity or the employees quit.
        They watch their employees as a cat watches a mouse. I would not give such places of employment a good and high rating. I also do not view them as reputable enterprises.
        Those who are employed in such establishments should not consider their position permanent. Continued employment is based on productivity, obtaining sufficient stipulated amount of sales and/or customers. Fortunate for those who continuously obtain the expected amount.

  13. roseau south
    January 8, 2015

    It is only a month since the election and we are already seeing what the labourites/diasporas have put us in. People are being sent home, agriculture just received a manor blow and the PM is not even on island he is in the same USA he doesn’t like. Why doesn’t he go to Cuba or Venezuela to vacation? My heart hurts for Dominica but it seems that is so we like it. Our country is going to go through a very ruff five years I can see it coming, Alas Papa Bondei put a hand for Dominica.

    • January 8, 2015

      Hello and good evening my people. Well he’s in New Jersey with his American born son enjoying the snow.

      • The Facts
        January 10, 2015

        Tony, we should have invited him to Canada especially Toronto. It is way below zero here – cold with little snow for now. :)

    • The Facts
      January 10, 2015

      Only a month as we are aware of? What is wrong with you? You expect them to perform miracles within a few weeks?
      For God’s sake, utilize your common sense if you have any! Give the government a break!
      It would be interesting if UWP was elected to experience their progress within a few weeks. I bet there would be none. :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted:

  14. January 8, 2015

    It would seem to me that the only thing that the acting manager of DAPEX is good at is to make workers loose their jobs. three now three to go and how many over the past two years? the management of DAPEX needs to be investigated.

  15. Lang Mama
    January 8, 2015

    Pastor Bull pray for us.

    Dominica it is going to get worse

  16. lightbulb
    January 8, 2015

    but DNO.. you not being careful if they dey fire 3 people.
    All I need to know is which ones what worked 12 years we.
    i know who gave you the letter

    • The Facts
      January 10, 2015

      You made me laugh. :lol: :lol: :lol:
      Curiosity seeker, why not call DAPEX and inquire about it.

  17. Mamizoo
    January 8, 2015

    I sympathize with the people at DAPEX who lost their jobs – it is really a sorrowful moment and I wish them good luck. I do wish that I could express optimism onwards but unfortunately I cant as I prefer read the writing on the wall as oppose to deceiving and pretending.
    Some may want to tell us that these people at DAPEX lost their jobs because of world economic crisis. Well I sincerely hope that everyone with a working conscience know that the excuse of world economic crisis does not hold and shouldn’t when some people in Dominica were able to spend $32 million in 30 days. Then apologists and soldiers of deception will request moving on well how can people ignore the realities of oppression and economic slavery ,the lost of jobs and the burial of the agriculture sector. After all if our agriculture sector was alive would these people jobs be terminated? Reasoning suggest that had our agriculture industry not been destroyed institutions like DAPEX would be adding jobs.

  18. Sean Bardouille
    January 8, 2015

    skerrit can take us out of our misery by paying for de country debt from his personal account

    • Truth be Told
      January 8, 2015

      Sean you say this in joke but your statement reminds me of the late President Mubutu of Zaire, when he died his personal wealth was worth more than the country’s national debt! A man who came into government with nothing! Dominica under the present PM is certainly on the same track, but we like it so :oops:

    • anonymous2
      January 8, 2015

      Unfortunately, most of the money has probably been moved outside of DA.

    • La Terre
      January 8, 2015

      Labar car twavye, Next Level. I thought they said they were going to create so many jobs, and is not even a month yet, and people loosing their jobs? Time IS telling.

      • The Facts
        January 11, 2015

        What if the earth would open and swallow people as you? This could happen in a wink of an eye.
        Give DLP the time it needs to achieve this. In the interim you do something for yourself and for your country. Too many of you depend on the government and do absolutely nothing. You are responsible for yourself, to obtain employment. What are your credentials/experience?

  19. Sean Bardouille
    January 8, 2015

    Dominique fini bat, let those foolish labourite undo their mistake, I will never demonstrate

    • me again
      January 8, 2015

      Don’t you mean BRAINWASHED?

    • joking
      January 8, 2015

      o how i love this comment
      i give it a sexy like (Y)

  20. Just Thinking
    January 8, 2015

    Just thinking that by now the Minister of Agriculture should come and make a statement to the Nation in an effort to give some reassurance to the banana farmers.

    • Shaka zulu
      January 8, 2015

      What you think he going to say? If the ministry of agri was doing its job they would have seen all this coming and make adjustments. I expect to see a reduction in staff at that ministry also.

    • COMBOS
      January 8, 2015

      the minister who help put us in that state is enjoying retirement.. minister walter

    • Nac Vibes
      January 8, 2015

      How can he when he doesn’t have a clue what is happening in agriculture.

      Like his fake government he is not fit for purpose. But then again he was complicit in the stealing of the election from the people who actually live with the day to day misery in Dominica.

      For those who are always singing that it was God who sent sent skerrit and his thieves, they should remember what happened to Israel when they disobeyed the creator and we are still disobeying, deuteronomy 28:14-68.

  21. COMBOS
    January 8, 2015

    whats up… did the big dasheen project funds that the government gave not work? you all remember the big radio adds etc dasheen when it should have been put to bananas… nd the minister of agriculture said he was willing to work with dapex to bring agriculture back… what happen to that while the farmers of bananas beg and beg and beg some more for money to replant etc…. through fairtrade……

    Government with no vision=country with no future

    i pray for Dominica my beloved country

  22. To Barbs S
    January 8, 2015

    I hope it’snot the beginning of the anticipated 9 pin reaction. Can we imagine a crash of an already collapsing economy which we never had?

  23. Reader
    January 8, 2015

    Three in need of the RED clinic’s assistance. Now with Venezuela’s current situation it gonna be hard real hard. I feel 4 them. they will have to check Skrit/ el Supremo/Wordgap lol last nick name is so cool.

  24. Just Thinking
    January 8, 2015

    This really hurting me, because we Dominicans had a chance to try another administration and we did not. Where are all the persons who came down to vote? They all went back to their jobs in the United States, Canada and elsewhere and we are now left to suffer the consequences of their actions.

    • BreakingNews
      January 8, 2015

      UWP would have fixed that with their inexperience and their magic wand of salvation and prosperity!!

      • Just Thinking
        January 8, 2015

        Look at the two sides and their slates of candidates. if you are honest you will say the opposition have the more creative minds – they would have been able to come up with a better strategy to deal with this issue.

    • anonymous2
      January 8, 2015

      The bigger question that you should ask is ‘why so many Dominicans that live here don’t vote?’ There are so many people that I talk to here that say that they don’t vote and they aren’t going to vote until someone is running that they like. They don’t feel the need to take any responsibility for the future of this country. They say that they don’t like either party so why bother to vote. They don’t understand anything and they don’t want to understand anything or do anything. That attitude is a real problem with the future of DA.

  25. real possie
    January 8, 2015

    The UWP anything they put their hand on seem to go under, Edo, and the rest kept the public in the dark and that’s one of the problem I have with the PM you keep throwing money into a badly managed co. this place needs to be shut down and reopened with true honest people.

    • Lang Mama
      January 8, 2015

      peeps ignore this fool. You cant educate a fool.

      • real possie
        January 8, 2015

        Lang they don’t have to worry about me they can check for themselves see who run DAPEX, you all can try to hide what you all want but it’s rite there.

      • COMBOS
        January 8, 2015

        no if enough people ignore his post then dno would remove it as unpopular

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