Dominica’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vince Henderson, has confirmed that all outstanding fees owed to the UN have been settled.
Dominica was among four Caribbean countries which were in arrears in the payment of their dues to the UN and had lost their right to vote at the General Assembly.
The island owed $7,231 to the world body but this has been paid, Henderson said.
Despite concerns raised by some on the island, Henderson had shrugged off the matter and said it posed “no immediate danger” to Dominica’s rights at the UN.
“It is not like we are being kicked out of the UN,” the ambassador said after the news surfaced.
The other Caribbean islands with outstanding arrears, Grenada and St. Vincent, have also settled their dues. However, the Dominican Republic still owes the UN.
vince you are as stupid as your followers.if someone is a thief does that give you right to be one? where is your bloody brains man.
It is big shame for $7000 any country seems over due
Who have glass houses should not throw stones.I believe that a debt should be honored and whatever the circumstances that caused the delay is a matter for them.
I gues Dominica wants to participate in the UN tributes to Chavez. LMAO…
so because my marpin bill is due and i doe pay it yet that is cauuse for concern and big discussion?
PM should know by now taht there are lots of Civil servants in high position who are bent on causing him embarassment. this is too small a bit of money for whoever the person who has to pay let it reach that stage. SHAME..SHAME…SHAME!
Next time pay your debt before you feed worthless lazy Dominicans. De money at de red clinic is more than that so stop embarassing those of us who work hard.
Honestly! That a paltry US$7000 for such a critical item became a discussion point and a headliine. stewps
a little verbal fire is important, it keeps people in check.. great one Q95 callers
what a waste of money!!!!!!!! should be used to pay salaries .
lol are you kidding me? Which salaries should we be paying instead of paying the UN. You realize that Dominica is probably one of the MOST over represented countries in the world in terms of government employees. We should be cutting back on ministries & gov’t employees
Why are they so quiet on the amounts owed by the developed countries. Do they ever loose their rights to vote???? That information should be published also.
Who is responsible for ensuring that those fees are paid? That person should answer some questions. It’s such a small amount. Why should we even be in arrears for that small amount?
IT had to come down to that? we like to wash our dirty linen in public. We did not hear of the Island, but with Dominica,every thing has to filled with drama, and Row,Row, it hurts but sadly the truth is small Island, “some” small minded persons,who refused to change their mentality, and ultimatly down right “WICKED” The moral of the story you owe so you have to pay”. End of story. Now I can continue to work at the U.N. knowing that I belong, and we do not owe them a dime. Lets move on Dominicans.
Get over it Grell. There is nothing substantial that a young man like me can learn from the sorry way Vince handled the situation.
Get real and be honest.
He is just trying to save face right now.
What non-important issue at de UN that suddenly becomes so important that our bills get paid now?
What a shame to begin with. All news concerning Dominica should be good news not bad. If it was a matter of millions I’d understand but pocket change. Vince you should be apologising instead of coming with your attitude. Holy than thou.I’m no hater just sick of these politicians. I true leader would do it for free. Take way the salary and see how many would step up to the plate!!
Matt and Lennox makes things happen in this country. But kudos to the Ambassador, her responded diplomatically. He also does.
Show the receipt and he should be in DA going to school instead
William go Treasury and ask them for it your D A
You jealous the man furthering his education??
we not jealous na we jus not stupid like some. what is he really doing being an ambassador or studying? just study bro an give someone else a chance to make some pepesh too na man!!
Thank you ambassador for handling the matter professionally.The haters who were asking that you step down,waiting to see what they come with next.
People like you allow these to make the rest of Dominica look stupid, by supporting their don’t care attitude to running the country.
Everything about the Caribbean is laters, take it easy, tomorrow that is why after all these years of independence, all of them catching hell and still have to depend on every other nation to sort out their mess.
You should be asking him if his attitude to this is so laxed, what else in your name is he being laxed about.
Doing things on time is what made every wealthy nations what they are, do today what needs to be done not leave it for another day when you know not what that day will bring. But lazy people will never see whats wrong in not doing things in a timely manor.
If that is your standard of professionalism, then GOD help Dominica.
Man he failed to pay on time, he got marked as late payer,in my world he got bad credit..
Vince it aint a matter of HATERS towards you, Despite concerns raised by some on the island, Henderson had shrugged off the matter and said it posed “no immediate danger” to Dominica’s rights at the UN.Typical backwards way…Lest see how much handouts we can depend on Venezula now that pappi Chavez is Gone On…