ECSE Trade Report

Welcome to the Eastern Caribbean Securities Exchange’s daily update for 12 June 2014
providing the latest trading information and financial tips for the investor.

On the Eastern Caribbean Securities Market today, 2,000 TDC shares traded at $1.50 per share
unchanged from its previous market close and 600 East Caribbean Financial Holding Co Ltd
shares crossed the market.

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  1. I amwhatiam
    June 13, 2014

    correction it is threw support

  2. I amwhatiam
    June 13, 2014

    The true fact is not which party won the election, the fact is that people of Antigua voted for change, because the could not take it anymore and that is what Dominicans . have to do vote for change. Skerrit was in the same camp with Spencer prior to the election, now he turn turtle and praising Lobour , If Spencer had won the election he would say that when a party is good you do not ask for change. Lennox and Gaston shares the same principles and have been expressing the same for their people. The P M feels comfortable in using Labour now because it is so convenient for him, he forget the many times that he through is support behind Spencer’s administration because they were both the ruling parties at the time. Mr. P M the same change is coming for Dominica.God is in control he is going to save our nation. The $5oo.000 will not work miracle for your party.

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