Invest in security cameras – WAWU to business owners

The Waterfront and Allied Workers Union (WAWU) has called on business owners to invest in security cameras for the safety of both company and staff.

The appeal follows a spate recent robberies on the island during which workers were attacked.

Police disclosed Tuesday that those guilty of most of the robberies have not been identified.

Kertiste Augustus, Secretary-Treasurer of WAWU said businesses need what he described as “crisp” security.

“The entire public should seriously consider investing in security cameras which could help the police in terms of the identification of the perpetrators,” Augustus stated.

He also suggests that more companies engage security firms to strengthen surveillance.

The latest reported robbery occurred early Tuesday morning at Maximum Supplies in Fond Cole, where two security men on duty were tied and robbed. Some cash was also stolen from the business place, police said.

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  1. Anonymous
    December 22, 2011

    Well why we have Politicians in Dominica when they cannot write a simple law which would allow video footage to be used as evidence in court. Just write the law and amend the criminal procedure law then once we used the footage the Eastern Caribbean Court will have to rule on the admissibility of the footage as evidence. Surveillance cameras are the minimum security step any business owner can take to protect their employees and customers. The Police Department must also deploy plain clothes Officers in unmarked vehicle during the holiday seasons. The Ranking Officer who is in charge of the area where the Robberies are taking place must be held accountable to find out what step they are taking to protect the community and prevent such crimes. The Police Commissioner is in charge therefore he must reassure the public that he has taken certain step to address such incidents.

  2. Gaza
    December 22, 2011

    the robbers need to be shot and killed

  3. business owner
    December 22, 2011

    Hi admin,
    I have been looking for 6 months to put camera in my business. Went to platinum in Fond Colé, they never checked me even after i called them. Went to Multi solution and i am still waiting for his quote since September. could you give me thephone# of IT real solution who posted on the forum?
    It is difficult to buy abroad when we are not qualified and don’t know what cameras we nedd and how to install them.
    Thank you

    ADMIN: The numbers were removed and cannot be retrieved.

  4. Nathaniel Peltier
    December 22, 2011

    Cameras and Masked men with Gloves. Nice joke.

    While this idea sounds logical. I think that we in Dominica should stop trying to solve the symtoms of problems and work on the problem it self. With high unemployment and a lot of idle hands we will see these things happening more often.

    With cameras thieves will just prepare themselves better. With guns they will start shooting as well.

    We need to try to look at the actual root of the problem and solve them. Not just trying to solve issues that will lead to a spiral.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 23, 2011

      Nathaniel Peltier, there is no excuse whatsoever for people to steal. To make such a statement is to condone and encourage theft. Avarice is a sin. Thieves have bad, ungodly minds. They may not go to Church, may not worship God; ceased worshipping Him and do not pray. This is why they do those wicked things. They have sold their souls to the devil and are his advocates.
      In the eyes of God it is a mortal sin and according to the Law of the land, it is a crime to steal.
      There are other people unemployed and they do not go about stealing from others. Therefore, I disagree with you.

  5. Tourist
    December 22, 2011

    Security cameras would certainly help. Having said this, why do local businesses pay all the taxes to the government? Surely they can expect something in return, i.e. the police being able to protect their premises, merchandise and cash.

  6. December 21, 2011

    The laws have first got to be changed to make this admissable evidence in our courts.
    Have we forgotten that a young man murdered another during carnival, in broad daylight. The incident was captured on video but the perpetrator walked scot free as such evidence is not admissable. When i hear all the BS on the airwaves, why isnt anyone championing such a cause

  7. Me
    December 21, 2011

    Good suggestion, it will only work with gov’t incentives.

  8. Justice and Truth
    December 21, 2011

    I do think it is a wise idea that businesses invest in security cameras. All businesses, big and small ones in Toronto of all, no doubt all of Canada and other progressive countries have installed security cameras. There is a good reason for it. It is extremely helpful to the Police and their investigations. It could also curtail and decrease criminal activities.
    Has anyone seen the program in previous years, “Smile, you are on candid camera?” :)
    The world is not what it used to be previously. No exception Dominica. Criminals of today go for big bucks. Shockingly in Dominica. TV has done much to place us in this dilemma. Fortunate for those employees who have not been injured.
    Whenever a crime is committed in a store, if the criminals escape, the first thing that the Police utilize is the camera footage in the store and outside the store. Then the footage is broadcasted on TV. Many criminals are eventually caught be it the same day, a few days or even years.
    Criminals beware, you are on candid camera! I am upset with you for stealing what you did not work for. You thieves! If you think you can get away with this in your mortal life, God has seen you and He knows who you are. You will not escape from His fair and just judgment and eternal punishment.
    I am urging you fellow Dominicans who steal from your fellow Dominicans, hard-earned business owners and others in private life that you will not escape. You place hardship and grief and financially so on your fellow people. This is not sitting well with our God of all. No criminal will ever enter God’s Blissful, Glorious Kingdom and they will get just what they deceive from Him. Do not deceive yourself otherwise. Fear being condemned to Satan’s cauldron of everlasting fire.
    Work for your keep and welfare legally. You will be far happier and peaceful in this life and happy to obtain eternal life when your allotted time on earth ends and you have to face God for your eternal judgment. Our God is an impartial God. Every one, every soul will get just what it deserves and what it has dished out to others on this earth. Please take note!
    Work out your salvation in fear and trembling and conform to the Most Holy Will of God. Two of them are: “Thou shalt not covert they neighbors’ goods and steal from them.” When are you going to learn this godliness and practice it? I pray that God will inspire you accordingly.

    • A_S
      December 22, 2011

      A country is not progressive when the crime rate and other basic human problems exist on a large scale.

    • Anonymous
      December 22, 2011

      really my boy?

  9. guns and amunitions
    December 21, 2011

    what cameras? those that can show faces under masks? security officers arm yourselves, use them if needs be then claim the arms were taken fron the robbers!

  10. Rastafari
    December 21, 2011

    Police state in the making once again! If you think it was brutal under Miss Charles, well, sorry to tell you all this time Mamo’s regime will seem like child’s play. Again, who brings in bullets and guns? Who’s in charge of distributing those fire arms and bullets to our children? Who owns the security systems? Who is in charge of the ports in Dominica? Who’s making a lot of cash off of the backs of the poor and ignorant citizens? We don’t need all that nonsense; we need better Police equipment and training, more sophisticated tools for them boys. England and America is laden with security cameras and crime has not relinquished…get smart, don’t be fooled! Ooh by the way, just you wait and see who they contract to purchase, install and monitor those very security cameras. I’m just saying!

    • A_S
      December 22, 2011

      Rastafari you are very correct. My views exactly.

  11. Evolved
    December 21, 2011

    what is amazing is that no mention or pressure was placed on the police force – they need to get their act together and find away to infiltrate the underground of the gangs and thugs that obviously commit these acts.

    When will action be taken, when a person or person loses their life????

  12. Dominican
    December 21, 2011

    I guess it is easy to identify a face mask and gloved fingers

  13. Real IT Solutions
    December 21, 2011

    Hello All,

    As local representatives for CCTV I am posting our business number here for those interested in Purchasing Surveillance cameras to better secure their business places of private premises. Feel free to contact us at any time day or night to furnish you with a specialized package specially suited to your needs.

    All thanks

    ADMIN: Sorry for taking off half of your post but we don’t offer free advertisement.

    • Real IT Solutions
      December 21, 2011


    • Rastafari
      December 21, 2011

      Wow, you do have a lot of B**LS, Real IT Solutions. 8-O

    • Anonymous
      December 21, 2011

      Set up FACEBOOK PAGE

  14. Anonymous
    December 21, 2011

    The ones in charge of importing the guns and bullets, crack cocaine and dirty money, are business partners with the security people. It’s all by Designed to rob us even more of our freedom and liberty in exchange for false security and protection. When you think it’s peace and safety, a sudden destruction! My Dominica, going to the international gangsters and the blame goes to the ignorant fools!

    • Justice and Truth
      December 21, 2011

      @ Anonymous

      There are good people and business ones and vice versa. Please do not be negative. Some of you speculate and assume too much without concrete evidence. In so doing, you give good business owners a bad name.
      Can you prove what you stated? Why do you not conduct a survey/research about your conclusions? Better yet, an investigation under private surveillance.

    • AmazingFace
      December 22, 2011

      Fear-mongering…that’s all you are doing. Stupes.

  15. December 21, 2011

    what good is it….??? well i said that because a crime happened on carnival jump up… sat had the live footage…. and was told or understood that according to laws….video footage is not permissible in our courts…. yes businesses managers and owners must invest in cameras but most importantly they should invest in armed security

    • Anonymous
      December 21, 2011

      lol. dude you just destroyed the idiocy of the surveillance camera in and idiotic country that doesn’t allow cam footage in the courtroom.

    • Justice and Truth
      December 21, 2011

      @ mouth of the south

      Why is video/camera footage not permissible in Dominica’s Courts? It is ridiculous. The DA government needs to upgrade its principle.
      This is how many criminals are caught. Other countries as the progressive ones use them and even on streets where cameras are installed. They are helpful in apprehending criminals. Why not DA?

      • eagles125
        December 22, 2011

        Dominica Government has nothing to do with Court procedures. The Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court is the one who is in charge of court procedures. If any thing have to be done or change the directive have to come from the ECSC. And I doubt that videos are not permissable in the court room.

      • mouth of the south
        December 22, 2011

        well J.T… to refresh your memory… do you remember a young man was killed on independence street while allegedly having a scuffle with another near lotto and kairi radio… well it was said that footage was not permissible in court… someone should be able to tell me right/wrong but this is one of the reason it was not brought… if i can remember the mother of the victim was on the news also (on D.N.O) to some aspect that the footage was supposedly lost.. i don’t have facts but the D.P.P even got some flack for that carelessness…

  16. MOT
    December 21, 2011

    Hm. Security cameras are expensive. Would businessmen get a tax write-off and duty free consideration at Customs and Port Authority? Something for Government to consider. Inasmuch as the Police seem to be helpless in solving these crimes.

    • wesleyman
      December 21, 2011

      The very thing I was going to write. I support your idea 100% it just makes sense. Help find the robbers and make the country safer which is good for everyone. _

    • Justice and Truth
      December 21, 2011

      @ MOT

      There should be no question about this that business owners are entitled to report every expenditure on their Income Tax Return. It is a business expense. You know, as gains versus losses. Their accountant should know about this and include it in their business expenditures.

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