Local company expands operations to Grenada

Corp-EFF Insurance Company Ltd “CICL”, an indigenous Insurance company has launched operations in Grenada.

Corp-EFF is an initiative of the Dominican Credit Union Movement and began operations in Dominica in 2015.

The company has a strong corporate offering in Loan Protection, Life Savings and Family Bereavement Insurance.

Over the years, the company has developed a solid reputation of prompt settlement of claims and this was bolstered through its “Death
Claim Campaign” which enabled an even more prompt settlement of claims.

The corporate strength of the company is supported by the backing of strong and reputable reinsurers to guarantee payments of claims on time.

The General Manager of Corp-EFF Mr. David Fritz explained why the launch represents such a momentous occasion for the company.

“We at Corp-EFF are excited about the prospects of expanding the company’s footprint in the sister island of Grenada to service Credit Unions primarily with insurance services and support. The launching in this market is viewed by CICL as strategic to its expansion into the wider OECS market. It is believed that the stability and efficiency of CICL’s operation make it an ideal entity to support economic growth in Grenada and strengthen its core business overall,” he said.

Fritz envisaged that CICL’s Grenada operation will bring additional financial strength to the company and provide extraordinary value to its clients.

The launching will take place during the inaugural Grenada Credit Union Conference, October 3-5, 2018 at the Spice Basket. The company is also pleased to be the platinum sponsor of this prestigious event under the theme “Multiplying Prosperity…Bettering Lives”.

Corp-EFF Insurance Company Ltd. (CICL) is a subsidiary of Corporate Enterprise Finance Facility Ltd (Corp-EFF).

The Company is fully owned by various Credit Unions in the OECS and provides a suite of products specifically designed for Credit Unions. Its reinsurer enjoys an A+ rating from Standard & Poor’s, AA- from Fitch and A from A.M. Best.

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