PM promises huge cuts in upcoming budget

Skerrit. Photo credit: GIS

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit said a number of capital projects will be included in the upcoming national budget.

Among them are the reconstruction of the State House and refurbishment of the Dominica State College.

He told an interview with the Government Information Service that huge cuts will be made based on submissions from the respective government ministries.

“You have to be conservative in your revenue based on your forecast and this means you have to be conservative in your spending. You do not want a situation where your spending is higher than your revenue, so we have to make some huge cuts based on submissions made by respective ministries,” he said.

Skerrit said there are projects that will not be undertaken based on necessity.

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  1. .Mind Bender
    May 30, 2011

    Post primes comments if it’s not defames man :twisted: Blood

    May 30, 2011

    During pierro time he cut off some useless government positions ; special advisors to the PM office was cut off now we have seven of them to include one that was cut off by Pierre Charles.
    Cut the wasteful spending; it not to late to stop the state mallice project as well and tell the Chinese that if we are paying the loan the construction money should remain solely in our charge.

  3. An Observer
    May 30, 2011

    sometimes I wonder how dominicans survive in this economy. no job for young people coming out of school, no increase in salary yet cost of living is so high. no wonder drugs is so rampant in the country. every country have it’s problems, but I know for a fact that poverty is plaging my people and it is very sad.

  4. dominican
    May 29, 2011

    almost all of allu that commenting there is politics allu playing. as if allu have Dominica’s best interest at heart. once allu pocket full not tru? same trouble they wanted to give pierro but when he come treasury was empty. if he didnt tke actions ask allu damn selves where Dominica would be. since we are keepin DOMINICA’S best interest at heart. so before we reach in worse state we have to tke action. he do right…. and is a workers vs labour BS tht goin on der…toneh…sacway moderah ki zor yay

  5. honest lady
    May 29, 2011

    every year of balancing budget. do and cannot spend more than you get, but don’t we all know where the cuts will be? They will be on the ministries where they cannot see monies coming in. Like Division of Culture, yet if thy look sharp they will see that in the long run that is where the money is. Also we will continue to see cuts in Agriculture, but plenty spending will be on things that are not necessary, but will be able to help those who are already on top. AMEN

  6. Anthony P. Ismael
    May 29, 2011

    Cut the $27,000,000.00 State House project. How much revenue will that generate in five years time? Zero.

  7. Peace and Love
    May 29, 2011

    So, I called for the next person in line to come into the office and this guy walks in, tells me that he runs a business in the neighborhood and asks me how much do I charge an hour. I respond that my rate is $300.00 an hour and he says that’s fine.

    He sits down and makes himself comfortable and tells me that he saw a new SUV at a dealership for $100,000.00 and, as he is turning 40, he thinks that he should get it for himself as a birthday gift.

    I ask him to list the current things he would pay for, if he had the money. As he lists each one, I write it down. When the running balance gets to $50,000, I stop him, show him the list and advise him that he could buy a good reconditioned SUV for $50,000.00 and make the loan for $100,000.00 work better for him.

    school books & exam fees for children—>$2,000.00
    hospital bill for mother —->$5,000.00
    house repairs (replace roof)—>$8,500.00
    house repairs (bathroom & kitchen)—>$12,000.00
    pay off existing loans & Hire Purchase—>$20,000.00
    New clothes for family members—>$2,000.00
    reconditioned SUV—>$50,000.00

    Total needs====>$100,000.00

    Want: 2011 luxury SUV—–>$100,000.00

    I caution him that I think he WANTS the new SUV but he really should deal with his NEEDS. He was very quiet for a few moments. Suddenly, he jumped up from his seat and asked me who I thought I was to try to spoil his birthday? He told me if I was thinking long-term, I would realize the importance of buying that SUV now as it would become obsolete in 10 years. He said every serious business person on the Island was driving a new SUV and he will be ridiculed for not having one.

    Then he glared at me and asked if I am trying to compare his personal business to the State house project? That one got my attention because he was bringing the State into a discussion about his needs and wants. I had to ask myself what State house project he was referring to and what State house project would put wants before people’s needs. Before I could ask him, he slammed out of my office. I never got paid the $300.00 but I am still trying to figure out what State house project this guy was talking about.

    • DR
      May 30, 2011

      Good humor we need that in life but, on a serious note you should also advise that individual to buy a DONKEY” and next time ask your customers to pay up front cause right now i will allow you to name an animal to represent you. I will be watching and awaiting your animal name. Thank You.

      • B2
        May 30, 2011

        Can’t find any donkeys to buy because these people have sold almost all of them to the French to eat. Guess a lot of Dominicans are going to be doing a lot more walking soon, either that or riding the bus.

    • Lol
      May 30, 2011

      I absolutely loved this……thanks

  8. Hugo Grotius
    May 29, 2011

    It was just a matter of time the way mister running Dominica, e pah Bon.

  9. HAHA
    May 29, 2011

    [posting comment again]

    That’s right Mr. Skerro, after the 18-3, all the promises, the sewo, the glitter…….

    I need you to increase VAT to 20% while you at it.

    They will complain, but next election you will get 19 or 20 seats from them as your reward.


    • c.bruce
      May 30, 2011

      well said

      • what the hell are people thinking
        May 31, 2011

        extremely well said

  10. perry
    May 29, 2011

    first they take away your gun rights and then they asked who have gun turn them in and if any one use a gun will go to prison while china is taking over the country so u’ll cannot fight back when the time come’s so wake up my people and think of what this country is coming like when we cannot pay back china

      May 30, 2011


  11. yute man
    May 29, 2011

    Average salary in DA is $600 – $700 us ($1500 ec) and Rosie still cutting that even ST vincent people getting more money than Dominicans . Dominicans have to save for four whole years before they can make a descent trip to ST Martin or ST Lucia to shop. boy that bad. Well to all dominicans who do not know average salary in the Caribbean islands including where i live is $2000 US so when you vote for Rosie Skerritt next time ask him to please please raise the standard of living in DA with an increase in Salary. Dominicans accept too much mediocrity time to step up to the next level

    • Jamison
      May 29, 2011

      Yute man, when you talk about salary, clarify whether you are talking about weekly or monthly periods, otherwise, you will not be taken seriously. Salaries in Trinidad, Jamaica are not higher than in Dominica; in fact, there are several Caricom countries that do not offer salaries higher than the Civil Service in DA. A prosperous private sector is what is needed to improve the standard of living as the Government depends tax revenues to pay its workers.

  12. Sout Man
    May 29, 2011

    Come on folks!! Every country strives to balance its budget. The USA is our model for economic development and democracy, yet it has not balanced its budget since the late 90’s, which means that they have had deficits for over a decade. Now, they are cutting back on everything. Teachers, policemen and firefighters are sent home and they plan on cutting 6 trillion dollars or more in 10 years.

    Very soon China will surpass the USA as the #1 economy of the world. India won’t be too far behind. Although I agree that we need to get our priorities right, the tough decisions to cut back is not unique to Dominica. So stop rejoicing because we are caught up in the global crisis. It’s a smart move to balance our budget now before the IMF forces us to, because it won’t be pretty..

    • ha ha
      May 29, 2011

      You serious? The US liberal welfare state system provides lee-way for public cuts. The US residual welfare state model will provide for those who fall through the cracks in welfare, food stamps, free housing and so on. What is our system going to do for those affected by more cuts. My brother our main income earner, tourism go bust for how many months and you want to compare us with the US. HA.

      P.S it doe matter if IMF force us to cut, or we cut on our own, either way we bowing to neo-liberal pressures by cutting an already small budget. And what happen to all the growth papa skerritt was telling us about? If he was genuine there would be no need for tough decisions. Anyways i waiting to see what is going to be cut. Becuase if he cut another cent from the agriculture budget i will curse.

  13. Some like it so
    May 28, 2011

    Willy- Nilly Duty free concessions to friends, girlfriends and those who could afford to pay; duty free not for bona Fide farmers for farm vehicles for example. No monitoring, lack of transparency and accountability as regards monies handed out from the ‘Corruption Clinic’; projects heavily overpriced into the millions (compare the Fond St. Jean Sea wall project and the project below UWI Centre), irresponsible lavish spending on non-productive projects ($27,000,000.00 on a State Palace), Attempts to defraud the Treasury of thousands upon thousands of dollars (Rubbish Bin and Fertlizer BOBOLS, Secret land Deals Etc. Etc.) Those involved seemed guilty and reluctantly paid some money back to the Treasury after investigations revealed Corruption; $$$$$$$$$$$$$ of Taxpayers money for renovation of private entertainment venue.

    Lack of proper planning, extended time of construction, millions of dollars spent for Night Landing at Melville Hall. Still no International airport. Still no night landing. Increased Air access continue to elude us. Numerous other examples of poor or no planning has cost the country greatly.

    On the other hand, A few while in Public Office have been enriching themselves quickly to the Maximum by all sorts of dubious means. The few are getting richer and richer, while the majority are getting poorer and poorer. With those huge cuts proposed, Social services will receive a serious blow. Money for Health services, education, agriculture will decrease significantly. Unemployment, Poverty will increase especially in the rural areas. Our youth and elders will face Hell.

    Who Cares? Those Few do not trust the people. They deceive, cheat, lie, steal, will do anything to maintain power, to amass more and more wealth at the expense of the majority of Dominicans. The voiceless will be further impoverished. Those who dare speak out against corrupt practices, which is presently unprecedented in the history of Dominica, or express alternative views for good governance, equality, and for FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS will be further victimized, ridiculed, ostracised.

    The FEW will continue having their merry way, stifling the development of our beautiful land. As a strong DLP supporter exclaimed just recently, “During the elections, they talked about the ‘MASSES’, now those in authority have deleted the ‘M’ and left us as …………… He lamented, “Those in Govt. used our dumpers to transport people to their rallies, but today bread is taken from our mouths because of no jobs, contractors bringing trucks from outside. Million dollar road projects, but local truckers cannot be adequately employed.” He reminded Dominicans, however, that he is a Labourite. It is exactly because of Bad Agreements made by his political friends in Power who did not consider his plight and did not negotiate for people like him to work in those million dollar road projects that upsets him temporarily.

  14. Anonymous
    May 28, 2011

    who lives in the state house? how much revenue will it bring?, why are no Dominican Firms used in its construction?, how much of that money is going back to china?, why dont china give us back some of that noney to build a college? why do we have cuts when the country is doing good? what and where is the cuts going to be? i hope they cutting ministers salary

  15. Anonymous
    May 28, 2011

    Skerrit you need to start by firstly cutting your salary in half along with your entire cabinet. That would greatly help the country .

    • ...
      May 30, 2011

      i AGREE

      • what the hell are people thinking
        May 31, 2011

        i second u

  16. Ha
    May 28, 2011

    Ha, with everything the Chinese have done for Dominica so far, this island has virtually sold its soul to the nation. Before long, nothing will be able to get done here without some type of involvement from the Chinese.

    Simple logic here folks. Don’t take money from someone that you know you won’t be able to pay back anytime soon, or easily at that.

  17. jp121
    May 28, 2011

    “You do not want a situation where your spending is higher than your revenue”….Finance 101 sir….The guy probably just realize that’s the predicament the country is in…I mean he majored in phsychology and he is the chief financial executive of the country…Were you people expecting any different…I must say he’s doing a pretty good job using reverse phsyc on his people..

  18. Anonymous
    May 28, 2011


  19. Big Man!
    May 28, 2011

    Mr. Prime minister that’s a very sensible position to take… I totally agree you, we must match our expenditure with your projected revenue to avoid us going back down the IMF road. But we must think quickly of our revenue opportunities and stop the red tap… What do we have comparative advantages in??? i.e. Water and Geothermal… By the year 2020 a gal of drinkable water may be about twice the price of oil, let’s plan to preserve put structures in place take advantage of our “Gold, oil, diamond”… We need to move faster on this geothermal issue, we have been speaking about that for a decade now and still have not gone far… Our problem in Dominica, we “talk” to blasted much and act to slow… we maybe should consider putting a more action oriented symbol on our national flag…

  20. unknown
    May 28, 2011

    Cutting projects but constructing a state palace which is not going bring any stangible foriegn exchange to the country. A 27,000,000,00 loan with interest plus to mantain the constucture is a good investment? What is the monthly installment and what will be the income? We are really mentally sick in this country. Hey, get real. if we can`t repay China will clear the loan? Is that how we do business? Hey, use the monies to build a processing plant which will put the farmers back to work cuz we say Dominica is the food basket of the caribbean. Plz, use our loans monies in our natural resources to create employment in Dominica.Plz plz plz.

    • Me
      May 29, 2011


  21. and????
    May 28, 2011

    So what do you people really expected to happen. we have the biggest cabinet in the history of the country, we have the largest set of advisors and so called ambassadors ever in the history of the country, we fired people that making $800 dollars a month and hired a whole set of waste of time persons making over five grand a month and not producing anything to justify the cost. it was only a matter of time before things caught up with us.

  22. Anthony P. Isamel
    May 28, 2011

    Budget cuts equals cuts in projects that will not generate revenue, such as the new State House. Utilize that twenty-seven million dollars in areas that will generate economic activity.

  23. wey
    May 28, 2011

    my PM i dunno wat is going on wit u
    i supported u full force last time
    but when election rolls around i WONT

    d other day i heard tony and claro saying the economy is doing so well
    better dan other islands
    and now u talkin about cuts

    • Me
      May 29, 2011

      He don’t need to go, he just need to listen to the real people, the ones who are feeling the pain.

  24. donkey meat
    May 28, 2011

    Where are the idiots like ant hate who can’t see past their noses.A country producing nothing but just depending on a few charitable donations. How can sensible people believe such crap.
    This government is taking us down the wrong road and the train is just about to crash. One would think that the government was given such a mandate as a support for the work that the dLP has done within 10 years. There is nothing to show other than a stadium and the west coast road rehabilitation both of which were gifts from the Chinese.
    What it is that went wrong within 12 months – as 12 months ago Dominica was doing great as stated by the PM.
    My heart bleeds for the mass ignorance and naivety in Dominica

  25. Independant not dependent
    May 28, 2011

    Good Skirit. All you rich now so cut now. Good for those Dom in cans. Let them feel your wrath.

  26. caribbean genius
    May 28, 2011

    When, when will our leaders understand the concept of growing the economy??? Even a fool knows that if u borrow money and you dont have means of paying it back you will end up in serious trouble.

    A smart person if they borrow money will invest it in income generators to pay back the loan and bring in additional revenue for the borrower

    Why cant our leaders do the same thing??? Maybe they dont know what is imcome generators so i will help them out;
    1… agricultural processing plants- to create goods for export and local consumption, which in turn creates a market for farmers produce and creating jobs both in factories and on farms. INCOME GENERATOR
    2… International airport- to bring in overnite tourist which are the ones that really make a difference in the economy, when they spend their monies in hotels, restaurants, bars. The airport will also be a job creator because it takes a significant work force to operate an international airport. INCOME GENERATOR
    3… FDI- or foreign direct investments, thats when the investors bring in cash to start their investments thus helping to build the economy. This investments should be in the form of major hotels, mariners, casinos. INCOME GENERATOR
    4… entertainment- showcasing our culture and heritage as a must experience for everyone around the world. which will create employment, and generate income in terms of accommodation. INCOME GENERATOR

    Advice to our leaders, see what work in other countries and impliment the good policies that are proven winners. They have already went to the trial and error so the lesson is free.

    • Patriot
      May 30, 2011

      Ok please DNO could you say what was wrong with my comment to this writer. It was moderated out. This is interesting since I posed a few questions to the writer because his thesis was weak and his proposals were not well thought out. I merely challenged him to look further before concluding. This was a simple inquiry in fairly decent language as opposed to the foul language that I have to put up with here from time to time. Is there no room for serious discussions here.

  27. Transparancy
    May 28, 2011

    Dominica Can Talk

    I hear her in the lament of our fore fathers turning over in their graves
    As they see the decay of a nation that they gave their life blood for

    I hear her in the weeping of our grand mothers, looking on with saddened eyes
    As they see years of nurturing love for country turn into prostitution of our birthright.

    I hear her in the tears of our mothers as she watches with eyes full of sorrow
    Looking upon her sons and daughters choose a life hellbent to destruction

    I hear her in the cry for help from this young boy who is tired and thinking of ending it all
    Yet no one seems to care

    I hear her in the pain reflected upon this young girl’s face as she sees her innocence stolen
    And she must bear the blame and shame

    I hear her as she wails at the silence of the churches and the pastors
    With all their sanctimonious ways offer up their congregations as sacrifice

    I hear her as she sighs and shudders at the sight of the country’s intellectuals
    Who with all their learning are a bunch of cowards and enablers

    I hear her from Portsmouth to the tip of Scotts Head.
    From every village to every hamlet to the very mountaintops
    I hear her
    As in lamentation she cries, ENOUGH!!

    I hear her “Ma Dominique” with tear stained cheeks wanting to gather her sons and daughters in one embrace
    Until we her children open our hearts to hear her cries of despair!

    Can you hear her
    Will you heed her cry?
    “All for Each, and Each for All”

  28. hymm
    May 28, 2011

    well if you are serious skero then stop the state malice.

  29. Operator
    May 28, 2011

    This is all part of taking the Country to the next level…..why complain now. You were the ones who placed this government there so learn to deal with it.

  30. Anonymous
    May 28, 2011

    U have the usvi that is much more better position than dominica they closing school what do we in da expect some off the places help would come from,is now in turmoil plz give the guy a break.I dont want to go back selling passport again AKA edo.

  31. DR
    May 28, 2011

    I love our Pm I admire him and give him credit for learning so quickly YES! I MEAN THAT! of all the other things people say about politicians add one more they are great spin Doctors and our hard working PM is no difference. RESPECT! I am woundering why Donald TRUMP is not in Dominica as yet???? YOU GOT IT? THATS the next level.

  32. Neutral
    May 28, 2011

    i am so sure that the PM is going to for go the construction of the state house that I am giving him credit for doing so in advance.

    Thank you Mr. prime Minister.

  33. VOTER
    May 28, 2011


  34. oh boy
    May 28, 2011

    cuts except to nanthan new house , regi number of houses skerrit castle .villas apartments and so on. i dont understand how this government just dont understand that the projects we need are those that will create employment.not a state house west coast road and stadium that Chinese benefit from. and when is the p.m gonna face the nation give a press conference and answer to journalists and other dominicans

    • wey
      May 28, 2011

      trust me, i dont understand wat is wrong with dat government
      well soon the NEXT LEVEL comin

  35. low flyer
    May 28, 2011

    Hmmmmmm!!! let me think………. so u mean all d talk adout how well D/CA was doing was just another big L . (ok now i know) thanks for telling me SIR, but is there any more Big L u keeping from us nah?

    • skerro responsding lol
      May 28, 2011

      I’m using all the country’s money to do my business and ther eis nothing you can do about it.

      • malatete
        May 29, 2011

        Amen, and “GO TO HELL!”.

  36. READER
    May 28, 2011


    • As I see it
      May 28, 2011

      Short sweet and to the point. just wondering which of these which party did you vote. reason for question is that both main opposition and this current administartive pirates have done exactly what you so concisely indicated. Isn’t time for more than joining.before we join we MUST rip apart the whole putrified, unsuitable indivduals who present selves to serve the Masses with or without the M.
      They must all get off and on stage where ever they happen to be. There enough reasonable people who if approach appropriately will come forward and serve our nation to clean up a ll the stool,feces drains manholes created by both present and pass admins: UWP &DLP- morphed cammoflaged what ever form.Medard et all are corrupt and should and can go nowhere but out and to jail. Eddie et all should join the ranks too.if spared due to comparative damage did to DA should with much anticipated dissaproval rsisitance protest be allowed to go throw stone into the see at Krane/the bay in marigot and die in remorse of his backwardness and chip on his shoulder.

  37. thinker
    May 28, 2011

    Get to the point – tell Dominican people ( persons in DA) that you’ve
    bankrupted the country because you
    cannot keep up with foreign loan repayments
    that why you have to implement such drastic
    measures.That’s what happens when you hang
    your hat higher than where you hand can reach.

    • creative
      May 28, 2011

      I agree, Government does not give information on economics and investment returns etc., They are so vague. No such information to the people who elected them and who they represent. There are problems with people who invested money in different companies such as DUTC, still unresolved, Mr. PM, these investors are still waiting on their money. The farmers, taxi drivers, vendors, hoteliers are all hurting, but we borrowing and spending left and right. Nothing has been cut from the lifestyle of the many ministers and advisers. But you tell Dominicans what YOU want, but God above knows everything: your thoughts, your actions, your day to day doings; reflect on that

  38. give us the statistic
    May 28, 2011

    Give us the stats.
    Show us the returns per sector.
    Be a Man.
    Show us the return on investments.
    Show us you actually know what you are talking about.
    Stop playing like a kid in a candy store

    Grow UP Be a Man

    • jussppa
      May 28, 2011

      Wait for the budget. You will get that stats you need

    • native
      May 30, 2011

      They think Dominicas are stupid. how about a state of the union, we need some transpirency from this government

      • AmazingFace
        May 30, 2011

        @ Native: Ok i think you watching too much american news t.v….”a state of the union?”…first of all, dominica is just ONE island.ONE. Not 50 STATES…

  39. Trouble intended
    May 27, 2011

    What is Dominica’s main income generator? A long time ago, it was bananas. What is it now? Is it tourism?
    You keep taking loans and more loans; how is the country generating money to pay those loans back?
    Bananas have been declining for years and no one can honestly identify a replacement for generating revenue. Is anyone surprise to hear that the country may not have as much money?
    Thompson Fountaine said that to Dominicans a few months ago, you all pretty much told him to take his education and expertise and go back to the US and the IMF…. Now you all talking about IMF again? Are you serious???

    I just cannot seem to understand why my people are so easily PLAYED….Skerro and his team has DA wrapped around their fingers…Just a shame.

    • DR
      May 28, 2011

      Call a spade a spade TROUBLE, you make scense this time you`re breath of fresh air. Keep it UP!

    • IS DAT
      May 28, 2011

      @ TROUBLED MINDED….. i agree with you, except for the fact that is not all of DA he and his team gots wrapped up around his fingers, its those “MASSES” WHOM HE AND HIS TEAM TOOK AWAY THE “M” FROM…….think about it!!

  40. Kryptonite
    May 27, 2011

    The things you do or say in life has a way of coming back and bite you in the @ss .

  41. mike
    May 27, 2011

    you know this guy skerrit is undefinable. one time he says things are good next time things are bad. what revenue will this state house bring to the island. no not any. just renovations right after being built. this guy has an agenda. what he says goes. its a shame that there’s no one to oppose him. he’s talking about cuts…….well well i guess dominicans love him.

    • Crisis advisor
      May 28, 2011

      That’s a clear indicator this Nuthead is what he is.Too much time is being wasted in talking about this nuthead and supporters it a mad situation.This guys need out of our affairs tried and imprisoned for the too obvious,crystal clear atrocities against DA.

    • Anonymous
      May 28, 2011

      the things with Dominicans is that they are looking at how the man looks. Everywhere you pass and try to say Skerrit doing something wrong they ready to crucify you. They come with their foolishness about he’s handsome. Who ever considered coklish eyes and a retarded smile handsome is beyond me.
      Dominicans just need to grow up politically. Too much party politics. Time to put people in office who are not looking for themselves but rather to help the country.
      Skerrit knows these blind , sheepish Dominicans like him so he will continue to pull the wool over their eyes. I just hope that the day they decide to stand up it’s not too late

  42. simple mind
    May 27, 2011

    .”.he has squandered all his resistance for a pocketful of mumbles, such as promises, all lies and jest…

  43. Teacher
    May 27, 2011

    I thought that Dominica’s economy was the only one that recorded a growth? So why all the promised cuts. The state house project is not a need, so is the vanity of the excessive advisors and ambassadors. The productivity consultant and bloated cabinet need to be brimmed. Government is owing it’s debtors large sums and some of them are too ASHAMED to talk!!

    Coming events cast their shadow before them!!

  44. portsmouth massive
    May 27, 2011

    mr pm portsmouth is the strongest constituency in dominica when comes for voting labour dont u think we deserve more infrastructural development in possie ?additional street lights more construction projects cleaning of our beaches opening of the portsmouth to hatten garden road fixing of the railing of the bridges. litter beans opening of the landfill educating the youth which your government has neglected 4 so long and continue a state house is not a priority at the moment this is just waisting money. we need to invest in factories like processing plants like factorys making juices and exporting to other countrys rethink your position

    • ha ha
      May 28, 2011

      What they giving Portsmouth infrastructure for? Possie people still going to vote for them so they doe need to give nothing. they have to focus on the swing constituencies. Good for Possie pople. wake up and smell the coffee. Make them work for your votes. alyou giving it up easy easy and then crying. SHM!!

  45. jj
    May 27, 2011


      May 28, 2011

      I totally agree with you that there are more important needs for the Country at this time than a State House for sure, but as you can see constructions are afoot already so not much can be done there, but my biggest problem is to see how the PM Mr Skerrit treats us with such disdain and profound lack of gratitude as to think that he got to be the PM all by himself,but let me go on if you negotiated to construct a State House with a loan of which we all have to pay back and he could not at least make such a negotiation so that as to thirty (30) percent of the work force must be Dominicans, could the PM not do that for us so we can put food on the table of our children come on Dominicans wake up,its not about politics its about a government in power looking after its own people, for god sake and we sit there and fold our arms and say we love our PM leave him alone, but love is a two (2) way street, yes you can give love and give love but surely you would like to know what it feels like to receive love. My my my, if only Dominica could talk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Crisis advisor
        May 28, 2011

        caribbean man: even if i understand you I refuse to accept your position fully. This s what we’ve allowed this lad to do. It reflects who and what we are.>i live like you guys call the diaspora sacastically( not you personally) and think we are in no position to comment.Some of us are more on top of things than being local/physically present. Guys like me grew up in Da when it was upwardly mobile poilitcially concious.Materialism has engulf the deprieved from bootchambre to palaces and forget from whence they came these johnny comelatlies. This is the essence of our socio-econo -political malazie. In the 70’s we were concerned we no longer are.We stood for what was right.Now even some those are in position may have pretended back then as they morphed into who/whatthey really /were /are. ej Chair of the IPO 2 of medard’s lawyers.Now a youthful group many who before now had never held a steady job or even worked parade in USV’s(duty free at that) sprawling mansions not even given 10 life times could afford with the corrupt practices never seen or heard of before. Caribbean man talk is an oldie now it’s removal by force no other way will surfice. trope pawole anytil.

      • Transparancy
        May 28, 2011

        @ Caribbean Man: I fully agree. No negotiation of work for the people….that is a bloody shame!

        Dominica Can Talk

        I hear her in the lament of our fore fathers turning over in their graves
        As they see the decay of a nation that they gave their life blood for

        I hear her in the weeping of our grand mothers, looking on with saddened eyes
        As they see years of nurturing love for country turn into prostitution of our birthright.

        I hear her in the tears of our mothers as she watches with eyes full of sorrow
        Looking upon her sons and daughters choose a life hellbent to destruction

        I hear her in the cry for help from this young boy who is tired and thinking of ending it all
        Yet no one seems to care

        I hear her in the pain reflected upon this young girl’s face as she sees her innocence stolen
        And she must bear the blame and shame

        I hear her as she wails at the silence of the churches and the pastors
        With all their sanctimonious ways offer up their congregations as sacrifice

        I hear her as she sighs and shudders at the sight of the country’s intellectuals
        Who with all their learning are a bunch of cowards and enablers

        I hear her from Portsmouth to the tip of Scotts Head.
        From every village to every hamlet to the very mountaintops
        I hear her
        As in lamentation she cries, ENOUGH!!

        I hear her “Ma Dominique” with tear stained cheeks wanting to gather her sons and daughters in one embrace
        Until we her children open our hearts to hear her cries of despair!

        Can you hear her
        Will you heed her cry?
        “All for Each, and Each for All”

  46. nuts
    May 27, 2011

    a promise is a comfort for a fool.

  47. weh
    May 27, 2011

    ******************************WE ARE NOT GROWING*******************************************

    That means the economy is…….. NOT GROWING!!

    One only cut a budget because income is projected to be less than expected!! This is no surprise since we already see that our manufacturing base is quickly eroding….

    AND we love to EAT & IMPORT everyone else manufactured goods. We prefer to buy all the foreign goods instead of our own!!


  48. nuts
    May 27, 2011


  49. DR
    May 27, 2011

    Do not say we were not warned.

  50. Cerberus
    May 27, 2011

    Another way to balance the books would be to raise revenue, but no mention of that! Are we looking at an increase in VAT perhaps, for example? Say from 15% to 20%? Or the introduction of taxes we currently are exempt of ? I imagine it must have crossed some one’s mind although there is not much that can be squeezed from a lime that is already dry.

    • Crisis advisor
      May 28, 2011

      Cerberus: hat name sounds like a cereal Fruit loops, Raisan Bran,Kelloggs Corn flakes,Cocoa Puffs
      etc. I recall a movie in which a black fugitive from NYc ended up in a county real country with one grocery store in the misty woods of Nebraska. He was running away from a bounty killer and in addition the FEDS.He was armed and dangerous he entered the grocery store to buy some batteries and flashlight.Upon entry being black in Nebraska signals trouble more so with a gun in hand real bad news.The shop keepers an elderly couple automatically cranked their weapons in readiness. the black guy shouted hello mom & paps they looked on nervously as the guy had his poratable radio blasting hip hop music in it’s early stages early -mid 80’s. The fugitive said to the couple this is puff daddy(at the time) have you folks ever heard of puff daddy? The old women replied: Is this some kind of cereal?
      Hope i was not too long just and introductory joke to lighten we guys who read this blog. Sorry e-news paper. Same thing some may say ,others may disagree.
      Reading Cerberrus’s comment propelled me to write something i saw on tv which was so applicable to DA’s politics. it’s a Mc Donald’s ad of strawberry lemonade. Squeezing a lemon dry
      made me want to write what i think every time i see the ad on TV. UWP is like a lemon I thought as a lemon described itself in the ad. I was thinking Strawberry is nice so it’s not applicable to the new-infiltrated morphed pirated-DLP.UWP was a waste but this new group make it look like alterboys in retrospect so what name best suit them apaprt from the aforemention adjectives? i could not come up with something pungant initially but a light bulb moment in the shower provided poision ivy.This plant does a number on anyone. So has the neo -pirate thugs are doing to DA.

      • Cerberus
        May 29, 2011

        Crisis Advisor, thanks for your humorous input. We can do with cheering up a bit. Cerberus is not some fruity cereal but the hound that guards the gates to Hades (=” Hell” to most people). Just want to make sure people don’t end up in that place where they were told to go by their leader!

        • CA
          May 30, 2011

          I appreciated that you appreciated my joke. Thanks .left fopr tome all these guys would be held in prison pending trial which may take many yrs.Meanwhile they’d be deprived of their worldly posesstions.Cerberus, I left DA many yrs ago and it hurts to believe our people have degenerated to the level we have.Skerrit would not be a messenger.If I were recruiting.The guy cannot speak even if he has stattering issues.Poorly educated.His creole is wanting.He held french citizenship.If is creo;le and English are so poor can he master the complexs of the french languauge?
          Can’t put my arms around our selection of persons who run our affairs.To add insult look at Austrie Ian as miniaters rayban and the rest how more reflective of what we are as a nation can we be. I rest my case.

  51. economy in serious decline
    May 27, 2011

    Conservative in spending? Skerrit also said there are projects that will not be undertaken based on necessity. Skerritt, Minister of Finance, uttering those words? The Dominican ECONOMY is in SHAMBLES, in serious DECLINE. FACT. Skerritt and his Govt. are stubborn, refusing to listen to the people who are expressing concerns continually, about that $27,000,000.00 loan from China to build a State Palace. Dominicans are advising Skerritt and Govt. that the huge sum of money should be invested in the PRODUCTIVE sector so that we could create, in part, our own wealth.

    To add insult to injury, local construction Companies were cast aside, not given a chance to even tender for the project. Dominican construction workers remain unemployed while jobs are given to the Chinese to build that Palace. FACT. How much of that $27,000,000.00 would circulate into the Dominican economy, among our vendors, fisher folks, farmers, shops, housewives etc. with the Chinese being awarded that contract by Govt.? With all the Grants, and loans being boasted about, where have all those dollars gone? In which productive areas have those $$$$ been invested? How much REVENUE is being collected? Imagine VAT and other increased TAXES are the main REVENUE EARNERS. HUGE DEBT, irresponsible SPENDING, LITTLE REVENUE, NO VISION, Mixed with CORRUPTION, INCREASED POVERTY, UNEMPLOYMENT, Decline in standard of living. Bad Governance.

    • DR
      May 28, 2011

      I feel your pain we were brain wash to think that strangers whom ever they may be- be it Chines.Haitians ect, ect, deserves the best you remember growing up our parents,and grandparents would make us eat with our hands and sit on the floor? BUT when a stranger comes around our parents would bring out the best cutlary and pierex dishes to serve that stranger? Do not be full of pride and deny it. Who say we are still not suffering from mental slavery.At the end of it the chines wil have built us a georgous palace run away with the money and leave us to say we have the most beautiful palace in the Caribbean you talking about puting the cart before the horse? Again thats the next level.

  52. vip
    May 27, 2011

    What a very diplomatic way of saying i am repenting for the next budget.I have wasted most of the state money on lavish unnecessities which have not benefited the majority of the people, the country is worst off than before economically thinking,alot of abandon farm, the tourism sector will no longer be generating money for the vendors and bus drivers,and there is little or no manufacturing going on.For that i would like to repent and i hope you will forgive me.And we can start fresh for the new financial year. i know i could have done better.But we are humans and we all make mistakes. i have made political decisions that were not economically sound and my advisers were just feeding my ego for political favours . i love you all for electing me and will do better next time.That is exactly what i infer is being said.I maybe wrong.

    • wey
      May 28, 2011

      u hit the nail on the head
      dat make my day!!

    May 27, 2011

    Yeah, once I get what I want I will cut the rest. Genius!

  54. Kryptonite
    May 27, 2011

    Man please you mean you cutting because allu brokes and plus putting money aside for election this year if the court rules against you ,so you guys cutting on all corners,even from the musicians allu cutting 20 percent.
    I don’t believe anything you guys say anymore once a liar will always be a liar.

  55. ugly willy
    May 27, 2011

    Slash the 7 advisors ; slash the integrity commission you and Tony76 are already judge ,jury anyway. Cut the AG office and use Tony’s office and supplies.Cut the useless trips to include companions ( dont be naive people everyboy know what I’m talking about). Cut the SUV gas gass guzzlers; Stop the state Malice and use that 27 million to creat sustainable jobs. Stop the delays in the court and let the matters go through irrespective of who the perpertrators are- court delays cost money – alot of money . Tony can attest to that.
    Cut the salaries of useless men in useless positions i.e productivity consultant; the various ambassadors bilking the treasury.

  56. proud
    May 27, 2011

    Interesting DNO- The PM with the St Kitts Flag as Back ground.Just saying

    • River Street
      May 27, 2011

      Not patriotic. Dno should have used a better photo.

  57. axa 4 life
    May 27, 2011

    oh plzzzzzzzzzzz

  58. doctor love
    May 27, 2011


  59. ha ha
    May 27, 2011

    Spoken like the true finance expert that he is. “You do not want a situation where your spending is higher than your revenue” No sh*t sherlock.. What else will be cut pray tell? But i am happy that the state house refurbishment will have some cuts. so i take the good with the bad. Just hope no social services will be cut.

    • Go do your homework
      May 28, 2011

      Nowhere in the article did I see that the State House refurbishment will have some cuts – I just read again, just to be sure I did not miss something. Where did you read that? That would certainly be wonderful news but don’t get excited just yet. The article only makes reference to the State House to inform us that it is one of the capital projects that will be included in the next budget.

      • ha ha
        May 28, 2011

        u right. i guess i was expecting that that would be one of his intended cuts. so there is no good with the bad apparent. it is all bad.

  60. lance
    May 27, 2011

    Good Job

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