Portsmouth earmarked for a multi-billion dollar Caribbean Fast Ferry Project

Concept ferries for the project
Concept ferries for the project

Discussions are on the way with two major statutory bodies and small vessel owners and their shipping agents in Dominica to partner in a multi-billion dollar Caribbean Fast Ferry Project, which will be based in Portsmouth.

The project is being spearheaded by Leo-Imelda Agency Corporation (LIAC) and Leo-Imelda Foundation Entity Incorporated (LIFE Inc), under the leadership of Joseph LeBlanc.

Discussions were held with the Portsmouth Town Council on the project between and March and April.

From 2014 negotiations have been underway with landowners in the Point Ronde and Picard River delta for land purchase for the project and more than 70 percent of property owners have already provided letters of intent of sale, LeBlanc, who is the project’s manager, said.

“The Project has already been introduced to the OECS and CARICOM Secretariats since the Development will improve regional transportation, security and emergency response with major boost to the CSME. Approach has been made to two friendly countries through their regional High Commission and Embassy for assistance in the development project,” he said in a release.

He added that local financial institutions AID Bank, National Bank, NCCU; Regional Banks ECDB, CDB, IADB and International financial institutions such as EIB and World Bank/IFC have all been approached for financial advice and facilities to enhance the development project.

“Some $1.5-billion will be invested in Lot 1 for the purchase of first fast ferries, land purchase and operations,” LeBlanc stated. “In the first two years of operations some 5,000 jobs will be created and $3.5-billion will be circulated. After ten years some 42,000 jobs will be created and $8-billion to $10-billion circulated while at the end of the project implementation in 20 years some 70,000 jobs will have been created with over $16-billion circulated,” LeBlanc projected.

The Development, which is presently a project within LIAC, is to be registered as a separate public company acronym L.I.S.E.R.T. – Leo-Imelda Security, Emergency Response and Transportation.

Individuals and Corporations interested in knowing more about the project and/or who may be interested in exploring investment possibilities
are invited to attend the following meetings:

1. Portsmouth and north of Dominica at the RC Church Hall, Portsmouth on Thursday July 7th, 2016 at 6:00pm; and

2. Roseau and south of Dominica at the Public Service Union on Saturday, July 9th, 2016 at 9:00 am

LeBlanc said the concept for the project is now awaiting government’s approval.

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  1. Big Up
    June 26, 2018

    I think this is a wonderful idea. The cost of travel throughout the Caribbean is way to high. Therefore we need big efforts to try and cause easier travel through the region. I endorse this project

  2. Silver Sliver
    June 22, 2016

    This, obviously, is just another transparent attempt by Scare-it and his goons to grab and control the resources of Dominica. They are hoping to take most of this land through the government, by emminent domain. Most large corporations and develpoers would get one large expensive project off and runing successfully, before tackling an other one. Clearly, this is not about developing a number of successful projects, and only about securing the land! They are banking on the blind loyalty of the Portsmouth people, and the hopes and dreams of development for an area with so much potential that has been left back by previous administrations. They are dangling a carrot, a plastic carrot at that! That is the tried and tested play card being used! Do you Remember that Rihana was supposed to have been brought to Dominica after the last general elections?!! Hee! Joseph LeBlanc is just another front man! Interestingly, almost everyboby who can do anything in Dominica is from Vielle Case?

  3. Really?
    June 21, 2016

    Mr Neville Wade has one of these very boats, that he has been trying to put on the waters to service the Caribbean. he is successful in this business and has been doing it for more that 50 years.
    I suggest that government help Wade to get his boat working. Instead of all this delusions. Somebody call Dr Benjamin

  4. CAPTCHA still?
    June 21, 2016

    He may be foolish and empty headed, but he sure knows how to play the simple people – That I give him. But his game will be over some day.

  5. Anthony P. Ismael
    June 21, 2016

    I recall the proposed “Free Port.” The Guinness Project at Point Round where some 300 acres of land were to be developed. The number of “Will never come to pass projects,” that I can name in Dominica will require several volumes. Alas! Poor us. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • DA to d bone
      June 22, 2016

      You remember Valhalla. Since I am a likkle girl I am hearing about these grandiose projects. I am a child of the 60s.
      I used to play with paper dolls, paper houses. So it’s Deja Vu for me.
      As things are dire in Dominica it’s no wonder this is being thrown at us.
      You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

  6. Anthony P. Ismael
    June 21, 2016

    I must give the regime credit though for its level of sophisticated propaganda material. Adolf Hitler succeeded in part because of his “Minister of Propaganda.” The ruling Dominica Labor Party is reading and implementing not just pages, but whole chapters on how to fool the poor and uneducated and maintain their power at all cost.
    Just before the last by-election was held, a story surfaced about a proposed “Charter Jet Services” to Dominica from Florida. Then after the Labor Party secured the much needed seat, we found out there were issues with the proposed start date.
    To date, no corrective action measures have been proposed. There is no time line either when that project will be completed. The die hard-supporters have been so brain washed, that you can tell them this is nothing more than another well written “Bold Face Lie.”

    • breakit
      June 21, 2016

      So you mean he is like Hitler? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Boy all you killing me softly, eh.

  7. Anthony P. Ismael
    June 21, 2016

    This is nothing more than a “Land Grab” from land owners in the Portsmouth area. Once the land has been purchased, the real owners will have parcels of valuable land in their possession that they can then resell if the hotel projects come to pass. This article emerges on the heels of an article about ongoing negotiations with well recognized international hotel chain.
    The projected economic output proposed will never come to pass in Dominica. Not with this regime at the helm.

    • Winston warrington
      June 21, 2016

      Mr Leblanc indicated that the government of Dominica had to approve, meaning that this is a private party initiative, same as the chartered jet venture. How the government becomes the goat is incredible. This is closer to the Sunday Island fiasco during the Edward Leblanc government and the Pt Ronde golf course during the Eugenia Charles administration. Why is this government held responsible for all the follies of inexperienced entrepreuners?

      • Anthony P. Ismael
        June 22, 2016

        They are held responsible because their track record of getting anything done is abysmal. A project of this magnitude cannot get off the ground without government playing a major role in it. For example, they would have to review and approve of an “Environmental Impact Assessment Survey.” Where is their track record on these things? Furthermore, this project outlines near full employment for Dominicans over a lengthy period of time. If I went to see “Dr. Benjamin” with this proposal, he would not allow me to leave the psychiatric unit.

  8. Fig Woti
    June 21, 2016

    I bet if i go to the psychiatric unit and speak to a patient that patient could utter the same?
    Like they say it have more mad people outside than inside

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      June 21, 2016

      Lol. :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

  9. ????????
    June 21, 2016

    Wish them well and Ask the Lord Jehovah to be part of this. We can do all things only only through Christ who strengthens us. We do not put Jehovah first that is why we are failures. He comes first in all ( i mean all ) aspects of our lives (everything yes everything) from plan to execution of plans. He is the Head. I do not care f some of you do not agree. The Earth and the fullness belongs to the Lord. He is able. He is able to do above all we may ever ask or even imagine. We have to trust, obey, submit, turn from our wicked ways, love one another.

  10. true dominican
    June 21, 2016

    I guess many people here have failed to read the article and do what most Dominicans do, listen to hear say. The article clearly states \”discussions are being held about a possible project which is not only linked to Dominica but the rest of the Caribbean but most importantly the headquarters will be based in Dominica\” Why would there already be ferries purchased and loans acquired when its only in the discussion phase.
    I really give up on Dominicans, we are just a bunch of ignorant fools with no mind of our own.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      June 21, 2016

      I can read this article 5 million times, my response will be the same. The projections are way too lofty to be realistic. If you want to believe these figures then go ahead. We all have free will. When is the last time any major project was completed in Dominica? We can’t complete a 50 room guest house in Portsmouth for Donkey Years now, but this one will get done.
      This Labor Party has a special “Sauce” that they’re serving to the masses. They have them beyond brain-washed.

    • Dominican
      June 21, 2016

      If this is such a brilliant idea, why has St. Lucia for instance not decided to proceed with such a project? It has an excellent harbour in Castries, located right next to an airport and logistically better situated with regard to connections to Barbados, the islands further south, the French territories and so on. What is more, if already has far more of the infrastructure in place than we have. I would love Dominica to more developed but unless I hear someone with a more convincing and realistic plan I will just sit back and wait.

    • OLI
      June 21, 2016

      Did the article say that ferries were already purchased??? Some people can read, yes, but can’t seem to understand what they read.

      The only “bunch of ignorant fools with no mind of our own” is you “true dominican”

      • true dominican
        June 22, 2016

        That’s why you guys will always stay here complaining. Maybe you guys should learn how to help yourselves and stop begging the government. I’m doing what I have to do for myself and family and I’m doing great. I don’t sit around begging and complaining about every single issue everyday. Just miserable way of living

  11. ????????
    June 21, 2016

    In the 60’s figures were $8.00; I remember in the early 70’s $140.00 (monthly salaries) were so much. Now decades later we hear of Thousands of dollars. So though it may a big inflated, it is not impossible for those figures because in project writing etc all aspect has to be taken into account. Everything has inflated. Ferry boats s are not cheap. We all know how much a simple one room house costs even taking into account something like assisting in labour costs. We all know how much vehicles costs – Thousands of dollars. With all those things taken into mind, the costings may not be inflated.

    A word of caution here, now I understand why everyone wants everything now for now and thinks that the Government should do now and can do now. Monies are very high at this point in time. Talk, talk, talk is definitely cheap. The reality is something else.

  12. Finally
    June 21, 2016

    This is just to light up those labourites eyes as usual.

    Because you know how easy it is to light up their eyes!?
    Just mention BIG numbers and they turning DOTISH all over again.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      June 22, 2016

      :-P :-P :-P :-P

  13. Frank Talker
    June 21, 2016

    Is this the Pappy Joe who wrote a letter asking the past President to dissolve Parliament? The same Pappy Joe who was Vice President of the DLP? The same Pappy Joe who, being a devout Catholic, had some problems with the Bishop of Roseau some time ago? I wait to hear AIDB, NBD, NCCU, CDB, IFC, IADB and EIB disassociate themselves from this news release.

  14. Do good anyway
    June 21, 2016

    To me this lacks depth. Not enough information.

    June 21, 2016

    As long as its not enriching one set of people and will benefit all Dominicans and will not harm our environment I’m for it!

  16. magway ca
    June 21, 2016

    can anyone remember the big marina that was surposed to have been built in the castlebruce area?

  17. KeppingItReal
    June 21, 2016

    This is another stupid grand idea we don’t need. Even if I gave this project the benefit of the doubt, and it came true, it would absolutely spoil the “Nature island of the Caribbean”.. we need 5000 sustainable jobs, not 70000, nature killing jobs.

    • true dominican
      June 21, 2016

      explain to me how is this a nature killing job? You are just speaking out your a…. without any basis or explanation.

  18. For Dominica
    June 21, 2016

    Where does this leave Mr. Neville Wade who wanted to introduce a very very similar fast ferry service of the same kind? economies of scale

  19. Goodwillian
    June 21, 2016

    One doesn’t have to read the entire article to see it’s another pie-in-the-sky or maybe another money pocketing scheme by the government.

  20. La Pwet Dog
    June 21, 2016

    I know one Joseph Leblanc and as i read the article i smiled ;cause if this is the same Joseph Leblanc no surprise in the grandeur and sometimes unrealistic dream.
    If this is the same Joseph Leblanc who i know is on the Labor Party hit list as a traitor then good luck getting your dream off the pillow. Suck salt for all those who speak out and to those who spoke in one way or another against the lame administration

  21. Daryl Joseph
    June 21, 2016

    I got excited but after reading the entire article I realized this was far from reality.
    No financial plans
    No business plan
    No idea what port they will be traveling to.
    It would have been nice to hear that plan & loan has been approved before doing press release

    • geez!
      June 21, 2016

      you expect to get all these in a news item? GET REAL!!!!!!!

      • Daryl Joseph
        June 22, 2016

        @ Geez I’m for real if you don’t think you can visit my website @djsgrill.com.
        I don’t expect that info in the news but they went to the media with numbers that doesn’t make sense
        You need a business plan and in that plan you will get the break down. You need a financial plan take CCC for an example, there financial plan would have information in regards to the security oh employees salary

    • ????????
      June 21, 2016

      How can you say no financial plans, business plans? so one must post everything … very unreasonable and negative. The same persons all the time. before you say this, you need to approach the people and ask for those plans you just decide no plans. Just like to talk without any facts.

    • true dominican
      June 21, 2016

      Actually it is better having a town hall forum before going ahead with any project of such magnitude. The public needs to know what the project entails, what sacrifices are going to be made and what is needed from the public. Also the public in turn needs to have questions about such project.
      That\’s the whole idea of having a meeting. This article can\’t explain everything to you. Its just an article about a project they heard about.
      You guys need to read what you post before posting this ridiculous questions. Doesn\’t sound like any business minded person to me

  22. MR Dominica
    June 21, 2016

    This is nothing but a pie in the sky . Look at the figures ,it begins with billions not hundreds of thousands but billions then it will provide jobs increasing by tens of thousands up to 70000 thousand that is the entire population including those who have migrated .How much money do the people planning this have to start .while we need means of transportation including a proper airport , this idea belongs in the same heap as compensation for slavery ent gona happen, only blowing in the wind

  23. mymymy
    June 21, 2016

    This project will be 7x the size of Dominica’s budget and employ more than it’s adult population. LOL.

    • BEB
      June 22, 2016

      Not only adults but the whole population , even births and deaths will be employed

  24. June 21, 2016

    This sounds like an idea in its very early stages. I wish them well, but the projections seems awfully inflated.

  25. June 21, 2016

    that’s the way to go… :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

  26. AAGabriel
    June 21, 2016

    These figures are huge. To me it sounds more like pie in the sky until I’ve seen a detailed business plan together with market research.

  27. Me
    June 21, 2016

    Not another Blair Webb I hope.

  28. Deltina Castro
    June 20, 2016

    DNO is that for comic relief? Why give Papy Job such attention?

  29. Doc. Love
    June 20, 2016

    I wish Mr. LeBlanc the best of luck with his project. I don’t expect this project to get anywhere unless Skeritt big gundies are in it. Don’t forget what happened to Mr. Danny Lugay and the Goodwill Improvement Committee at Lindo Park. Don’t forget the dumping of materials by Skeritt, estimated cost $12 million. It was the UWP intensions to build a muti-purpose sports stadium. Don’t forget what happened to the International Airport, land was already paid for by the UWP, as soon as Skeritt took office it disappeared, to this day their has been no international airport in Dominica.

    • Stop
      June 21, 2016

      ReWine selector. The people rejected the UWP ideology. Stop beating a dead horse. It is what it is. Change your medication Dr. I have nothing that can cure your cancer for Skerro, so you will no longer use the Dr. Love, syndrome, instead hater of progress is more suitable! Lots of hugs and kisses to you.

  30. Reasoning
    June 20, 2016

    I smell a rat!All those so-called hotels earmarked for the north has always have me suspicious!This area is this government stronghold and safe zone, they are trying to make it their base to keep the people’s loyalty!The sale of passports monies are going to be spent in that area,not to mention drug trafficking that will continue to flow in that area.This so-called ferry investments is a cover-up!But Yahweh God is a just judge, karma,natural and spiritual laws will not allow any illgotten gain to flourish,this island is already vulnerable to natural disasters, therefore we shall see!

    • BEB
      June 22, 2016

      Why do u want to include the govt. in this, cant u see this a is a mad man talk?

  31. thomson fontaine
    June 20, 2016

    Really? 70 000 jobs from an $8 billion invest. NOT POSSIBLE. Leblanc is grasping at straws. Why was this even published when the Ferry has not been bought the land has not been purchased etc? Come on lets get serious in Dominica.

    • BEB
      June 22, 2016

      This is the talk of only a mad man

  32. Favoured
    June 20, 2016

    Where is government in all this are they not considered a critical partner. I just wonder how many passports they have to sell in order to participate.

    • June 21, 2016

      Do government always have to be partner in every deal. When government change whap happens then?
      what happen to the people with money in the country they should step in and say ok I will help this is our country to not every thing that government should be part of but they should give their support. This is a very good project and they should have the government and people support.

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      June 21, 2016

      Enough to keep the printing presses running for decades on end. :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

  33. Lang Mama
    June 20, 2016

    Anyways i hope the developers know that Picard Delta and some of Point Round are already bought out by the passpor dealers. Dont take my word the records are there.

    • For Dominica
      June 21, 2016

      and who says they cannot sell it to these people? for a profit and share in their company?

  34. Pitimpam
    June 20, 2016

    I don’t trust the billions I am hearing . This reminded of a Winston guy from the northeast who went up for election in 2009 and he said his budget was sixty billion dollars. This sounds to good to be true…In short this sounds BOGUS!

  35. skepticalone
    June 20, 2016

    OECS, CARICOM, banks, investors and Island Governments are all involved? OK OK Give them 100 years and they will never get this off the ground. 5000 jobs and $3.5 billion circulated? What? And that is before they even making money!! Aprt from all that I wish you good luck, I hope to travel on one of your ferries one day that can make same day connections to international flights heading to Europe and USA and Canada at least. Maybe my grand kids.

    • BEB
      June 22, 2016

      Not in ur wildest dreams

  36. Happyyyyyy
    June 20, 2016

    70 thousand jobs will be created over 20 years eh?? hmph…dat project deh self self…i wonder if it going to hit the ground or it gonna stay in the sky,,,,,some people just throw a couple of figures and Dominicans like yessssssss,, getting all excited……but the reality of the matter as history has shown……people come with all kinda plans for us airline etc etc etc…….they just here today gone tomorrow……lets just wait n see how this goes,,,but to be honest with you…all that money they say going to flow..me self dont think so at all at all at all….

  37. Concern citizen
    June 20, 2016

    That is a very god move, I just hope that the GOVT. of D/ca led by the unfortunate ROOSEVELT SKERRIT is not involve in that!

  38. GiftedOne
    June 20, 2016

    This would be s big push for the economy of Dominica but my questions are…will most of those jobs go to the local and who are we selling our land to? Will this area be restricted to the people of dominica? And how much will it benefit us (the people of Dominica) im just a concerned citizen that would like to know the full extent ofthat discussion. We all love progress and especially if that progress has to do with the development of my country since im overseas i wont be at the meeting so id like DNA to continue updating me on this because if its successful it will be a good look for Dominica….I JUST HOPE ITS NOT ALL TALK AND NO ACTION…..and also I hope we are not just selling our land to foreigners for the majority of the profit to go out the country

  39. No Thanks
    June 20, 2016

    Thanks Mr. PM history will judge you as the BEST! HATERS download now.

  40. Zandoli
    June 20, 2016

    This whole project looks like pie in the sky is to me. I would not hold my breath.

  41. informative
    June 20, 2016

    IS THIS FOR REAL!! 4200o jobs in ten years, give me a break. This is OUTRAGEOUS, IT IS UNREAL.

  42. dissident
    June 20, 2016

    Skerrit you are are overly ambitious!
    All that you want to do in one year to make up for DLP lack of delivery over 16 years in power?
    Budget hasn’t even been called yet!!!!!!
    I want to see how ambitious this year budget will be.
    will we try to replace all the bailey bridges before year end?
    to me that sounds easy…….i mean we just gave away $18 million for 1 bridge!!!!

    • BEB
      June 22, 2016

      What does ur comment has to do with this project?

  43. Tjebe Fort
    June 20, 2016

    Is that Joseph LeBlanc from Vieille Case, the son of the late Leo LeBlanc? Boy, I’m not getting involved with that. That fellow like to sue too much, he is too litigatious for my liking.

  44. Fon Aypay
    June 20, 2016

    Ummmmm…ok… Two little freezer boats for farmers to transport produce overseas cannot be bought after all these years but this…will come to pass..
    ZOR BIEN BON. ???

  45. Dominican
    June 20, 2016

    Awaiting government approval. Let me see if Possie people not going to wake uup and ensure that the govt approves. We know they don’t like to approve projects where the table doh have under

  46. Anna Prince
    June 20, 2016

    Whoa! Every single man, woman and child will be employed. No need for police service and other civil servants. Paradise in Dominica at long last. Congratulations to Mr. Joseph Leblanc for a tremendous feat, you deserve the Bird this independence celebration. Not even the Doctor could deliver that one. Hip! Hip! Hip!
    Hooray! I will take the first ride, book me in.

  47. Lang Mama
    June 20, 2016

    The proposal seem a bit over the top to me. The additional ferry may be viable however wouldn’t it be prudent to utilize the existing terminals, build capacity and expand thereon.
    The looming question is whether it is worth spending 1 billion to provide for ferry service when the current market is slow and does not future well.
    Just my assessment and i am sure that the developers have their own. As unrealistic as it sounds the build it and they will come philosophy has been or seen great success

  48. JahGuide
    June 20, 2016

    To ambitious papa, it seems is the same set of people that spoke of the chattered jet the other day.. to ambitious.. very good initiative, there is a need, but no confidence in this crew

  49. verna
    June 20, 2016

    interesting….that’s a large junk of money to invest,,they should start at a lower scale and then upgrade….while the Ferry Project is good..the key is either a International Airport or Upgrade runway for international and long haul flights.

    As the preferred travel medium first choice is “Air” plus the volume of traffic is dismal re surface travel you may get a few high peeks but many lows…so sustaining a project of that level is questionable.

    But knowing how things are at a alarming state of corruption in Dominica i would simple say that project is dead and dusted…

  50. BEB
    June 20, 2016

    A project of that magnitude , there’s no comments? I commend the proprietors for their willingness to succeed. I do hope that no one would be blaming the Govt. if at all that project wouldn’t come to maturity .

  51. Not a herd follower
    June 20, 2016

    HMMM. I am not being negative, but Dominicans have been told about multimilion investment projects so many times over the years with no materialisation. Let us hope this is not one of them.

  52. Never Happen
    June 20, 2016

    Great project but it will be blocked by the powers that be, there is no way they will allow Portsmouth to become the economic centre of Dominica. These people are so wicked that they would not even decentralize government services or bring any meaningful development to the north, but they are now going to approve a private sector initiatiave to transform Portsmouth into the economic hub of Dominica…never happen!

  53. wide open eyes
    June 20, 2016

    hmmmm lots of big projects going to the north. moroccan hotel constructed in the north, then negotiations for Marriott hotel and resorts for the north and now this multi billion dollar project? whats next mr pm? the new international airport in the north too? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!

    • Anthony P. Ismael
      June 21, 2016

      :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P :-P

  54. FORKIT
    June 20, 2016

    leblanc, does he have a first name or is he one of those men after 16 years, trying to revive their dead and inept minds…
    42000 jobs after ten years in an island that have 70 thousand people and that population does not increase….


  55. lightbulb
    June 20, 2016

    pa pa met why is always us that so lucky to be introduced to such ventures

  56. Mein Kampf
    June 20, 2016

    Yawn, project here project there, from geothermal to morocco, u cannot prosper if your leaders evil u think God asleep.

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