Portsmouth Town Council targets property tax payment, stray livestock

Vernon Daniel, Mayor of Portsmouth

The Portsmouth Town Council is on a quest to regularize a number of important corncerns regarding management of the town. As part of a scheduled approached to achieving that goal the council is targeting property taxes and stray animals in the town.

All residents and property owners within the municipal limits of the Town of Portsmouth are thereby advised that Property Tax payments for the year 2011 are now due.

Residents and property owners should also contact the Town Council’s office to reconcile any arrears accrued over previous tax periods. The council urges all who have received notification to visit the office in order to clarify any concerns regarding computation of their property tax.

The original boundaries and extended municipal limits of the town of Portsmouth ranges from Lagoon to the north to Ti-bay in the south and eastwards to One Mile and west bordering the sea.

Owners of pets and livestock animals particularly dogs and cattle are cautioned of the danger and damage that their stray and loose animals causes to human life, property, agriculture crops and landscaping within the town.

The owners of the animal and pet mentioned must immediately address this irresponsibility by providing the necessary security and safety. Failure to comply with this notification will result in stringent actions by the council.

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  1. Possie out there
    February 22, 2011

    The biggest obstacle to the non payment of tax is the non provision of information on what those taxes are being spent on. That doesn’t just apply to local tax but federal (national) tax as well. The PTC needs to publish its accounts over the last few years to show what it has done with the little it has received. It should also publish (and debate) a local budget showing what it should be getting in and how it intends to spend the money . Incidentally it would also be nice to see how the taxes are calculated so people can budget for these taxes. This would , I am sure , serve as a seed to a full discussion in the town as to its direction and how PTC under the direction of the mayor is going to drive the town in that direction.

  2. spirit
    February 21, 2011

    I went to the council last thursday to pay my taxes and was told that the town clerk is on leave and only she had access to my tax records. this is absolute nonsense that only one person has access to those records when there is an assistant clerk there for years with that very clerk.mr mayor put your house in order first before you ask people to come to pay their taxes.
    i must agree that somethings needs to be done about the stray animals in the town

    • Diaspora/Dominican
      February 21, 2011

      This writer is correct before you to the community incouraging them to do the right thing you must make sure that the process is on the up and up what”s the use if and when the people goes to the office to make payment to be told the person who handles those records is on leave that shouldnt be because you as the MAYOR should be informed of that fact so I would suggest you get the peoples business in order as soon as possible.
      As for the loose animals and the garbage along the road have to be delt with whenever I visit Portsmouth I say to myself can some thing be done can the people see what is going on.

    • No more
      February 22, 2011

      Stop lying!!!!!! MIss Town Clerk may have been out of the office at the time and whoever is there can access any tax records. Please say what was told to you but do not fabricate stories!!!!! Shame on you. I visited the office that same thursday in question and there were 3 persons there willing to assist me.

  3. citoyen
    February 21, 2011

    I hope it is not an all talk NO work affair.

  4. Neutral
    February 21, 2011

    Tell me that I am wrong. The mayor of Portsmouth never seem to portray an air of confidence. He has that scared, unsure of himself look all the time. I don’t know the man.

    • citoyen
      February 21, 2011

      Even if you seem to be right on his looks, Do you have to know him to pay your tax?
      I don’t know him bu tI pay my tax early a sthat is whta they use to help better the place. no money no developpement. Remember we can only open our mouth when we pay
      That doesn’t mean you don’t pay!!LOL

  5. Gee
    February 21, 2011

    *********NOT SOON ENOUGH***********

    Stringent actions …..such as!!!!!!!

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