Public service unions unanimously accept 3% wage increase

All three public service unions have reportedly accepted the 3% wage increase offered by Government, says Minister Charles Savarin as he sought to provide an update with regard to salary negotiations between Government and public service employees.

“The information that I have is that the 3% that has been offered by government has been accepted by all three public service unions,” he said.

Speaking with the press, Savarin explained that the negotiations between the public service and government are conducted through the public service unions namely the Dominica Public Service Union, The Association of Teachers and Police Welfare Association as well as government’s negotiating team.

The Government’s team is made up of Secretary to the Cabinet, the Financial Secretary and the Chief Personnel Officer. “The Minster for the Public Service is not a member of the negotiating team,” reminded Savarin.

According to Savarin, there are a number of non-salary related issues that are still being discussed. These include matters like conditions of service.

“A report has been prepared by the Establishments Department and submitted to the minister for the public service and this matter is now before the Cabinet. It is a matter that has to be looked at,” he noted.

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  1. T. Winston
    October 4, 2010

    and the latest news on this is that
    Government did not accept the “non salary” related sections which according to Mr. Letang they proposed. Well back to the drawing board no less than 7% now

  2. Karkabeff
    September 1, 2010

    Take that in allu bonda.
    Who is the government? The people
    Who is the union? The workers
    So now the people have decided that the workers among them does not deserve a patat 17% increase. Sadly, the same people who said no to the workers are depending on the very workers to take care of them and vote them back in office. Get my drift?

    Letang and his gang knew damn well they would have settled for 3% and the government was fully aware. Guess who did not know that? The very workers that they were representing. Politics makes strange bed fellows so take that in allu bonda. Complain if allu want but allu will still vote El Supremo and his gang next elections because the sewo will start flowing and all your troubles will be over for about six months. Charlo helped take down PJ by organizing the civil service into a potent force but so far Letang seems to be like a ship sailing with a dead captain into turbulent waters. Imagine that!


  3. T. Winston
    September 1, 2010

    The Unions have no real power and apparently not much negotiating skills as what is initially proposed is always what is accepted a year later

    Also with regard to the people talking about the 50%
    IN WHAT COUNTRY in the world could you find an ELECTED GOVERNMENT official making less than the average public servant? The miisters salary used to be lower than both the PS’s and SAO’s.

    I feel the Union needs to organize properly to tackle this issue and organize effective strikes, not strikes which seem to be politically motivated I mean seriously proposing a strike during election time is ludicrous.

    It’s the job of the employer to try for the lowest but it’s the job of the union to counter that and make sure things are done fairly. There are many issues outside of the lowly salaries received which is of concern to many. And 3% is based on what you already make think of the messengers and the junior clerks where 3% is about $50 ec on their salary. 50 dollars is nothing that cannot pay no marpin, lime or domlec bill all that can do is buy bread for 2 weeks for some

  4. Concerned
    September 1, 2010

    Boy civil servants need to unite with their union. When the union call a strike 5 people alone going on strike. Tell me, how do we expect the union to be able to effectively oppose when we the civil servants are divided? We focus on our Government – what about us? 3% is nothing. Come on people we need to wake up. We support our Government yes; but we also need to ask them to be fair. Prices are going up and the pay is the same. How long can we survive like this?

  5. Concerned
    August 31, 2010

    It`s amazing that this Charles Savarin can sit there and get all this big salary where his belly overlapping over his belt and all the other ministers too, and then say with a staright face they giving civil servants and mere 3% increase. Yes it`s better than nothing and maybe it can block a whole for some but my gosh… When they entered office in 2000, the first thing they did was increase their salaries and it wasn`t just by 3% and still getting all their perks and now is just a 3% civil servants getting. The same people that doing all the work and making these guys look good are the civil servants, alas they could do better than that wi.

  6. Conscious Mike
    August 31, 2010

    Is it really the case that all unions have accepted the Governemnt’s 3 percent offer? My understanding is that the teachers have not signalled their acceptance of the offer. In fact, they are meeting this week to discuss the Minister’s claim.

    August 31, 2010


  8. Al Masari
    August 31, 2010

    Did the unions have a choice in the matter? Cettainly, the government should and can do better. We must do like they did in South Africa, demonstrate. The South African governmnet gave 7%, the workers wanted 8.6%. That was a difference of just 1.6% and they rejected it.They shot down the country.

    The PSU wanted 17% and got 3%, a difference of 14% and they have accepted. What a shame, they should shut down the country.

    August 31, 2010

    Well quarter of a loaf is better than none.

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