Secret Bay owner blasts LIAT; calls for executive change


Hotelier Gregor Nassief, has issued an open letter to the Board of Directors of regional airlines LIAT calling for an executive shake-up, insisting that “heads must roll.”

The letter complains of ‘disastrous customer service’ over the past two months as well as disastrous public relations and the damage this is causing to the region and to fragile economies of island states like Dominica so dependent on tourism and the airline’s service.

Below is the full copy of the letter

August 12, 2013
Board of Directors
LIAT (1974) LTD
V.C. Bird International Airport
P O Box 819
Re:  Heads must roll

I respectfully ask you, on behalf of the people of the Caribbean, and the people that visit the Caribbean, and especially on behalf of the people of Dominica who depend on LIAT for their travel and also for their tourism industry, to enforce significant change in the executive ranks at LIAT.

This request is being made first because of 8+ weeks of disastrous customer service which continues to this day due to lack of foresight and planning on the part of LIAT’s executives, and second because of LIAT’s disastrous public relations which has revealed the depth of your executives’ indifference to your customers.

It is your duty to hold your executives accountable for their actions and performance.

Disastrous Service

There has been a complete breakdown in service for over 2 months now, which I and most persons traveling LIAT have experienced.  Here is a list of incidents:

schudule 1

20+ incidents in less than 8 weeks related to one island and connected to one person (the affected passengers include me and those known to me).   And none of these are related to Tropical Storm Chantal or bad weather.

LIAT introduced the new ATR aircraft in early July. Your executives were well aware that pilots operating the new ATRs could not also operate the Dash 8.  LIAT also knew that before the ATRs began operating, pilots would have to be taken off line for training.  LIAT also returned Dash 8s that were on lease before the ATRs were operational.  LIAT went into their peak summer season with the implementation of new aircraft and with the full knowledge of what they were doing and of the risks involved.  There were no contingency plans, and everything fell apart.  The result is too few pilots and too few aircraft to adequately meet the demand and cover the routes.  The results have been a disaster for the region, and especially for Dominica (68% of our arrivals by air are on LIAT).

The inability to properly plan such a major event and to put the airline and its employees and especially its customers through such chaos, further damaging the reputation of LIAT and that of the tourism industry which it serves is, in to my mind, gross negligence. Who pays for the damage done to each customer, and for the damage to Dominica and its tourism industry, and to the region?  Who is accountable?

Do you believe a visitor traveling to the region for a hard-earned vacation can separate LIAT’s disastrous service from the rest of their experience?  Do think they will return or encourage others to come?

So many that work so hard to bring visitors to our region and to our island cannot and should not continue to the pay the price for the incompetence and actions of your executives.

Disastrous Public Relations

Your CEO has gone on record only once, as far I can see, explaining the crisis as follows: “an increase in unscheduled maintenance at a time when our schedule calls for maximum aircraft availability; crew shortages; bad weather; airport limitations; and delays in obtaining licences for operating our new ATR aircraft in some territories”.

Your Chairman has focused on maintenance issues with the old Dash 8s being the heart of the problem.

This is only part of the truth – poor planning and implementation is the crux of the matter.  It is a great disservice to your ultimate shareholders – the people of the Caribbean – to not deal with the crisis truthfully and clearly and to ensure swift correction action.  Who is accountable?

In the most baffling public relations event that I have ever witnessed, your Chief Commercial Officer responded via a YouTube video to a customer complaint letter which was publicized by Richard Branson.   Your executive said that “LIAT is second only to Virgin to receive the funniest complaint letter every written” and challenged Branson to a race to Necker Island saying that “the loser can wipe the other airline’s tail” or Branson can dress up as a flight attendant for LIAT.

This is your top marketing, commercial and PR executive, the face of your organization, the depth of your indifference to what customers suffer, and for me, the lowest point in my perception of what LIAT stands for.  Who is accountable?

Your customer-facing staff, who through this crisis have had to work incredible hours and deal with an unimaginable number of irate clients, are clueless as to what is happening operationally on a day to day basis.  They are typically unable to answer customer questions as to when or if a scheduled flight will arrive or depart.

Your customer-facing staff are your public relations link to your clients and are your best hope of lifting clients up in their moments of despair, yet your executives give them no information and no tools to manage your most important asset – your customers – through this crisis.  Who is accountable?

In Closing

A friend once said to me that the secret to a stress-free life is simply to lower your expectations, that way you are never disappointed.   I didn’t have to lower them, LIAT’s service to me and several people connected to me, did that for me.  LIAT did it consistently, dependably and ruthlessly.  Through a crisis like this, LIAT could have recovered at least to some extent the understanding and trust of its customers, through clear, honest and appropriate communication and public relations, followed with decisive action, all of which would have demonstrated that LIAT cares, that you care.

But do you care? Do you care about LIAT’s customers who get on and off its planes every day?  Do you care about the disruption to their personal and professional lives caused by LIAT’s incompetence and indifference?  Do you care about the damage LIAT’s poor service and reputation does to the fragile economies of island states like Dominica so dependent on tourism and the airline’s service?  Do you care that your customers are not getting what they pay for?  Do you care that your customers do not travel LIAT by choice, but because they have no other choice?  Caring for your customers is the first step and the raison d’être – the reason for existence – of a business.

It is time to care.  It is time for change.  Heads must roll.

Respectfully Yours,

Gregor Nassief
Owner/Director – Secret Bay
Executive Chairman – Fort Young Hotel

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  1. Jenna Y
    September 5, 2013

    I agree! On July 22nd 2013 I was planning on leaving Dominica at 10:10am and when I when to check in the representive for LIAT said that they changed the departure time to 11:10 two weeks before hand and never informed any of the passengers. Then I tried checking in again and the LIAT representive informed me that the plane was delayed till noon and then again delayed till 2. Then after that they said that try had no information on when the plane was going to arrive because Barbados was not giving Dominica any information. The plane arrive Dominica around 4pm. When I arrived to San Juan I have missed my connecting plane and LIAT didn’t give me a room in San Juan. Me and my family travel to Dominica every Christmas and we take LIAT and every year we are delayed and have to stay in Antigua or San Juan on the way to Dominica or on the way back home. If LIAT were to have better service or if Dominica had American Eagle back dominica’s tourism would be higher than what it is now. More people would want to come back and visit. Also I would like to be able to claim my baggage after flying on LIAT!!!

  2. Natural
    August 14, 2013

    LIAT is a disgraceful company. Overcharging and under-delivering every time. If I had a choice I would NEVER use LIAT. I wish the Caribbean govts would stop investing in this useless company and open up the free market for competition. I have had too many disasterous journeys on LIAT to go into details of all but the last one was waiting an entire day (10 hours) in the airport with 2 young children…at one point in the afternoon they boarded the entire flight only to tell us to get off because they boarded the wrong flight -insane. When we arrived to our destination we had no luggage until 6pm the following day. (And we were the lucky ones…many people were told they could not fly for another 2 days and had to pay the costs themselves)It was a terrible start to our vacation and everyone I know has a similar story to tell. As I work in the tourism industry I witness many people’s vacations that they have saved so hard for, being spoiled by this rotten airline. Let all their heads roll and come again with something better.

  3. Anonymous
    August 14, 2013

    Many times workers have to wait 12am, 1am for ONE LIAT flight which is ridiculous!!!!
    more competition is definitely needed. Change is a must!

  4. ShawnB
    August 14, 2013

    LIAT is successfully the absolutely and terribly worse airline in the history of airlines and the word terrible.

    I have had 2 phenomenally disgusting experiences with LIAT in the past 3 weeks.

    1. Delayed in Antigua en route to POS from SJU (late July 2013)due to a problem with the runway. Given that the problem with the runway was not LIAT’s fault, their management of the situation and their passengers left EVERYTHING to be desired. They were boarding passengers on airplanes that could not leave only to have the passengers disembark and return to the waiting area. When approached by passengers for information their attitude was hostile, even outright literally turning their back to the passenger and walking away, after an hour, there were NO LIAT customer representative anywhere in sight. Passengers were left in the airport with NO information on their departure. There were passengers in the airport form earlier delayed flights that were in a similar disposition. One British woman was so infuriated that she was on the verge of a fist fight. Who could blame her? She was stranded for several hours, with no information and a LIAT issued voucher for food. For those familiar with ANU airport, The single food establishment in the airport doesn’t have much options at 9:00PM, so customers had pretty much been given useless vouchers. LIAT could have at least communicated with the Control Tower and determined that since they cannot leave avoided giving false hopes to their passengers by playing musical planes with them. They could have least ordered some food for their stranded passengers from an establishment outside of the airport.

    2. Cancellation of my POS flight from Curacao.
    LIAT cancelled my flight and the customer service representatives at the CUR office, were totally unaware of when I would be put on a return flight home. They informed us that we would be put in a hotel and we were to await further instructions. Upon arriving there I realized that the hotel was almost entirely occupied by passengers of cancelled LIAT flights. The hotel was almost as disgusting as LIAT. It appeared that it a hotel was out of the 70’s and the room I was assigned was last used in the 80’s.I was entirely fed-up with them at this point and decided to seek out a clean, liveable hotel to pay out of my pocket and booked an alternative flight home, since LIAT’s was going to send me home 2 days later, a massive disruption and inconvenience that was not acceptable to both my personal and professional duties. COPA Airlines are awesome. Please consult them LIAT and learn how to run an airline.

    It appears that LIAT has resolved to treat passengers not like that of any other airline, but instead as cattle being shipped across the islands.

    There is a lesson to be learned from every textbook case study LIAT, you are soon heading to be one that will be studied for years. People can make or break your business. If you do not treat people (your customers and employees) with respect, dignity and value, they will break your business.

    There is a reason that better airlines like AA, United, Copa and the likes of the Star Alliance members in their landing announcement say “Thank you for choosing us, we appreciate your business”. They have recognized the value and importance of their customers. LIAT seems to be telling customers the opposite – we don’t care about you and we don’t care for your business.

    I have taken heed to your message LIAT. I for one will NEVER, NEVER, EVER use LIAT again. As long as there is another airline that operates to my destination, I will choose that airline and give them my business. Unfortunately the point that Mr. Nassief’s letter was making will hold true – if I want to visit a Caribbean destination that is not serviced by another airline, then I will NOT be visiting that island for tourism.

    Carry on LIAT . . .

  5. angel
    August 14, 2013

    LIAT really is the world’s worst airline. Even with more than fifty years experience, they still can’t get it right and their ground staff are some of the rudest people I have ever met. LIAT’s disastrous inefficiency not only annoys people, it adversely affects and damages the entire region’s economy.

  6. Ariana
    August 13, 2013

    After all these years of poor service, the letter writing and complaining has achieved no results! I suggest the disgruntled customers, rally together and file a class action lawsuit against LIAT, for monetary damage, financial loss and gross negligence. The loss, anguish and detriment is insurmountable!

  7. August 13, 2013


  8. August 13, 2013

    Hello. Liat has a monopoly on flights to Dominica therefore unless they have competition they won’t change. I say allow Caribbean Airlines to serve Dominica. I would like to come home in October for November celebrations but with this type of service I will have to make other plans.

    • RedJET enthusaist
      August 13, 2013

      hmm… tell me again why RedJET was rejected in the region???

    • Sad
      August 13, 2013

      and they rejected REDjet because…? I thought so.

  9. natureislandguy
    August 13, 2013

    Well done Gregor Nassief, LIAT’s customer service is non existent. Their ground staff are rude and uncooperative, Their Management Lazy and their planes old and unreliable, Why waste time with them. If Seabourne get over their teething problems they may help us but we need not a International Airline landing with half empty planes But another regional Airline with some Expertise and experience giving a quality service

  10. 4progress
    August 13, 2013

    DNO……Is any way we find out from the other islands what LIAT services is like. Is DA the only island suffering like this.

    • Sad
      August 13, 2013

      NOPE! We all suffer, especially here in the BVI where we rely on ferry services (who cease operations 6pm each evening, btw) to taxi our tourists and locals to our sister islands where a concentration of our best hotels and restaurants occupy. When liat is late, not only do persons miss their connecting flights (when they have one) but they also miss their boat!

    • Artsy fartsy
      August 14, 2013

      All islands suffer the same bad service. It is a connected service route. If you’re late to one destination you’re late to the next and the next and……

  11. Antiguan
    August 13, 2013

    My dear sir, I could not have said it better….You have said it all and I tip my hat to you…

  12. August 13, 2013

    I love it, I love it, I love it, LIAT need all this and more.
    Me and my 2 young girls one is 3 years and one is 4 years had our ordeal when I plan to take them for a vacation to Dominica in july, we were book to take off from the BVI Friday afternoon to our amazement flight was cancelled, was not able to get a flight 11am sunday morning had a 6 hour transit time in SM, when time comes for us to take off, flight delay, we did not get into Dominica not until after 10pm sunday night, mark you I have my 2 girl all this time. at present I have a voucher to travel at any time on LIAT but I am really skeptical.
    Hope some kind of change come real soon, LIAT HAS BEEN OPERATING FOT TOO LONG AND THIGS A GETTING WORSE.

  13. Sisserou Gardens
    August 13, 2013

    I could not agree more with you Gregor. If anybody manages to totally eradicate the already frail Dominica Tourism industry it is this useless and inapt airline.
    My children visited me some 4 weeks ago. Their experience was such that they will probably never return again. Here a list of events:
    1) Virgin flight from London to Barbados arrived in time in BGI.
    2) Checked in at 15.30 for flight Barbados to DOM. At this point my children, knowing what Liat is like, asked if the flght would be on time. The answer was yes.
    3) Liat informs them at 19.30 that their flight is cancelled and they have to stay overnight in Barbados. No apologies just a wait of over 3 hours to be taxied to a substandard dirty hotel with food they could not eat!!
    4) 10 days later return flight to Barbados. Arrived at 6.10am at Melville Hall and in the queue for check-in for 35 minutes. When it was their turn they are told the plane is full, no more space. This was a result of the previous evenings flight from DOM to BGI having been cancelled.
    5) I told the agent that my daughter had to be in London for an import meeting with clients and I left him in no doubt that we would sue Liat for all damages caused in the event her no making that meeting in London
    6) Now the agent made several phone calls and one hour later announced that Liat would bring in another plane to bring them to Barbados. Arrived in Barbados some 7 hours late and just about made the connection flight with Virgin to London.

    Any other airline apart from Liat, who hold a monopoly in the Caribbean, would be bankrupt by now offering that kind of service. Furthermore it has to be added that the flight from BGI to DOM cost them almost as much as the flight from London to Barbados. How can they justify that???? It’s so sweet to operate in a monopoly situation. But surprise, surprise they are still incapable of making any profit. Infact they make losses.

  14. silent
    August 13, 2013

    mr nassief just yesterday i was reading your article and responded to it and here is the problem hitting me straight in the face. My brother, his girlfriend and her father were travelling back to Guadeloupe yesterday. their flight was scheduled for 7.15 PM they went through security at about 6.35 PM and u know it was after 11.00PM when the flight left? and on top of that the man is diabetic and has to eat on time and the restaurant was close,the man almost pass out. when they got to Guadeloupe it was midnight. they had to immediately get him something to eat.That is the state Liat have people and they are not even bothered about you. something must be done.

    • Malatete
      August 13, 2013

      Thank you for highlighting another serious problem we have at Melville Hall. The departure lounge has no facilities for providing food and drink. I do believe there is a vending machine but this area was poorly designed. Do they have more space and comfort in the VIP area than for the general public? If so, it would be back-to-front, upside-down thinking again like so many things in our little paradise that bite the unaware.

      • Jenna Y
        September 5, 2013

        To add to that, when I was in Melville for over 6 hours trying to get home to New York I was sick and I didn’t make it to the ER back at home till the next night after midnight!

  15. Anonymous
    August 13, 2013

    Well said…I hope more persons especially Business owners like Mr Nassief would come out and speak out..Liat needs to be exposed totally…we need change

  16. traveler
    August 13, 2013


    A lot germans like to come
    German travel agent don’tlike incorrekt liat Wirkung system.
    Thee opinion ?
    Liat management …….is stinking as a rotting wale after 3weeks in
    The antiqua sun.
    Mr.holder and his oldfasion management..?.?……..
    Its time To go!,,,,!,

    • Anonymous
      August 15, 2013

      We leave st. Vincent on the 25th of July Liat did not even put our luggage on.never got luggage until 30th of july have wedding on July 27 have no clothes Liat don’t care so we in St Vincent is the same

  17. Cecilia Roberts
    August 12, 2013

    Well said Gregor, last week I almost committed a felony with the staff in Barbados. Their attitude sickens me. And rather than improving this communications lady finds the best way to deal with the inconveniences people face on a daily basis, is to display their nasty attitude on youtube. Shame on the staff.

    • Anonymous
      August 16, 2013

      i honestly wouldn’t blame the staff as much…imagine yourself being at work until 2 in the morning running around like a headless chicken because no one is bothering to filter information to you…the staff is just as stressed out as we are! The problem is much as i get frustrated by the inconvenience i feel it for the staff as well it’s not time enough they privatize the airline ’cause governments investing not making one difference at all!

  18. Hans Schilders
    August 12, 2013

    Thanks a lot Gregor. Well said.
    And to many of the comments: we don’t need an international airport. We just need a better airline and improves ground services (including customs handling).
    The current airport has enough capacity. There is just a lack of quality and efficiency.

    August 12, 2013

    i think is Ivor Nassief should write because is them so that make skerrit get mad and do that koshonie in melvillehall and they still support skerrit by keeping their mouth shut when he give LIAT 8 million of poor people money.

  20. Koolqueen
    August 12, 2013

    Just to add that on July 9th, I left my home with three children under the age of ten, to catch a flight to San juan and then to catch a connecting one to jfk ny. after five days of going back and forth to melvillehall and not being able to get a flight out to San Juan, I finally cancelled the trip and disappointed three kids. I had to cancel because one week of my two weeks vacation was spent at melvillehall. I also spent two thousand usd rebooking with the connecting flight and at times losing the tickets and purchasing new ones and still never got to San Juan.the connecting flight said it was not their problem. Will someone at liat tell me who is going to pay me back that money?

  21. new york
    August 12, 2013

    sir what kind of govt we have build am international airport

  22. August 12, 2013

    Hi all,
    Not sure if you’ve seen this survey on LIAT….

    • Hans Schilders
      August 12, 2013

      Thanks for bringing this to everyone’s attention. I hope all readers take a minute to answer this very short survey.

    • 4progress
      August 13, 2013

      @Jason….Thanks, we do need something like that.


      I fear if action is not taken by us the customers, LIAT will carry on.

  23. Evolved
    August 12, 2013

    Lov it
    His father and brother were adamant that Dominica did not needjet access
    Seems that they r ready to change there tune

    • Eric Balcombe
      August 12, 2013

      Thats not the point. Liat needs to listen to their clients and act according otherwise shut the business down and let someone else do a proper job. Unfortunately that is what happens when you have government shareholders: people keep complaining and the government doesn’t do squat!!!!!!

    • Me
      August 13, 2013

      He is not his brother and father. He is he!!!!!

    • Sad
      August 13, 2013

      As soon as you’re affected, you’ll cease to love it and be the first one on the ‘ban liat’ bandwagon. and once you do, we’ll be here to love that! insensitive $@#$!

  24. Anonymous
    August 12, 2013

    Well said Gregor. Whilst there is no competition, Liat will continue along this path. Liat has always suffered from poor management, is under the control of the Antiguan government and the unions there, no matter who the largest shareholder is. The answer here is competition. Liat stepped up its service with the introduction of Caribbean Star and that is where the answer lies, an alternative to air travel. Caribbean Airlines?

  25. zuberi
    August 12, 2013

    Congratulation Gregor well done. now we have to unite all.

  26. August 12, 2013

    Well i am surprised at that letter sent to LIAT in 2013. Liat has always been and will always be Liat.What is happening is nothing new. Dominicans should stop blaming other people for their problems and deal with . Govt should invite companies persons and get ideas on how to improve the transportion service. We should invest in one or two planes to take Dominicans, visitors etc from the hubs so travelling can be seamless. Most of the european countries do this. They own their own planes and transport their passengers. Example Lunxembour to London and retunn to London. This is not so difficult to do and stop blaming Liat for our problems. TAKE CHARGE

    • Me
      August 13, 2013

      Not sooooo easy Carlson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. EME
    August 12, 2013

    If only Cardinal Airlines had continue to operate, become well established and expanded. Who knows….probably Dominica would have an airline to call its very own.

    • Malgraysa
      August 13, 2013

      Eh ben, why did Cardinal cease operation? Did they pay their bills….??

  28. Neg Mawon
    August 12, 2013

    BOy am I happy someone else of magnitude stood up to this BS by Leave Islands Any Time!! For years on end we have been recipients of HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE AND DISASTROUS SERVICE by this airline! High cost of airline tickets plus discomfort and inconvenience! They should just privatize. The Government of Dominica pumped 8 million dollars into a dying airline,I have yet to see any improvement though they got new airplanes! I always cry when Caribbean Star went down, then LIAT used to do their best. Trust me the service stinks!!! HEADS NEEDS TO ROLL!!

    • Me
      August 13, 2013

      I miss American Eagle!!!!!

  29. Maximoto
    August 12, 2013

    Mr. Gregor, u are so very right. We do endorse all what you have said. LIAT is really playing the ‘donkey’ with Dominica in particular.

    What you omitted to say, was your family has stood staunchly against the building and operating of an international airport here.

    We all know that the other regional brethren are not held hostage by LIAT, as they all have international airports.

    So now it appears that you have felt the bite which many Dominicans have been complaining about for the longest while, which your family seemed immune from until today.

    It is not too late to reverse your stance on the international airport, since no amount of cash injection or executive shake up will remedy the moribund state of LIAT.

    • Me
      August 13, 2013

      I will say it again. Gregor is not his father or his brother. He is his own person. So, please stop trying to blame him for other’s stances. What his other family members stand for does not mean he stands for that!!!!!

  30. mike
    August 12, 2013


  31. Diplomat
    August 12, 2013

    I’ve used Liat a few times in my lifetime, they have always been tardy… but more recently its been hell.

    Last year, I traveled to London with my 11 month old, liat was so late in getting to Barbados that Virgin refused to take our luggage. Liat promised that the luggage would be on the following flight out, however my suitcases never arrived until four days later… I had pampers, milk and my baby’s toys packed and was extremely disappointed at the level of service I received.

    If that wasn’t enough… The Liat representatives in Barbados were outrageously rude when I would call to inquire about our bags. Everyday I called they would say it was on its way and everyday I stayed in awaiting the bags. That contributed to one of the worst vacations ever in my life and to make matters worse, they cared less about my 11 month old.

    This year my baby and I traveled to the US and during our return flight when I thought it couldn’t get any worse it did. I already had a 5 hour layover in Barbados… and just when our flight was supposed to board we got word from a representative that we wouldn’t be leaving for another hour… that hour turned into two, then five… so all in all my 22 month old and I had been in Barbados for 10 hours. When we were heading home… the pilot announced that because of heavy winds we would have to wait 15 mins before we could land… While in the air I saw the moon then pitch black… then the moon again and then pitch black and I said to myself something isn’t right. The plane starts to move and then after 10 minutes and not seeing the moon again, the pilot announces that corporate advised not to land in Dominica and to head to Antigua… A bewildered and flustered me with an active toddler becomes stressed… I had packed enough milk and pampers for a delay but not for an overnight on another island… Once in Antigua, we were told that the morning flight was already booked and we would not be able to get a flight out.

    The following morning, already packed and ready to go, I called the Liat desk at the VC Bird airport several times but nothing and it wasn’t until I told a representative that at that point I only had enough milk for one bottle that he said let me see what I can do for you. After several calls back and forth we were at the airport for a 4:20pm flight.

    I was so ecstatic, you would never believe until we were then taken to St. Maarten, asked to deplane for another 4 hour layover…

    As you can imagine by this time I was totally discombobulated. We arrived at Melville Hall airport almost 11pm, didn’t get home with my child until 1am.

    After doing some research, I then found out that on that particular aircraft leaving Barbados and heading to Dominica, the real reason they couldn’t land wasn’t because of strong winds but in fact their GPS system wasn’t working and as we all know Dominica is mountainous… They couldn’t see where they were going… why not just say that instead of faking the funk! They knew we weren’t going to land before we left Barbados!

    It was disastrous… If I have to go anywhere again, I will NEVER travel with LIAT. I will opt for the ferry to Guadeloupe and then fly where ever I want from there or Seaborne Airlines… but as for Liat I will not be supporting bad service.

  32. close to you
    August 12, 2013

    liat just need to be privatized

  33. poe-ki-toe
    August 12, 2013

    wow …and to think we invested 8 million dollars……..well LIAT maybe needed 16 million from us so we have to take our blows?

  34. better
    August 12, 2013

    DNO we should be able to share an article on facebook, tweeter or Google+. We always say that 100% of people who travel liat at least twice would have had a bad experience to talk about. This is no longer funny it is shameful. I remember once giving a thumbs up to Skerrit’s contribution to Liat but now I think about it every country should withdraw its contribution until liat shapes up. Especially Dominica, we are like the little poor child unable to even get a second hand pair of shoe to walk in, in a class of children wearing designer outfits. No one can say have our table scraps. Maybe we need to do for ourselves. Work out a deal with the French government where we can use a land, sea and air shuttle system for our international travel linkage. Who knows I admit I am just guessing things but come on, maybe the only Caribbean country large enough to have an international airport or marina to not have one.

  35. August 12, 2013

    It was my intension to send my complaint to be posted on DNO–I am a victim of LIAT 509, on Tuesday, August 06 2013–I was on my way to Dominica for my moms funeral, which would take place the following day–Wednesday August,07–I had no choice but to accept that date.

    First of all I was frustrated with the service of Airport employees in St. Marteen–that too is a long story–but the frustration rose to hysterics when the time came for me to deal with LIAT, flight 509.

    West Jet, from Toronto, landed in St. Marteen between 1 and 2pm–LIAT was scheduled to take me and the rest of us to Dominica and then go to Trinidad to drop off people, the Aircraft would leave St. Marteen at 7:40pm.

    Well guess what? At 7pm there was an aircraft sitting on the airport field, but people had boarded it half an hour earlier–which should have been our to board.

    The display post continued to announce that flight 509 to Dominica was on time–I did not understand that, because I was thought that aircraft was sitting on the field was the one which should be taking us to Dominica, but why were not putting the boarding sign on. And so, I went to have a talk with customer service.

    I ask why is it that the display sign continue to tell us that flight 509 is on time, while we are still sitting there at 7pm? She told me that the aircraft outside was flight 509, but it was about to fly to Tortoler and then to return for us–I knew that was not possible if were to catch on time–which was 7:40pm.

    The frustration was that they never removed that sign which said flight 509 to Dominica was cancelled, even until the sign post displayed “boarding”–until the changed the flight numbers–one was going to Tortoller again, the other one was going to Antigua–by that time we should have been in Dominica–and yet we did not know if we were ever going to leave St. Marteen.

    One guy from Trinidad said the he was sure he was going to sleep in St. Martin–I dreaded this, because the next day would be my mom’s funeral.

    Anyhow. God is good, we made to Dominica that night–but I agree with Mr. Nassief, LIAT is a disaster for us in the Caribbean especially for our people in Dominica–that kind of treatment is just too inhumane–we are people too!

  36. Candominican
    August 12, 2013

    Airlines are not managed by govt. Only LIAT still flies under the management of government. The result? Disaster. No where in the civilized world air transport is managed by govt. Government in fact subsidize airline to ensure that they benefit from the wider picture. The govt of the Caribbean are doing exactly the opposite. They are milking the passenger and airline through direct taxation and this is a crime.

  37. Simple
    August 12, 2013

    Mr.Massive I agree with you 100 percent. However, there are still many untold stories. On July 13 myself and two other colleagues had to sleep at Airport in Puerto Rico because we missed our connecting flight on our way to the United States. List was 6 hours late. On our way back to Dominica, we arrived at San Juan at 10:00am. Our List flight to Dominica was at 3pm. There was also a List flight to Antigua at 3:20pm. Can you imagine that the flight to Antigua arrived at San Juan an hour a head of time and also left on time. Our flight to Dominica was late by an hour and a half.

    • better
      August 12, 2013

      couple years ago i had an experience, left Dominica on time, got to Antigua on time, heck even boarded the plane in Antigua on time only to sit on the tarmac for over 2 hours. After the first 30 mins we saw a couple of tourist walk in, so I thought to myself the old notion I had that Airplanes do not wait on people was wrong. It was only after the two plus hours we realise that the holdup was a passenger log issue on the printed list and the computer. It was when some guy decided not to wait on the computer and use a pen and paper we were able to depart the island. By then I was a good 3 hours late, giving me a 20 or so minutes to do everything and board for my connecting flight in PR to texas. Well that did not work out. Got there in time to see my flight take off without me. Had to face sleeping in PR or paying $30 bucks to connect from ATL, drawback would miss my appointment in Texas still.

  38. Johnny
    August 12, 2013

    I am so happy that Mr. Nassief can stand up and speak about this on OUR behalf.
    We all have been suffering from the poor planning and scheduling of LIAT’s flights.
    THANK you Gregor.

    • August 13, 2013


      Hello Mr Nassief isn’t speaking on our behalf rather he’s speaking out because his hotels are loosing business. He is part of four families that effectively control the economy of Dominica. With all the millions of dollars his family make why don’t they start their airline. Those kind of individuals usually come out when an event have some financial impart on their earnnings .

  39. No Man Is God
    August 12, 2013

    Well written more persons should stand up to LIAT. We are tired of suffering the inconvenience of the incompetence of poorly ran airline corporation.

    That’s one of the key reasons I choose to fly with an alternate airline over LIAT when the option presents itself.

    LIAT cares nothing for its customers and something needs to be done about that.

  40. 4progress
    August 12, 2013

    Gregor….I congratulate you on taking stand on this matter, but my gut feeling says, until customers really show their frustration by selecting the alternatives and saying so. For instance the Festival is on again, this is opportune time for people to get on DNO and let us know what route you taking so other can join in.

    If you hit LIAT in the pocket the shareholders will be forced to take action as they see their shares diminishing.


    I heading to DA for the festival from England. My route is England, France, Guadeloupe, Dominica. I am prepared to make that sacrifice to at least ensure I (a) get to DA and (b) with my luggage.


  41. papa- met
    August 12, 2013

    I just think that enough is enough and there comes a time when for one week we the people of the Caribbean just have to stop flying liat for just one week and maybe they will change, they grounded there self.

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2013

      Unfortunately, there is no alternative for a place like Dominica. Lack of competition is the issue. This has been going on for decades

  42. Eh
    August 12, 2013

    While a well written letter, I’m afraid It is a lost cause. If a company cared at all in the first place, It wouldn’t have ended up in its current state.

    I think it’d be more practical to talk to Seaborne at this point, and have them step up their game, so we can get LIAT out of the picture entirely.

    • Say Sa
      August 12, 2013

      Trust me, I had my share with Seaborne, it wasn’t pleasant at all. And I am not the first to say that. It was my intention to write about it but I somehow changed my mind. Had and entire flight, including medical students who had exams the following day sitting in San Juan for hours until 4 pm (for a scheduled 11.45am flight) only to be put up at a hotel and handed US$14.

  43. Mustapha Kubuli
    August 12, 2013

    Make way for the Irish to run Liat

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2013

      I wonder if Pinard-Byrne would be interested. He’s Irish, isn’t he?

  44. Waitukubuli
    August 12, 2013

    Gregor, I share in your concern on the horrible service we have been receiving from LIAT; however, they have a monopoly on air travel in the small caribbean islands and they know it. I doubt you will get any satisfaction as a result of your letter. You are a shrewd businessman and I recommend that you expand your business to include leasing or owning a small plane that would go to and from at least two main hubs (Antigua and Barbados). Give it some thought. I would fly NASSIEF instead of LIAT.

  45. August 12, 2013

    fed up of liat fed up with liat liat liat that my boy asa bantan

  46. Anonymous
    August 12, 2013

    LIAT is a lost cause, and always have been. Seaborne needs to step up their game so nobody needs to rely on LIAT any longer.

  47. Positive
    August 12, 2013

    Cable & Wireless days are over. LIAT’s time will come. Its is just a matter of time. With the disrespect that LIAT display to passengers, there needs to be an immediate stop. Flights are hours late and they have no courtesy to announce the tardiness; you just have to wait and shut up!!! Its like you are waiting on your grandmother to give you a lift home. LIAT does not operatate like a business, its like a family buggy business, whenever we leave its ok – Just wait. Shame on you LIAT – and your day is near.

  48. Anonymous
    August 12, 2013

    I am a student in Cuba studying. I remember last year I had to go back to Cuba at the end of the Summer, and LIAT cost me to spend $1000 EC dollars on rebooking. All the money I had saved, to use during the year…I was forced to use it in the space of 2 days !

    The night before my flight, LIAT issued a statement saying that all flights for the following day are cancelled, because of a storm. The very next morning I called LIAT and they told me that THE SAME FLIGHT WHICH THEIR WEBSITE, AND NEWS REPORT SAID WAS CANCELLED….TOOK OFF ANYWAY ! …. even though they never sent a second announcement saying that the flight was no longer cancelled.

    They then rebooked me on a flight that made me miss my connection, and refused to accept responsibility… forcing me to dish out 400USD to book a new ticked from St. Maarten.

    We need a new _____*! airline to Dominica…. LIAT is bull______
    I have 3 years in Cuba, and not once has any of my LIAT flights been on time.

  49. 4u2c
    August 12, 2013

    Why the big cry on LIAT now? LIAT has always been like this. Mr. Nassief must have had a taste of what the every day man gets from LIAT or it starts affecting his bottom line…$$$$$. Well another member of the family(Nassief) said a few years ago we do NOT need an international airport. Another member of the same family was minister of Tourism for 2 yrs for $1.00/yr. You mean you could not see what it was leading to?
    When we lack foresight, support mediocrity, and fail to condemn wrong when its wrong you expect LIAT to treat you guys with respect? LIAT has seen that the folks that can make a difference fail to do anything right. Don’t cry down LIAT and try to make it a new Dominica thing. This has been for years but now your bottom line is hurting, the country has regress so FIRE on LIAT. Its bigger than LIAT Mr. Nassief. LIAT has been sloppy and safe over the past years and you all were happy and dandy. LIAT work well for elections, what is the problem? Bananas and other crops kept your bottom line afloat. Now DA is dead when it comes to productivity so ease up on LIAT. Look ahead and get down to the real beef…the powers that be are incompetent, lazy, idealess, greedy and LIAT see this as a holiday. Leave LIAT alone and work towards INTERNATIONAL Airport. Let the $1.00/yr pay to your relative!

    • Malatete
      August 12, 2013

      The lousy LIAT service would be the same, whether we have a full-size jet airport or not. The runway we have and night landing facilities are more than adequate for the type of planes that LIAT operate.

    • David
      August 24, 2013

      Several contributors have mentioned the need for an “International” airport. All your current airports are “International” since aircraft fly from one country to another. The term “International” is not relevant and simply clouds the real issue – incompetance & overweening entitlement by LIAT.

  50. O yes
    August 12, 2013

    As I can see everyone is asking for a change, and yes a change will come in everything when comes to our beautiful Island call Dominica, we will get our international airport so Liat wont have to treat us beggers and third world country anymore, CHANGE IS A MUST NOT AN OPTION.

  51. LuciA
    August 12, 2013

    asa banton not lying on them

  52. Me
    August 12, 2013

    A group of 19 Dominicans – whose flight was cancelled was forgotten at the hotel – which LIAT sent them to. One of them called a relative in Antigua who took them to the airport and was told that they forgot about them.

    One lady who was visiting Dominica for the first time spend 2 days in Puerto Rico trying to board a liat flight

  53. Real Mang Boy
    August 12, 2013

    I always thought that we should have invested in our own airline instead of LIAT.I am sure a lot of people think that this is a crazy idea but there is no reward without risk. As long as we manage the risk we could build ourselves nice airline business that would eventually capture part of the LIAT monopoly. With this $8 million we could have invested in a few of the same ATRs and a small operation system. Yes it would be a rough start but what we would have created for ourselves is a momentum and an impetus to expand our airport facility. This would be a stimulant to our dead agriculture industry , Agro processing etc.

    We will always be at the mercy of LIAT until we start an independent thinking process in Dominica. We need to get out of this begging mode. We need people who are true leaders and are willing to venture unto trails never traversed before. During the UWP reign we had that airline ( cant remember the name) but again the way we do things in Dominica- petty politics, corruption and lack of professionalism becomes the order of the day

  54. Jamdominic
    August 12, 2013

    A Little advice to LIAT. Don’t respond to this letter by showing how many flights have been early or on-time. It is a fact that you are on-time sometimes (maybe more often than not, I really don’t know)but it is an equal fact that your lateness causes grief and hits the pocket book of your customers heavily. When a student (or anyone else) misses a connecting flight and the other airline says not my problem, you cause great and grievous anguish. I recently took the service to Antigua and you were on-time but it still ended up costing me, because i couldnt trust that the morning flight was going to be on-time for me to get my connecting flight, I over-nighted in Antigua with the attendant cost of accommodation for the night. I did that because on a previous occasion i travelled on the morning flight and had to beg and beseech personnel from the other airline to check me in and wait on my baggage, because LIAT was late. (If I had waited this time around I would have been late because the morning flight was two hours late)
    There seem to be some fundamental issues with LIAT such that lateness seem to be endemic in their operations for some time now. A shake up is certainly required but along with that there need to be a committment to hire competent, efficient, professional and customer focused management.

  55. Jbfox
    August 12, 2013

    Great work MR.Nassief but u are talking about a few hour late for some of these people but I was held captive in Antigua bu liat employees for two days and two nights on my to ST.Thomas from Dominica while all antiguans returning from carnival were loaded on the self and about 20 other Dominicans were continuously lied to over those two days,something needs to be done and real soon.

  56. Porpos
    August 12, 2013

    Thank you Mr Nassief I am definitely in agreement, Liat has no foresight. To start with they introduced the ATR’s in the summer schedule when most people are travelling so there should be a plan B if something goes wrong. It’s not like they were not aware that the planes were coming and some of their pilots had to operate them who could not go back to the Dash 8’s. Therefore it doesn’t have to take a rocket scientist to know a few more pilots will be required to operate the Dash 8’s that are still in existence. Liat’s executive management has no no idea what customer service is all about, they close their city offices in the middle of the summer in 2011 and left customers stranded. Can one believe booking with Liat and having to go to Melville Hall to purchase the ticket since the travel Agencies could not sell since they didnot make booking.Every new CEO of Liat has a wealth of experience according to them but he performs worse that the previous. Heads really need to roll.

  57. Mamizoo
    August 12, 2013

    Take a look at the last incident on the list. Isn’t that outrageous. I wonder whether or not this couple got their money back.

  58. SkerritDoThat
    August 12, 2013

    I blame skerrit if u built an international airport instead of night landing we would have more options in Dominica. :mrgreen:

    August 12, 2013

    The source of all these issue are related to the fact that an airline company is running a monopoly in the region. The governments that LIAT services should invest in a secondary airline that utilizes seaplanes or helicopters. Second they should force the LIAT Monopoly to declare bankruptcy, wipe their debts and split into two or 3 airlines each servicing a region of the Caribbean (South, East and west, while they all service countries like Trinidad, Antigua, Barbados to allow for local and international connecting flights. Last but not least fire/self-terminate/compensate based on performance the upper management that are directly responsible for this tragedy of an Airline. In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king… but in this case the one eyed man is always late and doesn’t care. Its time to end the monopoly.

  60. Love it!
    August 12, 2013

    I love this letter. Heads must roll! I’ve always thought that this Liat CEO was a waste of a manager; he is totally incompetent. Governments need to pull out from Liat and let them operate as a private entity because if they continue to cushion Liat from the realities of life, they cease to have a wanting for effective management.

  61. wil
    August 12, 2013

    I live in the U.K. For me , Liat is the only option. The last time I was in Dominica I was without luggage for 3 days! In the end I had to stay in the Liat office and harass them for hours before they gave me money for emergency clothing. I’m due to travel again in November. …… God help me….

    • Malatete
      August 13, 2013

      If you live in/near London I suggest you fly from City airport to to Orly to connect with a flight going to either Martinique or Guadeloupe (try AirCaraibe as they tend to be more competitive than Air France) and then take the ferry at your leisure, which will drop you in the centre of Roseau. yes, you may have to spend a night in the French territories but believe me, it is far preferable to taking your changes with LIAT (…which as the comments show, may cost you far more in the end).

      PS. You will also save yourself a harrowing taxi ride from Melville Hall, which would cost you in the region ofE.C.$.200 (both ways)

  62. The Authorities
    August 12, 2013

    Dear Mr Nassief,

    LIAT is owned by 11 Caribbean governments with Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines being the three major (government) investors.

    We lost over $20 million in 2010 and then more than $40 million in 2011.

    Even with this loss pattern, the Government of Dominica agreed to inject $8M in 2012 and St Lucia is thinking of doing likewise.

    It is then clear that regardless of our lack of customer service as you so eloquently state, these governments will continue to support LIAT, and we will continue with business as usual.

    The Authorities

  63. Dan Tanner
    August 12, 2013

    LIAT overbooked my wife and when it could not put her on her flight it cost us US$320 to change the connecting flight that LIAT caused her to miss. When we tried to call customer relations (LIAT has relations with its customers, it does you-know-what to them, it does not have customer service) the US number never answers and the Antigua number hung up on us when we asked for the official corporate address. LIAT has not replied to our e-mail, or even read it (I know because I sent the e-mail using receipt acknowledgement and read acknowledgement). Wikipedia notes the lousy customer service, surly personnel and frequent delays and cancellations. Having LIAT be the major connection to Dominica harms Dominica’s tourism sector.

  64. Malgraysa
    August 12, 2013

    That’s the funny thing you know. I had occasion to fly on LIAT’s new STR 72 recently and noticed there was a French pilot at the controls ( least he sounded definitely French, no mistake!). Is is possible that LIAT did not train their own pilots before taking delivery of this new plane?

  65. Yam Babawoolais
    August 12, 2013

    The truth is we Dominicans are so much more stressed out about LIAT because we have no alternatives. Will there ever be a day when LIAT we can ask LIAT to KOA. My god had we not kiss up to LIAT with a $8 million dollar gift there would be no flights at all. I am saying this to see if the dumb PIP supporters will bite on and hail the government decision to furnish $8 Million to LIAT a decision of the century.

  66. grell
    August 12, 2013

    Mr.Nassief great piece,Liat is the worst,when you get to Antigua the workers are very rude,baggage handlers are thiefs.Many times have had my items stolen.After 30 plus years every year seems to be getting worst.I ask myself and our leaders all the time,why do we have to stop in antigua.Island that i avoid each year i travel.Just from many bad years of bad experiences.Mr.Nassief hopefully your request is fully implemented.Antigua should be ontop of the list to be cleaned out.

  67. Redzzz
    August 12, 2013

    8 million is not even enough to put fuel in Liat planes.. What the PM should do with tht 8mil is invest in at lease two planes, we have enough DOMINICAN Pilots, wake up Mr.PM..We Dominicans are suffering to get home and to get out, enough is enough, we need our International Airport so we can have choices… I wish BVI and SUNSHINE could get some bigger planes, along with WINAIR and fly daily to Melville Hall, so we can stamp LIAT out of DOMINICA ,,seriously I fed up …

    • Anonymous
      August 12, 2013

      Winair is getting atr soon, Dominica is one of the destinations again.

  68. real dominnican
    August 12, 2013

    my god ,whats really happening? didnt the prime minister say that when we invest in liat we would have gotten better service?better service my foot and is high time that we all realize that liat is no dam god some good investor out there please help us and hear our plea.we are begging please.we cant take this shit any more.look aca even make a song on liat.first it was daddy chess now is aca.this should clearly indicate to the leaders of the caribbean that liat is no competent

  69. suki suki
    August 12, 2013

    Did he get a response, I doubt it and I am sure he will NEVER get one… somebody has to do something boycott LiAT and lets see what they will do but then again what are we Dominican’s going to travel on that is what we have to do to gt LIAT to do something, BOYCOTT them… get another airline to start their rounds they will shape up but if we just send letters and no action we will still be in the boat that not rowing..

  70. real possie
    August 12, 2013

    Great job Mr.Nassief its about time liat stop taking people for a joke but what can i say when u have people in there that dont have a clue what they doing thats usually the out come.

  71. lang mama
    August 12, 2013

    We paid for a seat at the table but I suspect is a seat under the table that we were given.