Sustainable jobs a challenge says PM

Government has noted that one of its single greatest challenges is that of creating new sustainable jobs.

Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit made that observation when he addressed a Dominica Labour Party awards ceremony over the weekend.

“In virtually all of my budget addresses over the past five years, I have made reference to this. I have also repeatedly emphasized that government cannot do it alone,” he reiterated.

Meantime he said the AID Bank has achieved a commendable level of success in meeting its disbursement targets and within the next year, Dominica will be in a position to make a pronouncement on the new jobs that have been created through new lines of credit.

“Who have eyes to see and their ears on the ground will realize that I can go on and on,” he said.

He said the performance of the Dominica Labour Party in government for the first decade of the 21st century far exceeds the performance of any government since the island became independent in 1978.

“We can therefore say with pride that the first decade of the current century has been the decade of Labour. Our time has been spent fixing an economy that was broken by our predecessors, restoring the confidence of the international community, using foreign policy and international relations as tools of development, opening up opportunities for training our young people at the level never before encountered, and improving our infrastructure in order to engage our development prospects,” he said.

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  1. missionboy
    October 13, 2011

    to sout man sir this is not the case these companies in dominica dont like people that are more qulified then them, first thay think of how much thay have to pay you with a degree to tell you sout man an exprience business man told me in dominica thay say it cheaper to pay underqualified people than those with a degree sout man i took the same C.V & cover letter no changes whent to another country were no one know me & got a job with another company in the same business so anser that please sout man, right now am in my office in that the company, peace & love.

  2. tilily
    October 12, 2011

    eh las Wikileaks making a plea for us to create jobs while the PM complaining that he can’t – but I disagre you know the PM created so many advisor positions, a productivity consultant and so on; so he has created jobs- he have 18 people in Cabinet boy the man created a lot of jobs – but for his own.

    The productivity consultant and weakileaks should probably tell the PM to get them ministers and advizors that obviously have no work to do based on the PM statement to start to create face book; and twitter and google – better yet get them boys out their to do some farming and get involved in agro processing instead of wasting our tax money doing nothing and then come to remind us is 18 to 3.
    I really wonder what they dress up in long sleeve and tie doing everyday when not one sustainable job has been created budget after budget OVER THE LAST DECADE according to the PM.

  3. caribbean genius
    October 12, 2011


    Where is my comment on giving the p.m advice on creating sustainable jobs instead of wasting money on non revenue earning projects?

      October 12, 2011

      Please describe what is a sustainable job?

      • caribbean genius
        October 12, 2011

        Sustainability is having the capacity to endure over time. So a sustainable job is one that will be available over a long period of time.

        A labourer or carpenter job on a construction site is a non sustainable job, because the job is no longer available when construction is complete. But lets say you was constructing an international airport. Then an immigration or security job at that airport is a sustainable job. Its available over a long period of time, seeing you gonna need those for the everyday and longterm operation of said airport..

        Did that answer your question???

        October 12, 2011

        Well I don’t call Government Jobs sustainable jobs. They are service jobs– Police, Nurses, Fireman attached to government is not sustainable, but I will take your answer and pass you.

        Sustainable Jobs are more resource based jobs..such as oil/green energy etc…

        Do a google search

        Nonetherless, we just need jobs…lol

      • caribbean genius
        October 12, 2011

        Wikileaks thanks for trying to take a page out of google. But i gave you a definition of sustainable. But thanks for the green jobs reference.

        Try find out what kind of jobs caribbean islands consider sustainable and then get back to me.

        I didnt know i was in a competition to prove i had a bit of intellectual sense, but next time i will get a page long definition from the net so i will look intelligent.

        We need a hell lot of jobs, and the policies of our gov not setting a solid foundation for creation of the massive number of good paying jobs needed.

  4. PoKeSa
    October 12, 2011

    Prime Minister – you are indeed correct…

    However, the one thing tarnishing your Government’s image is Bribery & Corruption, around the following:

    • The giving or receiving something
    of value to influence a transaction;
    • The giving or receiving something of value
    after a transaction is completed, in
    acknowledgment of some influence over the
    • The demanding of sums of money (or
    goods) with a threat of harm (physical or
    business) if demands are not met
    • Conflict of Interest – Employee has an
    economic or personal interest in a
    • The portioning of the value of a contract
    demanded, as a bribe by an official for
    securing the contract;
    • The theft of trade secrets, theft of
    intellectual property, or copyright piracy
    • The used of commission/Fee by D/can
    companies or individual to obtain the
    services of an agent/agency for assistance
    in securing a commercial contract

    It’s a real shame that these dark clouds continues to paint a pretty gloomy picture on the overall good work of your government. The challenge for the DLP is to prevent the implications associated with bribery and corruption due to illegal activity by your Government.

    After all – you are answerable to DOMINICA!!!

    Good Luck

    October 12, 2011

    You should be ashame of yourself telling that to your labourite supporters and non supporters in Dominica mr. PM.
    Why are the Chinese getting alll the jobs and opportunities here.
    When a next government comes in, well they will have work to do. You are killing us slowly but surely. PM is best you resign smoothly without any violence.

  6. Governance
    October 11, 2011

    The Prime Minister should be careful about what he says regards the development of Dominica and that the Labour Party has done more than other party in the 21st century.

    I am an independent voter,however, The Freedom Party did so much for Dominica, attaining the respect of foreign Governments and it would interesting to compare tangible, which Government (Freedom, UWP, Labour) earned the most, unvetted respect of foreign governments.

    Governments have different priorities, and the performance of a government is judged on its governance, proficiency, wealth creation and generation vis a vis the environment at the time it is/was governing.

    Hence, it is most unfortunate that the Prime Minister would laud the praises if his government on its own merits without scoring against a set of relevant criteria.

  7. October 11, 2011

    When you cant create jobs sir, wat should i as a young man do? Go around the country and see the amount of young men sitting on the road side doing nothing. Then go around the country again and look at the amount of chinese u have giving jobs. You fooled me once sir u wont do it again.

  8. Buwo
    October 11, 2011

    Exellent way of putting it PM….Sustainable jobs are rough every where. Anyone has been to Antigua lately? Ask…it rough there. What about the other islands because we are in the midst of an worldwide economic crisis.

    You are trying your best PM and we are behing you. 18-3.


    • October 11, 2011

      I thought dominica was the only country in the caribbean that is making growth. So why u talking about antigua for. We not antiguans

    • Sanitizer
      October 12, 2011

      And even today Dominicans still running to antigua. Buwo man it’s time for you and WIKILEAK to hang up the gloves. You two puppets are like some yen yen ( boomboom fly) hanging around what yen yens hang around – the word starts with s and end in the letter T.
      Time to apply the sanitizer so those yen yens will go away

  9. One Love
    October 11, 2011

    8-O Of the THOUSANDS of CHINESE here in Dominica NOT ONE IS UNEMPLOYED – just goes to show who our government cares about.

    8-O Of the THOUSANDS of VENEZUELANS here in Dominica NOT ONE IS UNEMPLOYED – just goes to show who our government cares about.

    8-O Of the THOUSANDS of FRENCHIES here in Dominica NOT ONE IS UNEMPLOYED – just goes to show who our government cares about.

      October 11, 2011

      Chinese, French & Venezuelans – you claim are all employed. Now are they employed by government?

      Bet the answer is NO. They are self employed or working for/with family. The unemployed are not living of the government, but are people of leisure enjoying their retirement.

      You conveniently forgot that the Chinese actually employ Dominicans. Yours is a aged old problem. When things are not going way way, you blame the foreigners, who are in the minority.

      I’m not defending the Chinese, but fair is fair they are a hard working nation.

  10. Make Sense
    October 11, 2011

    So all the time you thought the Red Clinic hand-outs were going to sustain these people who came in for food and shoes moeny??
    “Teach a man to fish and he will have fish for life.”
    Any Gov’t that go by this motto will always have an independent populace, or may I say,”You do not want us to be self suficient!!”
    Put credible people in positions and they will advise you as to where you lacking expertise.When the entire ministry is full of labourites , who will watch the gaurds??

    • Aye Dominique
      October 11, 2011

      I agree with you 100%. What is the engine of growth and new jobs for the country,investments…who is taking care of investments in the country….Ministry of Trade and Invest Dominica.

      You want me to break down the Ministry and Invest Dominica for you worker by worker to show you why Dominica is where we are today.

      Then what is going to happen is that DNO will discard my posting…so I will leave that alone for now.

      Skerrit knows the root of the problem, he just afraid to address it…..for reasons that maybe one day Dominica will find out.

      • executive command.
        October 12, 2011

        post it bro, we need to know, don’t put no man foot on our childrens head

  11. Rampant
    October 11, 2011

    I am smiling because Buwo and wIKILEAk is yet to comment on that. I gues they running out of riggle room. Poor guys they cannot keep up with the guilt and lies.

    • DPM
      October 11, 2011

      WIKILEAKS wouldn’t answer because under the story “PM ADMITS DLP HAS LOST SUPPORTERS” he was asking Skerrit to pay PWC their September month salary so that he can pay his children school fee.

      • Rampant
        October 12, 2011

        That was somebody else using the name. that’s how we should get rid of this idiot WIKIlEAK from Portsmouth. So let us use his screen name and let him come in under different names but we will know who he is because only he and another Boowik called BUWO that can be so bias.

      October 11, 2011

      Rampant we have shut down WIKILEAKS…we posting with his name as soon as he he confused now..we have him cornered…lol

  12. DA to D Bone
    October 11, 2011

    Invest Money in Agriculture and you will see thousands of sustainable jobs.

    N.I.F is your way out Mr. PM


  13. October 11, 2011

    Mr.p.m. if u build an international airport.foreign invesment will increase. and there will be more jobs.think big man;

  14. Ashton
    October 11, 2011

    and here it comes from the horses’ mouth that this party has failed to create sustainable jobs in the country.

    Before the last general election I posed this question to both Reginald Austrie and Ian Douglas ” Can you point to one sustainable job that has been created by your government within the reign of the Labour Party.” Ian admitted that there were none. Reggie could only point to one! Failing to realize that giving someone a job on the port is not job creation.

    SMH lol
    Sad :cry:

    • Trae
      October 11, 2011

      World leaders are saying the very same. So, surely there is an international economic crisis which creates a down turn in job sustainability.

      This problem is not indigenous to petite Dominica. If there is a reduction in tourists from Europe and North America, it means very little growth in the tourist industry on island.

      For that reason, an increasing number of Caribbean islands are selling there souls to the mega economies like China. Even the USA had to stretch their palm out to China, out of sheer desperation.

    • Mang bombers
      October 11, 2011

      Ashton I recall Reggie asking – what do you mean by sustainable jobs. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Reggie didn’t know what sustainable job means

      October 11, 2011

      you know why? because they are not teaching people to fish they are giving people fish . why not make china ,venezuela or one of the other non traditional friends build a processing plant for all the fruits and other raw materials we have wasting here. then there will be more jobs from the farm to the port will have more jobs.

      October 11, 2011

      What do you mean by sustainable do you create this.

      From a pure economic perspective, Dominica and the greater Caribbean (maybe with the exception of Trinidad –OIL) cannot create sustainable jobs.

      The definition od sustainable from the Webster’s Dictionary is :of, relating to, or being a method of harvesting or using a resource so that the resource is not depleted or permanently damaged.

      That being said, Torism is not, Manufacturing is not (see where have all the American Manufacturin Jobs gone), Agriculture is Quasi (if it is consumed locally). So the only sustainable jobs that have been created in Dominica are zero.

      Market conditions both locally and externally will dictate and will always dictte the quality of our jobs.

      Nothing in Life is indispenasble and so are creations.

      Dominica need jobs that changes with the time…just as bananas rise and fall, people like Ashton should be out there creating the Facebooks of Dominca…not Reggie and Ian or Skerritt. The Government never creates jobs..the increase the governemt services to collect tax revenue.

      For example Lands and Surveys…they are fully paded with employees…this is service of the overnemt tpo facilitate the selling and buying of real estate.

      Social Security…can Ashton Expound on that

      There are countless

      So all of us, let’s create our own Google, Facebook, Bottling Companies, packaging, logistic, storage etc…we can do it if we try.

      NB: The Government is not here to create jobs…the Governemt is here to clooect Tax Revenue to provide for the less fortunate, keep the vital services of the country operable and to provide for our secuity.


      • Rampant
        October 12, 2011

        Maybe you should call your PM and tell him that he is speaking nonsense based on your intelligence WIKILEAK.

  15. ineedfree
    October 11, 2011

    sustainable jobs when you running your own empire with our tax and grants given to fatten our treasury.

    You and your group stand in the way of sustainability.


  16. Good ways
    October 11, 2011

    A position was advertised 4 person was shortlisted all 4 had degrees all 4 were unemployed all this happened this month. Word on the ground from real eyes and ears. Can you imagine that in DA.

    • missionboy
      October 12, 2011

      that always happens in dominica,in that country is who thay like, for example i applied for a job at lime Dominica thay had some time ago advertise in the paper i have got a BSC in I.T until this day lime has never contacted me for an interview some one else under Qualified got the job,i have a friend also who applied for job at voice of life radio he had a degree in Electronics thay never hierd him but thay have a plumber thay call thair technician,God help Dominica people.

      • Sout Man
        October 12, 2011

        @ missionboy:

        First of all, you missed the point made by ‘Good ways’. Secondly, I want to empathize with you and it is very unfortunate that these things do happen especially as it relates to the Voice of Life.

        But bro, there are some little things that determine whether our application makes it to the top of the pile, (the short list), or to the garbage bin. Human resource personnel receive hundreds of applications for every job opening. Many are discarded based on appearance only; ie. whether they are untidy. Others are discarded if the applicant is deemed careless. For example, you could have had 10 sentences but you have only one full stop. Your spelling also determines whether you make it to an interview and that still doesn’t guarantee you the job. If you are flaunting your superior qualification, words like thay, thair and hierd are appalling. Make sure that your applications are in order before you submit.

  17. No Fool
    October 11, 2011

    Keep rubbing zooti in our eyes so we can keep scratching and not see the truth. What it is that you guy have done . Tell us. The only thing we can account for is corruption. The proof of the pudding is in the eating ; Compare your work with that of the Freedom Party and the truth will show that there is no comparison; Compare your work with 4 years of UWP and there is no comparison.
    With regards to sustainable jobs- let us see . You destroyed agriculture and created a culture of dependency. You favored tourism and has done zip to build tourism . One does not have to major is Psychology to figure out the reason why over the last 11 years we have not been able to lower the unemployment rate. A culture of corruption and dependency creates a disincentive for investors. Most investors are not David Sue like. For instance that investor who wanted to invest in the bottled water facility and was introduced by the Labor Party in Bath Estate- why we never heard about him? I know why- because he was ask to deposit money in a certain bank account in a foreign country. The business man who is a straight up individual decided that he wasn’t going to play that game. From the mouth of the shark to the bowels of the Balawo- take that to the bank.

  18. 1979 LIVES!!!
    October 11, 2011

    you cannot create jobs on your own sir, have you heard of WEL spearheaded by Sam Raphael?? those are the initiative you need to support as they directly empower young entrepreneurs to create their own businesses and thereby creating jobs…..but as usual you feel that you alone must be the birthplace of every good idea. you think that you must build the great wall of china all on your own. Is this an ACE card that you trying to play so that we will give you the other cheek????? dominicans would be foolish to do so supporters and opposers alike… you should have listen to your people LONGTIME AGO IN BETHLEHEM but is SC the politrikster you listening to….

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