Cambodian with Dominican passport faces massive legal woes in Singapore

A court sketch of Chen Qingyuan. Source: The Straight Times

Cambodian national Chen Qingyuan, who according to published reports, holds a Dominican passport, is facing mounting legal woes in Singapore after he was charged with forgery and conspiracy to cheat Standard Chartered Bank (StanChart) in that country.

The new charges are in addition to those he faces in a S$3 billion (US$2.2 billion) money laundering case in Singapore for which he was arrested in August last year and has been in custody ever since.

According to The Straight Times, a newspaper in Singapore, Chen appeared in court on Wednesday, February 20, 2024, where he was handed two charges for forgery, two for forgery for the purpose of cheating, and two for fraudulently using as genuine a forged electronic record.

He is now facing a total of ten charges with the first four stemming from the money laundering matter, which according to reports was one of the biggest in Singapore.

The Straight Times reported that Chen was arrested on August 15, 2023, and was charged with offenses related to his alleged possession of benefits from criminal conduct including cash, bank accounts, cars, and cryptocurrency worth more than $8 million.

The Business Times, a financial newspaper in Singapore, reported that Chen holds passports from Dominica and China and was denied bail in November 2023 in relation to the money laundering case “on the grounds that he was a flight risk, has tenuous roots in Singapore and is purportedly already wanted in China on fraud charges.”

“The investigating officer in his case had also noted in an affidavit that Chen has substantial wealth in multiple jurisdictions overseas, including links to a casino business in Cambodia as well as high-end clubs and property in Thailand,” The Business Times stated in its report.

Also facing charges in the money laundering matter, is Lin Baoying, who, according to The Business Times, paid agents US$290,000 to obtain Cambodian and Dominican passports.

“She had managed to obtain the Dominica passport despite not having visited the country before,” The Business Times reported. “As she was able to obtain these passports despite not being in the country, there was a possibility that she could do so again.”

It is unknown whether Chen and Lin’s Dominican passports have been revoked since the money laundering matter broke in Singapore but it could shed negative light on the island’s Citizenship by Investment (CIB) program which is already under the microscope by the European Union (EU).

On Monday, January 22, 2024, representatives from the EU met in Dominica with heads of Caribbean Citizenship by Investment Units and attorneys general from countries with CBI programs, namely Dominica, St Kitts and Nevis,  Grenada, and Antigua and Barbuda.

They expressed apprehension over Dominica’s low-cost/high-volume model of its CBI program.

Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit, subsequently said the meeting went “very well” and was constructive.

“They did their own auditing, their own investigations. By and large, they were really satisfied with what we have done and what we are doing,” he stated on Kairi’s Heng Program.

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  1. Putin
    February 23, 2024

    This article is a good example of DNO’s biased reporting that is intended to facilitate the political agenda of its preferred politicians. We take note.

  2. Arshia
    February 23, 2024

    Raise the cost of the passport, if you were alert and reformed when England banned visas, now the conditions would not be such that Europe would show sensitivity, if you had prepared for visa cancellation with Canada two years ago, England will do this increase the power of your passport so that you can increase its price to prevent your fall as soon as possible

  3. If we knew better
    February 22, 2024

    Most robust program he said. Due diligence is done he said. When will it end?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 7
  4. February 22, 2024

    DNO, I see my comment was not posted. All I am saying is that Lin Baoying one of the perpetrators in custody for money laundering in signapore is a Chinese national who has a Cambodian, Dominican and Turkish passport. Turkey is a member of the EU so what is the EU going to do about Turkey? Is it going to blacklist Turkey and require its citizens to have visas to enter other EU countries? I guess not.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 7
    • Lawyer
      February 26, 2024

      Turkey is NOT a EU member state. Stop your anti EU propaganda and get your facts right.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  5. Mahaut man
    February 22, 2024

    En Ba la, agree with, DNO as well as those concern citizen whose meeting is this Sunday should compile a list with all those criminal passport handlers so the population can get some ideal why the campaign should be to get this foolish boy who have captured and sold Dominica.
    There need to be a list circulating on the internet and in strategic locations around the country of those who have been using our passports to enhance their criminal activities.
    There’s so much information that can be used as ammunition against this corrupt government to shed light on what is happening.
    We need to keep the information basic yet effective.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 5
    February 22, 2024

    All I can say is:

    A fish rot from the head down! Here is Dominica’s real CANCER, which is nearing Dominica’s death (if not already dead) – read on……

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 3
  7. Martha
    February 22, 2024

    Deceivers, Gangsters and Terrorists are holders of our passport. Isn’t it high time for us to show that Crook from Morne Daniel where to go.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 29 Thumb down 8
    • Mahaut man
      February 23, 2024

      DNO why do you continue to withhold my comments?
      I’ve not been rude nor insulting to the platform yet you continued to keep my comments from being viewed.
      Can you please explain as I’m getting frustrated by such behaviour.
      This is totally unfair and unacceptable.

      ADMIN: Which comment? We have not specifically held back any of your recent comments.

      You can always try resubmitting the comment if still do not see it.

      You can also email us at [email protected] for further assistance.

  8. kubulol
    February 22, 2024

    CBi program for criminals !

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 24 Thumb down 8
  9. Vwais den
    February 21, 2024

    they expressed apprehension about Dominica’s citizen by investment program and fada said it went very well and it was also very constructive. Seems lord commander doesn’t understand what apprehension means. (apprehension: worry about the future, or a fear that something unpleasant is going to happen). Well it’s either our passport selling business may soon come to an end or most of our visa free travel to “the developed world” will come to an end.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 3
  10. Truth Offends
    February 21, 2024

    Skerrit has screwed this country up so bad that I am not even too sure people of good moral want to come for a visit. Dominica to me is like a country for criminals to come commit crimes or armed with weapons to c commit crime by our government

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 4
  11. Who let the Dogs out
    February 21, 2024

    that “Chen holds passports from Dominica and China and was denied bail in November 2023 in relation to the money laundering case “on the grounds that he was a flight risk, has tenuous roots in Singapore and is purportedly already wanted in China on fraud charges.” Well well well. He is wanted everywhere across the globe, but he is Welcome here in the CommunistWealth of Dominica. Keep sitting on all you hands and close you all eyes. Sot zor sot.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 15 Thumb down 4
  12. En Ba La
    February 21, 2024
    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 6
  13. Putin
    February 21, 2024

    DNO: “It is unknown whether Chen and Lin’s Dominican passports have been revoked since the money laundering matter broke in Singapore but it could shed negative light on the island’s Citizenship by Investment (CIB) program which is already under the microscope by the European Union (EU).”

    Come on, DNO, how difficult can it be for you to call the CBI office in Roseau to inquire? The Government also has a Press secretary (not sure of the title) and DNO has often been at Government press conferences. So, you have access to credible sources of information on CBI.

  14. February 21, 2024

    Old story now making news. I wonder if anyone applying for a citizenship under the CBI, will disclose that they are actively involved in money laundering.
    This article was cleverly crafted to make a negative statement on Dominica’s CBI. A search of Lin Baoying
    shows that she has several passports including a Dominican and Turkish passport. Turkey is a member of the European Union, so is the EU going to require Tukish citizen to have visas to travel to other parts of the EU because Turkey issued a passport to a money launderer? I guess not. These individuals are Chinese and Cambodian nationals and can enter Signapore visa free.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 8 Thumb down 16
    • Distrust Disgust
      February 23, 2024

      I wonder if point has a real conscience. To point, Skeritt can do no wrong. What a waste of a creature. Despicable to the extreme.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 3
    • Marvin
      February 23, 2024

      Point, you are one sick little puppy, that is totally blinded by the Earl of Morne Daniel. Get out of here you useless SOB.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 4 Thumb down 0
  15. dissident
    February 21, 2024

    Skerrit…………..we deserve an explanation.
    Just de other day you were talking B.S about de UK very satisfied with de way you run our CBI
    As usual de moo moo will go quiet……
    pressure does burst pipe Skerrit.
    when we doh want to hear your voice that is when you will come stammering!
    Skerrit talk is so cheap………dat flash must be fake and phony!
    You will never be able to hide……..remember you said u run tings!
    all fingers must point to you!!!!!!
    at dis point you just as fearful to talk as de ones sucking on de crumbs…..imagine dat
    something appears to be obviously corrupt in our CBI program such dat these scammers and money launderers find de loophole to obtain citizenship of Dominica… de highest officials can’t speak.
    we wait to see de official revocation of citizenship……and especially after dat we will know our suspicions are well placed.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 14 Thumb down 6
  16. Ibo France
    February 21, 2024

    Firstly, I think our patrimony should not be for sale. However, I truly think that if we continue this policy of selling passports, anyone who wants to purchase one, along with doing the thorough due diligence, everyone of the potential purchasers should set foot on our shores..

    The sale of a passport is not a can of soda you purchase, use, and then discard. Our ancestors gave life, limbs, blood and shed rivers of tears for the ownership of this land. We should never flippartly sell it like black pudding on a Saturday morning.

    If we don’t cherish this sacred instrument, no wonder we hardly have any respect for one another.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 8
  17. Ibo France
    February 21, 2024

    Have have repeatedly said that Dominica CBI scheme is putting all the others in the rest of the Caribbean in serious jeopardy. Yet another black eye for the image of the country.

    Why are all these mega money launderers and fraudsters so attracted to this relatively inconspicuous, tiny country? Instead of being known for our economic prowess, unique fauna and flora, spectacular natural landforms and uncommon culture, the incumbency led by this shady character, is dragging the country’s name through the mud all over the world.

    The country’s image is being damaged beyond repair because Dominicans have sat back unperturbed and surrendered the country to a despotic goblin.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 10
  18. En Ba La
    February 21, 2024

    yes Dear Lord not calling your name in vain but we need your assistance.

    How many more are we looking at?
    when is this going to end?
    Is this why we they are saying we benefitted l?
    So are you telling me is a big criminal enterprise the population is benefitting from.

    I have not benefitted Thank God anyway shake or form

    The individual who spoke to this person is agent from Dominica how are you feeling now.
    Prime Minister what is saying?

    DNO would you compile a list of the known so far so we can have a tally so far THANK YOU

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 36 Thumb down 11
    • Ibo France
      February 21, 2024

      I support your suggestion to DNO. That’s what good news entities do. They keep the government’s feet to the fire while keeping the public well informed.

      At one time I suggested to DNO probably once bi-weekly or monthly to reserve a small section designated to very important past issues that have not been fully resolved. This is to prevent these significant issues from falling into oblivion. It can be dubbed ” Lest We Forget”.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 5
  19. Skerro
    February 21, 2024

    thats why da people can’t even renew there passport cause skerrat and his cabal selling it to rats and cats criminals karma is a bitxh

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 17 Thumb down 9

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