Statement from The Chinese Embassy in Dominica

Yasukuni Shrine
Yasukuni Shrine

Japan’s Refusal to Face up to Its Aggressive Past is Posing a Serious Threat to Global Peace

In the Harry Potter story, the dark wizard Voldemort dies because the seven horcruxes, which contain parts of his soul, have been destroyed. If militarism is like the haunting Voldemort of Japan, the Yasukuni Shrine in Tokyo is a kind of horcrux, representing the darkest parts of that nation’s soul.

On 26th December 2013, in flagrant disregard of the feelings of his Asian neighbors, Shinzo Abe, the Japanese prime minister, paid homage at the Yasukuni Shrine, where 14 Class A war criminals – defined as those who committed “crimes against peace” – are enshrined. They were among the 28 Japanese political and military leaders convicted by an international military tribunal after the Second World War.

The Yasukuni Shrine was established more than 150 years ago, and Asian people know very well how it has since been used by Japanese militarists as a spiritual symbol to launch wars of aggression. In addition, it is deeply offensive to witness convicted war criminals being venerated. These were leaders found guilty of inflicting indescribable suffering on countless individuals during the war. Rightly, within hours of Mr. Abe’s visit, there were strong condemnations from China, South Korea and across the international community.

Visits to the shrine by Japanese leaders cannot simply be an internal affair for Japan, or a personal matter for any Japanese official. Nor does it concern only China-Japan and Korea-Japan relations. Deep down, paying this kind of homage reveals whether Japan is trustworthy. It raises serious questions about attitudes in Japan and its record of militarism, aggression and colonial rule.

At stake is the credit of that country’s leaders in observing the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and upholding peace. It is a choice between aggression and non-aggression, between good and evil and between light and dark. Regrettably, what Mr. Abe did has raised the spectre of militarism rising again in Japan.

Mr. Abe’s track record provides evidence. Since taking office in 2012, he has been talking enthusiastically about justice, democracy, peace and dialogue. But the reality is seen in his actions. He is unrepentant about Japan’s militarist past and makes no apologies for it. He has openly questioned whether his country should be defined as an “aggressor”, and did his utmost to beautify its history of militaristic aggression and colonial rule.

In May 2013, Mr. Abe caused great offence in China and Korea when he was photographed posing in a military jet boldly marked with the number 731: this was the code of an infamous Japanese biological warfare research facility performing human experiments in China during the war.

With these precedents, the world should be very alert. Mr. Abe wishes to amend the post-war pacifist constitution, imposed on Japan by the USA. Close attention should be paid to his colleagues, such as Taro Aso, the deputy prime minister, who asserted that Japan could “learn” from Nazi Germany about revising constitutions. Mr. Abe has worked hard to portray China as a threat, aiming to sow discord among Asia-Pacific nations, raising regional tensions and so creating a convenient excuse for the resurrection of Japanese militarism.

We know from history that a country that starts a war and ends up in defeat has two options. One is to face up squarely to its past, make sincere apologies and renounce militarism, as Germany did. The German approach has contributed to regional stability and world peace. It has earned respect and acclaim from the whole world.

The other option is to deny past aggression, allow militarism to rise and raise the threat of war. Unfortunately, Mr. Abe’s actions confirm that he favours the second option: he seems determined to lead Japan on to a perilous path. The international community should be on high alert.

Sixty-eight years have passed since that horrible World War II. Yet there are always some incorrigible people in Japan who show no signs of remorse for war crimes. Instead, they seek to reinterpret history. They pose a serious threat to global peace. The Chinese will not allow such attempts. Surely Dominican and all other peace-loving folk will not remain indifferent.

China and Dominica are both countries which love peace. Our two countries have a common responsibility to work with the international community to oppose and condemn any words or actions aimed at invalidating the peaceful post-war consensus and challenging international order. We should join together both to uphold the UN Charter and to safeguard regional stability and world peace.

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  1. Not a herd follower
    January 11, 2014

    I find it very odd that the Embassy of China in Dominica will issue a major foreign policy statement in relation to China’s ongoing dispute with Japan in Dominica, a lowly country with no significance in international relations. Dominica is not even in Asia. I suppose the Government in China would have pre-approved the statement issued by the embassy in Dominica. Why did it allow the embassy here to release the statement in Dominica? What’s going on?

  2. Nennen
    January 10, 2014

    Well there you have it Roosevelt. Your instruction to cast our vote against Japan in the U.N. of course! What, you thought you could play both sides? No, no, not again. Next time you must upset mr. Pascal and definitely vote against whaling. No choice my boy, the Chinese wallet much fatter! .

  3. La voix
    January 10, 2014

    While we should be friends to every country on the planet earth we should support moral issues and stay away from country’s historical issues because every country has a responsibility to protect its borders when challenged by invaders so in a nutshell we should be broad in our international affairs and try to be broad in scope and sensititive to the moral issues that we detest because to give one country advantage over another country is a recipe for conflict and confusion.

  4. mandela spirit
    January 10, 2014

    What is the point of this article?just asking.
    How is this going to benefit Dominica?It is all well and good to share information you think, that is or should be, important to us.While you at it, share some information with us about your mission in Dominica and the MOU.I thank you.

  5. NicE n NaughtY
    January 10, 2014

    China is no different so what’s all that talk about? LEAVE MY DOMINICA OUT OF IT, it’s of no concern to us so go fight your oriental war as usual it is not the first and will not be the last.

  6. Simply the Truth
    January 10, 2014

    What is difficult to accept, China has a one-child policy. Its nationals dare not have more than one child. They will be forced to abort it. This is why a woman threw her child down the pipes and said it fell. She feared what would have happened to her, her husband and child if the Chinese authorities found out.
    China is prejudiced against Christians. China has imprisoned bishops, priests and other religious people. Some have died in prison; others disappeared never to be found.
    Holy Mass cannot be celebrated in the open. China instructs them when to celebrate Holy Mass and in what manner. There is a designated place where they can celebrate the Mass. This is the regime which helps the islands including South America.
    God is looking on. He alone knows where this will end and what will occur in the future. Fellow Dominicans unite and pray!

  7. Erasmus B. Black
    January 9, 2014

    Interestingly, both China and Japan have invoked the dark wizard Voldemort from the Harry Potter series to refer to each other, but in the series, no witch or wizard dares to say the name Voldemort opting rather to refer to him as “You-Know-Who” among other epithets. What does this Voldemort name calling between China and Japan have to do with Dominica? In this case, “We-Don’t-Know-Who” and the only thing that comes to mind is an old African proverb that says ‘when two elephants fight, the grass is trampled.”

    • Hmmm
      January 12, 2014

      God help us.

  8. rib
    January 9, 2014

    Dominica is already involved with China… you think those people not here for a good reason? I myself want to stay far away from people that claim they believe in “peace”…they all want peace

  9. bigsexy
    January 9, 2014

    Who cares? We have our own headaches here with the secret deals between your government and our PM presently. Why should we be bothered with your (past) WW2 abuse inflicted by Japan?

  10. dafriend
    January 9, 2014

    China loves peace??? Don’t make me love!
    Only a few weeks ago they starting rowing with Japan over the Senkaku islands, a clutch of five uninhabited small islets. Now it is clear that these islands belong to Japan since 1884. China was never bothered, why should they? After all why bother about some small islands full of bird poo? But hold on, it was discovered recently that considerable gas and oil reserves are hidden under the sea bed surrounding the islands. Guess what, all of a sudden China is interested in the islands and imposes air space restrictions over the islands. To me a peace loving nation does not do things like that. So, dear Chinese Embassy, do not try to insult the Dominican people with your propaganda statements. Unlike in China, we enjoy freedom of press and everybody can get as much information from Google as they desire, again unlike in China. The government of Dominica might listen to your BS but the majority of citizens of Dominica are watching you and the actions of your government very carefully. YOU CAN NOT BUY DOMINICA!!!

  11. forreal
    January 9, 2014

    my my dominican people are you all for real,look back to all the chinese movies,that you all have seen,what is the story lines,japan’s invasion of china,this are the people history,is that propaganda to,and here is the thing,you all enjoy this movies,that the chinese repel the japanies,you all need to understand these people history’s before judgeing them,japan bombed pearl harbor without provacation,that’s who this people are,the chinese people are skeptical,of their neighbors,so please if you all do not follow history,do not post negativity,post based on knowlege,negativity makes pick a side.

    • Nac Vibes
      January 9, 2014

      And you are full of knowledge, tell that to the people of Tibet.

      • forreal
        January 13, 2014

        tibet was sold to the chinese years ago

    • Civic
      January 10, 2014

      They didn’t bomb Pearl Harbour with provocation. The US had an embargo on Japan because they were allied with Germany and Italy. Read some history please

  12. bolom city goon
    January 9, 2014

    remember de new embassador say in his speach he on a mission… recruitin start all laborites line up. skerro wa u hav to say in regard to dat

  13. Dominicana
    January 9, 2014

    Doh involve us in all u asian vs asian roh roh. We have our own legacy to talk about. Tell us about all the slaves that were murdered fighting for their freedom.

    January 9, 2014

    Japan is the meat between a Russian and Chinese Sandwich on an American plate. Germany on the other hand has borrowed more money than any European country, has the largest manufacturing industries in Europe and still develops weapons. They also falsley boast the strongest economy in the EU a giant bubble that when it does bust will encourage a a level on nationalism to rival that of the 30’s and 40’s!

    • dafriend
      January 9, 2014

      You are completely nuts! What a lot of verbal diarrhoea.

  15. Jonathan St.Jean
    January 9, 2014

    Blessed are the peace makers.This is a good opportunity for Da. to heighten its international profile and offer to be an intermediary in this internatioal dispute between two great world powers.It is foolish to take sides when both of these powers are your friend.Let us stop looking backwards as both countries have ugly historic skeletons in their closets.Come on Pm SKERRITT and step onto the world stage to give Dominica some relevance in international diplomacy.

    • Erasmus B. Black
      January 9, 2014

      With all due respect to you Mr St. Jean, I don’t want to say that your comment is betise extraordinary, but would you please be kind enough to identify the skilled Dominican negotiators and “diplomats” who you think could successfully bridge the gulf between China and Japan at this point in time to negotiate a peace accord should the Dear Leader decide to accept your suggestion to act as an “intermediary?” Where would the negotiators meet? Thank you Mr. St. Jean.

      • Malgraysa
        January 12, 2014

        Amen! certainly not a political leader, who refers to his opposition as bastards and tells them to go to hell. A fine peace negotiator that would make, don’t you think

    • Nac Vibes
      January 9, 2014

      Dream on.

    • Hmmm
      January 12, 2014

      I think we need to call Dr. Sharma for you.

  16. Anonymous
    January 9, 2014

    What will OUR leaders say on this one since DOMINICA was mentioned to the effect… but according to the Japanese spokesman….”Prime Minister Abe visited Yasukuni Shrine to pay his respects and pray for the souls of the war dead and renew the pledge that Japan shall never again wage war. It was nothing more and nothing less,”

  17. Skerrit_Bashing_Crew
    January 9, 2014

    What Dominica doing with China? Where Pastor Augustine don’t u know the Communist Party, requires members to be atheists, imprisons dissidents without due process, oppresses Tibet, and enforces a policy, backed by compulsory abortion, restricting most families to one child. Where are our christian beliefs Dominica?

    • Muslim_Always
      January 9, 2014

      Christian beliefs has never saved anyone and it will not save this nation now. Five hundred years of slavery through Christianity which has caused the worst genocide in the world – the transatlantic slavery.

      • Jay
        January 9, 2014

        Arab muslim slave traders, who justified the enslavement as others with the Koran were as active as western christian ones, who used their holy Bible, in this despicable business.
        The famed mosque of Kutubiyya in Marakesh (Morocco) was built using christan slaves. During the middle ages the Arab courts of Al-Andalus housed not only black African- but also Greek, German and Russian slaves whilst Yusef Ibn-Tashufen favoured the deployment of christian slaves as soldiers against his christian asdversaries. AlHakam II and the great Mohammad V employed black slaves as bodyguards and Abd-Ar Rahman even had a black slave controlling his harem.
        These are just as few examples of the myriad and we have not even touched upon the the slave trade by muslim raiders in the interior of Africa.
        It would be height of hypocrisy to infer that because of their faith muslims were not participating in this business. Avarice, lust and the quest for profit is common to all humans and not defined by religious borders.

      • Concerned
        January 9, 2014

        You think Islam is the answer then?

        Jesus speaks of love for your fellow man. Mohammed says kill all the infidels.

      • Nac Vibes
        January 9, 2014

        Black people should as God’s should look to the Old Testament to find their and know where they came from.

        Both Islam and Christianity has killed the most Black people and all other peoples think they are above us.

        Remember Satan promised God he would corrupt and destroy his people, us Black people, Gods people the original Jews.

      • Simply the Truth
        January 10, 2014

        Muslim, you are looking for big trouble. Are you a Dominican, once Christian who turned Muslim – Moslem as it was called in those days?
        Mohammed cannot save anyone. He is not above Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is below him. His soul might be in Hell. Mohammed was once a Catholic. Mohammed and his followers are the infidels.
        God did not give Mohammed a mandate to place himself above others and be a ruler.
        Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Light of the World. He is also the Way and the Truth. Jesus reigns! Jesus saves! He is Lord over all the earth.
        Our Lord said: “I have come into the world that they will have life and have it abundantly.” This means to eternity.
        Muslim, you better commence reading/studying Holy Scripture especially the New Testament. Our Lord Jesus Christ will judge you. You will see him but you may never see Mohammed.
        Our Lord is in Heaven, sitting at the right hand side of His (Our) Heavenly Father.
        Keep that in your head, Muslim. The day will come when you will see the truth and the error of your ways, your belief.

  18. Neg Mawon
    January 9, 2014

    Well the chicken has come home to roost…nothing China does is free…more to come!! I see this blatant disrespect meddling in other countries affairs. I would love to see what the PM has to say about that!

  19. coulibistrie in Atla
    January 9, 2014

    Checkmate or in simplified term dominica has lost to chins with a cochon and a cabrit

  20. Anonymous
    January 9, 2014
  21. Lori Kovac
    January 9, 2014

    America is smiling at the naive Dominicans right on it’s doorstep trying to dance with China without going to bed with them. Before Dominica can give birth to China’s baby, America will bring the abortion doctor, and probably kill the mother in the process.

    Why does a country with a military of 200 million need a little country like Dominica? Because every country has an equal vote in the UN. I’ve always said that the Dominica government has sold it’s soul to China. It is up to Dominicans to refuse support to a government whose UN vote has been bought and sold like Esau’s birthright.

  22. Pondera
    January 9, 2014

    The dollar diplomacy is getting messy eh!

  23. Pondera
    January 9, 2014

    I am offended by this approach China has used. Japan is a true friend of the west and Dominica. Japan is a model democratic state. China should not bully us into this problem that they have with Japan. Don’t put us in this mess. Don’t call our name in this thing. Except our government gave permission. And here comes this messy dealing with China. They have no respect for our sovereignty. Or have we sold our souls to them?

    • i concur
      January 11, 2014

      yes, why do they have to involve Dominica in there issues. Keep Dominica out of that!

  24. JoJo
    January 9, 2014

    This statement is not helping Skerrit win the next election but maybe he will do like China before then and have only one party?
    Well what can he say about this with his new Chines name “latchai lan-li”.
    This is so rude and bold. The americans better start watching what they planning for Possie bay.

  25. shaka zulu
    January 9, 2014

    I would like to ask the chineese embasy what is their goal with all this. China is no saint and is still embarrased by the fact that little japan was more advanced and once held them hostage. Well true peace comes in the ability to forgive and China has not forgiven. Now you are growing in economic and millitary strength this is nothing more than flexing your muscle and influence. It sounds more like a warning bringing up baggage from the past. Why not say we have forgiven japan for its past deeds an ready to work together to make the south china sea and asia a peacefull place.
    Please leave Dominica out of it. Take a page from nelson mandela. Forgiveness is key to peace. Neither can China be trusted.

  26. Boycott China
    January 9, 2014

    So sad to read that, dont’ be blind China is not at all for Peace … look what happen in Tibet !!!!
    When money talk, truth is silent …..

    • rib
      January 9, 2014

      I tell allu all of them claiming peace… wolves in sheep clothing… from the time China enter Dominica and kept growing I kept shaking my head.

      the government think plenty of the people stupid… maybe they are…but i for one was not fooled nor was i sold on these people.

      I want to be FAR FAR away from these people…

      These type of people always claiming “peace” I don’t want their type of peace… their peace only benefits them.

  27. January 9, 2014

    THEY NEED NATURAL RESORCES BECAUSE THEY HAVR RUINED THEIR COUNTRY WITH FACTORY…check the stats of how many peole get diagnosed with cancer a day….3 in 5

  28. justice n truth
    January 9, 2014

    This what we get,nothing is for free.why is it that China is calling for us to put our foot in it? But again the writing is on the wall ,soon and very soon .Japan is a friend of Dominica.look at the mess we have found ourselves in. Our eyes not slanted our skin not yellow .

  29. JoJo
    January 9, 2014

    How about Tibet??

  30. Malgraysa
    January 9, 2014

    “The Japanese Government has contributed immensely to Dominica’s economy through infrastructure, technical support and training in the fisheries industry”. Govt. Minister Kenneth Darroux said that as reported by GIS on 30 May 2013.
    Is Roosevelt Skerrit going to turn on Japan now like he did on Taiwan?
    Dear Excellency, you are welcome here but if you have a problem with Japan, that is your problem, don’t make it our own and don’t bring that here. That is a bad diplomatic move. Thank you.

  31. Good Ways
    January 9, 2014

    Mmmmm Hmmmm, Nothing in life is truly free Dominica, we have bought your friendship financially now show us the value of it. Or else :-D :-D .

  32. Jay
    January 9, 2014

    Maybe so but we dot need warmongering on our soil. Thank you Mr. Chinese Ambassador but that is not the purpose of your presence in our country. We thank you for your help but as our Govt. has publicly stated, we are non-aligned.

  33. PG
    January 9, 2014

    What kind of a statement is that? Japan is a friend of Dominica. What would the Chinese say if Japan were to say stuff like this in a message to Dominica? This is very awkward and I hope the D/can govt spinmeisters can get a grip on this one.

    Shame on China! They should not be talking when they are one of the most aggresive modern day oppressors and violators/abusers of human rights!

  34. Anonymous
    January 9, 2014

    Let the Chinese and Japanese fight their war. Please leave Dominica out of it.

  35. CUT-L-ASS
    January 9, 2014

    Like Alexander the Great, the Chinese want to be the conqueror of all the little Islands, and then some.

  36. Patcho
    January 9, 2014


    I know Dominica is technically in your pocket, but unfortunately we need a bit more money before we can start condemning Japan. making bom is not as easy as you think.

    I propose an intl airport and a nice building called the Chidom Call Centre where we can employ around 5000 people just to answer the phone for around 8 months, in time for elections. Make most of the employees women with constant access to facebook. they will be grateful.

    We also need a big farm where you can put around 200 chinese and haitians to plant so that we can say we have a joint agreement.

    Call it the Haichi agreement.

    Whilst allyuh planting we in whitchurch and save alot.

    We also need another stadium. In Grandbay. We call it the HerbaPuff stadium. Chinese workers only. Dominicans can do the painting.

    After that, we will make a statement criticising Japan for being against peace and not building proper fishing complex, a clear sign of a warlike people.

  37. CUT-L-ASS
    January 9, 2014

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: “China loves peace?” Oh yes! we live under a rock. Go rest yourself Mr. Deeplomask.

  38. derp
    January 9, 2014

    Well, you know back in the day China murdered millions of people during the era where they shifted to communism… Anyways I still prefer Japan over China….

    • CUT-L-ASS
      January 9, 2014

      Mem bete mem pwel (Japan/china).

  39. Nac Vibes
    January 9, 2014

    A one sided story is no story, but I guess we have to tow the line. After all we have eaten from the trough.

  40. Morihei Ueshiba
    January 9, 2014

    China own Dominica lock stock and barrel. :mrgreen:

  41. dissident
    January 9, 2014

    This story sounds funny…….why does it refer to Dominica and China in relation to that story. The way its written it sounds like someone is trying to recruit Dominican mercenaries to sensitize our minds to join China in a war against Japan.
    All you not easy………..just know that some of us are immune to your fear and scare tactics…….to put Dominica and China in de same sentence the way that story is written? Yes I boy….what a country we have become……. mark you we just get a new Chinese ambassador…. de man working already…I am just a little man on de street but I am not naïve…..I see a new policy at work already.

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