Cozier Frederick pleads at COP26 for new opportunities to help SIDS combat climate change

Cozier Frederick -Minister with responsibility for the environment, speaking at COP26

Minister of the Environment, Rural Modernisation, and Kalinago Upliftment, Cozier Frederick has said Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are receiving less than 2% of all climate finance and is therefore calling on all developed partnering countries to provide new opportunities in decarbonization, renewable energy technologies, mitigation and adaptation efforts.

At the United Nations (UN) High Level Segment of Climate Change Conference (COP26) held this week, Frederick warned that the world is running out of time to reverse destructive and environmental practices that are having severe consequences for SIDS.

“SIDS are receiving less than 2% of all climate Finance. Almost all the biodiversity targets for the last decade were missed. Hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more intense. Dominica and other small islands are seeking new opportunities. These lie in decarbornization and renewable energy technologies in more sustainable, forms of tourism and digitization of the economy,” the minister stated.

He said Dominica has a clear plan to become climate resilient, but cannot do this alone as “the clock is ticking, and the challenge is immense.”

Frederick noted that young people now face an unprecedented threat as they will inherit what has been referred to as a “triple jeopardy of crippling debt”, a degraded environment and frequent and destructive disasters.

Frederick said SIDS have high levels of debt distress, primarily linked to responding to climate impacts and currently, there is no viable, long-term debt reduction strategy.

“The younger generation is already on board. They are seeking out opportunities to innovate. They are bold, less jaded by the past, but they are also driven by a desire to live on a healthy planet to preserve the Territorial and cultural Integrity of the island homes in their lifetimes,” he stated.

The Environment Minister also called on nations to help in achieving the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7°F) to “stay alive” as the UN has deemed that goal to be “on life support”.

To limit global warming to 1.5C, as called for in the Paris Agreement, greenhouse gas emissions must begin falling by 7.6 % each year starting in 2020.

The minister took the opportunity to tout his proud Kalinago heritage Kalinago highlighting their fight to protect Dominica from the onslaught of colonization.

“We came close to extinction but courage and resilience sustained us. We have a once in an intergenerational opportunity to take some Brave decisions and tackle the climate crisis head-on,” Frederick declared. “Dominica has made its commitment absolutely clear. Following near total destruction by Hurricane Maria in 2017, our prime minister expressed the aspirations of his people to become the world’s first climate resilient country.”

He added that though Dominica has limited resources, it is using everything available to become the world’s first climate resilient country but he warned that “we are running out of time” to reverse destructive  and environmental practices that are already having severe consequences for SIDS that matter most for young people growing up in small islands and for future generations.”

Frederick added, “Dominicans are proud stewards of our pristine natural environment. We have protected mother earth and believe as our Invincible Kalinago ancestors did that everything in nature is connected and our Fate as humans is tied to the trees, the water and the air that we breathe.”

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  1. Leroy
    November 15, 2021

    It’s not climate change, it’s sin. The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain.
    Going sure has its benefits but it cannot sustain the world. Fossil fuel cannot be done away with. The batteries that are needed in this Green movement need certain materials. These materials must be mined. The vehicles doing the mining run on fossil fuel. Fossil fuel is also needed to manufacture those batteries. Lithium ion.
    So, you tell me.

  2. Ibo France
    November 13, 2021

    I’ve said before that Captain Skerrit and his crew are expert artists. They paint an exceptionally brilliant picture of the future of this country. They also engage in tall tales about the many magnificent plans ad projects put in place to make Dominica the envy of the world.

    Unfortunately, these are just sugary lies. All the ministers of this sinful cabal, without exception, walk in lying lockstep with their Fish-In-Chief (Skerrit). A fish certainly rots from the head. This ruling regime is a rotting fish.

  3. Observer
    November 12, 2021

    Mr. Minister, what have you done in Dominica to advance the Climate Change agenda?
    When will you pass the Climate Change Bill which was developed since 2015 and is languishing under your government? When will you set up an Environment Department to collect the data and do the necessary groundwork.

    Many years ago, Antigua took our Climate Change Bill, passed it, set up their Environment department and are now poised to drawdown millions form the Global Environment Facility. That’s why Dominica can only access funds through Antigua.
    What a shame.
    It is 20 years since Labour Party delegations have been attending such conferences and yet they cannot understand that without the legislation and institution in place, the international community will not recognize us. They are just laughing at us and saying that we are not ready yet.
    Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Talk is cheap. You have to walk the walk.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
  4. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    November 11, 2021

    “Frederick warned that the world is running out of time to reverse destructive and environmental practices that are having severe consequences for SIDS.”

    That to me is a very stupid comment: I wonder how on earth this Dominican manage to deduce such; when he nor any one in Dominica participates in any form of science which in his theory of the world is running out of time!

    Sweet sounding words at time can expose the ignorance in a someone you know!

    There are times when it is better for people, with absolutely no significant authority to just shut up, and say nothing especially when it pertains to issues in which they do not have any say. We see Dominican politicians rambling under the United Nation flag talking nonsense; without an audience except to some, people from the lesser world.

    They talk to people whom might be in worst shape than Dominica.

    Dominica voice is not heard by any developed nation in the UN; i.e. the G20!

    Waste of time.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      November 11, 2021

      While this Dominican, is using his fifteen minutes of fame thinking he is heard; he would be much better off trying to find a way to relieve Dominicans from the hardship in which they exists. Just in case the Red devils, and Roosevelt will asks what hardship: Let me remind people like the Kindergarten Graduate, (Lin Clown) and others.

      There is a video circulating on social media win which a young man has exposed how difficult it is to even buy food in Dominica.
      H started off by disclosing that the earned wage is: $4.50 per hour; that is thirty-six dollars for an eight hour days work; totaling $180.00 dollars for a forty hour work week; mind you taxes, SS also have to be extracted from that too.

      Now this young man present a small box of groceries he bought totaling “$200.00” dollars; with no meat or fish included. Note: what we saw cost more than his take home pay!

      Will continue:

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 4
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        November 12, 2021

        So, this young man presented two bottles of water, each seems to contain 8 oz of water, one is the product of Jamaica, the other manufactured (filled) in Dominica.
        The guy emphasized that the water imported from Jamaica is more than a dollar cheaper than that bottled in Dominica.
        How can this be; how can something as simple as water bottled in Dominica, be more expensive than water bottled in Jamaica and imported into Dominica?
        That does not make any sense; that defies logic!
        Note: the plastic bottles are the same; meaning they are bought from the same supplier!
        One of the questions the young man asks is this: if the few articles of food he displayed cost more than his forty hour per week wage, how can a person pay rent in Dominica; how will they ever manage to save to build a house; these are the sort of questions Roosevelt, and that man  standing under the UN flag talking fart need to answer; or just shut up!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  5. Try
    November 11, 2021

    “Climate change” Or “ Global warming” cannot be reversed. People, these environmental conditions were predicted thousands of years ago! But because the majority of people do not read and study the Holy Bible they think it’s within their power to change the conditions of Climate. What????!!!!
    Read the Book of Enoch and see for yourself. Or “more conveniently” Read the entire book of Revelations. None of these people are not able to understand the phenomenon which they are discussing. Choops….Man is paying for his wickedness. Think it’s been getting too hot for you on planet earth? Well my dear, think of how HOT Hell must be. And instead of talking about climate change; why not talk about a change of heart towards each other? The climate change (which is a waste of time) will not bring peace to mankind. In fact, a cooler climate would cause more wars. Man is fighting in extreme heat and humidity; think what would happen if the earth temperature was to be lowered by 10 to 15 degrees.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 6 Thumb down 6
    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      November 12, 2021

      Guy are you sure there is a book of Enoch written in the either the Roman Catholic Bible or the protestant Bible? I know that Enoch is mentioned in the Book of Genesis chapter 5; regarding the generations of Adam, and how many years some people lived.

      In vs 23 we read:
      And all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty and five years; that means he lived three hundred and sixty-five years.

      I do not find a book of Enoch in the King James version of the Bible, and what I read about Enoch in Genesis said nothing about Global warming or hell and earths temperature.

      Nothing is mentioned about the amount of CO2 been dumped into the atmosphere which is the cause of global warming.

      • our Sisserou laying Eggs
        November 14, 2021

        actually there is. you should give it a read. it fills in the blanks of how certain “abilities” were acquired. it can be found in the Ethiopian bible. This bible contains all the canons of the king James bible and in addition to that, it has the non-canonical books, such as the dead sea scrolls. give it a read. i reckon you’ll enjoy it.

      • Try
        November 14, 2021

        Bro, don’t try to educate me with the limited research you did on Enoch searching through the Bible. It seem to have taken you quite some time to rebut my comment. You wanted to get all your ducks in a row but you haven’t found a chicken. My brother, there is in fact “the book of Enoch.” It was not canonized as part of the Bible for “some reasons” which I will not get into. But there are probably 2 editions of the Book of Enoch. You could on Amazon if you are interested in buying a copy. It will wake you up. It will also tell you what’s predicted in the end times for people who don’t look like you; (if you’re a descendant of Africa.) Next time broaden your research before contradicting me.

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