COMMENTARY: A call for a return to democratic governance on Dominica

Gabriel Christian

As we approach 2024, I ponder the fate of our beloved homeland. As writers, or as ordinary dutiful citizens, we have an important duty to examine the society we have. Dominicans at home and abroad must act wisely to bring forth the prosperity and democracy we desire.

We must honestly evaluate our condition on the cusp of the new year. We must never allow political bias, selfish interests, or dishonesty to cloud our judgment. Today corruption in office has eroded our democracy and laid our nation low. On New Year’s Eve 2023, these are my thoughts about the debilitating effects of corruption in office:

Corruption can have far-reaching and detrimental effects on the economy and society of Dominica or any nation. It can lead to misallocation of resources, the destruction of democratic norms, poor law enforcement, decreased foreign investment, and a lack of trust in public institutions.

Additionally, corruption can exacerbate inequality and hinder the country’s overall development. Countering corruption through transparent governance and effective institutions is crucial for the sustainable growth and well-being of Dominica. Today, we are witnessing the devastating effects of corruption in political office in Dominica. As
a result, we see the consistent disregard of rule of law on Dominica and we have lost the democracy we once knew.

This is not about party politics as my historic affinity was with the social-democratic labour movement initiated by Phyllis Shand Allfrey, Emmanuel Christopher Loblack, Edward Oliver Leblanc, Rosie Douglas, Pierre Charles, and those of the Dominica Labour Party that came to power in 2000. During the lead-up to independence, we supported Premier Patrick John and later Oliver Seraphine who replaced him as Prime Minister.

Today’s government in Dominica has no philosophical adherence or resemblance (except in name) to that party which brought the ordinary Dominican people into parliament out of the harsh colonial conditions of class and color oppression.

All parties that followed upon the ascendancy of the Dominica Labour Party in 1961 under Edward Oliver Leblanc favored the increase in equality of opportunity, and the primacy of Dominican control of the commanding heights of our economy over foreign domination.

Today, shadowy foreign interests dominate public contracting and project management. Our diplomatic corps has become the refuge for foreign thieves, money launderers, and assorted scoundrels. That catastrophic state of affairs must come to an end if Dominicans are to survive with any semblance of dignity or prosperity.

As a member of Dominica’s overseas community for many years, I had the honor and privilege of working with Prime Minister Eugenia Charles’ Dominica Freedom Party administration and Prime Minister Edison James’ United Workers Party administration on initiatives in healthcare, tourism, foreign investment, etc… Even though I was never a supporter of their respective political parties, these leaders presented to me as sincere in their desire to develop Dominica.

We always have encouraged cooperation with all Dominican governments where they are law-abiding and work in the national interest.

At no time did any of these leaders abandon democratic norms or make statements as Skerrit has when he publicly stated that “no law or constitution can stop him” while referring to the controversy concerning his ineligibility to run for office as an alleged citizen of France.

Following the principle of national service I learnt as a member of the Dominica Cadet Corps in the 1970s, we cooperated with every government that was honest and lawful in its conduct of what was in the national interest.
Early on, between 2004 when Roosevelt Skerrit took office through 2008, we worked closely with his administration until his misconduct in office convinced me he was not working in the public or national interest.

Today, we observe that foreign elements have hegemony over our national and diplomatic affairs. The Dominica Labour Party we knew is no more as it has been overthrown by the greed of a few and their shadowy international backers who have seized the levers of state across the board. That seizure of power, or state capture by a tiny foreign-backed elite, has led to a breakdown of law and order on Dominica, the weakening of our judiciary, the collapse in effective policing, and a civil service where obedience to Roosevelt Skerrit – not competent commitment to what is best for Dominica – is the governing gospel.

Even many of our churches have been compromised – despite the best efforts of some noble priests and pastors who have summoned the courage to speak truth to power. We applaud the noble priests and pastors and ask God to watch over them as they seek to have our nation turn away from crime in high and low places. The decline of good governance on our island results in low economic performance, lack of trust, poverty, and incompetence. Our nation is losing its best and brightest to foreign lands at an alarming rate. Few desire to reside in an anti-democratic, politically biased state where our nation’s resources in key projects come under the hegemony of Montreal Management – a company associated with Anthony Haiden – a friend of Roosevelt Skerrit.

I urge all ministers in the Skerrit regime, all police officers, all civil servants, all business people, and ordinary citizens to take a moment on the eve of the new year and honestly reflect on our nation’s current condition.

Are we happy with the Dominica we have today? Do we really have an honest, law-abiding, and competent government? Does our leadership honestly seek the informed consent of its cabinet members or our citizens,
before the appointment of ambassadors or its engagement in major public contracts? Or are major decisions made by the Prime Minister and his friends then presented to an unwitting cabinet or nation as a fait accompli?

If we are concerned about the state of the nation, we must commit to change in 2024. Such change requires that electoral reform be completed swiftly and new elections be held based on those reforms.

It requires a commission of inquiry into the passport sales program and the missing billions from the CBI program.

It requires a commission of inquiry into the appointment of diplomats by Dominica’s current government, who were later arrested by international law enforcement (FBI, Scotland Yard, Italian police, Interpol) as money launderers, thieves, and assorted fraudsters.

It requires a commission of inquiry into the police service and beneficial reform to remove the cancer of political interference from that very important foundation of our state. It cannot be said that the Dominica Police service operates without fear or favor today. We must rebuild an honest, and competent police service free from political bias.

We salute the good police officers who try their best, but concede that too many have allowed for the decline of our police service into an instrument of oppression of those whose political views are divergent to those in power.
We ask for a commission of inquiry into our shambolic judiciary which has failed to swiftly, justly, and competently uphold rule of law.

I take this moment to salute and embrace all those at home and abroad who have stayed true to the best democratic ideals of our parents, teachers, and noble leaders of the past who were kind, competent, democratic, honest and hardworking.

We do honor to their memories by never selling ourselves cheaply, and by never betraying our country, its constitution, and laws. It must never be that we allow our badge of citizenship to be usurped by criminal syndicates.

In July 2023 the United Kingdom imposed the unprecedented sanction of visa restrictions on Dominica. It did so because of what the United Kingdom government said was a “clear and flagrant abuse” of the CBI program by Roosevelt Skerrit and his government. Other governments may take similar action against Dominica. All Dominicans will suffer from this abuse of our once good reputation in the international community when they sit back and allow corruption in office to continue unabated.

Good citizenship requires that we all take a stand to demand probity in office. Shall we sit back and do nothing, while our nation’s name is dragged through the mud or our society descends into disorder?

Who among us shall be satisfied when we betray our duty to save our nation? No one can save Dominica, but Dominicans. The choice is ours to make. Therefore, my friends, let us brace ourselves for our duties to do that which is right and lawful for our nation.

Dominicans, I urge you to consider that we all have a duty to act to save the nation from the dark fate that awaits any people who are negligent or allow crime to run amok in high and low places. The duty to ensure that we have clean government on Dominica belongs to all of us.

In 2024, let us do all we can to volunteer our time, when and where possible, to the recovery of our national character as intelligent and honest people. Let us engage in worthwhile civic engagement by sharing our time and knowledge with a school, community, or local institution. We urge all our political leaders to unite our people in a common democratic cause and depart from divisive partisanship. As it was said a long time ago, and still holds true today: a house divided against itself cannot stand.

In all we do, let us strive to unite our people around a commitment to kindness, rule of law, and nation-building, not partisanship. Let us focus on the needs of our country, such as unity, collaboration, and networking, in which
we organize ourselves and pay our dues. It is in so doing that we build a better Dominica. Where we act wisely in accord with the most noble principles we can be assured of a better, democratic, and prosperous Dominica. It is in so working together, with wisdom and charity towards all that we can have a Happy New Year.

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  1. If we knew better
    January 5, 2024

    Firstly, we have 0 expected completion date for the Airport. Secondly, they havent even done a recent EIA for a marina. I am assuming you expect it to be in the same Prince Rupert Bay area. No new relevant studies need to be done. Im saying all this to say to not expect to see either airport or marina before 2030.

    January 4, 2024

    Change will come soon.

  3. Ambrose Laville
    January 4, 2024

    Mr Christian! Sir. You refer to the Honorable Prime Minister as Skerrit on several occasions. Your tone sir, does not befit the office.
    You are a graduate of the Dominica Grammar School and your dad would not be amused.

  4. Peeping Tom
    January 4, 2024

    Another rambling piece about nothing. This dude just loves attention and when no one is paying attention, he takes to the media…just as the discredited and discarded Linton.

  5. If we knew better
    January 4, 2024

    Dominicans are wicked people. It is evident in what we have been doing to ourselves. We continue to chop off our own nose and ears, plucking out our own eyes, just because we want to spite our face. Fools we are, the majority of us. refuse to try something else our of fear and ignorance. As if we cannot try something else again, or go back to what we had before within the 5 year period. absolute nonsense. that is like you rent a house for 5 years, by the 3rd year you realize you cannot stay there much longer because the house not good. When you lease expires you can move out and find another house. if that doesnt work u can look for another one after that. But we act like there is and should be only one house we can ever stay in, the one that falling down. And until we get a brand new mansion with all the bells and whistles we not supposed to move. not to a more stable one, or one in a nicer neighborhood, or closer to our usual destinations. no we just insist is the red one .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 1
  6. January 3, 2024

    Who told Dominicans abroad that they can control their country by remote control? It is just talk, talk, talk and nothing good comes out of all that talk, talk talk. We have already started 2024 on the wrong footing, a continuation of 2023. They are scared to go home and run. They might lose their deposit and have no job to live for. As a result, they stay up there and send down advice and suggestions Like mangoes falling to the ground from the top of the tree. Aren’t we all tired of all this run, run, run your mouth, again in 2024? I wonder what they will say when the Airport is finally built in 2025 and the Marina in 2024? Ibo says implement them whilst he hides in a bunker like Kim Jong UN does. But, we will fetch him out as we did with Saddam Hussein.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 10
    • If we knew better
      January 5, 2024

      Firstly, we have 0 expected completion date for the Airport. Secondly, they havent even done a recent EIA for a marina. I am assuming you expect it to be in the same Prince Rupert Bay area. No new relevant studies need to be done. Im saying all this to say to not expect to see either airport or marina before 2030.

  7. BRidge
    January 3, 2024

    Very well written, Gabriel. One thing I must say however, you are much too polite when it comes to these member of that Labour cabal. They will have bled our country to death within the next 10 days.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 8
  8. Karmaton
    January 3, 2024

    What’s so vile about a commission of inquiry? Afraid of distinguished Caribbean experts rendering opinions about certain things in Dominica that are way out of order? Never mind if it is ignored like recommendations by the OAS & Commonwealth – let’s not talk about the hired hand Justice Byron. He delivered the cover-up, took the money and politely said, much appreciated; see you never!

    How long ago did Austrie say it? Dominica is last in everything. True say. Like the ostrich with its head in the sand, like the three little monkeys who see nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing, Dominicans like it so. Well said, Brother Gaibu! DA will continue in its stew. until, suddenly…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 7 Thumb down 6
  9. January 3, 2024

    IBO – If half of these suggestions were implemented at the beginning of the year, Dominica would take off like a space shuttle leaving its pad behind. Ibo, you are such an a..hole. Stop running your mouth and come home and do something positive. All you have is a mouth and big words that have no meaning. When will you stop complaining about your bellyache. You are a bum wherever you are hiding. Are you living in a bunker and sending out messages in letters to your army? Ibo, get real and start moving in 2024.

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  10. January 3, 2024

    Just talk. we have heard your loud and aggressive tones before and alas ‘NADA’. Lead us, guide us and protect us and we will follow you. Ou’ parle’ twop. The vagabonds have become so used to all the talk so they sing our favorite childhood song,” Sticks and stones can break my bones but words do me no harm “. Twop parle’

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 12 Thumb down 4
  11. January 3, 2024

    Your comment is very clear that you have a bone to pick with Skerrit. If you are talking about British government visa ban. Give the people more facts. You was always a DFP. supporter you just try to stay under cover for your reasons you are just two face.

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  12. Nudibranch
    January 3, 2024

    Eloquently put. Many truths presented but will the masses with their caps extended for a handout take it to heart

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  13. Ibo France
    January 2, 2024

    That commentary is filled with suggestions, advice, truth
    that cannot be condemned.

    I have vociferously repeated ad nauseam that CORRUPTION is at the heart of the destruction of this once proud and productive breadbasket in the sub-Caribbean.

    If half of these suggestions are implemented at the beginning of the current calendar year without corruption in government, Dominica would take off like a space shuttle leaving its pad. Dominica will forever remain firmly grounded if Roosevelt and his bandits and scoundrels are not politically exterminated from the landscape of the island.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 18 Thumb down 11
  14. Lin clown
    January 2, 2024

    Yes sir,what did you do when Sticky Fingers transfered $27,500 US of Dominica’s(DASS)money to his personal account without your knowledge,is that corruption?What happened to the land at Rosalie given to Dominicans through DASS which ended up in the name of sticky fingers.We all know while talking against the CBI,you were caught by Floyd Capitolier taking your white friends to Skerrit to be made CBI agents.During the 1999-2000 the UWP called the same Rosie Douglas an arsonist,a communist and a jailbird,hypocrite.Dominicans do not need you belching from you perch in Washington DC come on the ground in Dominica.Like you did when you walk 7 times around government headquarters blowing a conch shell like a complete lunatic.Thousands of Dominicans who were paying hundreds of dollars in rent,are now living in $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 FREE.There are more than 39,000 registered vehicles of a population of 72,000.There is now a school bus service.Man go F+++ yourself lying traitor,…

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 13 Thumb down 23
  15. En Ba La
    January 2, 2024

    President should be calles out for direllecton of duty.

    Her inability to perform the functions of PRESIDENT by engaging in other things. Meeting other politicians this is masking our President a political post when it is not. The president is head of state not business people you should be meeting.

    A democracy geopolitical arena this oss not the type of engagement we should be in. Countries or superpower states are taking note. an attack on our constitution happening right before our eyes.

    A call for the President to resign and. make way for dissolution of parliament.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 11 Thumb down 11
  16. En Ba La
    January 2, 2024

    start by walking to table a proposal for vote of no confidence in the government of Dominica.for the various issues that they have and what they are engaging in.

    An in depth explanation of why NBD customer pounds and euros have to go through bank of America.. Someone should have an
    indepth article on what is going on.. a smooth transition to bank of America who handles these currency transactions before and why are we moving to bank of America now. Our national bank when things like this an explanation to the least financial educated among us.

    The President doing first official duty invitation to guadeloupe a French overseas department with Macron as the president – meeting a business man and business woman having you meet politicians in Guadeloupe you are not head of government. You are doing politicians job. what is this.

    There are countless other situations with oddities that should not be happening in Dominica.

    I am of the view that parliament should he dissolved.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 11
  17. Man bite dogs
    January 2, 2024

    Ha ha ha, those clowns 🤡 and idiots are getting worse by the day, or maybe it’s full-moon, my life black people calling themselves UWP politicians in Dominica 🇩🇲 boy what a joke everytime these guys opens their mouths is bad breath and crap coming out nothing else 😳 Deranged characters I think it’s 🤔

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 10 Thumb down 26

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