COMMENTARY: A Citizenship by Investment comparative

The lack of transparency in Dominica’s Citizenship by Investment Program has brought the nation to an unprecedented state of political tension. Since the CBS 60 Minutes episode aired on January 1st, 2017, Dominica has witnessed a barrageof open letters, damning regional and international exposés, protests, lawsuits, arrests, and allegations of coups and US investigations. What has not happened since then, however, is what is most telling. A close look to how our OECS neighbor – Antigua – handled the fallout from the CBS program offers important insight.

Divergent approaches of the Dominican and Antiguan government in reaction to scrutiny of their CBI programs were evident in the very 60 minutes episode that catalyzed the latest crisis. While Prime Minister of Antigua Gaston Browne proudly defended his nation’s CBI program, Dominicans were left confused by the absence of its Prime Minister Roosevelt H. Skerrit in the report. Skerrit initially stated that he was not invited to participate in the CBS episode, then later admitted he declined the invitation as CBS’ goal was to discredit the program. Which approach was most prudent? Which nation’s citizens left that CBS episode feeling confident about their country’s CBI program and hopeful that with modifications it would be better poised to support its nation’s development? These answers came quickly.

Within days of the 60 minutes episode, Dominica’s Prime Minister, members of his cabinet, political party and CBI agents issued statements accusing CBS, the leader of the opposition, and Henley & Partners of a conspiracy designed to undermine Dominica’s CBI program. There was neither time nor willingness among Dominica’s government for introspection or a public discussion on the weaknesses of the program, and how to calm international concerns. Comparatively, there was relative quiet in Antigua, as Prime Minister Browne’s position and intentions on the CBI program had already been made clear on 60 minutes.The few articles in the Antiguan press were mostly positive, stating the government’s steps to revise their program and announcing that international partners have already been provided with the names of all Antiguan diplomatic passport holders.

Fast forward a month later. At this point, Dominica’s government suffered another embarrassing blow in the arrest of Ali Reza Monfared, an ill-timed confirmation of the weakness of their CBI program. Protests were being planned in Dominica, and allegations that Prime Minister Skerritwas being investigated by US Authorities had ensued.  Headlines out of Antigua, however, were that Prime Minister Browne was preparing to recall all diplomatic passports and that his cabinet would soon reveal other sweeping changes to their CBI program.

By February 18, 2017, Dominica’s government had yet to hold a press conference, town hall meeting, or any other forum to directly address growing concerns about Dominica’s CBI program, the arrest of Monfared, or new allegations that local banks had begun to hold or return CBI funds until due diligence documents could be furnished. Instead, news from Dominica was of a failed coup d’etat, and the presence of Dominica’s official opposition at the 28th CARICOM Heads of government session requesting a CBI oversight body at the CARICOM level. By then, however, changes to Antigua’s CBI program had become old news. Prime Minister Browne had already delivered on his promise to recall all diplomatic passports and instituted a new transparency clause to their diplomatic passport policy that will now provide the names of all diplomatic passport holders annually in parliament.

Unlike Antigua, Dominicans still do not know the number of their diplomatic passports in circulation.

The names of Dominica’s diplomats are still withheld from both the public and parliamentarians on the grounds that publicizing them would be “against the interest of the country’s foreign relations.”

Dominica’s government has not announced any plans or intentions to publicize any aspect of its diplomatic passport program. Nor has Prime Minister Skerrit indicated to its citizens, region and international community that it has learned the lesson of Diezani Alison Madueke, NG Lap Seng, Ali Reza Monfared, or the many other international criminals that held Dominica’s diplomatic passports.

Antigua boasts a 2017 gross domestic product valued at $1.4 Billion, and a robust tourism program that celebrated 100,000 American visitors and approximately 250,000 stay-over tourists in 2016. By contrast, Dominica’s economy is approximately one-third of Antigua’s at $454 million and struggles to reach 90,000 stay-over tourists. Antigua’s swift and sound steps to improve its CBI program may be that they have too much to lose. Dominica’s reaction, however, suggests that it is willing to risk the little it has by refusing – at any cost – to admit mistakes and implement procedures that will improve its CBI program.

While Antigua’s CBI program has rid itself of controversy for now, many fear that Dominica’s CBI saga will end in bloodshed or with the resignation of Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit. Either option risks placing Dominica through a prolonged period of instability that the country, with its already tiny economy, small population, and myriad developmental challenges, can ill afford.

Only one question now remains – Is protecting the secrecy of Dominica’s diplomatic passport holders more critical than maintaining the stability of our island nation?

Dominican citizens will have to decide.

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  1. Lang Su soon
    February 21, 2017

    What you grudging ?

    • Pacquette
      February 22, 2017

      Because my country is being held backwards by cowardly and incompetent leaders! Dominica deserves better!

  2. kingman
    February 21, 2017

    Sorry Cherry, but I must call you out on your dishonest attempt to mislead and misguide the public by deliberately holding back critical information which is necessary for clear understanding of the issue at hand.
    Firstly, you fail to say that other prominent Dominicans were interviewed by the CBS team but because they did not say the things that the CBS team wanted to hear they were not featured(true or false).
    Secondly, no member of the Government side were invited to be interviewed (why), so your view that their absence was confusing is wrong, the Dominican public by large understands their absence and that’s a major reason why you and the UWP DO NOT have the public support for the FOOLISHNESS that you are doing.
    Thirdly, its only Lennox Linton who has the phobia for leadership and anti Skerrit that take every opportunity to bad talk the country.
    Cherry, the Dominican public cannot and will not fall for or support this foolishness.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 21, 2017

      Pacquette rightly says that we .”the Dominican public cannot and will not fall for or support this foolishness of Skerrit and his corrupt Passport scheme……we need to know about our states money, own and stop getting at Hon. Linton, ..with him, we will hunt Skerrit and his rogues until they are out of office.”.

      • %
        February 22, 2017

        WELL SAID!!!Honourble is a gem o fantastically brilliant leader.

  3. Engineer
    February 21, 2017

    That will not help get this government out of office. The only way is through the electoral ballots. These shortcuts and evasive tactics are not working. The UWP will have to find a new LEADER and get involved in community service and then prepare to get defeated in the next general election. Put that into your intellectual pipe and smoke. The majority of the electoral ballot is in favor of the Dominica Labor party. UWP will not win a general election with Lennox as party leader

  4. Riv
    February 20, 2017

    It is becoming quite clear that comparing Dominica’s CBI program to that of Antigua is comparing apples to oranges. Antigua’s prime minister has recalled all diplomatic passports because he probably has a proper account of all funds collected and can vouch for the characters of the people holding Antigua’s diplomatic passports. He can probably say that he has nothing shameful in his program to hide. Can we say the same for Dominica’s program? If Dominica’s ruling government has the program under control, can account for all funds and can vouch for the characters of all passport holders, there should be no issue honoring Mr. Christian’s request for a commission of inquiry. I can only hope that the masses will catch on.

    On a different note, the opposition is empowering Mr. Skerritt by focusing all energies and resources on his shortcomings and failing to present a proper alternative plan to the masses. Someone has to stop talking about Skerritt and start presenting alternatives.

  5. Tell it like it is
    February 20, 2017

    When people write articles such as this one, why don`t they do some research before? Are you saying that the PM is lying when he said that the names of all passport holders are published in the gazette? Has Lennox Linton presented any shred of evidence to support all his allegations? I mean, if you want to be taken seriously you should be objective in you writing. It is very obvious which side you are leaning on. How does that help Dominica? You people never cease to amaze me!

    • Pacquette
      February 22, 2017

      Yes, I am stating the fact that our diplomatic passport holders are not listed in the Gazette. The names of regular passport holders are gazetteer. Francine Baron stated that it would be against Dominica’s foreign interests to reveal these names. We only find our after they have embarrassed the nation and their status is revealed in international press. You can check the Sun article which references Batons statement if you do not trust my research.

  6. February 20, 2017

    ms. pacquette, i will not add much but to say, in this matter tgatthere is a deriliction of duty by civil society the police and the churches it is as if there are colluding with the passport scammers against the people.

  7. February 20, 2017

    There is a saying that goes, when your neighbor house is on fire wet yours. But it seems for opponents of the Government it is now, if your neighbor house is on fire set yours on fire and wet your neighbor’s house.

  8. %
    February 20, 2017

    I am calling for more more boots on the ground…Why is Skerrit still running,hiding,staying moo moo,and the relevant questions relating to this fetid CBI programme are still not being answered?HE HAS NO CHOICE BUT TO HUMBLE HIMSELF and listen to the people..

  9. Way Papa
    February 20, 2017

    Good observations though..I feel so sorry for our people! They really need to stop sleeping on them!

  10. Way Papa
    February 20, 2017

    Those Domi in cans will no see what you are saying because their eyes are bloodshot!

  11. Chief Jacco
    February 20, 2017

    Joke all you making?

    • Me
      February 21, 2017

      I’m afraid not Jacco. Time to wake up from your bad dream and face reality.

    • viewsexpressed
      February 21, 2017

      Chief Jacko may be like a parrot repeating the same ole denial tune from Scared Skerrit and his political puppets who lacks interest in the welfare and stability and decency in protecting the name of Dominica. It is time the Labourites` ignoramous of Dominican society wakes up and smell the dirty corrupt Labour party corrupted behaviour. Stop being in denial and put Dominica first.
      We need to know who are and are still making riches out of Dominica’s passports. No one person has the right to abuse the sale of our passports and good name of our Nature isle: Dominica.

  12. Thaddeus Bruno
    February 20, 2017

    What an substantive and insightful commentary! Also beautifully written. Thanks so much for your thoughtful contribution.

    • Tell it like it is
      February 20, 2017

      Thaddeus, surprise that you of all people would consider this piece of bias writing as insightful. hmmmmm boy life is really strange…. are you still a pastor!

  13. February 20, 2017

    The naive behavior of DA leadership is our Dow fall. It is time mem of vison take leadership roles.

    • Me
      February 22, 2017

      Tj, the leadership is not naive but, in my opinion pathologically wicked.

  14. Eyes Open
    February 20, 2017

    I think the Dominica Labour Party should be investigated. Where did they get all those millions to fund their election campaign. We honestly need a balance sheet or a financial statement. Those who support labour do it out of pride. They are ashamed to know that they have been fleecing the state of resources all in the name of power and greed. One cannot honestly say they are believing in a God and supporting this level of dishonesty. The inquiry into the CBI program should also include an inquiry into the Dominica Labour Party. Some people have been so involved in “Boh Bol” they will do anything to remain in power because without it they will be exposed. Shame shame shame on those who support it.

    • February 20, 2017

      Be careful what you wish for. If you investigate the Labour Party you also have to investigate the UWP. You don’t get to decide which party is investiged to establish who funded their campaign. And because we have no campaign finance laws in Dominica no investigation can take place.

  15. Dr Clayton Shillingford
    February 20, 2017

    Ms Pacquette much praise to you for a thorough analysis of the issues facing Dominica in this passport crisis..It is quite shameful for the Dominican Government to conceal the identity of all those holding these diplomatic passports especially with the current background of a list of crooks..

    • Refuse to Co-operate with the Skerrit Regime
      February 20, 2017

      Also Sir, to refuse to give account for the $80M or so each and every month from the sale of Dominica passports to crooks, pedophiles and theives. Apalling!

  16. KaliBud
    February 20, 2017

    I appreciate your commentary. But a few things are amiss. We can’t compare our tourism product to that of Antigua. We are eco/nature, they offer their beaches. Our product is inland, hiking etc. But with reference to the cubs interview, the only interviewee who offered negative feedback was Linton. And Dominica is the only island where such.persistent accusations have been.laid, albeit with no evidence (Mr.Linton admitted.he has no evidence when interviewed by Huffington post). And no one on the opposition side will admit (or deny) what the PM said – that he indeed supplied that list to parliament, and that the.names are published in the Gazette. Unless and until the opposition can provide evidence of wrongdoing I shall continue to perceive them as troublemakers

    • Look it
      February 20, 2017

      And readers will continue to regard you as sot …. trying to hard with the hold albeit lol lol….

      • Look it
        February 20, 2017


    • Refuse to Co-operate with the Skerrit Regime
      February 20, 2017

      Stop shilling! Simple question. Where is the $95M a month in passport sales going. Where???

    • John Paul
      February 20, 2017

      Did You not hear the Minister of Foreign Affairs response in Parliament?Basically telling the Opposition that it was not their business to know who the Ambassadors are.
      If You cannot be identified as an Ambassador of this Country to it’s Citizens You should not in the first place an Ambassador.
      This position should not be confused with a Secret Service cloak and dagger affair !
      Why all the secrecy ? I smell a dead rat!

    • Pacquette
      February 20, 2017

      Actually, Vince Henderson, Dominica’s permanent ambassador to the UN admitted to the Huffington post that the government has had a poor record in publicizing diplomatic appointments. See link below and quote of Henderson’s words. Dominica has persistent accusations because their diplomatic appointees are continually caught in international crimes! Monfared was not made up!

      “VH: Admittedly, our record on publicizing these things (diplomatic passports) is not the best. For example, when we appointed Ms Frances Del Sol as Trade and Investment Commissioner in Canada, we did not immediately publish the decision. Neither the integrity of the process nor of the person herself were ever questioned in that case, it was just a weakness on our part. We are now reviewing the process and in future may publish such appointments in parliament.”

      • Toto
        February 21, 2017

        Vince’s friend in New York, Paolo Zampolli ,who showed Vince there was life beyond St. Joe and spoiled him for the high life. that same feller that introduced Skerrit to Donal Trump appointed him to be our Ambassador for Oceans & Seas! Imagine, how ridiculous can one get?

    • viewsexpressed
      February 21, 2017

      You, Kalibud, must be in denial and are somewhere out of space not in touch with current affairs and yet lack the understanding and knowledge of the bigger picture. Who are yo , really?
      Are you really talking of evidence, the numerous calls to this corrupt, dictatorial PM and government has been asked to come to parliament to discuss many concerns and passports affairs and they running and you wanna blame Linton? Give me a BREAK!. Do you recall they denied the Bin Bobol and the Fertilizer Bobol. They stole our state’s MONEY AND USED THE STATES REOSURECES using a family member of a sitting government minister and continued to lie until Hon Linton presented the facts and evidence and they said it was a “mistake”. Do you know how Hon.. Linton acquire the evidence? Ha..ha! Do you recall sir/madam, who are you? Stop protecting Skerrit and corrupt Labour Government and put Dominica first.

    • SipinTeas
      February 21, 2017

      Our government. our passports. our diploments. our servants. since when the servant can withhold information from their masters? we do not live in a dictatorship though some might like to behave accordinglg

    • The Fate of Mankind
      February 21, 2017

      Indeed they are published in the gazette.

      • Me
        February 21, 2017

        Give me the names and the dates and I will believe you.

    • February 21, 2017

      There is so much information out there for you to follow up with don’t ask Mr. .Linton to give you evidence he’s not in court with you, go find for yourself and this situation is more than Mr. Linton, Skerrit, it’s a situation that’s handled thru heads of outside authorizes in different Countries I do believe when all like you and others accept what is going one it will be too late and your heads will be hanged down low, so don’t ask Linton to give you evidence go and ask Skerrit for the evidence because he is the one that bring shame on the Island, oh by the way information was out there long before Linton so get with it.

  17. %
    February 20, 2017

    Good piece.Hope the members of the rogue DLP regime reads it…I am calling all uwp candidates to keep the CBI issue on the front burner..WE WANT ANSWERS!

  18. mine
    February 20, 2017

    I wonder if you condone of the peoples property that was destroyed on 2/7/17.

    • %
      February 20, 2017

      Stop mixing Apples with Grapefruits!!!Read again,you may just understand.

    • Pacquette
      February 20, 2017

      I DO NOT Condone damage to people’s property. But if you feel sorry for broken windows, what of a broken economy that leads to broken homes and broken institutions, and broken self-esteem in youth who can’t carve out a decent future?

      Dominica deserves to have a far more robust economy that what currently exists. We deserve to be known around the world as a haven for nature-lovers and peaceful people…not as a refuge for international criminals!!

    • Real!!!!!
      February 21, 2017

      MINE we don’t condone the destruction on the business people property ,,,,,But it we can get all the CBI monies out of these secret international accounts we would be able to restore these people property and used the rest to provider a better standard of living for Dominicans.

      Therefore lets us focus on the hidden CBI money!!!!!

  19. February 20, 2017

    Political bias article. When did Skeritt say he declined the offer to appear on CBS? What has antigua done to its program after the CBS program was.aired? Did you not hear Skeritt on the air defending the program, describing the due diligence process. You don’t have to believe him but that’s another matter. Have you purchased a gazette to verify if the names of persons issued with passports under the CBI and those with diplomatic passports were published as Skeritt is claiming. Your attempt to compare Dominica with Antigua in this matter is just to cry down Dominica.

    • John Paul
      February 20, 2017

      Did You hear the Gentleman who set up the CBI program say that “We advise and Ministers decide”

    • Pacquette
      February 20, 2017

      Matt Peltier on Q95 actually contacted the producers of CBS and red on-air the response. They stated that Skerrit was invited and meeting dates were offered by Vince Henderson, but they failed to follow through on the response.

      Everything in this article was fact-checked for accuracy. You may google any of the facts presented and find articles from local or regional media to corroborate.

      Skerrit has yet to hold ONE press conference or TOWN HALL meeting that allows audience to directly ask questions about the Monfared case. Only statements or comments have been made.

      The gazette does NOT publish diplomatic passport appointees. Note Francine Baron’s response to a request for the name of diplomatic appointees:

      My comparison shows how another OECS island handled this matter without tension and controversy. Clearly Dominica has something to hide!

  20. Observing
    February 20, 2017

    The citizenery are too red; too against blue and country to look at this issue inspectrosoectively; uprooting the dangers that the careless handling of the cbi program has on our future generation if its not revamped.

  21. Oh Yes
    February 20, 2017

    Very informative and timely! This shows that commonsense can prevail,, and the good of many is better than the wealth of a few!

  22. viewsexpressed
    February 20, 2017

    This is what Hon. Lennox Linton and Team UWP, with good Citizens from all over Dominica has been crying out for, from this inept prime Minister.
    “Dominica’s government has not announced any plans or intentions to publicize any aspect of its diplomatic passport program. Nor has Prime Minister Skerrit indicated to its citizens, region and international community that it has learned the lesson of Diezani Alison Madueke, NG Lap Seng, Ali Reza Monfared, or the many other international criminals that held Dominica’s diplomatic passports.”
    The cry of Dominicans is: Skerrit Resign, you have betrayed us. You surrounded yourself with bad legal aid and lawyers who act as liars in protecting you. Skerrit You are doomed. You should save yourself now and run from these pirates and deceitful people. They cannot continue writing the scripts for you, you sound ridiculous. Your speeches mean nothing to us and international community anymore. You have been caught, there is no more for you to hide…

  23. Look It
    February 20, 2017


    1. He speaks of building houses for persons in Bioche “if you see a plot of land with an abandon house let us know”….. Skerrit should be creating an economic environment which would allows persons from Bioche to work, get a loan and PROUDLY build their own homes.

    2. Skerrit proudly says “If not CBI”… a country with such vast natural resources and without shame, says “if not CBI”….where in the innovation and vision to take DA to the next level you have been speaking about for the last 17 years.

    3. For years access to the island has been marked as one of the major setbacks to increase of tourist arrival… and what does he do, HE SAYS NO TO AN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT and attempts night landing…….how many planes land at night again??? #wasteofmoney

    4. Agriculture …..nuff said on this one :lol:


    • viewsexpressed
      February 20, 2017

      Blind loyalists and the likes of Dentists, lawyers, Doctors, PS`s, Heads of Department, top brass Civil Servants, policemen at the highest, retires Directors of audit, sitting there being paid, disgusting team of followers, shamed followers having Dominica in poverty and suffering while they sing for their Skerro and damn – and go the hell – the poor people of Dominica are suffering and in poverty.

      all you fall will come, very hard too. Look out. We will continue to protest and cry corruption and a failed Prime Mi9nniinaster and failed corrupt labour Government.

      February 20, 2017

      They LOVE THEIR PM because he has kept them very blind giving them pittance and no jobs
      What a shame

    • ;
      February 20, 2017

      Amen OU paix de YES nous amay PM à NOUS, pasque say Skerro and Labour all the way. Sa qui fashea sa say PROBLEM à YO.

    • Toto
      February 21, 2017

      There are plenty of plots with abandoned, dilapidated structures right under his nose in Roseau that make the place look ugly. Why doesn’t he tackle those first?

  24. viewsexpressed
    February 20, 2017

    Mr Pacquette, whooooaaa… Thanks much. You certainly have not been cherry picking. I hope Skerrit and Tony Astaphan are able to read this article with an ambulance at their sides. This article is positive, revealing, mention of good governance, accountability, transparency and also shed a bad light of abuse of our Constitution, abuse of the office of Prime Minister and abuse of our Parliamentary Democracy with a very silent Speaker, for once she has no voice and cant speak. What a corrupt, immature and silly outdated Prime Minister and corrupt Labour government led by an inept prime Minister who should not be Prime Minister in the first place.
    Dominica is deep in the doldrums with a one man pappy show all of a sudden has money to spend, no one knows exactly how much of this is from the CBI funds. This labour government is corrupt, fraudulent and crazy, a set of nincompoops running our island like mad ants racing nowhere.
    Skerrit must go. We need leadership not immaturity. Resign…

    • February 20, 2017

      Seeing that the response of Skeritt is been compared to that of the Antiguan PM Brown. Could anyone state what outstanding position Brown has taken regarding holders of diplomatic passports involved in questionable activities recently? We have Antiguan consul in Brazil involved in an international bribery scandal, the Antiguan Ambassador to the UAE is also named in this scandal, but is been strongly defended by PM Brown. Also the Antiguan diplomat picked up by Chinese police in Hong Kong. Stop trying to compare Dominica with countries that might be more corupts than Dominica. Brown is only now saying that he going to publish the names of CBI passport holders, that is already been done in Dominica. So this is just another rubish political commentary.

      • %
        February 20, 2017

        You are clearly a blind apologist of this rogue DLP regime,but rest that Skassur is our servant,and the several pertinent quesons relating assports shall not go away…He MUST answer the pertinent questions relating to our CBI MESS!He is cornered and cant hide under any crooked lawyers jacket now.We have had enough of that..HE must answer the questions!!!

      • John Paul
        February 20, 2017

        ok so just talk about Dominica “Does Skeritt have His hand in the cookie Jar?”

      • Pacquette
        February 20, 2017

        In no way does this article seek to project Antigua as an island devoid of corruption. What it does show is the RESPONSIVENESS of a leader to a specific issue, to ensure it does not get out of hand as it clearly has in Dominica!

        Part of Browne’s reaction was due in part to the Antiguan diplomat picked up in Hong Kong: “In the wake of speculation that one of Antigua & Barbuda’s economic envoys and former diplomatic passport holder may have been arrested in China, Prime Minister Gaston Browne said he is prepared to recall all diplomatic passports.”

      • viewsexpressed
        February 21, 2017

        So what are you saying, that we are all right in protest of corruption anywhere by any government inflicting wounds on the state and its people. Man, woman, who you are, stop skirting about to see whoo do first or who also doing,, that is childish. Go clean your backyard first before you take of your neighbours!
        These Labour, Skerritites are a big jokers and in denial! Shame!

      • February 21, 2017

        Point let your fingers do the walking check Antigua website yourself, Why is it that some Dominicans are so lazy or they are so used to the one man keep telling them all the lies that they can’t check for themselves what’s wrong with this picture.

  25. Look It
    February 20, 2017

    Love this commentary .. only one thing, we cannot compare tourist arrivals of ANU to DOM, as ANU has an international airport receiving direct flights from the UK and US.

    HOWEVER, we did have the opportunity to secure an international airport but SVG PM discouraged DOM PM….fast fwd to this year…SVG PM stood proud at the opening of SVG international airport.

    Ridiculous but that’s the SAD FACTS

    • Tititwi
      February 20, 2017

      the absence of an international jet port does not prevent one from running a transparent & accountable CBI scheme. Nor is it an excuse for issuing diplomatic passports to questionable characters and not appraising your own subjects of whom represents our country overseas and in what capacity.

    • John Paul
      February 20, 2017

      On Valantine’s Day to be precise

    • Pacquette
      February 20, 2017

      The inclusion of tourism and economic facts was simply to show that Antigua has a larger and more vibrant economy than Dominica — and were still willing to recall diplomatic passports and reveal the names of holders.

      In comparison, Dominica’s foreign minister asserts that Dominica’s diplomats must remain incognito to protect foreign interests. Many would find it odd that a nation much economically smaller than Antigua would have so much at risk in revealing their diplomats!

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