COMMENTARY: Christian leadership example, Dominican leadership essences


It’s a sacred plank of Christian beliefs that a humble man gave his life for the benefit of all mankind. He gave all of himself in total surrender to the swords and spears of his torturers, so that others could have a chance, could be stirred with genuine hope. Approximately one billion men and women are moved to believe, to dream of what could be, notwithstanding the crushing circumstances of a life that can be cruel and uninspiring. One man fostering one billion beliefs, countless prayers, and commitments to good works.

 In contrast, today’s Dominica is of men and women who give their fellow citizens a litany of lies. The man from Galilee gave his life to fulfill a salvaging operation. He was of a ministry and a life that was immersed in truth, justice, fairness, and incomparable elements of compassion. He battled to the end for those truths to be established, which is why his name has been etched in eternity.

 Closer home, the men and women of Dominica who have been elected to stand for the people, instead, identify with the powerful forces that have been given unchecked clearance to help themselves to the riches of the Dominican people. The priorities of our leaders should be inseparable from the pathos of our local poor, the struggles of suffering citizens. But their deceits and vaulting ambitions do not allow them to make any room for such considérations.

 Which citizen of any country around the globe would want to be infected with the sick men and women that Dominica has for its leaders? When any leader does not have it inside to come clean with Dominicans, to share with them what the latest news about their rich patrimony is, then he or she is not a leader, but rather, a conniver and a coward. When concealment of vital details of the nation’s CBI wealth from its rightful owners is both ongoing standard and practice, then those in charge are not battling for the advantage of the people, but betraying them.

 Dominicans have high hopes of what should come to them from their resource endowments. Rather than leaders putting out their best for them, giving of their all for the people, so that those hopes could come to fruition, cheap tricks and traitorous actions have become the norm. Our leaders in elevated offices have hidden the truth from the population–untruth and dishonesty of an extreme kind. The Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, famously asked the man forced to endure a lengthy ordeal: what is truth? I make the assertion that truth is a foreign substance, even a lifelong disease when our leaders are put under even the most minimal level of scrutiny. They do not measure up, fail every challenge where fighting for the rights of hopeful Dominicans is involved.

 In this season of Lent and Ramadan, and the recently finished celebration of Phagwah, every sacred text associated with those enormous denominations of faith speaks to the key components that should guide the actions of every man, woman, and child, high and low. It’s not only in the giving of material things but also [in] the giving of self. During this period of great solemnity, a man out of nowhere and of no standing set a peerless standard of self-sacrifice. Ramadan is about sacrifices that have to be made, and there are also those cosmic qualities demanded of believers who just celebrated Phagwah.

 When there is no honesty there is no justice, and where there is no justice, then there is nothing that can be described as fair. In such circumstances, when leaders open their mouths, the deception tumbles out uncontrollably. Their naked cowardice, their ugly retreat behind false rhetoric, only reveal their leadership immorality even more. Dominicans are recipients of some of the greatest gifts of nature. There is also the dark side of local leadership that illuminates with a destructive light.





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  1. Labour power
    April 11, 2024

    When you and your kind stop disrespecting the Prime Minister,when you and your kind stop FEEDING the Dominican public with fake news,propaganda and lies,then Labour power will stop referring to you as Jacka,Don KEY,scumbags and aholes.For your information,Labour power has NEVER spoken to Skerrit and Skerrit does NOT know Labour power.But,Labour power is a patriot who worked in the USA and built a beautiful and comfortable house in DOMINICA with the US dollar.Tell your unpatriotic blue do nothing parasitic traitors,do something for Dominica.

    • me
      April 11, 2024

      @Lin Clown
      Lin Clown stop attacking the messanger. If you have the capacity, just take in the message, even if it may be looking like something that your false God should pay attention to.

    • Nkrumah Kwame
      April 12, 2024

      OK, thanks for the clarification, but I don’t understand what you mean by ” disrespecting the prime Minister “. To speak the truth bluntly and I admit, forcefully, you characterize as ” disrespect “? Now you abrogate to yourself the unsolicited authority defend the Dominican public against fake news, lies, propaganda, etc ?? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
      I would want to think the Dominican public is capable of self defense. I am a born Dominican who sure doesn’t need you to defend me! With you as my defense lawyer, all cases are lost
      Finally, who more than Mr Skerrit and you feed the public with what you accuse Rock BRUNO of??!! You and your audacity

  2. Nkrumah Kwame
    April 10, 2024

    ” Another blue lunatic “. That’s all you got ? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Do you realize that apart from refering to ideas from contributors that disturb you as ” a…holes”, you keep repeating this nonsense about all the roads, hospitals, health centres, houses etc belong to the state ; and the bla, bla, bla about what’s written on the last page of the Dominican passport??
    You wish you knew which side of the political divide the writer is eh? Are you one of those receiving the $300 monthly ? If so I do understand your defensive posture. If I were one of those though, I would accept it and keep my mouth shut cause it takes away a man’s dignity sure doesn’t last a week. But different strokes for different folks. And I still wish you a pleasant evening.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 7 Thumb down 0
  3. Gary
    April 10, 2024

    You that Rock Bruno and your obsession with the PM lol. There is a saying that all extremes of feeling are allied with insanity. Why all this ranting with biblical references giving credence to partisan beliefs, more than half the comment is spent on espousing someone’s truth, the rest just vague assumptions and religious mumbo jumbo. Their is one ultimate judge of Justice and it is divine, and cannot be persuaded and has no favorites based on religion. The humble man spoken about did not come to set up any religion but to teach a universal principle, and these principles are not
    exclusively owned by any particular religion.

    What’s next, Rock Bruno, are we going to see you as a regular columnist on DNO. What is your take on the other political leaders in our society who
    are aspiring to be the next PM.

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    • Nkrumah Kwame
      April 10, 2024

      Gary, why don’t you write about the other political leaders in our society ? Don’t you have the ability ? As to whether Rock BRUNO becomes a regular columnist on DNO is entirely the perrogative of DNO. His contributions sure seem to have an irritating effect on you :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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  4. Nkrumah Kwame
    April 10, 2024

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: You see boy Labour Power and others, I did tell you that an attack on Rock BRUNO might just have spurred and motivated him to pen another episode of of a similar nature. Call him an ” a… hole “, again. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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  5. Labour power
    April 10, 2024

    Another blue lunatic.Look how stupid you are.In 1979 the PEOPLE you are talking about removed Labour from power after 20 years and VOTED DFP.In 1995 the PEOPLE you are talking about removed DFP from power after 15 years and VOTED UWP.In 2000 the same PEOPLE you are talking about kicked out your party UWP after less than 5 years for Corruption,Victimization,GREED and Lies,and VOTED in the mighty Labour party.24 years later the same PEOPLE you are talking about show no intention of removing the DLP.Ask yourself WHY.Because the PEOPLE you are talking about are enjoying the profits of the CBI.The stupidness you are talking go tell that to the more the 5,000 who has received FREE $250,000,$300,000 and $400,000 houses.Tell that to the more than 2,700 senior citizens receiving $300 monthly.Tell that to the hundreds in the Yes We Care programme.Then show them what you and your blue hypocrites did with the hundreds of millions of dollars from the Reengineered Citizenship Programme.GREED.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 0 Thumb down 14
    • me
      April 11, 2024

      @Lin Clown
      One has to be verg strong not to refer to the commess that you are writing as…………..

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