Court orders PM Skerrit to stop using Jeep Wrangler until legal matter is settled

Jeep Wrangler

The High Court in Dominica has ordered that Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit stop the use of his Wrangler Jeep until a legal matter is settled. The court also ruled that its registration number be suspended.

The vehicle, costing EC$194, 000.00 which was a personal gift to Skerrit by ‘Moosa Navsa’ is being challenged by attorney Cara Shillingford-Marsh.

On June 12, 2023, High Court Judge, Justice Bernie Stephenson delivered a decision in which she granted leave to Shillingford-Marsh, who is also a member of the Integrity Commission in Dominica, to file a judicial review challenging a decision of the majority members of the Commission of February 12, 2021, to allow Skerrit to keep the gift.

The claim was brought by Shillingford-Marsh against Stephenson Hyacinth in his capacity as chairman of the Integrity Commission, and Thomas Holmes in his capacity as a member of the Integrity Commission, and the Integrity Commission.

Shillingford-Marsh is alleging that the Commission acted illegally, irrationally, and unreasonably when it allowed a person in public office, namely Prime Minister Skeritt, to keep the gift of the Jeep Wrangler without conducting an inquiry into the circumstances of the giving of the gift.

She argued that the Integrity Commission was required to do so under the Integrity in Public Office Act.

She further argued that the decision of the Commission was in breach of its international obligation, in that the Commission failed to give effect to Article 5 of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and that the decision flies in the face of the provisions and in fact, amounts to the sanctioning of corruption.

She is asking that the gift be handed over to the financial secretary since the gift is property of the state and cannot be retained by the prime minister.

In the decision which came two years after the application was filed, the court granted leave to Mrs. Shillingford-Marsh to proceed with judicial review against the Integrity Commission but struck out the claim against Stephenson Hyacinth and Thomas Holmes.

Shillingford-Marsh has fourteen days from the date of the court’s decision to file her claim.

The integrity commission was represented by Lisa De Freitas and led by Senior Counsel Reginald Armour while Cara Shillingford-Marsh is being represented by her husband, attorney Wayne Benjamin Marsh.

Wayne Benjamin Marsh

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  1. Conman
    August 30, 2023

    Roosevelt could have a thousand horses and a thousand mules it doesn’t bother me because I didn’t vote for him. I will let those who voted for him get high blood pressure over what they have allowed and now regretting. I’m looking at Roosevelt’s Jeep Wrangler but I’m also waiting to see Roosevelt Pink Jumper suit and chains on his feet. He just keep on piling up evidence which can be used against him. Roosevelt is not a bright guy. How he became pm, I don’t know. Dominicans were asleep and seems to be in a deeper sleep.

  2. Jonathan Y St Jean
    July 2, 2023

    When I worked in the banking sector in America I couldn’t accept gifts of $50.00 or more from anyone as this would violate rules of the banking sector. I’d have to consult with my supervisor if there were any doubts about accepting gifts as there are consequences for voilating government rules.This man is boldface and unscrupulous. Any decent person with a conscience would figure that accepting a gift of $149,000.00 sends the wrong message. The members of the Integrity Commission who, if they really did, give the “me-the-people” leader a clearance to accept a gift of such high value are weak and not deserving as they don’t have integrity nor do they understand what integrity means. Truly, Banana Republic stuff going on here. A lesson needs to be sent here by denying the double doctorate dude use of this expensive gift as it stinks of corruption. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it is a duck. Corruption.

  3. Jonathan Y St Jean
    June 29, 2023

    The integrity commission has failed the people of Dominica. The fact that a leader can be allowed to keep such an expensive gift, considering the past record of the country’s political leader, also the UN convention against corruption, smells of nepotism. Cara Shillingford must be complemented for her efforts to shine a light on dishonesty within the rulling cabal. It’s scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours. In the age of populism corrupt behavior is no longer seen as dishonorable, look at the Supreme Court in the US. Also why does it take so long for the judiciary in Dominica to dispense justice? Corruption in high places and those involved dare us to prove it even if the optics stink. The double doctorate dude has really acquired a taste for high living.

  4. If we knew better
    June 20, 2023

    The boy and Mel does be rolling big in dat.

  5. Detective Colombo
    June 18, 2023

    The behavior of Mr Skerritt in public office leaves a lot to be desired.. Concerned citizens of Caricom still awaiting an explanation on the US condominiums.

    His arrogance and behavior is becoming one of desperation as he seem scared to leave office for his chickens will come home.

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  6. June 17, 2023

    Vehicle should have been ordered to be auctioned and proceeds to be donated to Grotto House . Let Irish head swell

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  7. Roland Alan Mitchell
    June 16, 2023

    Mr Skerrit is running Dominica like his private fiefdom. He is unaccountable for the income from the sale of passports. He can invite people to national elections from The USVI on day trips and so control the numbers inn each constituency. Tony Astaphan acts as his legal counsel, doing strange things in the courts. We effectively have no Magna Carter in Dominica. Therefore legal rights are the gift of Mr Skerrit. Skerrit has now mortgaged Dominica, to build an airport at Wesley. I am, surprised that he is an ex DGS student.

    We need to change the government quickly to infuse new blood in the government. Only God can change this until the reign of Skerrit and Astaphan has run its course.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 1
  8. Ibo France
    June 16, 2023

    People of these islands once had a divine respect for the judiciary. Magistrates and judges were held in the highest esteem. They were at most times considered infallible.

    Now, the court is not considered to be a trusted arbiter. The lawyers, magistrates and judges are viewed as easily corruptible.

    The judge in dealing with this case spent almost an eternity in Dominica. She could and should have ruled on this particular matter years ago. She must have been too enamoured knocking glass and toasting with high level officials. Only after she was transferred she saw it fit to render a decision in the case at hand. Shame on her.

    Justice in the OECS is but a fleeting illusion. Real justice in this instance would be the auctioning off of that vehicle and the proceeds go into the consolidated funds.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 6 Thumb down 2
  9. Lin clown
    June 16, 2023

    Mr.Putin and Mr.Dog Bite,these handful of aholes,MEME,Bwa Banday,Juanita.s,Francisco the pimp from Figueroa street and the lead Jacka Ibo,has been braying for 23 years.Just imagine one of the bray,Lennox is an honourable man,as if Dominicans don’t know Linton.MEME must know UWP can never win an election in Dominica with Linton as leader.Cara Shillingford is a member of the IPO and she stood there and allowed the other members of the IPO to commit an offence knowing it was an offence.She should be charged and arrested for AIDING and ABETTING.

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    • MEME
      June 19, 2023

      @Lin clown
      Lin clown behave yourself and relax!!

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 19, 2023

      You crazy you see, you that no name wast of time unknown specimen!

      If you know Figueroa so well, if you are a woman, you hope to prostitute yourself on Figueroa, for ten dollars!

      I am more high class, so you ten dollars could not pay me as a pimp!


      But if I had the opportunity to have one of my ladies of the knight deal with you, I would bleed you dry by talking all your money, and kick you out in the street without pant oui!

      All this pimp would do is put a knockout pill in a drink for you, and while you are asleep, is take all your Dominica pennies out of your pocket, and kick you on the side-walk broke and disoriented!

  10. J.John-Charles
    June 16, 2023

    At least you have a functioning high court in DA.Here in the U.S. the FBI,the Department of Justice. Almost all the news media have joined with the Democratic Party to suppress the dirtiness of Biden and his crew.That is why, you are yet to see or hear any negative article of them on, DNO, also DBS and others. Because their source is from BBC,CNN,ABC,NBC MSNBC,CBS.NYT and others, and they are protecting Biden.
    Biden and his family, brother,children, even grand children are stinking rich.The DOJ especially FBI is using every weapon available at their disposal protecting Biden.Do you know the same day, August 8 2022 when the FBI invaded Trump’s residence at Mar a lago they knew Joe Biden had plenty more Classified documents in his possession?
    A senator and V.P. that’s what Biden was when he took them. But Trump was president.
    Let us remember, it was the same FBI who harassed Trump about collision with Russia. Again the FBI knew it was Hillary who invented the plot.

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    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 19, 2023

      J.John-Charles, I hope you are not in America living off Welfare, because one who lie and express so much hate for a country, if you reside here, and are not yet a citizen, I think the immigration and naturalization service, and FBI should be looking out for you!
      The way you have continued to attack Biden; I know one who said less about Obama, who got a visit from the FBI.
      Keep running of your mouth: but you can be found!
      One guy was a hacker, and ran his mouth off to the very night when the FBI walked into his apartment in a Middle Eastern country, while on his computer, and clamp the hand-cuff on his wrist and brought him here to stand trial!

      Again I asks who the hell are you?
      Unless you are an American citizen, your opinions does not count where it pertains to anything in America!

      Mind Roosevelt business!

      Talking about some nameless faceless person gave him Jeep coating $194.000.00 dollars.
      The money came out of Roosevelt game, his government piggy bank!

      Shut up!

    • Just Asking
      June 21, 2023

      No dude, I don’t give two hoots about Biden but is Trump that’s in trouble, backed himself into a hole and got you scrambling with straws to pull him out. Can’t you see the straws keep breaking? Better you need to abandon the guy and move on with your life?

  11. MEME
    June 16, 2023

    Mister Skerrit was the vehicle declared to customs as a 2009 or 2010, or 2011, or 2012, or 2013 model or a 2020 model????? Hmmmmmmmmmmm!
    Was the state defrauded of taxes Mr Skerrit?????? I am not accusing you, i am just asking. If yes, i await an ARREST soon!!
    I know that 95% of Dominicans can’t ask you any questions, so i am asking you on behalf of the people?

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  12. Ibo France
    June 16, 2023

    It is advisable that when buying foodstuff in the supermarket, if you cannot pronounce the name or decipher the instructions written on the package, that’s good reason not to buy it.

    This Moosa Navsca who gifted this rare luxury vehicle to Roosevelt, with such an unusual, unknown name, something had to be amiss.

    This incident has made headline news around the Caribbean. It has further given credence to the belief that many Caribbean rulers are some of the most corrupt in the world.

    This is yet another ‘black-eye’ inflicted by a disgraced, shameless narcissist on the already beleaguered country. How much longer will Dominicans turn a blind eye to the vilification of their country by this rotten apple?

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 31 Thumb down 4
  13. Lin clown
    June 16, 2023

    You MEME have never been a supporter of DLP.Which lawyer represented Skerrit in the land transfere deal?If you know,then you will know the reason for the firebombing of G.O.N house.You will know where the conspiracy for the firebombing started.You are a crook and traitor to the PEOPLE.
    The truth is more than 5,000 Dominicans have profited from free housing.2,700 senior citizens are receiving $300 monthly.More than 4,300 are employed under the NEP programme.More than 300 employed in the Yes We Care.Skerrit brought Clear Harbour to Dominica with more that 1,000 employed.Skerrit has employed more teachers,nurses,policemen and firemen.You MEME are against everything in favour of the Dominican PEOPLE.Go around Dominica and you will know the MAJORITY of Dominicans are NOT interested in electoral reform,yet you MEME want to force it down their throats.You never say Skerrit gave $250,000 $300,000 and $400,000 houses from the CBI,while UWP stole millions from their reengineered programme.

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  14. iamanidiot
    June 16, 2023

    Uh huh, and when it pass in town, which police going to stop it? lol.

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  15. Zelensky
    June 16, 2023

    And labour supporters are just like trump supporters no matter what they stand with their PM. The more their PM rich the happier they are

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 33 Thumb down 3
  16. Ibo France
    June 16, 2023

    Dominica needs many more Cara Shillingfords. She is fearless, unbiased and of impeccable integrity.

    Let’s just assume that we had one Cara Shillingford in Cabinet, the Police Service, Ministry of Finance, Electoral Office, in every department of the civil service, Dominica would have been a shining light on the top of the hill among the Caribbean countries and probably in the world.

    Believe me, Dominica is gestating with potential. Unfortunately, because of poor leadership, corruption, political victimization, timidity, Dominica is languishing at rock- bottom in this geographical and economical space.

    The death of democracy and the retardation of progress is unlikely to be from an assassination. It is mostly likely to be from indifference, apathy and cowardice of the vast majority of the population. Arise Dominicans and wrestle your country from the tentacles of this corrupt octopus and his evil enforcers.

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    • June 20, 2023

      Stop making Cara think she is what she is not. A state vehicle driven by a state official is not a crime. You know all about everybody but, you are yet to tell us your profession if you have any. You are just as useless as a homeless person is on the street. If Skerrit is an octopus, then, you are a racoon digging into everybody’s trash can.

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    • June 20, 2023

      If my messages do not resonate now, they sure will at election time be it a snap or a General. And you have seen the proof in the pudding all the time for the past 25 years and counting.

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  17. Rumours
    June 16, 2023

    DA is full of state-of-the-art, this time it’s a state-of-the-art ‘present’ to the CM. Who would have thought it? Does he still have any friends apart from Xi, Putin or Kim?? It’s utterly disgraceful.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 28 Thumb down 1
  18. Toto
    June 16, 2023

    I see Skerrit’s horse flies have been agitated to try and defend the indefensibly. Beware of them, especially the female ones, who feed on blood and carry diseases. Be warned.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 41 Thumb down 0
  19. Eagle-Eyed
    June 16, 2023

    So Cara’s objection to Skerrit driving the vehicle is based on the vehicle being a gift to the state as oppose to a personal gift to Skerrit. Well Skerrit in his capacity as Prime minister /head of state, does this not entitle him the privilege of driving the vehicle? I think Cara Shillingford is starting to act too big for her own boots because she’s won a couple high profile cases. Mamzelle need to be brought down a peg or two.

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    • Ibo France
      June 16, 2023

      If you did not comment, no one would have known how senseless you are. People like you sound better with your mouth shut tight.

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    • me
      June 16, 2023

      You have ZERO understanding. Go attend english classes.

    • Frank N Stein
      June 16, 2023

      I think you need a bigger brain. Go read the court document again and you will see what the issue is. The law states the amount that can be received as a gift. Start there and stop embarrassing yourself. This convo is above your level it seems if thats how you interpreting it.

    • Petes
      June 18, 2023

      You are one corrupt, blind and ignorant SOB.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 1
    • Detective Colombo
      June 18, 2023

      Eagle-Eyed, take the bloody cold from your eyes. You sound so stupid in defending a less than transparent act that opens the way for corruption.

      Dominica is not a Banana a republic that belongs to Skerritt and his stooges like you always waiting on crumbs.

  20. My little take
    June 16, 2023

    If the jeep belongs to the state and Skerrit took it for himself to me that’s a crime and he should be charged for stealing from the state

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 27 Thumb down 3
  21. Robero
    June 16, 2023

    Look ya now, ain’t no sense in blamin’ Skerrit here, mon. He did what he had to do, declared di vehicle an’ its worth as law say. Man didn’t try no tricks, like hiding it as some charity gift or whatnot. Trouble ain’t wid Skerrit but wid di Commission, them seem to miss di mark in doing their checks proper. True, dis whole fuss was started by one from di UWPwee party – yeah, di same one who once turned their back on di very Commission. But remember, in dis, Skerrit did stick to di law, so cool down, no need fi cast shade on Skerrit before we get all di facts right, yeah?

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    • me
      June 16, 2023

      Go learn to write and stop supporting a wicked leader. Skerrit will never stop doing evil, because wickeds like you are too dam afraid of calling him out for what he is!!

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    • Eddy
      June 17, 2023

      Is that the best you can do? I suggest you stay out of here. You only embarrass yourself. Mon, di, wid, dis, fi… Stop it, my stomach is hurting from laughter. Stop it!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 0
  22. Philander E Matthew
    June 16, 2023

    I think Skerrit is a man to be honoured for what he has done for the country. Rather than blaming him for something he revealed himself, I don’t think a man with blemished intent would ever do that. Leaving the rest to the court, I stand with Skerrit, knowing that he’d shine out through these defamatory agendas against him.

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    • Detective Colombo
      June 18, 2023

      Political Exposed Persons are not to accept gifts for it opens the way to corruption..

      Moosa, could have donated an ambulance or two to the people of Dominica

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 5 Thumb down 1
    June 16, 2023

    Someone aways gives mister GIFTS and HOPITALITY….. You MUST lose every bit of these handouts one doggoned day….you GreedyAs..

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  24. June 15, 2023

    Hello and good evening my people. The Prime Minister decleared the vehicle but he shouldn’t be allowed to keep it. It should be decleared Government property and then he can used the vehicle . How can anyone give the Prime Minister such gift which could only lead to Curruption .

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 19 Thumb down 1
  25. Putin
    June 15, 2023

    “She further argued that the decision of the Commission was in breach of its international obligation, in that the Commission failed to give effect to Article 5 of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption and that the decision flies in the face of the provisions and in fact, amounts to the sanctioning of corruption.”

    In the absence of a process of verifying the circumstances under which the gift was given, how can Cara argue “corruption?” Suspicion?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 38
    • MEME
      June 16, 2023

      Cara Shillingford Marsh is formally trained in her profession. That’s why she knows what to say and do…
      She is definitely someone all Dominicans should be proud of!!

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 34 Thumb down 2
  26. Ibo France
    June 15, 2023

    The court should have gone much further. Confiscate the vehicle and place it in a government facility under 24/7 guard like Fort Knox, Kentucky.

    Roosevelt’s obscene greed, expansive ego and mind-boggling extravagance have him living in exquisite opulence from taxpayers’ money, while the majority of the said taxpayers sucking salt.

    The man is like n expired commodity, not good for the country.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 23 Thumb down 2
    • June 20, 2023

      He is still around and will be for a number of years more. Your dictionary words do not impress me. Not for someone like me who knows his grammar very, very well. And if it does not resonate now, it will resonate at the next General Election, reform or no reform.

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  27. Bring back the kidnapped parrots
    June 15, 2023

    Yours Truly probably puts all of his ill gotten Dominican money in a Wells Fargo bank in Florida for after hes escapes arrest and prosecution. He will flee Dominica with all the money in the treasury.

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  28. Bwa-Banday
    June 15, 2023

    He knew the legal requirements darn well so he should have never accepted it as a personal gift but rather that of the state. He declared it to the IPO after “allegedly” back dooring the approval from the two stooges members placed there by the cabal through his cohorts. Poor Cara was kept in the dark at that stage but being the lioness that she is (A chip from the old block called Hilary) , that was not going to fly. according to my granny, eh eh-pah-kon -sah!

    Now, I hope he paid the full duty on the jeep and not gotten it duty-free. You see, the apple does not fall far from the tree because now a young parl rep from the North has already caught the volaire (stealing) virus from him even going as far as allegedly trying to “take without paying” or ” “permanently depriving the owner” of a pharmacy of their goods :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: . That cabal has to GO!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 3
  29. dissident
    June 15, 2023

    Skerrit said that his salary is a mere $8000 plus !!!!!
    So skerrit shining on gifts over and beyond legal limits for a parliamentarian.
    Was this a bribe for a special favor from comrade? It wouldn’t surprise me nuh!
    So skerrit can’t afford a vehicle like this on his own?
    If Dominica roads was better off perhaps it would have been a porche or tesla maybe……as a gift not purchased by himself with his own money!!!!!
    Moroccan hotel was a gift…..look at it!
    De hospital in goodwill is a gift to!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 2
  30. CSM
    June 15, 2023

    Hmmm, interesting one Counsel

  31. JAH KAL
    June 15, 2023

    Just a matter of time, skerrit you going down slowly.
    Skerrit you think you above the law, just like a donkey we have up there in the US.
    You see what going on ,we are a country of laws that donkey thought he was invincible he will be spending the balance of his life in courts all over America ,the only thing thats going on for him, is, he was the President of America and in America no man is above the law not even the President.
    Skerrit you are a small fish in the pond your ego suck , the rest of dominica support your BS but the people of salisbury and the little giant will stop your BS you are not above the law your fool. A Concern citizen.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 8 Thumb down 3
  32. MEME
    June 15, 2023

    My friend you seem to have a certain level of understanding. Start questioning yourself about this Skerrit Labour Party!!

  33. Lin clown
    June 15, 2023

    I am not surprised that those blue acolytes does not know. UWP has gone to court with Skerrit and on every occasion they have lost.In that case it is the IPO and UWP will lose again.

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  34. Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
    June 15, 2023

    Great actions against the master of corruption; at lease some smart, and independent mind has proved to Roosevelt that he is not invincible as he claimed when he was caught in his underwear when the hurricane blew his house open, and rain soaked him as wet paper-pulp!
    You know there has long been a law dating back to the colonial days, when Dominica and all the former colonies from Guyana, on the main land of South America, to Jamaica in the North, to Bermuda which prohibits members of the legislators (now government ministers) including prime ministers and civil servants from accepting gifts over a certain value.
    As a matter of fact civil servants and government operatives were prohibited from getting into private business, even a grocery shop and rum shop. I do not believe that anybody gave Roosevelt that truck costing almost two hundred thousand dollars!
    I believe that Roosevelt is the actual purchaser; and if so his salary cannot afford such luxury!
    I see some corruption!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 31 Thumb down 41
    • Man bite dogs
      June 15, 2023

      All rubbish pure crap as I said before the law court in Dominica is a joke or worse a calamity club, at the end of the day my beloved Pm. Dr Skerrit, will just laugh at this stupid joke, at blue monkeys jumping up trees all for nothing.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 5 Thumb down 45
      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        June 16, 2023

        Man Dog!
        Roosevelt will keep laughing until he laugh himself into a living cell up there at Stock Farm.
        What we have experienced, lately is that a new breed of professional lawyers, filled with integrity, sworn to uphold the law, are doing exactly that. I also commend the judge in this matter; now Roosevelt is going to victimize the judge because he did his work efficiently based on law, and not a telephone conversation in middle of the night, and accepting a brown paper bag!
        Man Dog, you see this woman here: ” Cara Shillingford-Marsh” I love, and have every respect for her and her husband Marsh; they might be Dominica’s hope to change the status quo that is long overdue in our country.
        They may bring to an end political corruption in the country. Roosevelt monthly honest pay is less than ten thousand dollars per month. the Jeep cost $194,000.00/12 =$16,166.67
        He would have to save $16,000 plus in a year to buy that, more than his monthly salary.
        Flying donkey can figure that…

    • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
      June 15, 2023

      “The claim was brought by Shillingford-Marsh against Stephenson Hyacinth in his capacity as chairman of the Integrity Commission, and Thomas Holmes in his capacity as a member of the Integrity Commission, and the Integrity Commission.”

      Steve (Manno) no need for me to remind you that the term Integrity simply means
      the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; and moral uprightness.” For many years even dating back to when you were a boy born in the Village of Wesley, your mother called you “Manno” for obvious reasons which I shall not disclosed.
      As a man we all admire you as one who could not be bought, or manipulated by any politician, and expected you to do the right and honorable thing at all times. There is no doubt in my mind that you are very much aware of the rules and laws pertaining to ministers of government, and civil servants, taking gifts from people.
      As a former civil servant ( prominent secretory) in the ministry of education:

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      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        June 15, 2023


        As a former civil servant ( prominent secretory) in the ministry of education; you must be aware there are laws regarding the acceptance of gifts; such laws are to prevent and eliminate the “quid pro quo” effect!
        I never served in the civil service, However, I have many relatives who did: I however, was married to a woman who was an executive in the Government Treasury on the island of Antigua prior to us immigrating to the United States; she educated me regarding such professionals and the acceptances of gifts from the public!

        I think erred when you decide that Roosevelt should keep that motor vehicle, knowing that it’s against the law for him to accept an almost two hundred thousand dollar gift, from some faceless guy!

        I suspect a quid pro quo between the fake buyer and Roosevelt.

        The former Lady Speaker of the House said ” if you are not red in Dominica, you better off dead!”

        I did not understand her philosophy then, but I hope you are not in that type of…

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 11 Thumb down 3
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          June 16, 2023

          “I think erred when you decide that Roosevelt should keep that motor vehicle, knowing that it’s against the law for him to accept an almost two hundred thousand dollar gift, from some faceless guy!”
          Manno, that should read at the beginning of the sentence: ” I think you erred.”

          And let me add, and confirm; I know you erred, big-time, perhaps for once in your life; you are indeed too highly academically educated to subject yourself to that sort of thing!


        • Man bite dogs
          June 18, 2023

          That guy Francisco, has more crap in his mouth than any elephant has in its s**t bladder, while we at it that Cara Shillingford woman is just trying to make a big impression but at the end of the day PM Skerrit, will be the winner in this blue monkeys business.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 19, 2023

            The fact is dog, she has proved to that corrupted crook, that damn Mountain Chicken Crapaud (Crapo) mentality doctor Punjab triple doctor Sir Knight, Me Almost Cousin Roosevelt Skerrit, that damn balled that he is not above the law even if he claims that he is above the law in Dominica, by saying “no law can prevent him form being prime minister in Dominica even if he is a French man!

            The times are fast changing it only a matter of time for everyone in to come to their senses, and realize: If a man is hungery, and you give him a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but if you teach him to fish, he will be able to honestly feed himself.

            Work. and the integrity of our new professionals takes precedence over bribe and corrupted money!

            Roosevelt will never be able to buy every Lawyer, in the country!

            Roosevelt day of reckoning is fast approaching, only people like you and Roosevelt don’t know that!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 3 Thumb down 1
    • June 16, 2023

      Why don’t you learn to spell simple words with your 8 degrees. You are corrupting the English language.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 33
      • Ibo France
        June 16, 2023

        Mr. Thermometer (ds), do some self introspection before accusing anyone of butchering the English language. You do a hatchet job on the King’s language ever so often.

        This is a clear case of the pot accusing the kettle as dirty black. You have no integrity on this.

        • June 20, 2023

          Both the English spelling and the American spelling are acceptable, i.e cheque and check, harbor and harbour. But some of your spellings are wrong. It is not a typo; you just cannot spell with your fake Phd.

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          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            June 22, 2023

            If you cannot recognize a common error in spelling, or type error, I am convinced you did not go to any secondary school as you claimed.

            And if you claim that Edison James taught you at DGS, he must know you, so I suggest you print the name you used while attending DGS, let me call Edison and find out from him if he remember you.
            By the way he is my biological relative!

            And you don’t have to wonder and question if it is smarter than I or me, “smarter than I in the context I wrote it is perfect English, and I may add grammatical English; Cambridge, English from which our English curriculum was prepared in the colonial days when I attended Kindergarten in Wesley!
            After the colonial days our curriculum was prepared in Trinidad: Re: Caribbean Readers Book Four: Written By Harold Telemaque Residence then in San Fernando Trinidad.

            By now things may have changed!

            ds I am prone to errors too, however, there is no comparisons between you and “I” academically; none whatsoever!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 1 Thumb down 1
        • June 20, 2023

          Mr. Thermometer is doing exceedingly well. His daughter got him a laptop for Father’s Day and drove him to dinner at a Mansion House.. Boy, was that food great? For your information and Telemakak’s, she is making big money with her Master in Social Work. She has nobody to thank but her great Dad. You take care of that car, that car will take care of you. How about that? Did it resonate or only at election time?

        • June 21, 2023

          I am still DS, TODAY, YESTERDAY AND TOMORROW. Nothing you say fazes me. I know who I am. I am still the same person. I dare you to say something that will resonate at Election time. You cannot. That is how hopeless you are. You are like a fish out of water at election time.

      • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
        June 17, 2023

        Don’t worry, I know the errors are there, I do not usually edit, so some gets away, along with fragmentation sometimes!

        Shut up, I doh dealing with anybody who name themselves dog sh.t “ds ” eh!


        Dog mess, I just got the news one of my cousins from Wesley this week graduated medical school.

        Now a new Dr. Telemaque MD.

        Not a bought Ph.D in nothing as Roosevelt Skerrit that corrupted crook has bought!

        • June 24, 2023

          How can I compare myself with you and your 8 fake degrees? Why are you so fixated on Eddison James? He is not the only one who taught me at SMA. Rupert Sorhaindo taught me Biology, Rupert Lance taught me Chemistry, Mc Ford Zarmore taught me Maths so was Perry George and he also taught me Physics. Do you want to call them, Mr. Smart boy? Rommel Lawrence taught me English and Tim Durand taught me Mass Communication, Mr. Smart boy. Henry Volney taught me West Indian History.

          • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
            July 3, 2023

            ds, are you telling me that Edison taught you at DGS (Dominica Grammar School,) and also at SMA (St, Mary’s Academy )?

            I suppose even you can identify your lies!

            As many people you claimed taught you, it would appear you have had every scientific discipline in the academic system, however; you so not have a single college degree.

            And don’t give me more degrees than I earned: I have four academic degrees; three in the field of Electronics, and Electrical Engineering: and one in the Liberal Arts!
            keep the four extras for you.

            I can use my knowledge gained in the Liberal Arts alone to draw circles around you from which you could not escape!

            I can use my knowledge gained in psychology to mesmerized your mind!

            Stop pretending to be smart guy because you are not; you do not have the secondary education you claim to have!

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 0
      • Man bite dogs
        June 18, 2023

        ds , It’s not Francisco, fault the UK, gave the Americans English language and spelling they make a complete mess out of it, take for example a man running around like a headless chicken with a ball in his hand and trying to say this is football, please give me a break for crying out loud 🔊📢

        Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 6
        • Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque
          June 19, 2023

          Man-dog, I was educated, in both the American and British educational system, and for your information; there are very few words in American English that are slept different to the British Version!

          I.E., In Cambridge English (British) the word “Tyre” represents the Tyre used on motor vehicles.

          In American the word is slept “Tire ” represents the same.

          If you listen to an educated American speak in proper English, there is no difference except for a different accent. And let me tell you something, I lived in England, and most of the time I heard British born people, Black and white speak, one can barely understand the crap they speak, they do not speak proper nor grammatical English!

          And you cannot say British gave American English, when British English like every other language derive from Latin; you see!

          I know you and ds, lin clown, and all the idiots smarter than I , but if you want to debate that be prepared!

          • Man bite dogs
            June 20, 2023

            Francisco, I don’t agree with your bulls**t comments but I will give you something to chew on. Did you know that
            America were once a British colony? Did you know it was that makes America what it is today, Google it my man you will learn something bye for now.

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          • June 20, 2023

            It is smarter than me or smarter than I am, not smarter than I. Why don’t you enroll in my English Class?

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 0 Thumb down 7
      • Man bite dogs
        June 18, 2023

        ds , It’s not Francisco, fault the UK, gave the Americans English language and spelling they make a complete mess out of it, take for example a man running around like a headless chicken with a ball in his hand and trying to say this is football, please give me a break for crying out loud 🔊📢

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  35. Mica
    June 15, 2023

    Criminality and corruption catch up with you in the end. Guaranteed.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 40 Thumb down 37
  36. Just Asking
    June 15, 2023

    The man needs security by he’s after a boys toy? Oh well.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 38
  37. Lin clown
    June 15, 2023

    That is the reason UWP is no longer the parliamentary opposition.All the questions MEME is asking Skerrit about are questions he (MEME) has already answered and decided Skerrit is guilty on all counts,judge jury and executioner,typical UWP.Annette Sanford told the world Skerrit had offered her $120,000 to contest the Salybia constituency on the DLP ticket.She went on to say she would make the audio available to the public.Years later the public is still waiting.Angello Allen told the world the extension of the DC Airport was to build a Venezuelan military base.He said the base would be for Venezuelan attack helicopters,fighter aircrafts,jet bombers and fuel storage.To this day not one Venezuelan military aircraft has landed at the DC Airport.Cara Shillingford is heading for the leadership of UWP,after the backstabbing of Lennox Linton and Thompson Fontaine.Let the case begin.Another one for the gabbage pail.This time a case will be filed for damages.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 1 Thumb down 9
  38. Brenda
    June 15, 2023

    Skerrit has no shame. He should be ashamed of himself but he is not. To accept such a gift in the face of the economic state of the island is something to behold.
    He could have the funds transferred to buy ambulances for remote villages or transportation for the elderly, but his narcissism and arrogance will not allow it.
    “Pride goeth before the fall,”

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 50 Thumb down 41
    • Bring back the kidnapped parrots
      June 15, 2023

      Skerrit may have been trained by Trump.

  39. Lin clown
    June 15, 2023

    Here we go again.Claim against Stephenson Hyacinth,thrown in the gabbage pail.Claim against Thomas Holmes ,thrown in the gabbage pail.That MEME is already two(2) out of three(3) thrown in the gabbage pail.Remember the dual citizenship case?thrown in the gabbage pail.The case of the building at Savanne Paille,thrown in the gabbage pail..The bribery and treating case brought by St.Valle,Defoe and Jno,Baptiste,thrown in the gabbage pail.Every case and complaint brought against Skerrit has been thrown in the gabbage pail.When this matter is over,somebody will be sued for all the days the vehicle had not been used.I hope it is the millions of dollars.

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  40. Juanita
    June 15, 2023

    Who is “Moosa Navsca” and why did he/she/they give the PM a one hundred and ninety-four thousand dollar personal gift? Does an honest and ethical PM accept such a gift? Are there strings attached? Does an honest and ethical PM live in a mansion where poor taxpayers foot the monthly rent to the tune sixty-four thousand dollars?
    @ Attorney Shillingford-Marsh, I am rooting for you. Reading this news article gives me joyful hope that all is not lost. May God bless you and the genuine efforts of men and women of integrity and goodwill in the quest to liberate Dominica from corruption.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 75 Thumb down 38
    • Rhoda
      June 15, 2023

      In Dominica our honest and ethical CM is always open to gifts. There more expensive, the better…

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 41 Thumb down 36
  41. Bwa-Banday
    June 15, 2023

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I love it!
    But on a more serious note, who will police the police when they simply laugh at the said court order? Its not like she said the said vehicle shall be placed at government HQ (Ministry) so the public can monitor compliance with the court order.

    “ALLEGEDLY”, that jeep is usually used on “loogarou” runs at odd hours to pick up and deliver ladies of the night so at least Molly De Boowick will have some reprieve knowing that her marital business partner’s unscrupulous movements have been curtailed. From my vantage point on the Morne, I will keep my eyes open as usual to see if the court order is being enforced/ observed. I hope the police cease the jeep and keep it under the steps at PHQ until it can be sold at public auction.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 25 Thumb down 37
  42. look joke
    June 15, 2023

    Lets see how this one goes, will it be his or will it be the state property?

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 17 Thumb down 34
  43. Ibo France
    June 15, 2023

    For far too long, Roosevelt’s incessant shenanigans and blatant transgressions have plagued the corridors of government and the entire landscape of the country.

    This congenital LIAR will continue his errant ways until he is jailed by a fearless magistrate or judge. He acts as though he has inherited all of Dominica from his parents and will pass on this generational wealth to his children.

    This disdain that the Great Satan possesses for the rule of law, and the Dominican people, will only end when the people rise up en masse and POLITICALLY obliterate Roosevelt and his parasitic groupies from the top of the food chain.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 32 Thumb down 41
    • Man bite dogs
      June 15, 2023

      All rubbish pure crap as I said before the law court in Dominica is a joke or worse a calamity club, at the end of the day my beloved Pm. Dr Skerrit, will just laugh at this stupid joke, at blue monkeys jumping up trees all for nothing.

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 4 Thumb down 34
      • Ibo France
        June 16, 2023

        Dog Molester, your comment is injurious to common sense. Have you commenced adult kindergarten classes as advised? Hurry up so you would not have to rely on your ghost writer to scribe for you every time.

        • June 20, 2023

          He is a grouchy old man sitting on the steps at the four corners in Roseau. Make sure you stop at Bud and Lou.

    • Man bite dogs
      June 15, 2023

      Shut your crap Ibo, your name should be “allcork and brown,” the amount of crap you dishing out each day

      Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 3 Thumb down 31
  44. L C Matthew
    June 15, 2023

    No one is above the law. This is not the only violation and the ones who allow should also be dealt with. The courts need to apply the law irrespective of who it is. Skerrit is nothing but a criminal using the state office for protection.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 37 Thumb down 39
    • JAH KAL
      June 15, 2023

      I support you 100% . Skerrit always useing the US as example, if you were in the US you would have been in a orange jump suit long time, i mean JAIL.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 9 Thumb down 4
  45. Pipo
    June 15, 2023

    Are we finally to see an upholding of the principle that nobody is above the law? I hope so, for the sake of a healthy democracy in our society.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 52 Thumb down 36
  46. weh
    June 15, 2023

    The courts should also put a stop to the $64 thousand monthy rent payment hes getting from the tresury as well. Im glad the courts are finally standing up to this man. Its ridiculous that he feels he can do whatever he wants without any repercussions.

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 41 Thumb down 38
  47. Ibo France
    June 15, 2023

    Great job by Cara Shillingford again. She is fast becoming the most trusted and preeminent lawyer in Dominica. Kudos!

    Nobody gives another person such an expensive gift for nothing in exchange. The Rags to Riches story of Roosevelt needs a forensic auditor to dig deep into this man’ s dealings to unearth his copious misdeeds.

    Tough and probing questions should be asked at his bogus press conferences to obtain answers to his enormous wealth. Our ‘journalists’ and news outlets give this shady character a free pass.

    I hope that this will be an opening for the local news reporters to grow a spine and take the mittens off. Let us not forget the garbage bins, fertilizer scandals; the attempted bribery of Annette Sanford; his present living arrangements; etc.

    Corruption breeds hardship, poverty and crime among the masses. It causes underdevelopment of an entre country. It’s full time for to stop.

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 51 Thumb down 40
    • June 20, 2023

      Pure garbage. You are nothing but a conceited, cocky prig.

  48. MEME
    June 14, 2023

    Mr Skerrit i would like you to answer to the following questions, and please don’t tell me “”Go to Hell”!!!
    The lilac painted apartments at Picard, just past Portsmouth, do you, or do you not have an interest in them?
    Mr Skerrit, the villas at Savanne Paille, just past Portsmouth, do you, or do you not have an interest in them Mr Skerrit?
    Mr Skerrit, do you have interest in a speed boat in this country?
    The churches will not ask you those questions, the bar association will not ask you those questions, your kindergarten ministers will not ask you those questions, your SOO-TEE- WERS will not ask you those questions, so i am asking you those questions on behalf of the people.
    Good day to Mr Eddison Chenfield James!
    Skerro did you sell golden crabs to acquire all those properties!!!! TIME WILL TELL!!

    Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 32 Thumb down 41
    • Ibo France
      June 15, 2023

      You have mentioned that the churches, bar association, his kindergarten ministers, his SOO-TEE-WERS dare not ask Roosevelt any probing questions about his meteoric rise to near billionaire status. Only CORRUPTION could account for such superfluous wealth.

      One very critical group you failed to mention is the yellow-belly, conniving, malleable Press/journalists. Journalism is what we need to make democracy work.

      The quality of DEMOCRACY and the quality of JOURNALISM are deeply entwined.

      Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 2
  49. MEME
    June 14, 2023

    Well done Cara Shillingford-Marsh. This man, Skerrit, has violated all the laws of the land, and he appears invincible, but the scamp is fooling himself!!!
    The day of reckoning will come Skerrit, when your roguish behaviour will land you in a dark little room!!. Wasn’t he, liar Skerrit, also challenged for having an ownership interest in Blairecourt Property Development? The lilac painted apartment at Picard, just past Portsmouth???…..I think that’s why he dismantled the then properly functioning IPO, which consisted of 8 people, and put a castrated IPO to replace it. Their first job was to do way with all matters of the original IPO…So many serious matters hanging over Skerrits head, i wonder what those close to him are telling him? Do they love him?
    I miss Angelo Alleyne and Lennox Linton’s Programme “Between You and Me”. Those two guys used to expose all Skerrits dirty deals to the world!!!

    Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 48 Thumb down 42
    • Putin
      June 15, 2023

      Well, in this case, it is NOT Skerrit who is at fault. As required by law, he declared the vehicle and its value. He did not seek to conceal them as, for example, a gift for charitable institutions (wink, wink). This case is directed at the Commission for its perceived failure to conduct its due diligence. Yea, I know…it is a case brought about by the UWPwee’s nominee on the Commission (the same Commission that it had previously boycotted), but in this matter, Skerrit was compliant with the law. So, slow down, resist the urge to heap mud on Skerrit, and, above all, read properly.

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      • MEME
        June 15, 2023

        Skerrit has NEVER been compliant with ANY law of the land. The rascal is a SERIAL law breaker, so your argument is of no moment. Stop being an accessory and facilitator of corrupt activities. I was in DLP like you. I left, because the party is too corrupt brother. Skerrit epitomises corruption.He does so with a smile!
        Can you remember the land transfer matter when the treasury was underpaid? Wasn’t he, Skerrit, aware of that? Yes he was!! Why did he dismantle the proper functioning IPO that required of him to answer whether he has an ownership interest in Blaire Court Property Development? As Prime Minister he should have forced the hands of the bogus IPO to do something because the vehicle is way above $1000.00, its $194 000.00
        No excuse!!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 16 Thumb down 3
        • Putin
          June 16, 2023

          Can you indicate ONE law that you KNOW he has broken in this matter or in any other matter? (I eh even asking for proof.) If you can.. It is easy to “suspect” and to bawl and scream that someone is a law breaker, until you look closely and you realize that no law has been broken. In this matter at hand, the PM has broken no law. On the contrary, he is fully compliant. but I want YOU to show the evidence of law breaking. You make the charge, now help us to believe you.

          Oh, btw, that “corruption” narrative has no political value in Dominica. It has lost its sting because most Dominicans understand it is baseless.

          Hot debate. What do you think? Thumb up 2 Thumb down 16
          • MEME
            June 16, 2023

            He broke more than ONE law. He holds the highest position in the ruling DLP government. He knows 100% that he can’t accept gifts in excess of $1000 .He knew that the commission was acting illegally. It’s HIS commission, that he set up, after disbanding the real IPO. He should have obliged the IPO to do what’s necessary. Remember he was already in hot water with the first IPO re ownership interest in Blaire Court.
            Not paying the necessary taxes, means he is owing the treasury, and the vehicle is illegally on our roads. That’s a criminal offence, etc, etc. The rascal should be arrested, and the vehicle turned over to the state.

            Like or Dislike: Thumb up 2 Thumb down 0
      • Bwa-Banday
        June 15, 2023

        He knew the legal requirements darn well so he should have never accepted it as a personal gift but rather that of the state. He declared it to the IPO after “allegedly” back dooring the approval from the two stooges members placed there by the cabal through his cohorts. Poor Cara was kept in the dark at that stage but being the lioness that she is (A chip from the old block called Hilary) , that was not going to fly. according to my granny, eh eh-pah-kon -sah!

        Now, I hope he paid the full duty on the jeep and not gotten it duty-free. You see, the apple does not fall far from the tree because now a young parl rep from the North has already caught the volaire (stealing) virus from him even going as far as allegedly trying to “take without paying” or ” “permanently depriving the owner” of a pharmacy of their goods :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :twisted: . That cabal has to GO!

        Well-loved. Like or Dislike: Thumb up 10 Thumb down 3

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