Cricket West Indies launches initiative to inspire young cricket enthusiasts

Cricket West Indies (CWI) proudly announces its latest initiative aimed at fostering a deeper appreciation for cricket among the youth of the Caribbean. As part of its corporate social responsibility efforts, CWI has generously provided 2,685 tickets to students and 412 tickets to teachers for the West Indies vs. South Africa series at Sabina Park in Jamaica. This initiative also includes tickets for 198 players from Underage Teams (U19, U17, U15), ensuring these young athletes have the chance to experience top-tier cricket action.

The Schools Ticketing Programme, a central element of this initiative, is designed to immerse young minds in the thrill of cricket, offering them the opportunity to witness international matches and develop a lasting passion for the sport. This programme will continue throughout the series, reflecting CWI’s ongoing commitment to youth engagement and sports development.

Dr. Kishore Shallow, President of CWI, underscored the importance of this initiative in cultivating a strong cricket culture across the region. “We are keen to help revitalize cricket in Jamaica. Introducing the children to cricket is vital for the future of the sport in Jamaica and the entire region. By bringing students to these matches, we are not only providing them with an enjoyable experience but also nurturing an appreciation and love for cricket that can grow with them,” stated Dr. Shallow. “This Schools Ticketing Programme initiative is about more than just watching a game; it’s about creating a connection with the sport that can inspire future generations.”

Dr. Donovan Bennett, President of the Jamaica Cricket Association (JCA), expressed his enthusiasm for the initiative and its potential impact. “We are thrilled to collaborate with CWI for this Schools Ticketing Programme. This initiative promotes cricket and instils values of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance in our young people,” said Dr. Bennett. He added, “By exposing students to live cricket matches, they are getting a deeper understanding and appreciation for the game. This experience is invaluable for their personal and athletic development.”

West Indies won the first match of the series against South Africa at Sabina Park, Jamaica in the presence of thousands of fans, including hundreds of children. The remaining two matches of the series are Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26 at the same venue. The start time is 2:00 PM local time.

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  1. Lookie Here
    May 26, 2024

    Sports enthusiasm is an inate response and cannot be coaxed or nurtured like sporting ability or talent.

    All the money and coaching in the world cannot make anyone become fond of cricket or any other sport.

  2. May 24, 2024

    I hope that cricket west-indies is wise enough to know money cannot and will not be pumped into the pockets of the so-called Dominica cricket association. it would be giving the members to that association personal financial gift. the so-called Dominica cricket association lays back and kindly watches the decent little cricket fields around the island deteriorate to their demise. decent fields like microcurie, dubLanc, st.joe, goodwill, point-mitchel, calibishie, thibaud, bellemaniere, grandfond, castlebruce and the list goes on. these were cricket fields that men enjoyed playing every day especially on weekends. so, any monies destined to the so-called association is once again personal financial gifts.

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