$700 for possession of cannabis

Jason Samuel, 28, of Goodwill, was fined $700 for the possession of cannabis when he appeared in the Roseau Magistrate Court on Tuesday morning.

He was ordered by Magistrate Evalina Baptist to pay the fine by August 31 or spend five months behind bars.

According to court reports, on Saturday 16th April, police officers were on patrol in the Lindo Park area when they saw Samuel and decided to search him, however he tried to make good his escape. He was subsequently apprehended and searched and the drug was found in a clear plastic bag.

When questioned Samuel said, “Officer, a small weed I have there that is why I running.”

In his plea for leniency Samuel told the court, “I am part of a basketball team, I have a little bar at the Lindo Park and I have two children outside.”

Before handing down the sentence Magistrate Baptist pointed out to the defendant his role as a parent. “Is that the type of father you want to be to your children? These are innocent people looking up to you and they will do exactly what they see you do,” she said

The defendant was not represented by a lawyer.

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  1. so wat about the durg the politition and police control how come is poor people they pressing
    April 26, 2011

    :?: how come is only poor people in jail the rich ones are angels polititions and police

  2. Righteous!
    April 19, 2011

    I think that we should seriously look into amending the law when it comes to marijuana. The law should be revised such that if you have a certain quantity for your own personal use, it is not a crime. However the laws should also be thoughened if you have excessive quantities with the intent to distribute.

    One Love Dominicans

  3. shatta
    April 19, 2011

    999 years in jail

  4. why is the law so oneside?
    April 19, 2011

    Am getting rather frustrated with these sort of headlines relating to Cannabis! It seems that the law only forcuses one oneside! What about the numerous unsolved murders, man slaughter cases that have saturated our system. It seems to me that more engergies should be placed on that and not on WEED!!!! Am not necessarily an advocate for WEED, ganja what ever they want to call it. but i think our system needs to get its priority straight!

    @ Muslim – Alway i share your ideas as well in relation to decriminalizing the herb- but my thoughts revolves around my believe that the moment Herb is made legal, the police officiers can forcus more on the HARD CRIMES!!!! the unsolved

  5. Muslim_Always
    April 18, 2011

    What an ignorant retarded British legal system we have!

    It seems that the police is very good at retrieving evidence of cannabis, however, they are so damn poor at collecting evidence and responding to manslaughter, murder and other crucial crimes in the society.

    I do not support the idle use of cannabis, however, I believe it should be decriminalized. Secondly, we need to review using marijuana for secondary production to make ropes, clothing, soap and other materials. Why not invest in scientific research into marijuana rather than allowing so many of our young men who could be employed to be a liability to the state?

    The state of affairs of our leaders is pathetic!

    • sadist
      April 18, 2011


      • stupes
        April 18, 2011

        Radical ideas? Oh please! spare us your opinion.

        Amsterdam has the lowest criminal rate, murder rate and least drug use rate among other European countries not to mention the world. Allow me to remind you, drug use has long been decriminalized over there!

        Care to respond?

    • yoo
      April 19, 2011

      That won’t happen not for a long time because it would shatter the norm that so many people are comfortable with. Change is not held back because it’s impossible or because it’s not worth the effort rather because of complacency.

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