Alden Anthony charged for severing friend’s hand

Alden Anthony outside the court.

Eighteen-year-old Alden Anthony of St Joseph has been charged with  grievous bodily harm for allegedly severing the left hand, by the wrist, of Brian Francis earlier this week.

Anthony was released on a $30,000 bond with one surety before magistrate Candia George. He was represented by Geoferry Letang.

The defendant is to report to the St Joseph police station every Mondays and Fridays.

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  1. giggles
    January 10, 2011

    i am sorry

  2. unknown
    December 9, 2010

    that’s a sad sad sad thing cuz one hand can’t clap i would have chopped of his hand too but god is love the other fella go make it man

  3. Keepfocus
    December 6, 2010

    If we can’t say something encouraging don’t say anything.may God keep us all and may we find peace in him.

  4. comptech37
    December 5, 2010

    hmmmmm!!! man chopping man hand off for sicsors.
    looking like that sicsors was use for chopping weed lol lol
    look at his lips,see how it black lol lol

    • Anonymous
      December 6, 2010

      What is so funny that isn’t funny don’t younsee the seriousness of whatnis going on with our young people. We need to pray for our young Dominican men and women.

  5. shermo
    December 5, 2010

    lord we need u i pray for this familys

  6. oh no
    December 5, 2010

    is that his mother, now where the hell is his father. majority of black people don’t have fathers, if they do most are dead beat ininvolvedones.

    • angeldomique..
      December 6, 2010

      Every one has fathers!!! but not all do their fatherly duties….some mothers do abandon their kids as well..and being black has nothing to do with abandoning kids, That’s world wide..and it’s not a color issue…

      all of this is sad… the crime, the act and the families in pain….

      • stupes
        December 7, 2010

        and most white fathers drink and beat their chiildren excessively…what the hell does this have to do with the post??? and that is not his mother.

  7. lioness
    December 5, 2010

    if i was the victim i not sleepin until i see that boy hand chop of too…..and that ALDEN better watch his temper because if it was really a scissors he did that then i think he needs mental help…

    • fearless
      December 9, 2010

      just cant understand ppl. hear what you saying you want do back and if you get do back you going to say what happening to our young ppl and they need help

  8. Ragga Boot Jeans
    December 5, 2010

    people i would really appreciate if u reply this comment……DOMINICA’S JUSTICE SYSTEM IS NONSENCE.$30,000 cannot bring back the victims hand…shame on the judge!!!!! justice has not been served. and the police or whoever that was at the crime scene should have known to put the hand in some ice.

  9. lalal
    December 5, 2010

    so sad…

  10. true dominican
    December 5, 2010

    WE suppose to have a minister of youth .

  11. true dominican
    December 5, 2010

    please we need to find ways to work with our young men in Ddominica please’

    we need to take time out to go to our young man and talk to them, before those things happen.

    As we can see every day one way or the other in violence they are crying for help.

  12. me dha dre
    December 4, 2010

    dhas jus stupidity an no common sense at its best!!!seriously????dont u have a consciense!!!!ova a scissors!!!id leav ur arse 2 rot in jail!!!dominica get real the judicial system needs to b improved………….i wish to the boy who lost his hand peace an happiness……..

    • clueless bitches should shut up
      December 7, 2010

      yo if you have nothing nice to say then shut ur trap….you don’t know half of the story so keep you large disproportionate ass out of it, you all only come to DNO to slander people…i know what the guy did was wrong but you retarded enough to think is just for a scissors???? dem man have fletching history so shut ur arse!!!!!!!!!

    December 4, 2010

    you know, as merciful as the creator is, he never allow the law breakers to escape the consequences of their actions. there is no escape. spare the rod spoil the child

  14. The promiscuous one
    December 4, 2010

    if i was the victim i not sleepin until i see the boy hand chop of too…..that boy need jail…he was totally aware of what he was doin when he did wat he did and so i think he just needs help and i would like to say something VERY important: DOMINICA’S JUSTICE SYSTEM IS NONSENSE!!!!! SHAME ON THE JUDGE WHO SENTENCED BAIL….$30,000 WILL NOT GIVE THE BOY BACK HIS HAND AND THE PEOPLE/POLICE/AMBULANCE SHOULD HAVE KNOWN TO PUT THE HAND IN SOME ICE…AND ONCE AGAIN DOMINICA’S JUSTICE SYSTEM IS BULL!!!

  15. MANN
    December 4, 2010


  16. notnice
    December 4, 2010

    Sorry to say but after u chop my hand I doe want no apologies becuz if I see u is chop I chopin. Back your strong hand. Lets make it fair since my hand only worth $30,000, so. I can tell de judge we even

    • thinkin
      December 4, 2010

      i agree to dis one here.. my hand worth more dan dat wi boy… wat nonsense of $30,000 dat nah… and wat, d oda fella without a hand?.. paps.. well if he seek justice his own way den like we say ALL DAT IS A VYBZ..

  17. pwc
    December 4, 2010

    u kno d man goin and kill u

  18. 1000% dominican
    December 4, 2010

    them ppl that leaving all the vews i hope all u praying 4 your kids,sister,brother father,mother,friends,neighbour most of all 4 yourself because that can happen 2 anybody all of u have a demond in us .2 day is boyee and wepee 2morrow can be anyone so let us watch 4 our self and pray it doh happen 2 us.

  19. Hola D/ca
    December 4, 2010

    Thats not a friend he is an evil friend

  20. vince henderson
    December 4, 2010

    when are we going to have a photo of steven isidore available on dno ?

  21. Hola D/ca
    December 4, 2010

    We the old generations was happy in our beautiful D/ca & now the young generations have our beautiful island like a scary movie.

    • me dha dre
      December 4, 2010

      some youth dont hv a common sence…………its not always d entire crop dhats bad

  22. Hola D/ca
    December 4, 2010

    he should be in prison ,thinking of what he did was wrong &he is going to do it again thinking they are going to bail him again

  23. Stranger
    December 4, 2010

    Nothing good is going to come from this for both of them. One lost a hand and the other might loose a few years in jail and come out being a menace to society. Jah help them both sad to see young men living like this :(

  24. child
    December 3, 2010

    well thank god he did not cut off his right hand ,so the victim have a chance to file his cutlass and do him the same .

  25. angeldomique..
    December 3, 2010

    Some adults out there, are not setting good examples for the young…..and don’t pretend that can only happen in St. Joseph, or only to those young boys, because a grown man could done just the same…The angered mind….

    I pity those boys, did they deserve this no, are they suffering from within? yes…now they are both victims of a society failure to intervene. ..sometimes people do things without thinking….and like I said in my previous comments…those who chanted them on will remember that day, and I know a lot of you out there wished, at least, try to calm these boys down…

    Some gave comment which made sense…some were senseless.. but don’t pretend for one minute that your turn is not next…

    Remember we have children, mothers, fathers, spouses, brothers and sisters… and even friends…

    Laughing at the ones who happen to fail before us! is telling God he can’t touch us…

    Have a little sympathy for the victims…..families.

    Where is that little decency….

  26. my country going down slowly
    December 3, 2010

    Boii d country getting worst eh Allyou young people Doe tired make madam Domnik cry on allyou!

  27. flawless
    December 3, 2010

    the look on this child face can say that he’s regreting for what he did to brian.he should be made an example to many others out there who think that they are so grown,but when they’re in the hands of the (police)law.its a different scenario.this young man should be here in nyc so he can suffer the results of what he have done to brian,looks are decieving the inocent face is not gonna fool the judge.and i rest my case

  28. 305 goon
    December 3, 2010

    not preching violence, but if some dude chop my hand off for a pair of scissors, there is no way that fool gonna be out on bail walking around with his both hands. Hell naw!!

  29. SISI
    December 3, 2010

    THAT IS AL YOU BUSINESS WE Wat al u fighting for al u from same village we over a stupid siccors then a a a a al u com out papa that is al u bissiness we we we

  30. Nuts
    December 3, 2010

    poor boys. Alas i feel for both of them.

  31. mystery
    December 3, 2010

    They should have drop his A in jail than he will know what time it is , work u don’t have to do go and read a damn book and keep out of the street badly brought up boy .

    • Think twice my brother
      December 4, 2010

      Brain is a badly brought up boy as well even worst that boyee

      • gens sen jo
        December 4, 2010

        that is so true..brian is more badly brought up..but still uncalled for

  32. mystery
    December 3, 2010


  33. bro
    December 3, 2010


  34. MEagain
    December 3, 2010

    we are often times so quick to judge and cast the first stone! but we need to take time …..and realize that the lives of two families were changed instantly…. and the victim and aggressor both have families.
    Mothers, fathers, sisters…..brothers.. grandparents.

    This could have been your son, brother, cousin, grandson…
    And…. all but a few of you want him to rot in jail…
    Why can God forgive but we cant, we want this child to spend his life in jail.
    Do you even know the whole story….?

    Dont judge….but instead pray.. for them both.

    Today is his/ their turn.. tomorrow may be yours.

    • FED UP of CRIME
      December 4, 2010

      There is no excuse for violence………..
      Its time to send a message to the potential criminals that the time has come to take back Dominica, that we as a civilized nation will not tolerate the violence and crime that has now become a norm in the society.
      its time that we get the Nation back ……….the future generation needs a secured environment to grow up in.

      SO PLZE SAYING FORGIVE……..FORGIVE………FORGIVE, its now time to make a change and the change should start right here right now

    • retired civil servant
      December 4, 2010

      glad to know that they are both talented sports men, but why leave the area of arguement and get a cutlass and think of a cutting off your friends hand.Youth must control their temper. This is the beginning of his angry life.

  35. R-truth
    December 3, 2010

    That young man just happens to be the most talented young footballer in senjo city,and the sad reality brian is second best to him where soccer is concern…i wish that both young men would overcome what ever differences they got.

  36. london p
    December 3, 2010

    i say chop his hand off to .eye for an eye so say the bible

  37. zuma
    December 3, 2010

    you that mouth of the south always commenting on every and any topic

    you seem to be living for dno

    get a bloody life

    what sweet in goat mouth is sour in the bam bam

    • mouth of the south
      December 3, 2010

      u know why,,,,cuz i don’t have to stress bout going to work like a sentinel in the matrix system of life,,,,i lived it n was tired of it,,,,every day get up go to work get stressed come home sleep,,,,get up again next day,,,,same freakin cycle,,,,,,i hated it with a vengeance,,,,their’s more to life than living in a matrix system,,,,,i left that system for i was unhappy,,,,i work on my own when i want how i want,,,,,i may not make $5000 a month but i have one thing,,,,,i’m freakin happy n enjoying life,,,,maybe that’s why i’m so funny on d.n.o,,,,,i don’t let life make me sad until there’s a reason for me to be sad,,,, i’m like neo i’m free out of the matrix n living by my own rules,,,,i feel sorry 4 my brothers n sisters living in the matrix system,,,ask any one who works 4 dere selves,,,,its a pretty good life aint it,,,wouldn’t change it for nothing,,,,i don’t need big house n car,,,,all i want is happiness n it shows by my posts on d.n.o,,,,as long i not busy u will see M.O.T.S on D.N.O i walk with my laptop,,,i can’t do without net,,,,so deal with it

      • mouth of the west
        December 5, 2010

        allyou them people you all like to curse to much on the net :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • POPE
      December 3, 2010

      Zuma, are you jealous of the man.. I forgive you.

      Say 2 haily mary, 5 our father and 1 act of contrition. Peace

      • redlight district baby
        December 4, 2010

        lol :lol: :lol: :lol: zuma wish he was popular like MOTS lol,,,,,mots giving good views ay ay i doh know wat is ZUMA seen

  38. Just giving my two cents
    December 3, 2010

    Too many hot blooded people in Dominica. I guess the days when fist fighting was in are long gone. I miss my Dominica, when you could be free with no fear that if you piss someone off, u might just end up dead.

    But, alas…those days are gone and i fear, never to return….this generation …must have not listened to Grandman!

  39. no name
    December 3, 2010


  40. wow
    December 3, 2010

    So sad. What was he thinking. Look at this innocent face… young

  41. Conscious
    December 3, 2010

    What happen to those children? They don’t have consciences.

  42. CB CUZ
    December 3, 2010

    Young dude like dat…boy wat da hell were u thinking!!!!

  43. FIRE
    December 3, 2010


  44. okay then
    December 3, 2010

    they should not bail him…. they should allow him to sit in there to think, u should think of what u did. I hope u apologize to the victim

    • mm
      December 3, 2010

      apology will not grow back the hand !he can keep that

    • 1000% dominican
      December 4, 2010

      y they should not bail him? who die so much ppl al u kill ond all u out side give the man a brake let god judge him not u.

  45. U FOLLOW
    December 3, 2010

    Our laws need to be revised throughout. The pretrial stipulations should involve stronger deterrents against defaulting. Thirty thousand dollars is contemporarily ice cream money. These little things can also help us fight crime. It is my understanding that the policeman son who shut the young man behind the ears is now in NY. If that is so why wasn’t he asked to surrender his travel documents.-passports etc? That brings up one question- What does it take to extradite a criminal who is hiding in the US for example? Can someone educate me on this matter?

    • Patriotic Dominican
      December 3, 2010

      You just saying what you want? People like you will pay for your mouth. Take a bus ride to Canefield and you will find him right there. Do your research before you comment.

    • T
      December 3, 2010

      He’s right here in D/ca. If he traveled he’s not hiding from anyone. Saw him this week as a matter of fact. We always quick to judge but when is us or ours is a different tune. He’s not my friend but I was in a similar situation like him. But a magistrate have a right to judge the circumstances and allow an individual to travel. I traveled several times during my matter until the case was dropped when it was ultimately revealed that there was no case and I was totally innocent, but guilty in the court of “PUBLIC OPINION!” The worst kind. We too vindictive in this land that’s why all these negativity start falling on us.

  46. y?
    December 3, 2010

    looking at that pic and wondering why such a young man can be so heartless and cold to do this to another young man his age is there something wrong with this man ? young man take a deep and hard look at you and think of what you did and how it can affect other people lifes any way they should had kept you in jail until after the holiday so you can do some thinking

    • angeldomique..
      December 3, 2010

      Believe it or not he is thinking!!!! he is crying in the dark!!!! for a guilty conscience dose not NEED an accuser..

    • 1000% dominican
      December 4, 2010

      u should no what heartless look like………belive me that young man is a very nice boy u should think off all the thing the other one did and u will see………

  47. Think
    December 3, 2010

    no age is a good age to go to prison,, but at a young age like that, it hurts my heart. I remeber a guy coming to my crime and delinquency class and talking about his prison experience ( He’d killed his friend with a baseball bat). He went in at 19 and came out in his late 30’s, the guy was so out of place, didnt know how to operate a cell phone, computer, had little friends, didnt know how to socialize, had a hard time finding a job cause he had little education, .. etc, etc..lots of issues. He said if he had to do it over he’d choose differently. He had anger problem which he partly blamed on his dad. He said that as a boy his dad taught him to fight back and would even beat him if he didnt defend himself the ‘right way’

    Young people we need to think before we act. Walking away doesnt mean you’re weak.

  48. mouth of the south
    December 3, 2010

    see how mr dress to court,,,,,u know it jus burn me to see is malawey children that ending up in dem tings dere eh,,,,not saying others should but,,,,really will there be an end,,,,,ur parents raise poor,,,u raise poor also,,,but u should say,,,”the buck stops here” n take charge to see to it ur children doh raise poor,,,,,the cycle continues,,,,u r a young man u have alot ahead of u my boy,,,,,make a change for d better

    • wat u tink
      December 3, 2010

      Now u make sense.Good tlk.

  49. s.p
    December 3, 2010

    this boy should be in jail….where he belongs….he does not deserve bail. he deserves…JAIL!!!! i pray for mercy on his soul…he has left another boy without a hand just for a scissors..

  50. True???
    December 3, 2010

    See the CHILD…………

  51. blackberry356
    December 3, 2010

    “The defendant is to report to the St Joseph police station every Mondays and Fridays.” Why not every day :?:

    • maybe
      December 3, 2010

      he has 3 days in between..

    • T
      December 3, 2010

      You shouldn’t even ask that question, by now you should know that’s how it is in D/ca.

    • ....
      December 3, 2010

      i agree with you but he made bail seems unfair but thats the judicial system…why he was granted bail thats another story… :-|…

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      December 3, 2010

      It would be the same as keeping him in a prison cell. $30,000.00 for bail means that he has some freedom until the time for him to stand trial.

      Yes it would have been better to keep him in jail until his trial date. At least, if he is found not guilty, he would have experienced some torment for what he did. But now, with five days of complete freedom each week, who knows if he will ever realize the pain which he caused to his fellow youth.

  52. mouth of the south
    December 3, 2010

    my boy u get a surety of $30000.00,,,garcon i’d leave u in the jail,,,,,well use this lil freedom to think hard n deep,,,all dat could of been avoided my boy,,,,ur mind racing like all that is a dream but pinch urself 100 times u r well alive my boy,,,,n e way God already forgive u,,,,but u must still dance to the sweet music of the judicial system

    • maybe
      December 3, 2010

      if he asked for forgiveness that is.. one need to ask for forgiveness to obtain it. not automatic

    • s.p
      December 3, 2010

      i agree 100% with u

    • Hey just giving my two cents
      December 3, 2010

      At least you did speak some truth in your comment today. You have noticed that the Almighty is existing. MOTS it is so disheartening to know how the wicked ones can take over the minds of our people. Yes all that could have been avoided. Look at the boy there , he could be anyone son or family. Yes he should think hard and deep and especially they were friends even if they use to have a little disagreement sometimes. It is intolerance that is the problem. Even if we are not in agreement with another view, we still need to respect them as one of JAh Jah creation. If we be a little more tolerant, then all those thing would not happen. Our young persons as though they are seating on a volcano. But MOTS , you know too we should be blamed too because all we say all these things, we are not good role model. We instigating hatred and intolerance ourselves by our very actions, comments etc every day every hour on DNO and in the public.

      MOTS Let the change begin with us so our children will mirror our actions.

    • Sweet
      December 3, 2010

      Good point.

    • self defence......
      December 3, 2010

      what make u people think that he was not simply defending his self??? does this boy look like a trouble maker to you? when an individual gets beaten up the law takes soo long to observe who was wrong, that one have protect himself until judgement so i guess that was judgement for the one who lost his hand…

      • Lizavier4Jesus
        December 3, 2010

        It would be a mishap if the boy with the lost hand escapes all responsibility for what happened to him. As the saying goes: It takes two to tango. And yes, this young man can only receive forgiveness from God, if he acknowledges that he did something wrong.

        A lot of people do wrong things with no remorse, as if they do not have a conscience that reproaches them. But God’s Holy Spirit lives in the conscience of certain people, and when He convicts those persons of wrong doing, they must act or speak to Him with a heart of repentance.

        MOTS has always demonstrated his awareness of the existence of the Almighty God. He recently rebuked someone, who barked at me the other day, because I spoke something about God. Also, he has some very insightful ideas, even if he mostly writes with a sense of humor. It is just that not everyone is able to dance to his tempo; that is not unnatural.

        True as well, as adults we need to focus on presenting a role model to our younger ones. Those two young men are not responsible for their behavior anymore than we are. Too many of us forget that they are watching our ways; listening to our talks; and following our foot steps. We teach them; and they learn whatever it is that we teach. Let us teach them how to practice peace, obedience, humility, endurance, patience, and self-control. That practice is Love, for each other.

        • Hey just giving my two cents
          December 3, 2010

          MOTS just as i said earlier, someone else Lizavier echoed the same as I felt.

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