Armed men assault American couple near Laudat

The police have reported that an American couple was assaulted by two masked armed men near Laudat on Saturday.

Reports are the couple was walking in broad daylight when they were approached by the two men each armed with a gun.

The Americans, who reportedly do business in Dominica, were assaulted with the intent to rob, the police said.

The two were searched but since they had nothing in their possession at the time, the robbers got away empty-handed.

The couple is reportedly in a state of shock following the incident.

The two masked men have not yet been identified and police say investigations are ongoing.

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  1. worried
    August 24, 2012

    i hardly read in the news of black victims. Is it because it is not broadcasted or are the robbers really focused on whites only.

    Does racism play any role here?

  2. August 21, 2012

    Government of DOMINICA — TIME TO STEP IT UP!!! All of these insane daylight robbings and rapings at GUNPOINT!? Such a small island, with an insane amount of guns according to all the gunpoint robbings I read about. SUGGESTION: Implement “AUTOMATIC” 5 YEAR JAIL TIME FOR ANYONE CAUGHT INVLOVED WITH A GUN RELATED CRIME… it is time to step your justice system up,.. otherwise these gun related crimes will never end. Please wake up.

  3. We are not safe
    August 21, 2012

    Dominica is number 29 on the World list of murders per capita. Yes number 29 in the world. We are next to Mexico and way above USA, UK.
    Look up the facts online.

    List supplied by
    United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

  4. Jane Messam
    August 20, 2012

    The police need to catch them quick and give them a good beating. We do not want DA to become like a few of the other islands – full of crime – that will not do in DA.

  5. ned
    August 20, 2012

    those police too retardid. they always saying they going to investigate but never come up with an answer. unless someone snitch they dont have any chance of finding anyone.anyways good luck officers

  6. gene
    August 20, 2012

    We have been robbed at gunpoint twice in Dominica. We are still here. We never posted anything detrimental to Da as it is a wonderful place to be and we did not want to do an injustice to her. The police are doing the best they can and people need to support them in their effort by passing on information they hear in the blocks and villages. When enough citizens are sick and tired of living in fear of these dumb,,, it can change.

    August 20, 2012

    The thing is,when these culprits are caught,THE LAW has not done something serious enough to them so others can take example.
    Look like visitors will have to be armed to protect themselves.

  8. El Presidente
    August 20, 2012

    The Police need to learn from the NYPD…its a bout time we start to rough up some people and let them know what time is it.

    • 1979
      August 20, 2012

      LOL rough up people??? gasa you want to terrorize people??? brute force cannot substitute for professionalism….. I swear Dominica and the GREAT police officers I know, like Theophile, JJ and the ARE better than that…we have left those cave man days….If more policemen did some ACTUAL police work like those I mentioned crimes would be solved before they happened… I know dudes DON’T want to be in a case file on these guys desks…

    • Meme Bet Mem Pwell!
      August 21, 2012

      yah, and is people like all you that will turn around and bawl police brutality. I glad for you!

  9. real roots
    August 20, 2012

    check d muslem store ad. under d story…shhhh haha

  10. Mie
    August 20, 2012

    We really need to take crime fighting to the next level!

  11. tiny
    August 20, 2012

    and i know is not not parro that do that ….parros don’t commit these type of crimes in America yes….but in Dominica if a parro come across a gun…he or she will sell it so fast to get money to buy their drugs

  12. Original Eagle-Eye
    August 20, 2012

    When these two lowlifes get caught they need to beat them under their feet and pong their hands, then give them bricks to lay all damn day.


    • Anonymous
      August 21, 2012

      you talking about putting them to lay bricks all day. i would shred paper and make them put it together again, word for word. is time they have to waste

  13. tiny
    August 20, 2012

    who is the fool that want to compare a populated city like the Chicago to Dominica…..i agree that there will be crimes as long as there are human beings no matter how big or small a country is…..
    but the crime with guns were was every other week some months aback…that is too high for a small country like Dominica

    and like one person pointed out…in the states you know the areas to stay away from…the high crime areas where everyone is unsafe…..but seeing that Dominica is so small it’s like everywhere is unsafe

    • Justice and Truth
      August 20, 2012

      @ tiny

      You are correct. For the population of Dominica there should be no murders.

  14. dominican
    August 20, 2012

    Is them nonsense there that cause less cruise ships to dock in our port.our banana industry is already suffering look our tourism industry in jeopardy. need more police to patrol areas tourist frequent

  15. Not Nice
    August 20, 2012

    find them and squeeze their nuts with a pliers! too wicked :twisted:

    • M
      August 20, 2012

      How do you want to enhance the punishment in the case the criminals would have hurted or even killed them? populist cliche!

  16. Visitor
    August 20, 2012

    All of us who comments on the items dont really know what to say. This world with people as its inhabitants…….my god…only god knows…only god knows.

  17. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    The tourism industry in Dominica is feeling the pain. I AM DOMINICA, ARE YOU????

  18. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    I just think that there should be more and more patrolling of police officers in and around the capital city and the who of Dominica on a hold during day and night. More so at nights and wee hours of the mornings. They know where to find the drugs so they must know where to start searching.


  19. Alice
    August 19, 2012

    When crimes of that nature are committed I get upset not only because of the damage these criminals do do to the good name of my country, but I am angry that when they are caught the punishment received is simply no enouh. Flog them in public and keep them in jail until they go senile or die.

  20. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    Come on, we Domincans are proud people but attacking, assaulting or robbing American nationals will not help us. Whether we like it or not we need the US. No Haie merichen mai no aime dollar merichin. I am Dominican/American. We have the haves and the have nots. The have nots are more than the haves in DA. Seriously, can we afford to disrespect our visitors? When the barrels and boxes cannot get there, we will really feel it. Thanks DNO for exposing the good, the bad, the pretty and the ugly.

  21. French Man
    August 19, 2012

    When He and dey tiff, dey tiffing for the whole country; is all of you that enjoying dey money that dey tiffing.
    Quote from the next level labour party stalwart and calypso 2013 ‘dey call you villas, dey call you villain’
    You can’t be my idol if you encourage so much bobol……….

    • ¬!"£$
      August 20, 2012

      well said

  22. bwa kwaieb
    August 19, 2012

    mmmmm? I wonder how many people were murdered in Chicago over the weekend? Yet ,here I stand heading there in two days. I wonder how many more were murdered in DC, Tampa, Atlanta, New Orleans and here I stand like so many others heading to all these cities before the end of the year. My point. you all are to over dramatic. Let the police do their jobs. If the tourists are in shock it’s because they didn’t expect to be held up. But the only truth here is this occurs all over the world and incidents like these are committed by all types of people black, white, purple, brown etc. Sometimes I just think the people who comment on here are so ignorant!

    • bwa kwaieb
      August 19, 2012

      People in this country have sank so low that they wish for demise of their own country because two tourist got robbed. Come to their country and get robbed see if anyone of them care. Your story wouldn’t even make the news unless your neck was cut or some white person was caught in the middle of the robbery. Seriously I don’t believe Dominica’s economy has survived on tourism. Rather it’s old money circulating. Get your jaws of the floor and stop acting like tourist is king and queen. It’s okay to be sympathetic about their ordeal but seriously stop acting like they the tourist run Dominica!

  23. Private
    August 19, 2012

    Wish some one would explain why this incident is news or in the headlines. Is is necessary to indicate the nationality of the couple? Does it do good for Dominica? When will media personnel be more proactive in seeking items to make news and use discernment to know which items posted are in our best interest or not. These post are always written in the worst way so the world sees knows more about the bad of Dominica and to stimulate more immature and insensitive and insignificant discussions by the unemployed and a few others who do not know how to use the internet to grow thier small minds. Someone is arrested in the US, the only way it can be presented is to highlight the person’s job and employer. Someone dies in an accident, the graphic photos go on line and in print. I pray that more appropriate training is given to all media personnel as soon as possible. While information must be made available to all, some stories are simply irrelevant and also defamatory to our country.

    • ^
      August 19, 2012

      @ Private…. Go bury your garbage in a hole.Are you an accomplice?

      • Anonymous
        August 19, 2012

        Well said….

    • Looking in
      August 19, 2012

      Is it the news being reported that’s defamatory to our country?
      No need to sugarcoat the nonsense that is happening in Dominica. I hope one day them criminals attack the wrong person and would get a good ‘fatigue”!!

    • Anonymous
      August 19, 2012

      @ Private, the people arrested are the small minded and immature you are talking about. You sound uneducated too. I think you should learn to use the internet in a more productive way to help curb crime. When you put ur self in the spotlight what do you expect?

    • No beggar
      August 19, 2012

      DNO, please trace the ip address of Private at the time he made this post, I am sure he is involved in this robbery.

    • Andrea
      August 19, 2012

      maybe the headline should read, an unfortunate couple got robbed in a beautiful island, this was a rare case and visitors are ask to continue coming as this was isolated. no worries man!!

    • hell hath no furry!!
      August 20, 2012

      the African miners that were gunned down on video and shown on the news,that is graphic,you actually saw the ppl.getting killed….please man direct your anger and venom at the ones commiting the crimes and maybe you can probably help in what ever way YOU can to stop crime happening in our country

    • toots
      August 20, 2012

      Of course its relevant to the country, It seems like you are not the brightest star in the sky, so you think top news should be bananas going bad ????????????????????????????????????????? and not people being held at gun point

    • Anonymous
      August 20, 2012

      you may have a point but cast your mind back to the gay cruise incident and tell me whether you really believe that these things can be kept hidden.

    • Shameless
      August 20, 2012

      @ Private :twisted:

      Keep burying you all’s head in the sand thinking the problem will go away or that it is just a bad dream. This is what the lies and fairy tales of make believe in the NEXT LEVEL has brought us all. Good job again DNO. If anything, this honest reporting will get us all to confront the issue as a matter of national urgency. I beg the citizens of the Valley to do their own investigations and turn over the suspects to law enforcement immediately.

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • D
      August 20, 2012

      Private does have a point. If we broadcast every crime in the news and we portrait our county in this negative way then how do you think people looking in are going to take it. The media must be carefull on how and what is being said on the news. Even in America the true crime rate and crime information are not published. These type of news hurts a county economic structure. People are not going to want to visit the Island when they hear such crimes in such a small island. I believe such news gets around by word of mouth because it is a small island but to pushlish is putting your country in the limelight. People from all over even the ones wanting to visit the island reads this site…. So next time get it right

    • from tourism sector
      August 20, 2012

      It needs to be published. So people know. There are far more incidents than this, some are not reported. Several people do not even report, saying its even more frustrating dealing with the police who do nothing anyway. If everything is reported some would be very surprised by the number of incidents.I tell my clients there is crime, so they are aware and take necessary precautions.

  24. aa
    August 19, 2012

    The police needs to do more community policing, get off the desk and chairs, walk around the village,know who the crimminals are, the PM needs to do more than instead of running around and begging, the deportees that come home, hhave them registered,and checking into some office every week so they could keep track on them , too many drugs and guns what happened to my country

  25. ObserverDom
    August 19, 2012

    44 black South African mineworkers massacred by the police at the British owned Lonmin, Marikana mine during a strike for improved pay and conditions. 78 injured. Most of the miners were rock drillers, the most dangerous and difficult work in the mines for which they earn Rand 4600 or US$553 per month. President Zuma orders six day mourning period.
    Time to nationalise those mines. Where’s the reporting on this DNO??

    • Anonymous
      August 19, 2012

      Thanks for reporting the news. I believe we got enough of it on CNN, BBC, and Al Jazeera to name a few. May I ask you, who fired the first shot? Was it a police officer or a protester?

    • tiny
      August 19, 2012

      why did they go to protest with weapons…..they had spears and cutlasses……..they were wrong…and they were getting they close…i would not like to be hacked up with a cutlas by no one

    • JahAngel
      August 20, 2012

      Were there Dominicans in the mines???…if not shut up and go to CNN or BBC…..better yet google it….

    • Afriko
      August 20, 2012

      I know its off topic. But since you mentioned it:

      If this crime against workers in South Africa had been done during the the Aparthied era, you would have heard protest and declaration and shock and horror all over the world.”Whites murder Blacks etc.etc.”.But when its their own people massacre their own….almost silence!

      ” Oh what do you expect” says most of the world “Its only Africans doing their usual thing”. Very shameful and embarrasing for all of us.Even Zuma embarrased.

    • Shameless
      August 20, 2012

      While this is indeed a great tragedy, it is already being reported all over and NOT necessarily in our national interest. This is totally different from the story at hand. Stop trying to tell DNO what to report because it suits or does NOT suit your sorry agenda. :twisted:

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • ¬!"£$
      August 20, 2012

      i saw live footage on algezeera of police murdering people with machine guns.. so sad

  26. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    The country has no law, no Constitution to prevent them…Monkey hear! Monkey do! When the head is rotten, the entire body will eventually rot.

  27. am
    August 19, 2012

    what is going on in Dominica, they want all foreigners to leave, wait till the American government ban their citizens from travelling to Dominica, shame on them some of them do not want to work, go back to plant the soil, instead of robbing

    • bwa kwaieb
      August 19, 2012

      I thought america had a constitution that allowed it citizens freedom to chose where they travel to? The United States can’t ban anyone. Even Cuba where they attempt to prevent people from visiting some how Americans still end up there.

  28. T
    August 19, 2012

    A failed justice system on island is the cause of all that.

  29. Brain DAMAGE
    August 19, 2012

    Police make sure they are squeezed when found.

  30. JahAngel
    August 19, 2012

    seriously???..but why those sticky bandits there not looking for work to do? have work self.allu dont want to do construction a thing that have money,it have gardening..allu dont want those young ladies to see allu digging yam and planting fig..instead allu chose to do such..but its will meet up with you guys…you know how the story goes 99 days for d voleh 1 day for d police…..

  31. gunz out
    August 19, 2012

    Yah give task force work to do!!

    • Helas!
      August 19, 2012

      ya but one of those days you may cry!!

  32. August 19, 2012

    i meant to say i don’t like reading these kind of headlines..

  33. me
    August 19, 2012


  34. August 19, 2012

    i think they should have police patrol in those areas because living abroad i don’t live reading these kind of headlines…

  35. Tiara
    August 19, 2012

    Again? Papa Bondie when will these fellas stop that nonsense. We already have nothing and to kill the tourism alas what is going to happen to us. Bondie stop it please, stop the crime. We need more hands on board to stop the crime. That’s why they scritinise our passports like that when we land in the US, just now they will declare all Dominicans person-non-grata. Me say la moin kai mor. Prayers please to save us from those criminals.

    • Tiara
      August 19, 2012

      The word is “scrutinize” typo error my apologies.

      • Joan
        August 20, 2012

        How about “scrutinise.”

  36. kaiche girl
    August 19, 2012

    De Parl Rep have his own to solve so be calm and wait for Skerro to solve this one too. Meanwhile de Roseau Valley is having some serious crimes against persons an properties. Next level wi.

  37. Reporter
    August 19, 2012

    Sad! Very sad situation

  38. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    It would serve Dominica right if ALL the foreign visitors packed up and left. I mean all!

    • Anonymous
      August 19, 2012

      Your name must be DUMDUM!

    • JahAngel
      August 20, 2012

      and they can put you in their suitcase with them..move there…sot

  39. Suki
    August 19, 2012

    dominicans are getting more and more foolish…

  40. tiny
    August 19, 2012

    good …never walk with anything valuable on you or try not too……hope these men get caught… time they will follow them home….i bet they have been studying this couple movement……

  41. trolol
    August 19, 2012

    But when you have a little bit of money and guns going around the country cheap what you expect. That’s rock bottom.

  42. Rise Up
    August 19, 2012

    Citizens and police alike need to step up their game!! Citizens beware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity to your local police. Our police force needs to be more vigilant and we need officers patrolling different areas at different times in our country. Get with the program! We cannot allow this to go on in our beautiful country….yes there is crime everywhere but we are too small for this crime wave against anyone especially tourists. Trust me they will prefer take their crime in their country instead of on foreign soil. Shame shame shame on you criminals!

  43. jus saying
    August 19, 2012

    they need work lack of work n money in ur pocket will bring crime ppl need 2 eat.. i’m not saying what they i was rite but they need jobs

    • toots
      August 20, 2012

      I,m not working at the moment but wouldnt dream of holding someone at gun point for their money

    • Not Nice
      August 20, 2012

      donkey you never go school we can all see that! If Haitians and other foreigners paying their rent and even have money to go on vacation how is that there is no jobs?

      • Ebeh
        August 20, 2012

        Not Nice, you are so right. When I came home for carnival, I went to the Old Market to pick up some souvenirs and most of the vendors were Haitians. Many Dominicans do not want to do certain jobs. So sad.

    August 19, 2012

    These person are giving Dominica a BAD name and then some persons will blame the government, when visitor will have no interest in coming to Dominica because of these RAFRATS.

    Please officers when you get them, if it do not have, plant post in ans nest, tire them on the post and bit them with pepper bush, then bring them in the sea.

    when they are going to court do not make them cover their faces, let everyone know who are the person that is trying to make life difficult for us good Dominicans.

    • Shameless
      August 20, 2012

      Yeah and after you will join the choir to prosecute the officers for doing exactly what you suggested. Just remember what happened to Corbette for doing his job.

      NO TO POLICE BRUTALITY! There are ways of making them talk without brutalizing them.

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

  45. big mike
    August 19, 2012

    every time a crime go on people hav to say bad name for DA what allu think nah them crime happening more in them tourist country i not saying crime is good but hey who on this earth can stop crime the devil is all over i wish police get these guys but u people must stop say them shit what bad name dominica can get. america,europe and de rest of de world hav a bad name man cause it happening more in these places

  46. %
    August 19, 2012

    Mr Skerrit when you were beating your narrow chest,saying that you were taking us to the NEXT LEVEL, what did you really mean Sir?
    I am asking this question since more than ever before in our history, has the legal system been so dysfunctional…Criminals are committing crimes with a smile those days because more often than not, even if they are caught, the walk out of the courtroom smiling…The leaders of this country need to speak out,or else we will lost this country to these criminals, if it has not happened already.

    • him
      August 19, 2012

      @ %………….I LIKE THAT !!!

      • ????????????
        August 19, 2012

        @ % NARROW CHEST with plim or not?

    • Anonymous
      August 19, 2012


  47. caroib diva 1
    August 19, 2012

    @ anonymous…is people like u that give these hooligans encouragement to commit these crimes and blame foreigners and govt for our ills. These criminals just trying the easiest way to make money….authorities please bring back de cat o nine, and give these guys when dey reach stockfarm hard work to do Like Cutting the grass that overtaking the drains

  48. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    shame shame shame!!!!!!

    • elle
      August 19, 2012

      “i doe want to go to Dominica no more more more TO MUCH CRIMINALS AND CRIME”……………………….thats what tourist will be sayin after one vist or even after hear romars from friends and family that visit our country

  49. GOM
    August 19, 2012

    These cowards know that the legal system on island is polluted.Criminals more often than not go unpunished for murder and other dastardly acts.Murder, violation of the Constitution,stealing, mugging,cheating,drug trafficking,making the young population paros,undisclosed assets,meteoric rise to financial muscle, etc so they take advantage of a legal system which is in tatters…
    Level headed Dominicans beginning with me need to demand a legal system with ‘teeth’ to protect our own children,the elderly,the visitors,me and you in all manner, shape or form… These attacks hamper the development of a country which is teetering in a multiplicity of ways…We need leaders with gumption and fortitude to decide that this country must not fall prey to those nefarious creatures,vagabonds,rascals; leaders who can ‘take the bull by the horn’ and lead not those whose obtuse policies are making the country a pariah state.Criminals are smart people. They assess the legal system, and act accordingly.

    August 19, 2012

    Normally, I refrain from commenting on these incidents. I simply read in disgust with a false hope that it would not happen again.- but it does and more frequently in recent times. This incident has reportedly taken place in my neck of the woods- ROSEAU VALLEY and so, I must speak because our Parl. Rep will remain silent or simply ask us to be calm.

    The police must put adequate resources in search of those guys, capture them and deal with them accordingly. On behalf of the loving people of the Roseau Valley, I apologize to the victim, their friends and family. I beg them to understand that this type of behvaiour is not typical of a visit to the ROEAU VALLEY. But this is not simply a matter that affects the victims. It is bad for the ROSEAU VALLEY and by extension it will have a serious negative impact on Dominica’s tourism development thrust. With the death of our agricultural sector, tourism (should have been) our economic life blood- but even the tourism sector is struggling and these incidents make it worse for our economic survival as country.

    These young men must get with the programme. They must be made to understand the significant negative impact of their actions the hard way. They cannot be allowed to kill the hen that lay the golden egg- albeit that is more like a bronze egg today. The safety and well being of locals, foreigners, visitors and /or tourists must be a priority for each and every Dominican. This is a national imperative that Discover Dominica must continue to stress through public announcements, seminars/workshops etc.

    The occurrence of such an incidence in the ROSEAU VALLEY has far reaching consequences. It is worse than the closing of the aerial tram and the loss of 66 jobs for the people of Laudat, Trafalgar and Morne prosper. This negatively impacts the life of the tourism industry and could cause its eventual death. In this internet era, news is instant and spreads fast and wild. The moment DNO reports this, it is known to the world. The ROSEAU VALLEY is listed as a place to avoid on a trip to Dominica or Dominica is an unsafe place to travel.

    We must get everyone on board in solving the problem. The Ministry of tourism, Discover Dominica, the Police and the general public has a role to play. The police must plant some plant some fake tourists in a serious sting operation at the major tourist sites to attract these guys and punish them when caught in the act, along with continuous education lead by the Ministry of Tourism.

    • Shameless
      August 19, 2012

      @ Roseau Valley

      You are indeed a voice of reason. Hopefully all stakeholders will listen and act accordingly before its too late.

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • woodfordhill girl
      August 19, 2012

      Wow@ the valley,I think your comment is very commendable and govt should really pay attention to you, well said

    • Justice and Truth
      August 19, 2012


      I write long writings which are not intentional but that as I write, the words flow through my mind and through my fingers to the keyboard. :lol: And so, I read your intelligent and excellent writing with interest. Some nationals do contribute to and make their country an unsafe place to reside in. They, the actions of a few (and a few too many) give it a bad name and reputation near and far. It also affects nationals. Whatever occur in a country, one way or the other, affects everyone in the country.
      I like this, “…the police must plant some fake tourists in a sting operation at the major tourist sites…” This is one way of catching those perpetrators and getting them off the streets. Undercover police are also required in different parts of the country. I hope that it will inspire the Police Authorities.
      Many Bloggers have interesting suggestions on how to solve and eradicate crimes in DA. They do possess some degree of intelligence and can assist towards eradicating the dilemma which Dominica is experiencing. United we stand, divided we fall. This is one way of assisting our country and helping to make DA a safe and peaceful place to reside. If only the authorities would listen/read and pay heed.
      Another manner is to personally write them and offer suggestions. It is their prerogative if they consider them feasible, adopt them and implement them. They will do well to consider advice and suggestions, be that they posted on this Website. They are the views of concerned Dominicans near and far. I would think that the authorities, each, in their specific duty will read and review the comments which are posted on this Website and take them seriously for the benefit and safety of Dominicans, its nationals and the tourist industry, namely, the tourists who visit the island and for the economy. Note that I mentioned the economy last. It was not intentional but it so happened. I often wonder who guides my thoughts and fingers? I do believe, God and/or my Guardian Angel – ever at my side. :) After I wrote it, I considered, reason for this is, “safety first” for obvious reasons. Then everything falls in place later.
      The authorities could learn from the comments and implement what is sensible and hopefully possible also in financial terms, ASAP – As Soon As Possible. The situation is crucial. They should not hesitate to do so.

    • August 19, 2012

      Roseau Valley i agree with you 1000%, them people should know that they are tarnishing the Nature Island and it’s people reputation on the outside

      Quite a number of years ago, a Canadian Tourist was murdered in Dominica, he was residing at the Fort Young Hotel, I need not to mention what happened since many of you in Dominica and outside knew the outcome

      As we all no, there are Dominican men /who are seasonal farm worker coming to Canada for many years, including myself, unknowing to me and the other Dominican farm workers that the farmer I worked for was related to the murdered guy, what he told us was heartbreaking

      This farmer told us that the farmer down the road and his entire family would visit Dominica each and every year, because some Dominican in Canada keep saying how beautiful Dominica is,and how they loved the people of Dominica, whom they said were welcoming friendly and nice, but when his family was murdered in Dominica, they looked at us Dominican as bad and people, he said the amount of hate he carried towards Dominican and was encouraging other farm workers to stop sending for Dominican workers, that was a big thing in the farming communities all over in Ontario

      The farmer I worked for told us that he and his entire family had all their plans set to visit Dominica the winter of that same year until the new reached Canada that a Canadian citizen was murdered in the Caribbean Island of Dominica, they were very agree not mentioning all the negative things that was said about Dominicans, even to this day since I am residing in that part of Canada, meeting people for the first time they will always bring up that murder thing

      Then man/woman whatever sex it it committing these act of violence against visitor, be it Dominicans national visiting or any visitors need to know that back in them people country, the government and them family do not take these stuff lightly
      Being a Dominican in whatever country the visitor comes from, and listening to the negative things on the news, even have to be watching your back wondering if your neighbour or whoever around you know that you are Dominican, man this BS need to stop because this do have and impact on us Dominican out there, man i do not want no hit man to pay someone to do away with me and my family for crime committed on their family and friend in DA, this need to stop the very same way that we are out there working hard abiding by the laws of them visitor’s country no one is bothering us, so please let them people enjoy their stay in DA, likewise me they choose to live their country and move to another for whatever reason, please let them be, another thing do not forget that in each and every household in DA we have family members outside, how would you scumbags react if the same is happening to your people outside of DA

      Time to stop that mess people, because if this continue, many Dominican in and outside DA will be the ones paying for your mischief/wrongdoing

      • Joan
        August 20, 2012

        Poor English.

    • "O" STRESS!
      August 19, 2012

      Agree with your post 1000000% you sound more like a police commissioner and right on point. The problem with most of those we place in authority to tackle Dominica`s problem is they do not listen or once great ideas like yours are brought up they ignore them cause it was another person idea and they feel hand cuffed and not give credit to any such great ideas coming from members of the public. But i always say if those so called “Bad” losers man or woman come for us in the morning after they will come for those who see it fit to sit on their hands or just send sounds bites for attention, they will visit them in the night. These days we here the word “PROACTIVE” {NO MORE NEXT LEVEL”}banded around but in fact we are more “REACTIVE” and somethings are definitely wrong with that approach. But we go see”.

  51. phil me
    August 19, 2012

    bad name for D/ca

  52. mango temptation
    August 19, 2012

    That is the next level. Increase in crime.

    • phil me #2
      August 19, 2012

      i am so agreeing with you, dats da next level day were talking about

    • Doomed
      August 19, 2012

      Nope, The next level is asking foreign governments for bailouts (communist china) when the worlds economy starts recovering and D/A economy continues to decrease and then the ball will be in their court to decide what they want from you all again and since you don’t have anything of significant value other than the entire country i think you should know what they would want.

  53. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012


  54. Dominican in antigua
    August 19, 2012

    Whats the problem with this guys? Its like we had tomaney good news for the pass weeks about our good dominicans in dominica and all over the place. well we need to find them very soon and take care of them this juys are bad for dominica so we got to take care of them and are massage to there family if you know them ast them to stop it

    • Zandoli
      August 19, 2012

      Hmmm, ketch dem an hanged dem by dere BOLLS if u kno wha ah mean… CASTARAKE DEM KRIMINALLS DEM den we in the NEXT LEVEL

  55. Anonymous
    August 19, 2012

    this is what happens when a nation allows foreigners to come in and take take without doing anything about the conditions at home. sure foreigners should be able to come in and make money but they must be required to do something to improve the present conditions in da. if not the youth who can not find employment will prey on them

    • Hmm
      August 19, 2012

      You must be dotish..

    • Midget..
      August 19, 2012

      You are such a MORAN to post such garbage online, and DNO SHOULD NOT allow such posts on their site. There are Dominicians who travel and they are not treated that way so stop posting such CRAP because I am a DA citizen and residing in Georgia and I am not being treated badly because I am from DA.

    • beholder
      August 19, 2012

      Blame the victims. Is OK because they not from DA. Man you are part of the problem.

    • Jespen
      August 19, 2012

      They should deport home youe aunty who you depend on to send you money from di US :lol:

    • JahAngel
      August 19, 2012

      you maybe one of the culprits or you in a relationship with one..i dont blame you…when they send you school u was in the back sit..Idiot….you get an F+ for Fool..sot

    • JahAngel
      August 19, 2012

      Either you are one of the culprits or you loving one..I dont blame you cause when they send you school you was in the back seat…you get an “F” for fool..classic idiot

  56. Patriot
    August 19, 2012

    Now we all can see what a dead economy can do to our country if not fixed quick it will spell disaster

    • Shameless
      August 19, 2012

      What dead economy you talking about? We lending Anguilla money, we sending money to relatives in the US because they broke, we giving LIAT 8 million while it dies a slow painful death so where is the economy dead? Well I guess we were being fooled all along like the lamb being lead to the slaughter. Those who have eyes will soon see while the deaf will definitely hear.

      Assertive, NOT Agressive!

    • Jamdominic
      August 19, 2012

      You must be joking, right? Do you really think that because the economy is low it gives licence for anyone to commit a crime to another person? and do you really believe that if times were good it would prevent these crimes from happening? Unfortunately we have in our society persons who just simply refuse to work honestly for their living. We have those who find it much easier to beg, sell drugs, steal and do other illegal stuff. What is it? a reflection of our fallen moral and sipritual state, but don’t be surprised, worst is yet to come. We claim to be a christian country but many live far from the ideals of Christianity and from God. when you live far from God the likelihood of becoming involved with works of the Devil is greatly increased. don’t blame the economy, nor the politicians, all of us have a role to play, but behind it all is a power bigger than ourselves…the good book says…”against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.”

    • JahAngel
      August 19, 2012

      i really wonder what kind of patriot are you…your mother must be proud…

  57. Tortort
    August 19, 2012

    If it was a marijuana cigarette they were told someone was smoking, they would be all over Laudat with military fatigue and machine guns all over Laudat!
    That police force sucks!

    • .............
      August 19, 2012

      I hate this regime,its corrupt, but i hate drugs even more. The police would be right looking in every hole for the drug, and the user.

  58. shatta
    August 19, 2012

    but what all u expect to happen ner in the country ner

    • JahAngel
      August 19, 2012

      oow u mean what we expecting to happen in the country…some of allu just like to smell sweet and live cheap…Go and find something constructive to do…

    • Not Nice
      August 20, 2012

      what is wrong with you shattass? u stupid or what? its time they start HANGING criminals by their balls.

    • Mie
      August 20, 2012

      Yeah, just smoke weed and sit by the side of de road ceebeeing and then when you need money rob people then blame the government.

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