Assistance from US to fight drugs timely – official

Psychologist Dr. Peter St. Jean said assistance from the Barack Obama administration to help fight drug trafficking in Dominica and the Caribbean is timely.

Dominica has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the United States of America to help fight drug trafficking within its borders and in the region, making it the first country in the region to benefit from a US$79 million security package.

Dr. St Jean said the issue of consumption and demand for harmful drugs must be addressed and said any efforts to reduce drugs on the island must be embraced.

“We do not tolerate the excessive use of narcotics. In a small country of over 70,000 we can’t afford to have a whole bunch of paranoid people running around so any efforts to reduce drug consumption is very good,” he said.

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  1. good boy
    February 6, 2011

    we need money for new schools with that money y they cant give us the money to do that venezuela

  2. bobo
    February 6, 2011

    that all we can get from the us onley for drugs and not school

  3. Concerned
    February 3, 2011

    I’m obviously off on my math; sheesh! $79,000,000 divided by 70,000 does NOT equal “$1,000,000 per person.” It’s more like $1,128 and change.

    Sorry about that!

    But my point is the same (though not nearly as devastatingly!). :-)

  4. Concerned
    February 3, 2011

    Wherever government money (in this case, that of the taxpayers of U.S. citizens, wherever they are) goes, so goes control. If Dominicans want U.S. dollars, then I say be prepared for U.S. control.

    Also, this definitely plays into the context of my other post on this site which referred to John Perkins’ “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.” That tax money will serve primarily, if not exclusively, to create a dependency of Dominica on U.S. dollars and curry favor and, consequently, influence with the leadership in Dominica. I mean, think about it: $79,000,000 to an island country of around 70,000. That’s more than $1,000,000 per person. Does Dominica really need that much money to combat drugs?

    Such a proposal makes sense only if the United States (her politicians and their corporate masters) is wanting to create a level of control of Dominica and her dependency on the U.S.

    I implore Dominicans to resist this effort.

  5. Jaime Lewis
    February 1, 2011

    Hopefully some of these funds will be spent on creating drug rehab programs for those who are addicted to drugs.

  6. One Day
    February 1, 2011

    That money could have into the education system here in the US, rather they are planning to cut funding. I think all these countries have their priority wrong. Drugs are being allowed into these countries because the rich with the money and planes are funding it. The little dealers in the streets are not the ones who are responsible for this. So instead of wasting my tax money go get these big men.

  7. Dominica Sanitizer
    February 1, 2011

    Unless the USA does not give the powers that be money under the table, don’t expect them to do anything. They will take Uncle Sam money and still serve and protect the drug dealers in Dominica. When Venezuelans are caught with drugs in Dominica, they will still get their drugs, their money, their boat and their freedom back!! Got my drift! I would not give these crooks any money! I would not put any Fox to guard my henhouse. No one should trust these Kleptomania’s with money…

    Stop the sanctioning of people’s comments DNO!

  8. Piper
    February 1, 2011

    I applaud the US for any assistance they can give. But don’t you find it strange that the only time you hear of assistance from the US, it is either to fight drugs or immediately after a natural disaster. Mkes me think the drug fighting assistance is designed to prevent drugs from reaching US shores.

    if they would spend a little more on development assistance there would be less need to fix the drug problem in the region.

  9. hehehe
    February 1, 2011


    February 1, 2011

    This is not even the issue…if America was serious, American should look at creating greater economic activity in the Caribbean. China and Venezuela have become the DOMINANT players in the Caribbean Sea, in Americas .

    America please step up to the plate, its not always about security and drugs…thats all I hear from you

    What about relaxing your WTO rules and allow small fledgling states like CARICoM to have a 10% preferential baanana export to Europe

    That would go a long way…Your Chiquita and Dole brand can get the other 90%

    The 10% would make up for a sizeable chunk of our BUDGET


  11. wey wey wey....papa bodier!!!!!
    February 1, 2011

    What crime all you talking about, the only magistrate who is doing anything about drug dealers and traffiackers in not just Dominica but in the Caribbean is Magistrate Behanzin, and your government continues to victimis him. Do your Skerro thinks that the American DEA is not watching what you all are doing and allowing Venezuelanst to bring cocaine in the country!!!

  12. mouth of the south
    February 1, 2011

    ‘we do not tolerate the excessive use of narcotics’,,,,, hhhmmm so i guess we tolerate its use in small consumptions then,,, that is just money going into the ministers n their acolytes pocket

  13. Dominica Sanitizer
    February 1, 2011

    Unless the USA does not give the powers that be money under the table, don’t expect them to do anything. They will take Uncle Sam money and still serve and protect the drug dealers in Dominica. When Venezuelans are caught with drugs in Dominica, they will still get their drugs, their money, their boat and their freedom back!! Got my drift! I would not give these crooks any money! I would not put any Fox to guard my henhouse. No one should trust these Kleptomania’s with money…

  14. The All Seeing Eye
    February 1, 2011

    Let’s hope this is not just a case of the Americans paying lip service to the situation. And let’s hope that the package includes measures to deal with bent police and corrupt officials who have allowed matters to get to this state. This evil needs to be nipped in the bud before it consumes all remaining decent societies.

    A welcome move!

  15. malaba83
    February 1, 2011

    And guess where those drugs are ending up?

  16. aware
    February 1, 2011

    true dat.. and to add on to what you just said.. an effort to also stop the drugs from coming in and going out of our borders.. its not just about consumption.. 70,000 dont consum that much drugs.. its the hub.. the transit point.. stress a lil more on that

    • Lizavier4Jesus
      February 1, 2011


      I can understand your point! It is like saying prevention is better than cure.

      If we never see the thing, and to desire to discover what it is used for, we will not become conformed to whatever its functions in us.

      People become addicted to drugs because it had been exposed to them one way or the other, and they tried it. Most of the time a drug addiction can start from the excess use of a pain relief like–Phensix–one of those we have in Dominica, can’t remember the spelling; much for if a doctor is always prescribing narcotic drugs to his/her patients.

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