Bath Estate man charged in Macoucherie killing

Serrant appeared in court on Monday
Serrant appeared in court on Monday

A man from the community of Bath Estate, Arthur “Money ” Serrant, has been formally charged with the murder of Elio Edwards of Pointe Michel.

Serrant appeared before magistrate Bernard Pacquette in Roseau on Monday where the charge of murder was read to him.

He was not required to plea and is represented by Zena Monroe Dyer.

The prosecution is alleging that on Easter Monday Serrant shot and killed Edwards in Macoucherie.

The matter has been set for August 25th in St. Joseph.

Serrant’s lawyer has indicated to the court that she intends to apply for bail in the High Court.

He is now on remand at the Stock Farm Prison.

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  1. hmmm stupid ppl
    April 15, 2015

    Hmm ALU not easy no matter how elio was he had his ways. If it was ALU son and he got shot as a mother what wud u say , he did to much tings. There is a lot of young bpis out der do in a lot of shit elio not d first n not the last and everyone one of the has a mother and family. Wud u like someone to kill your son and get away with it. Even if he was terrible. Stupid ppl.

  2. Francisco Telemaque
    April 14, 2015

    Prior to Television Dominicans went to the movies; we remember the Carib Cinema, and later the Arrawack, as kids we enjoyed the Westerns Movies. Indians, and Cow-boy dramas. Unfortunately, some of us believed what we saw in the movies, and wanted to be like them!

    These days we see drama on Television, such as murder, rape drugs smoking, thievery, pornography, and everything immoral, and we believe that is normal in America, or the developed world, and so such criminals believe it is okay to play out the act in Dominica, practicing what they see on TV, not realizing that what they see on Television and in the movie theater, is not the way people live in America.

    Because of this sick and stupid mentality, there are many Dominicans living in jail in this country, all because they came here and practice what the saw on Television in Dominica. We have crime in America, but I feel much safer in Los Angeles, than in Dominica.

    • The Facts
      April 15, 2015

      I thought I read in one of your comments that you migrated to the US or elsewhere at the age of four? Correct me on this one.

    April 14, 2015

    ok ok money is my boy elio pero is my boy but trust me there is two sides to a story them man could box it out like two man not guns out but then again if he didnt kill elio i guess it would happen the other way around..R.i.p elio…..Money only god can judge not man

    • The Facts
      April 15, 2015

      There is no excuse for murder. This man had the option to walk away. He did not have to kill the man. Do not exonerate him because you can’t.
      Dead man tell no tales. The murderer must tell his side of the story. Hope he tells the truth. If there were witnesses they should give a truthful account of what they saw.

  4. April 14, 2015

    Justice for Elio at least he had his ways but he was not a murderer Elio in front his haterz behind :-?

  5. April 14, 2015

    Prayers for both families. Hold strong $

  6. April 14, 2015

    Prayers for both sides….. be strong $!!!

  7. The Facts
    April 13, 2015

    Let us see if he will be granted bail which he does not deserve. He has sent a man to a premature death and must be held accountable.
    We would like to know what caused him to shoot and murder the man.
    They swear on the Bible: “I promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. So help me God.” May no lies be told and in the Court of Law. If after swearing on the Bible they tell lies, you have lied before God. I need not state what God’s punishment will be.
    Some are so susceptible to lies (it is chronic in them) that they do not want to swear on the Bible. A lie is still a lie and God is seeing and hearing. I like to state, also taking note. One way or the other, Jesus never forgets.

    • Annoyed
      April 14, 2015

      who has no sins send the first stone.

    • Francisco Telemaque
      April 14, 2015

      Facts, you need to stop pretending; you know they will bail him out, people are not punished in Dominica these days, as in the 1950’s, and the colonial days, when one had to obey the laws of the land. When Elijah Prince Killed Eunice Etinoffe from Wesley, he from Marigot, it took more than five years to be arrested, I will not detail here but in by Book you might get to read about it.

      From the day he was arrested, he remained in jail until the trial, and was sentenced to life in jail, after twenty-five years he was released, he eventually disappeared during a nasty hurricane which devastated Dominica in the 1970’s Bail for Elijah was never an option!

      The judicial system in our country is riddled with corrupt individuals, from the police to the higher authorities, the people who makes the decisions to prosecute, or set free. I am speaking from personal experience, my nephew was slaughtered in Wesley. Some murderer slashed his throat, and is still out there.

      My niece was…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 14, 2015

        My niece was literally beaten to death last year, the culprit is in St. Lucia, or probable back in Dominica, the police has yet to bring this bit of trash to justice. This murderer is going to get off lightly as all the others with a slap on his risk, when he should be hung for the heinous crime which he committed.

        The attempted murder of Gong Emanuel is unsolved, if the police in Dominica is not capable of solving such crimes: If the government you support ask the FBI, or the British Scotland Yard for help the crimes in question would be solved. The government of Dominica is not interested in eradicating crime in Dominica. The population of Dominica is too small to be so overwhelm with so much violent crime.

        Remember this one? A woman killed tow of her children in Dominica, somebody in Dominica, not a medical doctor, decide she is crazy, mentally ill, there she is not capable of standing trial, the psychiatrists in Dominica ( I doh calling him name cause him related to me)…

      • Francisco Telemaque
        April 14, 2015

        The psychiatrist examine the woman, and found that she was in a her perfect frame of mind. The judiciary in Dominica seems to have helped the woman to escape to Canada, stating the Canadian government is involved, and they will see to it that she gets psychological, and mental treatment in Canada.

        We have proof that from the day she landed back in Canada, she did not visit with as any doctor, however, she was found in a club, nightclub dancing partying and enjoying life. That is Dominica, that is the way our judicial system works! You are on DNO supporting a government which upholds the wrong in our country, and has the nerve to mention God in your thing, I read all of you comments of today. They stink, if you do not believe me ask Elizabeth, who I know is going to tell me (doh call she name in me ting!).


  8. Yanis Varoufakis
    April 13, 2015

    We need the right to bear arms in Dominica so people caught in the cross fire can defend themselves.

  9. just saying
    April 13, 2015

    hmm elio did my son a whole lot, waited for him in Point Michel bus stop terrorise him and we let it pass, every dog has it’s day

    • The Facts
      April 15, 2015

      One is from Pointe Michel and the other is from Bath Estate. How did these two lives cross? Something happened to cause this fracas and then murder. What was it?
      Why did you not encourage him to report it to the police? Why did you allow it to go on and on until it came to this and your son murdered him?
      Even then, how did it happen that he had a gun in an entertainment area. How did he obtain the gun and from whom? The police will determine if it was licensed or not. If it was not, then he will also be charged for carrying an unlicensed gun and in an entertainment area.
      It appears he was looking for trouble why he carried the gun. He had it in mind at the first opportunity to murder. Why else would anyone carry a gun? There is no excuse for murder.
      Remember Cain and Abel in the Book of Genesis? No one can go before God and say I murdered my brother because he was unkind to me. God accepts no excuse for murder.
      Sorry, the Law is, he must be held accountable.

  10. meme
    April 13, 2015

    Hmmmm Dummi- nicans n their bull crap! Always quick to judge!!. This can happen to any and every one!!… all you hypocrite

  11. hustler
    April 13, 2015

    All you Dominicans is one set of jokers. Some people choose that life and like that life.. Calling them self Gangster. Bad man but are you?In the streets shit like this happens. Choose your life wisely. Because this is the out come. Money let them talk that’s what they do best. But R.I.P Elio. Your away from this desturbed world.

  12. rogerthat
    April 13, 2015

    Who is in charge of putting our writing on DNO. What are you frightened of or who are you in bed with?? Get real please! Let us get Dominica on track and stop the bail clinic for alleged murderers!!!!

  13. rogerthat
    April 13, 2015

    The lawyers should start to be ashamed of themselves. Dominica is in a drastic state. The lawyers should start to care about Dominica. Stop this bail clinic for alleged murderers. I am a Christian, you can’t take the money with you when you are dead!! These lawyers could very well go down in the history of Dominica in a very bad way. I think they should look at what they are doing big time!! Wake up lawyers and smell the coffee, one way or another justice will be done!!

  14. PoKeSa
    April 13, 2015

    A little secret to share with the youth…

    Granny used to tell me that there’s no BAD man (person) living on planet earth and how all BAD men (people) are DEAD. If you are living and claim to be BAD then you’re not BAD.

    When Granny talked I listened, so put it in your pipe and smoke it!

    • Lex
      April 14, 2015

      true thing 100 percent

  15. peanut brain
    April 13, 2015

    I would hate to be a lawyer!! How can one represent an alleged murderer get them bail and sleep at night!! Not a job for me. I feel very sorry for the lawyers indeed. They have to live with their conscience!! There must be a sideline in the system that allows alleged murderers to get bail! So if the perpetrator commits murder again on bail how does this affect the conscience of the lawyer. However, the perpetrators know where to go to get bail!

  16. No long talk
    April 13, 2015

    Come out dre all of allu that dre wif allu foolish talk….idk elio buh money not a person to just pull out a gun n shoot somebody like that….he is that calm kind of person… must have been something elio did to him that’s why he did that….I not saying good for elio but somebody needed to deal with him….however, not in that kind of way….anyway….sorry eh Money….n hold strong….both families……

  17. Hope
    April 13, 2015

    Arthur, I know you are not that type of person, you had to be provoked. Sometimes it just takes a second for us to make the wrong decision. Hold strong and praying for you and your family. We all make mistakes but God is the only one who can judge us.

    • Dkisgustec
      April 13, 2015

      He going to a casual event with a gun and hr noy that kind of person

      • The Facts
        April 15, 2015

        I would not put my hand in fire for people who carry guns and in an entertainment area.
        Someone stated the picture of him is an old one. Nevertheless, the face on the picture does not look like a nice one.
        Some of us who do not own and carry guns must be the most perfect people on earth. :lol:
        Thank God we do not get into trouble. We trust in the Lord. Jesus, I place my trust in You. I put my life in Your Hands.

    • Tati
      April 13, 2015

      I like that.. positive thinking. You’ll prosper in life!

    • Peeping Tom
      April 13, 2015

      Maybe you really do not know him as much as you thought.

      BTW, did you say that he made a “mistake”…that the alleged crime is some innocent gaff on his part? How does a sane human mistakenly take an armed firearm to a public dance and then mistakenly decide to point that gun at an unarmed human and mistakenly pull the trigger, not once? Do you see a “mistake” in here? If he had shot your mother, father, spouse, or child, would you be so quick to suggest that “de youtman juss make a mistake man?”

      I am so proud NOT to be a Dominican.

      • Tati
        April 14, 2015

        Aa.. Peeping Tom i don’t know what you are. But the last time i checked your nationality doesn’t define who you are. What happen dominicans alone that killing nu? All u people could be soo narrow minded

      • The Facts
        April 15, 2015

        Well, Peeping Tom, where have you been peeping? :lol:
        You are correct. Some are quick to make excuses. Some mistake, taking a man’s life. If it were a relative or a friend it would be another story from them.

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      We already have a debt to pay to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Then you murder your brother in him. Is this the manner in which you repay Our Lord for what He has done for us?
      In order to appease God and to obtain his forgiveness, it is imperative that he turn to God with a humble and contrite heart, pay him homage and ask forgiveness.
      Forgiveness requires restitution. He cannot bring his victim back. However, he must make some form of restitution as prayer, penance and sacrifice to appease God and to be forgiven by him. Even to the victim even though he may not be able to see and hear him from eternity, he must say “I am sorry” and mean it. Then he should also ask the victim’s family to forgive him and for placing them through this grief..
      Even though he receives punishment from the law as imprisonment, it will still not be sufficient for God to forgive him. He must make atonement to God for killing his fellowman.
      No effective lawyer can assist him with this.

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      Just whom do you think God is? Taking him for granted? We do know that He will not be taken for granted. He cannot be deceived.
      If as you presume that there could have been a confrontation why he shot the man dead, anyone who is provoked could turn and walk away. He did not have to shoot the man. Two wrongs never make a right.
      How can you state people make mistakes in this case? The intent of those who shoot people is to kill them. When people point a gun at another, they say in their heart, “I do not care whether you live or die. I will kill you and finish you up for life.” This is disrespect for a God-Given precious life. Furthermore, it is total disregard for God who created him. It is lack of love to more precise.
      Do you know any earthly Law that will pass it off as a mistake?
      No matter how good a lawyer is, the murderer must bear the punishment from God, even though he receives an earthly punishment which he must, for murder.

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      Holding a gun and then shooting a person is not a wrong decision. It is a deliberate decision.
      Do you know the saying, “Who knows what lurks in the heart of man?”
      You know him on the surface. You do not know his inner core; not as God knows him.

  18. ian
    April 13, 2015

    Little black boys, go to school and learn!!! :-?

  19. cece
    April 13, 2015

    Magwaysar!!!!. If you looking for justice the last place to
    Come is Dominica. ..Someone will kill today and roam
    The street of Roseau free tomorrow. …hmmmmmm. Only
    God knows.

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      We hope some day soon this could be eradicated. It is high time justice prevails in D/ca.

  20. Langue kabwit
    April 13, 2015

    It is so sad in our community these days that young people cannot solve a problem without killing each other. Whether we have children or not we all have to go down on our knees and pray for them because both families are hurting now. Elio may not have been the best guy but he was somebody’s child also Arthur is alive but his family has just as much pain.

  21. pin
    April 13, 2015

    elio was too troublesome.dont pretend like u all dont know

    • Tjebe fort
      April 13, 2015

      Yes, but that does not justify cold blooded killing like that. If our justice system is not working it is worse than the jungle, that is hell itself.

  22. pacman
    April 13, 2015

    hold strong money

  23. Titiwi
    April 13, 2015

    Boy, bail again I guess. I think I’ll become a lawyer and specialize in bail. There is money in that. Who is putting up all that bail anyway, I thought Dominica people are broke because that is what I’m hearing every day.

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      Well, Titiwi, you have noted his name is “money.” This is questionable. It appears he has a lot of money. The question is, why is he called money? Does he have money? If so, how did he obtain it? It sounds as if with a name as that is one who is involved with drugs or other shady actions No one is named as such without a reason.
      Strange, I am hearing on the US Catholic Radio that the host of the program is saying, “God said, no killing whatsoever, period!” A caller asked a relevant question and this was the host’s response.

  24. Blessed
    April 13, 2015

    Innocent until proven guilty!!! The case must go through the court so stop judging!!!! Only the Almighty can judge and know the outcome of the case. Arthur so SAD to see you in such a situation. I do hope you find Jesus and commit your life to him. All things happen for a reason … Let Jesus Shine through it ALL. No sin is Greater than another repent Jesus forgives died on the cross for you. He came for sinners not for the Righteous!!!!

    • Tjebe fort
      April 13, 2015

      Jesus never walk around with a gun!!!!!!

      • Tati
        April 13, 2015

        Your comment is as stupid as you.. everyone knows that booboo!

    • Yanis Varoufakis
      April 13, 2015

      “And let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.” Luke 22:36 :wink:

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      What do you mean no sin is greater than another? This is a downright lie! Consider all the sins that people can commit. There are some venial sins and there are mortal sins. Comparing each one, they are not one and the same.
      You have been falsely indoctrinated. I will simply state to you, pray to God for enlightenment. Those false teachers will be accountable to God for teaching what is false, offering their followers false hopes and promises and leading them astray. Some people will one day pay for their false teachings.

      • Amarossa
        April 14, 2015

        I always had a problem with this concept myself.

        So what you trying to tell me, I on de same level with Hitler?? I have to take de same amount of hell fire as Hitler because I fornicating??

  25. hmmm
    April 13, 2015

    He was charged n even if he stock farm ….these days when u kill u walk away free so ntn won’t surprise me cause Dominica has no law shame on Dominica smh but who I’m I to judge huh I’ll live that to d Almighty he sees all things

  26. fed up
    April 13, 2015

    And what about the justice for his victims ? He could well end up kill somebody for a golden chain. He was terrorizing people (he try to take mine in Roseau, and take my child friend own). I not sory, l just know he will not try again…

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      I do feel sorry that this occurred to you and others had a similar experience. How was he living his life when he returned to D/ca? Did he try to live a law-abiding life? Nevertheless, he was murdered and this is the issue we are presently discussing.
      Do not forget what Our Lord taught us, “If you do not forgive from the heart, neither will my heavenly Father forgive you.” Those are hard words but the Lord has spoken. He will not rescind his words which we are obligated to follow.
      Do not rebel against this man. You are also rebelling against God. While on earth if you expect to have peace of heart and mind, you must pray to God and ask him to heal your heart of hatred.
      Heaven is made up of only those who love, of peace and unity. Hearts must be cleansed from all stain of sin to obtain eternal salvation.

  27. ArAb
    April 13, 2015

    You need to be charged for first possession of a fire arm and intent to harm. I would blame the court, society and our laws for the murder since they had such a dangerous kid such as Eli walking the streets. I don’t know what lead to the incident but it would be good to hear the other side. 10 years in prison should be appropriate.

  28. April 13, 2015

    That’s not a recent photo r.i.p ELIO

  29. The Usual thing
    April 13, 2015

    Over the weekend he was assisting police with investigation. Today he is charged for the murder of Elio Edwards of Pointe Michel. He is represented Zena Moore Dyer. The matter has been set for August 25th in St. Joseph. The verdict will be: case dismissed. This is the pattern seen in the New Dominica where nothing is unusual.

    • Tati
      April 13, 2015

      And so what?? Mistakes happens in the blink of an eye.. By the way if u predict the future Arthur doesn’t. Smh!

  30. April 13, 2015

    Justice will be srved for my little cousin. No one has the right to kill any one. How can you sleep at nights when you murder someone? How fo you think the family feel his grand other wss buried last week you b..t..d

    • Peeping Tom
      April 13, 2015

      Did you cry for justice for the many victims of your deceased cousin?

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      Did he not know that he will have to bear the consequences of his action for murder?
      No matter what, this man should not have killed him. He has relatives as you who will mourn his loss.
      Today I attended a funeral of a young man. It was an accidental death. After the funeral I also spoke to one of his brothers who was visibly sad and extended my sympathy. I said to him, I know how it hurts. To another, it is not easy to lose a loved one. It is painful and takes time to heal. It is not something which will go away now. Only time heals the pain while memories of loved ones remains. Sooner or later all of us will go through this pain and grief of losing a loved one. It does not matter who the person is.
      It is fitting for me to extend my sincere condolence to you and your family. Take heart. God is always with the grieving family, comforting you and blessing you.

    • anonymous
      April 14, 2015

      How did he sleep knowing he knocked out someone and walked away…not giving a rats end whether the person is dead or alive. I am not rejoicing this young mans death but you guys should stop being hypocrite. Elio almost left my child father less for a gold chain. I am not hearing you guys talking about that. As they said, you’re bad when you are alive but when you are dead you were the nicest person on this earth. STOP THE HYPOCRISY!

    • Annoyed
      April 14, 2015

      I hate hypocrites, I understand he left family members behind, I understand that he left loved ones, but how many people he terrorizing in town, how many people he hurt, where were all of you that talking about him, why did you all not do anything to keep him on the right track. That child had to many chances to change his life and he did not see it fit to do. If we so love people we should be straight with them and assist in bettering their lives. It could have been the way around if he did not die. I say to the family and loved ones of the deceased and to all other persons who have the same kind of people, take that as a wake up call and start to show what is true love by assisting our child, children or loved one who is terrorizing people to go on the right track.

  31. Mamzel X
    April 13, 2015

    oh ok I know mister….

    *shrugs*…you have a good lawyer. that’s all i can say

    • The Facts
      April 13, 2015

      That good lawyer better be careful that she does not have criminals of all acquitted while she collects an exorbitant sum of money for her services and gets richer.
      Know that God is taking note of her actions. He is also taking note of what is occurring in Dominica and everyone especially the D/can authorities. They better govern themselves responsibly for they will have to answer to God. He will not exempt them because they are attorneys and government officials. His justice must always prevail throughout the land.

      • Anonymous
        April 14, 2015

        Life is so screwed Facts. When you stand still and think about it, crime actually pays for lawyers. Isn’t that something.

  32. sweet shabine
    April 13, 2015

    Smh.. Jah guide :cry: :cry:

  33. Lang Mama
    April 13, 2015

    For every bad John there is a “bader John” and to every “Bader John” there is Mr bad Jail and his mistress hang them.

    April 13, 2015

    well now his photo shows he look like the world is now on his shoulder. Dem guys playing bad, they can kill, they aggressive,do people what thdey want, they believe they above he law, but now they in police hand, you cannot imagine is those same badjohn with the innocent looking face. So what they think they will go scott free. Its time something is done, too many people being terrorized these days, because bad boys think there is no law no constitution. It is a fact this is how criminals think these days. None of us are safe, and I mean none, including innocent by-standers

    • Peace
      April 13, 2015

      Ummm … have you been following the news in Dominica for the past several years? Why do you think this man, or any of these “badjohn” would worry or have the weight of the world on their shoulder. Every single one of them get out on bail; commit more crimes while on bail (sometimes another murder) and in the end, nothing happens to them. Sadly, this is the new normal in our land.

      • The Facts
        April 13, 2015

        Woe to the Dominican authorities, attorneys and all who allow this. Just think! God is above and looking on patiently. Let them keep acquitting those criminals to create more havoc in the land and terrify innocent people. Their day is coming and soon enough. All that money they get, they cannot take a cent with them to eternity.
        It is better to keep criminals in jail. It is good for society and good for them. There, they could not re-offend and harm anyone. They should also try to rehabilitate them especially the younger ones.

    • April 13, 2015

      but the one who died was the same, so invalid comment

      • The Facts
        April 13, 2015

        He is now gone. Try to determine if he harmed others in recent months. If not, he could have been trying to mend his ways. You never know.
        It is now being stated on US Catholic Radio that Pope Francis is calling for “merciful love and compassion.”
        He is instituting this year, from December 8th to next year at the same time as “The Year of Mercy.” This may be inspired by God, in view of what is occurring in the world.
        We must be merciful to everyone. However, those who commit crimes must be dealt with by the Law of the land, as in this case of the man who committed murder.

  35. Sha
    April 13, 2015

    Thats it justice be serve for elio

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