Boyd-Knights wins IPO case


The Speaker of the House of Assembly Alix Boyd-Knights has won her case against the Integrity in Public Office Commission.

Mrs. Boyd-Knights was among 25 others in public life who was charged for failing to declare their assets before the IPO before March 31st 2009.

Chief Magistrate Everlina Baptiste upheld a no case submission made by Attorney at Law Francine Baron Royer.

“The prosecution had to make their case. They had one witness who was the secretary at the time. She said I filed something and after she made her case the prosecution closed. My attorney made a submission of no case and she pointed out that they hadn’t shown what I had filed, they haven’t shown what I ought to have filed.” Mrs. Knight said.

Mrs. Knight said the prosecution was unable to prove its and she feels vindicated.

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  1. Richards
    October 13, 2011

    This is just a front. This mater was already won long before its conclusion. Some very ravenous and diabolic people are holding very influencial positions in this country.

  2. kiki
    October 6, 2011

    gee de up alix

  3. Porssie
    October 6, 2011

    Trying to get justice in Dominica is like trying to get cocaine powder from a crack dealer. The crack dealer will base cocaine with anything that is white and powdered. While Dominicans trying to get justice from the justice system the justice system keeps provide crack justice- full of insincerity and impurities.

    • ?
      October 6, 2011

      Nice one

    • Justice and Truth
      October 8, 2011

      @ Porssie

      Look at both sides. Do not be one-sided. Please do not bring down your country and the justice system. Be patriotic, fair and just.

  4. Justice and Truth
    October 6, 2011

    Congratulations Alix. You have won and are acquitted. They did not show proof. You stated that you had filed on time.
    Since when do people, government officials or the public who do not file their income tax on time are they taken to Court in a few months? Or did I miss out on something else which was stated? I do not comprehend this Dominican Law.
    I reside in a country that some people do not file for years. Of course, if they owe the government they will have to pay up and with interest. After filing late or not if they owe the government they must make arrangements to pay. If it is an exorbitant sum and they are not able to pay in full, a monthly arrangement will be made. The government will contact their financial institution to take out money from their account, whatever they owe or some of it or could also garnish their wages.
    If they failed to declare all their income and assets, depending on the amount they could be charged and also be imprisoned.
    If there is one thing people do not like to do is to file their income tax. It is what we call a pain in the neck, stating it mildly. :) Many are late in filing.
    Of course, it is always wise to file on time and to honestly declare all income and assets for the government will find out sooner or later. Better be honest than sorry.
    I call filing on time, getting it over and done with. However, I do not see why they were taken to Court for failing to file their income tax return on time and also to publicize their names. This should be a confidential matter between the government and those who failed to file on time. It should not be revealed to the public. This is another matter which needs to be amended. If this is the Dominican Law can someone inform me further about that?
    On another political note, I better hurry up. I have to vote today. The Polls are opened. We are voting to elect an Ontario – Provincial government. I hope the Party that I support wins. The Media and, the Polls conducted indicate that we will have a minority government. I believe that this is a ploy to lead the voters on and to vote for the ruling Party. It is not difficult to surmise that the Media or most of them are in favour of the Ontario Premier. I wished that the Media would be neutral and not provide their views. It could prejudice a lot people from voting for the other Parties. That is Canadian politics. There are three Parties who are vying for the Premiership. The one that I support comes second to the ruling one.
    These days it is difficult to decide who to vote for. The Party that I support is not presently the ruling one and the Leader may not win as Premier of Ontario but I wish him all the best. When the Polls close tonight we will know. As usual, every one will be glued to their TV and/or Radio. Time will tell. Come what may.
    Have a great day fellow Dominicans and may God bless you!

    • ?
      October 6, 2011

      Oh my gosh. Use that talent of yours and start writing books, PLEASE!!!!

      • Justice and Truth
        October 8, 2011


        Thank you for the compliment. You are so correct. I also love writing as much as I love reading educational and interesting information whether it is in the form of a book or On Line as on DNO. :lol: It is never my intention that my writing get long. It just happens as thoughts run through my mind.
        I am also a private advocate. On occasion I write my MP and MPP on certain matters. This also includes the local Media where I reside.
        I have considered this for years. I have a lot of information which I wrote. Much of this comes through my head, heart and mind and hopefully, through inspiration including my experience, observation and what I hear and read about.
        I have stated that I will write a few books on various matters. My family and friends continue to ask me when are you going to write the book(s). I keep saying, may God grant me this opportunity while I am capable of doing so.
        My plan is also to write about certain matters pertaining to Canada and the Province in which I reside in and how the system works. I do believe that people (no exception myself) have a lot to learn and to know.
        Once again, thank you for your positive feedback. I greatly appreciate it. All of us need encouragement.
        By the way, the Party I voted for did not win the election. It got some more votes, taken away from the ruling Party. The ruling Party did get a minority government although close to a majority.
        There is no doubt that the big financial wheels and the Media including some other of his supporters obviously were the ones who caused him to be elected again. This is his third term. I do think that two terms were enough and that there should be a Law as in the U.S. for two terms only. We need a change of Premier. Sometimes they get stale in their thinking as well.
        This was a Party I had supported for years but through the years, weighing out their actions, I switched to another Party. This is the ruling Party in Parliament as Prime Minister who was elected again this year in May. I like his style and action.
        How much people forget that specifically in the previous year various taxes were increased and they were/are angry about it including other matters which they were not pleased with and yet they voted for this Party. I took a mental note of them.
        I hope that the next time around he will win the premiership. He is still new at being a Leader of his Party. As he said Ontarians gave the ruling Party “a short leash”. I like the latter two words. :) They are getting closer.
        It appears that we breathe, drink eat and sleep politics. :lol: Only in October 2010 we elected a new Mayor. Then there are times there are by-elections. This is also a way of life for us. We have our fair share of political concerns and frustration.
        We have three levels of government including Councillors and others whom we vote for, the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments. The latter is responsible for the City as roads, water, etc. Our taxes are high.
        Today the talk is all about cutting costs, reducing the deficit, laying-off staff, increasing taxes and public transportation. Just a few. God help us indeed!
        Politics in this day and age is not what it used to be in previous years be it also in DA. People also expect more from the politicians. All the same we must be fair and just.
        Much more could be stated about that.
        May God bless you and your family!

    • October 13, 2011

      Justice and Truth, empty barrels make the most noise, asked the PM to fix your village road, this is DA not Canada, enjoy whatever you have in Canada and let Dominican stand for what they believe

  5. I'mWondering
    October 6, 2011

    Honestly, the law is the law is the law…. if she was taken to court, then the prosecution had to present its case.

    A case cannot go forth if there is no evidence against the accused.

    What is this – she is right. If the prosecution witness says that the defendant filed a document – then the prosecution should present that document as evidence and let the defendant prove or disprove whether she filed that document…. if the prosecution said that the defendant failed to file – then they should show what documents were needed to be filed….
    ….. “they hadn’t shown what I had filed, they haven’t shown what I ought to have filed”… they didn’t – so the case had to be DISMISSED! There’s no merit to that.

    Dominicans are on one side of justice – people talking about JUSTICE but fail to understand the Law and how it works in the court.

    The laws are there to protect everyone – guilt is not determined outside the courts – the COURTS are the rulers of guilty and innocent when issues go before them.

    No matter what the public says – the truth remains – if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.

    Perhaps Dominicans should complain about the Prosecutors taking these cases to court without substantial evidence, or any evidence.

    • No Case
      October 6, 2011

      One question to you legal eagle, how can the prosecution present what she should have filed when she didn’t file it? Isn’t there a case for her to answer and proved she filed it? This is a crime of ommission, in that SHE FAILED TO FILE HER DECLARATION. The prosecution only has to alledge that she failed to file and then the onus is on her to either prove she filed or that she had reasonable cause not to file. It is like you are charged for not having vehicular insurance; must the prosecution bring a copy of an insurance form and say it is something like this you did not file, or should you take the stand and say here is my insurance and I filed it!!! Let Common sense Prevail

      • La vie
        October 6, 2011

        She DID file and her receipt proving she had filed was tendered in court. That receipt was THE ONLY DOCUMENT that was put in evidence in the entire hearing and that was put in by her attorney. And what is more the secretary who was the only witness brought by the prosecution admitted that she had ok’ed the receipt. The IPO said she filed on the wrong form. They did not show the court either what she had filed or what she was supposed to file. What did the court have to go by to find her guilty? What is so difficult in that to understand? Now the other lady who the IPO took to court…. Did she file anything at all? And if the facts of her case are really like Mrs Boyd’s own then maybe she should appeal.

    • execute command.
      October 6, 2011

      they think they can fool people…..we know where all of them living

  6. Deauditor
    October 6, 2011

    Where is the DPP in all this? When are we going to get a real man to represent the people and do some work for us in our court ? And, by the way who is going to pay Alix Boyd’s lawyer fee ?

  7. Anonymous
    October 6, 2011

    when these sorts of things happen we ought to ask ourselves just what the hell is going on in this country. how can two people be brought to court on identical matters and one gets away while the other does not?

    from what i hear madame speaker had to file a specific form which she did not. if that is the case then she did not meet the requirements of the law – plain and simple.

    but doh worry my people. soon and very soon these people and their wickedness will meet face to face!!!

  8. fanchewskarewrit
    October 6, 2011


  9. Torrey
    October 6, 2011

    The truth about Dominica is you can get away with any crime once it cannot be proven.

  10. John
    October 5, 2011

    “she pointed out that they hadn’t shown what I had filed, they haven’t shown what I ought to have filed.” But I thought that is what she was charged with that she HADN’T filed. So if she is admitting that she didn’t, why was the No case submission upheld? Lol

  11. DA4real
    October 5, 2011

    Guess she had a good defense Attorney and the prosecution did not prove their case. She said it was a no case submission and I guess that means that there was not a case because prosecution did not present anything of substance to deliberate about.

  12. Remember the Bible
    October 5, 2011

    Papa bondieu help Dominica. Win what, when they sanction another lower officer for the very same time that this woman claims she win about? When is this nonsense going to stop in this country? What is this a all? Is Dominica still a state or is it now the wild, wild West. What a travesty?? Jesus Christ that is Dominica? How did it deteriorate to this state of decay so rapidly? How?

  13. The truth
    October 5, 2011

    Alix won, lets wait and see…….What eles is new in DA? corruption corruption cprruption

  14. BZness
    October 5, 2011

    “Deyen tori qi ni tori”. She is braging that she won the case but what she must tell us is what forms did she file and why the identical case involving another person ended up the exact opposite. Wait till the rest of the story comes out. The very same way I dislike the UWP cry babies is the very same way I dislike the corrupt current system in Dominica. Is that the way things work in Dominica – no due diligence just serve the corrupt prince and your legal troubles shall pass.

    I have never seen so much blatant corruption in such a compact environment.

      October 5, 2011

      that other person needs to appeal the matter and take her case to all the other persons charged.

  15. 1979 LIVES!!!
    October 5, 2011

    admin in my line of work…. hmmmmmmm if you only knew……. I’ve got all my certs. A+, Network+, Inet+ and im now going to start my bachelors. technology is beautiful you never know what you will find on and old abandoned HDD, server, or unprotected network…

    • Jayson
      October 5, 2011

      You might just find a prison sentence waiting for you…! :mrgreen:

      • execute command.
        October 6, 2011

        what sentence you talking about??? just try and create a monster out of me and all these corrupt people will pray and wish they hadnt committed their crimes against the people of dominica… prison???? for one set ?????? with the things I know???? any attempt to lock me up will only open pandoras box, allu think I going down like denny????

        • Remember the Bible
          October 6, 2011

          Save Dominica please, tell us everything you know that may help to open the eyes of the people. We need some people who care enough and who the brave enough to release the cats they know are in the bags.. Help us please, do it for Ma. Domnique.

  16. Conscious
    October 5, 2011

    de DPP Office do tired lose cases?Shucks, man!

    • October 5, 2011

      The DPP represents who? Just answer that and tell me if she could ever lose. They are all in this together

  17. October 5, 2011

    Is this story one of those puzzles where one has to find the missing peices?

  18. possitive
    October 5, 2011

    If the IPO was a UWP institution she would be suing them all now so, bache… london bridge dat falling down, hypocrite and two-faced, chinese cabinet

  19. ..........
    October 5, 2011

    sue their backside. too much incompetence in this place

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