FULL STORY: Judge advises Benjamin to control his urges

Deveril Benjamin

A five-woman, four-man jury has found 48-year-old Deveril Benjamin of Mahaut guilty of bestiality in which he is accused of having sex with a cow named Sally on Oct. 27, 2008 in Cochrane.

The cow was put to death by its owner two months later because a vet had deemed the cow “useless” after the incident with Benjamin, a labourer and fisherman.

Benjamin escaped imprisonment but he was ordered to pay $12,000 compensation to the owner of the deceased cow. The sum represents the cost of the cow and the calves it would have had. The first $4,000 is to be paid by the end of this month. He is ordered to pay the balance in monthly instalments of $800, starting November 30, 2010.

For every payment he fails to make, he will serve three weeks in prison, and on release he would still have to settle the outstanding debt. Benjamin was also handed a three-year jail sentence, suspended for three years.

The convicted man was working on a construction project in Cochrane at the time he had sex with the cow for 15 to 20 minutes, according to court records.

The jury arrived at the verdict after approximately one hour and 20 minutes. Justice Birnie Stephenson-Brooks handed down the sentence.

The complainant Lawrence Laville told the court under oath that his 800-pound heifer was valued at $3,200 and he would have expected to breed it up to three or four times in it’s lifetime.

In a plea of mitigation for his client, attorney Darius Jones asked the court for leniency on behalf of his client. He told the court that his client and family had been subject to a huge amount of stigma since the incident.

“One thing that will not go away is the stigma of this offense and My Lady, it is something that transcends further than just the individual. His brother, his children, his nephew will carry that stigma for some time to come,” Jones told the court.

“He walks in the society even before this matter came to court with this weight on him and he has done so ever since the day he was arrested. It’s like a punishment that started from day one… It is a cross that someone has to bare,” Jones stated.

He further stated, “If someone referred to his brother… [Oh this is Cokay Beff brother], Jones told the court.

He added: “The defendant realizes that that the offense for which he is charged was an unnatural offense. We plead today that the shame that has befell his family…. We live in a very small society where news travels fast and people don’t forget. We’re asking that you see that also as part punishment.”

The offense of bestiality – a man having vaginal or anal sexual intercourse with a male or female animal – carries the maximum sentence of 10 years, according to the court.

Before passing sentence, Justice Stephenson-Brooks acknowledged the convicted man’s involvement in community as he was said to be a cultural musician and dancer, who supports his family.

She frowned however, on his past criminal record, though stating, “You have lived the last 20 years of your life clean…”

“There is some amount of remorse…. I will also take into consideration what your lawyer refers to as the stigma that you … now carry in your community, “Justice Stephenson-Brooks told Benjamin.

“You must control your urges because the jurors have found that it is a matter of fact that you did not control your urges on the morning of the incident,” the judge stated.

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  1. Destiny
    October 17, 2010

    Cokay Beff definitely needs psychological evaluation!!!!!!!!!!I I can imagine the shame he puts his family through. He needs prayer only God can forgive him now .

  2. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 16, 2010

    @idi amin:

    idi amin:

    Watch out! The FBI may be after you. :-) You do know what “idi amin” did and his history. He is not a man of good repute; never was. Be careful about such a name. The FBI may fly to Dominica in less than no time to see if they can catch you. Choose a reputable On-Line name.

  3. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 16, 2010


    Are you a born-Dominican resident or not? Dominica being a predominantly Catholic Christian country in those days, when I resided in Dominica we did not have Muslims residing in Dominica. I have returned home a few times and never heard of Muslims residing in Dominica. What happened? Why all of a sudden there are Muslims in Dominica? What is going on in Dominica?

  4. Aunty G
    October 16, 2010

    I am proud to be a DOMINICAN! Ignorance comes in many forms. It does not take the doing of the Prime Minister. Apparently you didn’t escape! You just show us who you are. IGNORAMUS!

  5. Not Nice
    October 16, 2010

    he did not hear the cow say moo oo ve.

  6. blackberry356
    October 15, 2010

    @Justice: I feel the same way you feel.

  7. blackberry356
    October 15, 2010

    @child: yes and enjoying it too.

  8. sunshine
    October 15, 2010

    I think the judge made a mistake in this case. This poor guy should be given a psychological evaluation to see the status of his mentality first. It’s like when some kids needed glasses to see in school and instead they were labled “dumb”.
    Secondly, how in the world is this guy going to make $12,000 and added the consequences of a missed payment in this economically poor land?
    A punishment of “prison” would be more appropriate considering the stigma of shame on the whole community. I think this guy is being punished twice. his lawyer< or student lawyers should file an appeal on his behalf.
    When I was growing up as a kid, I heard about men "using" goats and sheep but never a cow.
    Their punishment were a few "shillings" and left at the mercy of teasing of the community.
    Deveril needs a second chance. Everyone is entitled to a second chance.

  9. child
    October 14, 2010

    but how did they calculate his time….was somebody looking and not stoping him

  10. Anonymous
    October 14, 2010

    u people take everything for a joke,the name really suit u all [dummy] nicans ,thats how skerrit turn u all stupid .really glad i left when i did

    • pissed
      May 18, 2011

      u kno they should really ban you from this site u kno if u think we are so dumb dont look at our news if your a dominican ur more stupid than any of us for calling all dominicans on a hold stupid this includes ur self and where does skerrit come in in this its people like u that cause me 2 not want to look at the comment section of DNO

  11. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 14, 2010


    You err. You are referring to the Old Testament and not the New Testament. We do need the Old Testament. However, it is a mistake which many people make, to forget the reason why Our Lord Jesus Christ came to earth.
    For God so loved the world that He sent His Only Son that whoever believes in Him might be saved if they have obeyed His (Our) Heavenly Father’s Will. Through His sufferings and crucifixion, to forgive sins, if we ask His forgiveness and have a humble and contrite heart.
    Our Lord said that, “I did not come for the righteous but for the sinners.” Now, who in the world is righteous to begin with?
    What the man did was awful. It is disgraceful. Everyone knows what he did. It is something which he has to bear for the rest of his life. I think that he is a sick man, mortally (morally) and spiritually. He does need psychiatric counseling. He also needs the blessing and grace of God.
    God forgives. Why don’t you?

  12. Truth, Justice and Peace
    October 14, 2010


    Go to the archives to find out. The cow got sick; was hemorrhaging after this terrible thing happened to him which is why it was put down.

  13. Reason
    October 14, 2010

    This is very strange: A man has sex with a cow and he pays compensation and gets a rap on the knucles from the judge and goes home if he pays.

    A man is caught making love to his boyfriend and he is sentenced to ten years in jail. So the law in Dominica saying that it is better to have sex with an animal than with a fellow human being!

    These old colonial laws that we love so much are really strange. But we like it so.

  14. looking in from the outside
    October 14, 2010

    Wait a while,,,,in “Cochrane” that happen?
    Benjamin,,,,,working in the wrong place at the wrong time….”cock-ran” got stopped by sally. Shame on you Benjie

  15. mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    October 14, 2010


  16. Mr Sout City
    October 14, 2010

    So what happen to the cow meat the throw it away? I hope so because if they sold it then that just wrong. I am not saying that the man was right for having sex with the cow cause that just nasty. But if the owner killed the cow and sell the meat them what the hell is the accuse paying 12000 dollars for.

  17. aka hangdem 4kerz
    October 14, 2010


  18. eddie
    October 14, 2010

    wat u people talkin bout the doc is my friend the main reason the doc killed the cow is because they found out it was pregnant we dont want such creatures on earth

  19. help
    October 14, 2010

    i think what that kill him when he said if he did it or not he will say he did not the crime ,should just keep ur head thats u did not its not a nice thing and will never do that lol

  20. cookie
    October 14, 2010

    The owner wanted a virgin but the man took the cow”s virginity.Thats why the owner deemed it useless and put it to sleep! lol!

  21. Fairplay
    October 14, 2010

    @VALDA BRUNO DURAND: how long your man lasting; ONE MINUTE??? LOL. woman, you are no getting good sex. 15 to 20 minutes is the minimum time needed to satisfy the average woman. is your man bringing you to a climax ?

    October 14, 2010

    the person who said they saw the man doing that,i hope you are speaking the truth because if not your punishment will be tripple.i was not there i did not see.but that case makes no sense if u tell me the man was mastuberting i would understand something how ever nothing is wrong with that.THE MAN IS POOR SO U GUYS TOOK ADVANTAGE AND TO THE MAGISTRATE JUDGE GOD WILL JUDGE YOU HE WOUNT BE NEEDING ANY WITHNESS OR JURY.GOD BLESS DOMINICA.

  23. lol
    October 14, 2010

    ya’ll crack me up. lol

  24. Nature Boy
    October 14, 2010

    @Lizavier4Jesus: Simply magnificently put. Amen to that.

  25. mad
    October 14, 2010

    if all u people really watch it,that thing looking like is a make up story,from wat the eyewitness say to the owner of the cow,that thing doesn’t make sense at all.because if somebody see someone doing something like that, they would say something to that person.but God is good,if the man is not guilty in Gods presence,the owner an the eyewitness will face something worst than that in time to come.an i hope they’ll be prepared for that.i bet if that man had money the owner wouldn’t even reach in court 4 dat.

  26. The Analysts
    October 14, 2010

    Simple analysis which was over look, what was the height of the cow stand on it 4 legs, could the guy reach the cow virgina, I don’t think so; he would need a little extra height. People 2 years old cow in heat, is a grown up cow, which would be fully developed. There is no way this guy could reach that Cow virgina. This case should have been thrown out.

  27. eben look it
    October 14, 2010

    @Mahaut jammet living abroad: U know nothing , the witness was just on his normal days work when he saw the offence being committed

  28. Mabouche
    October 14, 2010

    Maybe i missed something but why was the cow deemed ”useless” after the incident ?

  29. Brain
    October 14, 2010

    @shocked: Shocked i am shocked to read wat u are saying would u have drink the milk or eat the meat

  30. bunny
    October 14, 2010

    so valda durand, why you had to sell out your husband like that?

  31. mystery
    October 14, 2010

    yes you are so right i do think that the Dominican legal sytem is trash ,Poor ppl stand no chance and some of these lawyers i just don’t know .i feel very sorry for that man and his family ,if he really do a thing like that he needs help ,

  32. hmmmmm
    October 14, 2010

    alas i feeling sorry for deh man wee but some of them that talking bad bout deh man who no what they taking deh man own out they have to think of they own now anyways r.i.p sally u die happy lol

  33. worried
    October 14, 2010

    please excuse my errors of some words, but i forgot to add. Those of you who chastise those involved in that case, should commend them instead. they had the testicular fortitude and moral conviction to do what is right. it must be damn embarrassing to those concerned hats off to you guys. I doubt that the people concerned planned to destroy the name of the gentleman, nor the veterinarian involved to bring into question his professional integrity and moral responsiblity. I know the order of the day is to forget moral and professional integrity, but some us us still have some and have sworn to oaths in that respect.
    All Dominicans must be involved in protecting this nation from all ills of society. God Bless Dominica

  34. worried
    October 14, 2010

    i have read with dismay some of the comments coming from Dominicans regarding this incident. This is an unforntunate situation. what is even more disturbing is the way we have gone after the justice system, the witnesses, and all froms of reason. the man committed a crime and needs to be held accountable. what about the rights of the animal from a welfare point of view: what about the right of the animal owner; why should an animal used for food or animal whatsoever be subjected to this. no wonder why in Dominica there is an increase in crime and violence, because we have lost our values, we blame everybody else for our mistakes and problems. to be balance I must say that i feel for his family as well, but it was not the justice system or the witnesses who took him to that level. he made his choices so let him deal with it. those of you who get gratification by saying that the witness enjoyed it, must try to walk in his shoes, many of you would fall when exposed to something natural such as your spouse or partner in a compromissing position, much less to an unatural act. Please come to your senses Dominicans, we need to stop the blame game, and stop undermining the structures of soceity designed to protect the citizens. I guess the next time a situation comes to the fore, no one should say it is wrong, and let the meat of the animal get into the food system so that your children can consume this possibily tainted meat.

  35. Mahaut jammet living abroad
    October 14, 2010

    I agree with you Dominican lover and where the hell is the proof, come on DNA, sperm some cow down on the man penis, NONE NONE NONE WHAT THE HELL. None I hope the witness rot in hell and I wonder if it was not him and he then pinned the blame on Deveril. And Dominican policemen wake up smell the coffee a crime or allegation of this magnitude should have more proof you guys go in court looking like fools and sometimes destroying other peoples lives. We all have to pay for our sins some way some how………………….do not ask what you have done when your turns come around…………….YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED…….LIARS AND HYPOCRITES

  36. sunshine
    October 14, 2010

    everybody is making fun out of that. its not a joke.it can happen to anybody. supposing it was one of your family members how would u feel? he was so wrong for doing that but we to like to make fun of things man. the man needs help. that is one thing about us in da. we take everything for granted. we need to change our state of minds. its time to start thinking positive can’t u see somebody like this needs help? that is not normal. and another thing what is good for the goose is good for the gander. the man putting the gun to somebodys head which is more dangerous got to pay a peanut fee and the poor guy has to pay a hefty fine so not fear. we need to look at our laws. it looks they judge u in da according to how poor or rich u are.

  37. unknown
    October 14, 2010

    i think the owner should not kill the cow. He should let the cow have the next calf and call it SALLY BENJAMIN. That man sick

  38. Yes-sar
    October 14, 2010

    With a name “sally” who can blame the man? He maybe took the brown skin of the cow for a leather suit.

  39. Bowick
    October 14, 2010

    Boy Dominicans not easy nuh.” KOKEY BEFF BROTHER”. So I guest the family is now called kokey Beff. If you combine the words it is a nice name (lol). I suspect the attorney was making fun of the guy. Shall we call the attorney “The Kokey Beff lawyer”

  40. sister in christ
    October 14, 2010

    a word for devil and his family hold strong in christ he alone knows if u did it our not
    if u is innocent,one’ day those jurys and the witness will pass infront, of the almighty god
    for all of us must pass there one day.may god bless u all . and i would like u to know, god still love u. I know it is not easy right now but god will give u strenght

  41. observer
    October 14, 2010

    this case is so flawed …

    wha happen ? the cow was so damaged that it could not have calves afterwards ?

    I am thinking that this guy went to court without a lawyer on his side.


  42. matter of time
    October 14, 2010

    All the women that are casting remarks, I wonder when you all will get caught violating the dogs and other animals. Women do the same to just have’nt get caught.

  43. Awajay
    October 14, 2010

    So wait a while, they can get a guilty verdict for a case that had no solid evidence, but up to now the legal system cannot break that money laundering scheme. Apparently that matter got swept under the rug because of the kind of names that were calling. It’s a real shame.

    That case was absolute nonsense. Asking the man if he find the cow bottom was big….I mean what’s the relevance. This case was all about sensationalism. I am very disappointed in Dominica’s legal system.

  44. idi amin
    October 14, 2010

    well all feel sorry for the guy. what i don’t like is dno having photos of guys like this poor fellow but never have pictures of murders accused so people can know the thugs in their hood. now everybody gonna call the man sally’s husband. that y i don’t eat beef cause is man wife lol

  45. grass root
    October 14, 2010

    I think the guy nedds help, just like the young lady from Mahaut who killed her children. It can also be seen from this case that animals are considered more than our young ladies in this country. Consider the guy getting three months for …daughter.God bless this nation

  46. sister in christ
    October 14, 2010

    who are we to judge him is only God who knows i am not saying it is right ,i being a christian know it is wrong in god sight.BUT we dominicain to fast to judge others when it is not us, or our family
    .Put u all guy in the place of his family how would u will fill. the only advice ican give is pray for your self your children if u all have and family .Because no one know there destiny what will become of u tomoro, .because the devil is wicked he dont chose who is his next target. the devil is there to kill and destroy to see who he can bring in hell with him .so be careful guys.is only God to judge him. MAY GOd bless u all dominca,i am not leaving in dominica , but i will be praying for my country

  47. nonesense
    October 14, 2010

    Poor man boy….if it was somebody with big name and money that would not even reach in court. They plot to destroy the ma life and I think Mahaut people should stand to support heir own. Get a lawyer and appeal this case, then sue them …. That case not making any sense and people wicked enought o ruine somebody life so…not just his own but his children own as well. My man keep praying, true justice will be served in the end. The magistrate downt o the real culprite(eye witness) ultimately pay for what they do to the man life.

  48. Nature Boy
    October 14, 2010

    @Ras B: Excellent analysis. It is rather unfortunate that the man was already found guilty based on emotion rather than facts.

    October 14, 2010

    That is why Dominica is such a state. For putting a gun to a woman head you pay $2,800. For violating a cow, you pay $12,000 and in default imprisoned. This is just not right. The prison full of people who violate animals and those who violate humans are outside. Interesting!

  50. Justice
    October 14, 2010

    I share the sentiments with those who believe this man needs help if in fact he did the act.
    I find it ironic however that the court took this stand but they will give rapists a slap on the wrist. Lawyers will also go to length to defend rapist, could not one lawyer defend this guy. Looks like the system places greater import on cows than on our young girls.
    Now to the witness. He stood there for 15 to 20 minutes and did nothing but watched.Why didn’t he shout at the guy to prevent him from getting himself in this. I think he was enjoying himself.Maybe he was masturbating during the committal of the act.
    God help us.

  51. fire
    October 14, 2010


  52. patriot
    October 14, 2010

    it would be rather sad if this is true,i hope that this man finds psyciatric help,for he is not only a danger to himself but also to societies innocent boys and girls, we make a joke of these things but these things do happen , the devil is real. i hope for his sake and the sake of his family that this is not true.

  53. gwajam
    October 14, 2010

    man hopping cow?but what i hearing dere ner!!!

  54. shae
    October 14, 2010

    I do not know much of what went on in the courtroom. The little that I have read on line did not say anything of the accused being asked to get counselling and I think that should have been at the top of the judge’s decision and recommendation . This is not all about paying the money and go along your merry way an evaluation should have been done on the indivudal to make him better fit to return to society and also to face all the ridicule that he is going to get from the public. let us not be too quick to judge. WE ALL MAKE MISTAKE .

  55. vi massive
    October 14, 2010

    I hope d judge did not forget d cow was a minor 2 years ago, so that is like child molestation.

    October 14, 2010

    Now I’m really wondering why a person would stand there for 15 to 20 LONG minutes and watch a man having sex with a cow! Because if you have time to stand there that long and not feel disgusted then apparently you were amused and most likely aroused by the situation!

  57. PAIN
    October 14, 2010

    So $4000 at the end of this month, $800 after that every month end. Three weeks jail for every default payment.

    Technically they have given mr LIFE IMPRISONMENT! There’s no way he can work his way here in Dca to pay that sum of money monthly.

    Anyway the witness is the one that should have to pay that money. Too much crookedness here!

  58. Why????
    October 14, 2010

    This is so ashame, This tan will never leave him. How could he go on with this tan on his life, and not keep his head up!!

    October 14, 2010

    well tthats really crazy so much woman out there!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    October 14, 2010

    That was a set up! As I see it, the man is not guilty, but found guilty because he had no lawer to defend him. Eye witnesses who lie, need to who laugh last laugh the best!

  61. shocked
    October 13, 2010

    this case is flimsy.
    I would appeal.
    There was no mention of semen in the cow’s reproductive organs
    the guy could have well been masturbating which is not a crime .
    the eye witness is heresay for all i care. he said she said. ones man word against another.
    the police officer unprofessional!
    and who’s to say that the eyewitness is not the perp covering his behind ? or front ?
    DNA tests should be demanded
    and who tell the man to go kill his cow ? .. it coulda breed lil heifers and produce milk.
    fugggg that .. appeal boss!

  62. keep trying
    October 13, 2010

    I hope a competent lawyer steps forward and assists this man to APPEAL this case. Not having a lot of money could be to the detriment of the defendant. However, I’m praying that a lawyer, out of the goodness of his or her heart, can step forward and try to appeal the case to reverse this decision…pro bono, that is. I know some prominent attorneys who can get persons who should be guilty of murder to receive a not guilty verdict because of lack of proper evidence or loopholes in the system. I am sure they’ve made enough money to last until the end of the year to be able to take this case up for free… Come on, legal service providers, give back to the community. This case was handled too ridiculously and should have been dismissed due to lack of evidence. Help the man clear his name! A tarnished name is the worst fate a person can ever suffer!!!!

  63. Lizavier4Jesus
    October 13, 2010

    The majority of you guys expressed a good debate against the trial of this man. But those expressions should have been posted before now. Unless the man can appeal the verdict he received at that trial.

    The person named Lovely said it all true; but then again most of the observation that he/she pointed out should have been disclosed at the time of the man’s examination, which took place a couple years ago. But it could be that it was those evidence that brought the man on trial at this time. The court knows better than I do.

    I did not feel like commenting on this issue, since I never felt like defending that conduct neither did I want to pass negative judgment. But I always thought that the testimony of the witness who said that the man did whatever he did with the cow for as long as 15-20 minutes was a bit exaggerated.

    That man would have been completely out of his mind, to stand in a place where a passersby is able to see him and to engage in this kind of conduct with a cow for such a long time. In my opinion 10 minutes would still be too long much more for 20 minutes. But perhaps the witness simply over estimated the time; which is not that relevant, if indeed he did see the man engaged in that conduct.

    Someone suggested that the man should see the judgment of death. But this law is in the Bible was before the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to die in our place for the sins we commit because, as human beings we are too weak to fight against our temptations of the flesh, processed and produced through our human mind.

    If indeed that man committed that disgraceful sin, I pray that someone in his surroundings will help him to know the forgiveness that is in the Blood of Jesus Christ, and to accept this forgiveness for the sake of his salvation and the glory of Almighty God, Eternal Spirit of Love, Truth and Holiness.

  64. real talk
    October 13, 2010

    the man did not do that .which cow going to stay there for a man to stand behind it stabbing it for 15 to 20 minites.does a man tall enough stand behind a cow in that position.what did he use ,a ladder ,a stool or abig stone.i did not here of any mean of reach.is this eye witness creditbility ever question.i am not wishing this ,but the next thing i might hear is this man kill some one or his self.

  65. Unfair
    October 13, 2010

    I’m not saying he’s right for doing what he did…if he did it. But better a cow than a child or woman or man! Furthermore, the stigma he’s going to face for the rest of his life from judgmental Dominicans should be punishment enough. I’d give the farmer $1000 max for the cow, but definitely not $12,000. They know dang well he can’t afford to pay that kind of money, he’s going to be in jail and in debt for the rest of his life while murderers and drug traffickers roam around Roseau freely. I feel sorry for the poor man: he’s guaranteed to fall into a state of depression from the merciless teasing and the thought that he can no longer support his family becaus of a 15 minute error in judgment…something all of us have had from time to time.

  66. mouth of the south
    October 13, 2010

    @VALDA BRUNO DURAND: i take it to mean u have never had a man jam n ram u for more than 20 minutes hhhhhmmmmm so u not used to an hour long session ,,,,,,,,,ok,,,,,tonite look ur man in the eye n tell him he hopeless hhhhhhhmmmmmm

  67. mouth of the south
    October 13, 2010

    i not supporting mr,,,,,,but jail or 12000 for a cow,,,,,i going jail n e time lol

  68. unfair
    October 13, 2010

    Come on people, this is so not right, im not saying that what the man did was right if he even did it but..hmmmmm the justice system in dominica needs a makeover so many criminals walking the streets after commiting so many horrendous crimes and a poor old man that have a family to feed going to spend his life paying somebody and going to jail for having sex with a cow while his kids might be left without a meal… come on man… the people that should be facing that kind of fine getting a slap on the wrist, look at that man that just put the gun to the woman head at the villas getting a $ 3,500 fine.. That country legal system makes me sick!!!! just because the man poor he has to fuffer.

  69. mahaut row
    October 13, 2010

    @Mahaut People: i go with u . i feel real sorry man. no the dude well.kool guy. always no him to be a fisher man.so sorry for his family.

  70. joke boy
    October 13, 2010

    we papa if is so tings come.well i have to get platinum security to work on my farm

  71. yes i
    October 13, 2010

    when somebody jealous u & want to destroy ur life they can do anything , even lie! alas hold strong man !!! poor u

  72. haha
    October 13, 2010

    Leave the man alone- who tell you all that the cow was not enjoying it session. As previously stated- the owner said that it was on heat. So all of u making silly comments it’s because you all are jealous. You all jalou the session the cow got– some of you all men cant even stand for 2 mins. Leave the man and find something better to brag about. What damage could that man done to a cow asking for help? it stayed there and take it thing… Ohh mee ohh my… jealous people dnt u cry…

  73. same ole thing
    October 13, 2010

    @reference: Did u see the cow, i don’t think thaT you are so gullible to believe that the pic shown was the actual COW………..duh!

  74. Muslim_Always
    October 13, 2010

    The Dominican legal system is trash. It needs to be thrown in a rubbish bin and thrown down a dam hill. Nonsensical court system. There were too many inconsistencies with the case.

  75. Mahaut People
    October 13, 2010

    I agree with you. I know this guy from Mahaut and he was one of the koolest fella in the village. All I can say is that I am feeling sorry for him and his family especially his children. I hope people can forget about that and move on. In times like that, Mahaut people needs to stick together

  76. tropic
    October 13, 2010

    i think that this man is accused wrongly. the person who stood for 15 to 20min and watch him saw the size of his wood and sperm droping from it waited all that time watching and after he was done went to call the owner must be involved more tha the accused

  77. ZERO
    October 13, 2010


  78. wOW...
    October 13, 2010

    How does the person now how big the man’s manhood was and how long??Seriusly…they were paying close attention, and must have iked to site of it, becuase they did not call him out…

    SHame on him…shame on THEM!!!

  79. HeHe is dert..
    October 13, 2010

    @Ron: Maybe they to was enjoying te moment

  80. HeHe is dert..
    October 13, 2010

    Ewww…When your desperate you do really nasty things….This man is a disgrace…when you canna get woman is nimal youd oes go behind??Hmph…is dert!!!

    I feeling sorry for the man boi…EMBARASSING…you have pic all on DNO…today I canna seeur face good bpi…Wossh too much joke too much joke

  81. The All Seeing Eye
    October 13, 2010

    What I find worrying is the fact that in sentencing this man there was no mention of psychiatric treatment for him. Surely he needs some form of counseling as this is not normal behaviour and who knows what future acts might come into his mind to enact.

    His problem should be taken as serious and treated. I would be very worried if he was my neighbour.

  82. jb fox
    October 13, 2010

    First there was that story about a mahaut man going with a goat was caught by the villagers and beaten, went bought his own goat turned around and told the villagers, come and touch me now ibuy own goat.Now another mahaut man with a cow. BEWARE.

  83. vegetables everytime
    October 13, 2010

    @walle: Has the price of meat dropped? That should reduce the demand curve, with a fixed supply thereby reduce the price of fresh meat at the market and supermarkets. Is it hpening yet or is this just in micro ecomomic texts books. I wonder what has taken place with elasticity of supply and demand?

  84. vegetables everytime
    October 13, 2010

    @walle: You are nuts lol!

  85. Just thinking
    October 13, 2010

    @Ras B: Ras I don’t know if it’s coincidence our thoughts mesh.Your points are well taken. D/cans normally fly with a story an idea etc without evaluating all points logical or not. Your observations as to who is a specialist in all the varying areas are outstanding.I do not know if I will be allowed to make the comparisms which I am about to attempt. Muslims say alla willing,I say Andrew publishing willing lol!
    Do you know the amongt of barren women walking the streets of D/ca? Not only due to hormonal or anatomical reasons but wholly as a result of abortions by our prominent OBGYN peeps? No compensation is there for the victims while those responsible build fortresses( in which they hardly spend 4 solid ours)It’s high times our barren women are compensated by the responsible.They are never pointed out insociety like Mr.Benjie will be. Just something to chew on. He will need all the psychiatric help he can muster.No one ever brought up the posibility that he might be psychiatically compromised.His cousin Psychiatrist did not even offer free consultation.what a shame things your relatives will do to you. He is orginally from wesley is there any eveidence he did the same in wesley growing up?

  86. proper
    October 13, 2010

    @fireman: aye true tat. Best mr buy his own cow cause he just violate de man property and let de man put it to rest.. but wat i checking dere is why it usless now.. mr doe know how to make money man?

  87. Waitukubuli
    October 13, 2010

    Perhaps he impregnated the cow they should allow the cow to give birth and order him to pay child support

  88. peaches
    October 13, 2010

    dont be quick to judge

  89. peaches
    October 13, 2010

    embarassingg story, but for rhose of u who judge this man , hope u huys dont live in a glass house, most of u’all have kids, nephews, brother , cousins etc… that are men . something about this story doesn ‘ t sound right. 1 . this man rights was violated, as to y was it a police officer there at the time of examination, a cow thats in heat wouldn’t stay there for someone or a bull to ride it, 2. mr. thomas said that there were no blood , now they saying the cow was bleeding. 3 . i want to know if the eyewitness actually timeing mr. benjamin on a watch and y did he stay until the owner came home to tell him. it’s ridiculous how our judicial system in d/ca operates, and how we dominican are so quick to judge others , whereas most of us have skeletons in our closet. Then again if he had raped a toddler u’all would’ve said why didn’t he rape an animal instead. smh

  90. bor bon
    October 13, 2010

    he work that cow so now they will work his boom booom stockfarm

  91. concerned citizen
    October 13, 2010

    @Dominican Lover: true Dominican over it would appear that we are like the Americans now putting more value on the lives of animals than human beings.

  92. Sally
    October 13, 2010

    the police set up the case to convict. The woman police took the man to the doctor to test if he had animal substance in his penis. The police did not like the doctors result so they did not use him as a witnes and the guy could not afford to pay the doctor to come to court so this is Dominica Justice. nWorse again the vet sat in court while the prosecutor gave his opening speech when defence lawyer questioned the prosecutor say this is how we do it down here and the Judge agreed.

    Again defence lawyer ask the vet if he did any test to see whether there was any sperms in the vaginal track of thge cow the vet said we dont do these test in Dominica as we are not a first world country.

    wright or wrong this is justice Dominica style

  93. Please ready the law
    October 13, 2010

    The man commited a crime ok Guys, we need to follow the laws of the land! and stop speaking like that INOCENT!

  94. Watch&Pray
    October 13, 2010

    This was a real Man Charged with a Serious crime., and every one seems to be joking about it.
    Ever sit and think if it was your Dad that was on the stand before the court? Ever think of the things you did that could have landed you in the same place ?

    Many of the people commenting here has escape jail because no one had seen them in their crime.
    many use people young children , steal and much more that that .. but you know what ??

    You still have to face a judge that is fiercer that than this earthly judge. THE QUESTION IS ” WILL HE FIND YOU GUILTY !!!.

    People stop making fun of the man my advise is talk to your children and help them to make right decisions and pray for our nation.

  95. fireman
    October 13, 2010

    partner best you buy your own cow

  96. Ron
    October 13, 2010

    This man is sick but I’m still confused as to why the eye witness looked on for 15-20 minutes until the guy was finished, according to his testimony. In DA the normal reaction would be to immediately shout out at the guy or throw a stone at him. Hummm……just wondering.

  97. reference
    October 13, 2010

    12 000 for a cow!!!! didnt know that cows were so expensive and it was a skinny one at that.

  98. Dominican Lover
    October 13, 2010

    How did the jury convict on such flimsy non-collaborative evidence. The sentence is the worst I have heard compared to what child molesters and drug barons are given. This case should be appealed.

  99. spy
    October 13, 2010

    IN This day and age that we are living in, some one should not be found guilit simlpy on peoples
    perception.daisy claimed he smelled of cow poo. since the guy was working in construction cement
    also have a funny sent when mixed with perspiration. How is it possible for the cow to stand in one position for 15-20 min. A swab of the man pennis should have been taken and sent to the lab.
    A sample of the fluid which they claim they saw coming from the cows behind should have been part of the evidence. the man perparps could not afford a lawyer and wpc daisy saw that as an easy trophy to add to her collection. go head daisy and the likes impress carrette. Remember u all have children to carefull what u sew daisy. and note that repect is not bought its earn, commenting on the evidence the mans pennis “nothing to jump and shout about”? again u can put a pig in a castle it will always be a pig.

  100. Ras B
    October 13, 2010

    Disappointed that Cowson was not ordered to have psychological help by the court.

    As funny as the story may have been, It leaves me disappointed in the sensationalist manner in which the trial was conducted, The lawyer asking Mr. Benjamin if he find the cow behind was big, the female investigating officer saying in open court that the man’s penis was just average size and could not make her jump, I HOPE NO BODY ASKED HER ABOUT HER PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, THE VET CLAIMING THAT SALLY’S VULVA WAS BLEEDING AND HE WAS CERTAIN THAT THE DAMAGE WAS NOT CAUSED BY A BULL, HOW MANY COW’S VULVA HAS HE EXAMINED AFTER PENETRATION BY A BULL? THE EYE WITNESS CLAIMING THAT HE OBSERVED Mr. Benjamin FOR 15 TO 20 MINUTES AND HOW HE HAD A BIG WOOD (WHICH ACCORDING TO THE INVESTIGATING OFFICER, AND EXPERT IN THE SIZE OF MEN’S PENIS, HAD AN AVERAGE SIZE PENIS.

    This is unfortunate and I do think that Mr. Benjamin will need psychological help in order to be reintegrated in society. I fear that he will go into depression and may find it difficult to cope with the stress and persistent teasing that he will be exposed to wherever he goes in Dominica.

    Unfortunately, I can forsee charges of battery and even attempted murder against him if the situation is not handled carefully. Dominica, I pray for thee!

  101. dkt
    October 13, 2010

    lennox an matt that do that. just remind them justice is well an alive in d/ca

  102. walle
    October 13, 2010

    HahHahaha………koke’ beff. the true meaning of
    fresh meat

  103. ???????
    October 13, 2010

    why did the owner call the cow SALLY, i wonder!
    why the witness came to change SALLY too if on that day the owner was 15 mins away? FISHY!
    what kind of police woman that, is she slim? she said medium. she is good at that but take note now all man either fraid you or want to know you.



    October 13, 2010


  105. hahaha.....that is justice
    October 13, 2010

    lol…hahhaha better he had masturbate…it’s free the most it would have cost him is $20.00..for KY….lol

    hahhahahah…loook now he gonna have to work his ass off…being sacastic here…to pay the owner!!

    tsk tsk tsk..

  106. TC
    October 13, 2010

    @lovely: I agree with your questioning. In this modern day and age too much hearsay is taken as gospel truth. This needed scientific investigation.

  107. row row
    October 13, 2010

    This is very sad, I grew up knowing this dude who have a woman and children. Very good Fisherman, i yet to belive that. I was not there but that really dont look like him doing that. A Cow? Na!

  108. Curious
    October 13, 2010

    Im beginning to think this man was rail roaded, Some things just don`t seem right. Who knows,maybe the accuser was the one having sex with the cow ,seeing he knows exactly how long it lasted ,and blaming it on a man who can`t defend himself,probably due to low IQ. If this man`s reputation is tarnished because of a lie, they will pay for it.God dont like ugly or liars.

  109. haha
    October 13, 2010

    poor sally, some dominican men too swef!

  110. i'm thinking....
    October 13, 2010

    @blackberry356: iwasn’t correcting you, Brush is a correct term, but like i said it is used by americans it is not a popular term in dominica.

  111. crack
    October 13, 2010

    Let de man go.He is in a cow-mitted relationship with sally .Stop judging de man for loving his food.He look really mooo-tivated to make things work with Sally.I wish I was calf the man he is.

  112. lisad
    October 13, 2010

    I am really becoming scared of the system in Dominica. i am not saying the man did or did not do it. however there was some inconsistency with evidence given by the police officer, the eyewitness and the Vet.

  113. Dominican Spice
    October 13, 2010

    dat is nastynessssssssssssss to the highest degree ,jail mr he go see what it is up stocky lol good ting i dont eat beef lol

  114. nonesense
    October 13, 2010

    I still doh believe the mister do that. The magistrate self more wicked cause that case doh making sense at all. Is like they plot against the man and that is pure wickedness.

  115. Thinking further
    October 13, 2010

    @i’m thinking…: you criticizing whoever for using the American term “brush” instead of “bush” yet you continuing with an American “anyways”. Typical Dominican – don’t do it but let me do it.

  116. black beauty
    October 13, 2010

    old mac donald had a farm ei ei oo. and on the farm he had a cow name kissy moo ei ei oh.

  117. Two Cents
    October 13, 2010

    This is an invasion of the man’s privacy. If the man wants to have sex with his cow- what’s wrong with that? The cow probably enjoyed it more than he did. You really think the cow felt violated? Gimme a break. At least he didn’t rape a child. Molesters, pedofiles, theives and murderers are more doomed to hell than this man. We and our stupid laws. I want to see if his charge will be more harsh than the man who sodomized the 9 year old girl.

  118. likeabeth
    October 13, 2010

    what wrong with dominican women. They not sweet again or they like to beg for top up, clothes and shoes. The cow will ask for nothing. The cow just siad “Moooooooooooooooooooooooo”.

    Domninican woen, here is your competition. Miss Cow.

  119. blackberry356
    October 13, 2010

    @i’m thinking….: Thanks for the correction. “BUSH”

  120. lovely
    October 13, 2010

    I don’t think the man should be found guilty just yet. The eye-witness was very sensational in describing how ‘big’ the defendant’s ‘manhood’ is yet the investigating officer said it was medium sized. I think this is a major issue for consideration and was not dealt with in depth at all. I am not saying he is innocent or has never done it before, but there is a discrepancy and I think further investigation should have been done. No one talked about the condition of the defendant’s ‘manhood’. Was it bruised? Were there any fluids from the cow, or fur, or dung on it? Did they check out the clothes which the defendant was wearing at the time to see if there was any evidence from the cow…rather than claiming the man smelled of cow dung… he could very well have gotten that scent by stepping in a pile of dung or something…All I know is this should have been investigated further and proper evidence should be brought forward instead of relying on an eye-witness (who may have been wrong or guilty himself). We need a better, more reliable system of investigation.

  121. i'm thinking....
    October 13, 2010

    then again he might have been on viagra

    October 13, 2010

    Please please dont say Benjamin that is spoiling good peoples surname mister surname is COWMAN. never call your self a Benjamin again mr cow you should be put to death thats what the Bible say.if a man lieth with a beast like he lieth with a woman he must surley be put to death no Judge or magistrate shoule change that i hope Lewvi Peters was not his lawyer.

  123. i'm thinking....
    October 13, 2010

    @blackberry356: i mean how can someone have an ererction after have an errection after ejaculating, the guy in the BRUSH claim to see a huge ……. this means it must have been hard right?

  124. Anonymous
    October 13, 2010

    This is a devilish thing. It’s really sad to hear!

  125. i'm thinking....
    October 13, 2010

    @blackberry356: are you american? dominicans don’t use the term brush. they says bush. just making an observation. anyways part of the stories are skeptical. how could someone have an errection and ejaculation. the guy in the bushes said tht he saw a huge ……… seem unbelievable.

  126. fireman
    October 13, 2010

    best the call Mr. Cowson

  127. i'm thinking....
    October 13, 2010

    he’s stillin a better situation than hundreds of millions who are in hell awaiting everlasting punishnment. you have life so there is still hope .pleease escape hell.

    on another note i am happy than he chose to rape a cow rather than myself, any orther woman or child.

  128. blackberry356
    October 13, 2010

    I think the eye-witness man in the brush “jerking off” for 15 -20 minutes should be the on on trial for not doing or saying any thing for 20 minutes other than “Jerking off”.
    He was enjoying it if the story is true.

  129. haha
    October 13, 2010

    hahahahaha cow he like?!!

  130. east
    October 13, 2010

    i kind of doh belive he did but who am i to say was not there

  131. timbok 2
    October 13, 2010

    well they will “cow” he and smokey in the pen..tell smokey and boyee hello for me sir…the town don’t miss them

  132. fUWP
    October 13, 2010

    I don’t think the prisoners of stockfarm should rejoice in this fresh meat coming in their quarters

    Deveril might be carrying mad cow disease

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