Burglars of Martiniquan scouts apprehended; to appear in court

Scout boss Bonti Liverpool

A young lady will appear before the Magistrate Court this morning in connection with the burglary at the Newtown Primary School Scout Camp.

The burglars reportedly stole one camera, one pair of shoes, one backpack, various pieces of apparel and an unspecified amount of money among other things when they slit three tents of a contingent of Martinique scouts at the camp.

The incident occurred on the night of Sunday August 7, 2011.

Working off a tip, the police swiftly apprehended five young men and one young woman, laying charges against them ranging from theft to possession of an offensive weapon, to handling stolen goods. The young men will appear court on Wednesday August 17th.

Some of the young men are from a prominent high school on the island and in an ironical twist, a Newtown resident surmised that those young men were giving the “paros” of Montego Bay a bad name. Montego Bay is an area in Newtown noted for its connections with the drug trade.

Chief Scout Commissioner Bonti Liverpool was swift commending the police. “They responded in a timely fashion and their follow-up investigations did bear fruit. In fact, we run a drug and alcohol Rehabilitation Centre at the Scout Headquarters on a temporary basis, and because of the nature of our clientele, we are always in need of police action, and every single time I have called for their assistance, the police have been forthcoming and I have a lot to thank them for,” the scout boss pointed out.

The Martinique scouts will leave the island on August 14 and will be represented by the Dominica Scout Association in the court action.

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  1. Wow
    August 12, 2011

    Good job DPF and thank you……let the haters hate……when u solve the big cases they complain that you guys took it seriously because it’s was a big case…and when you solve the smaller cases they complain that you don’t go after the bigger fish….never satisfied..

  2. Born Free
    August 11, 2011

    As in every other field, most (80%) of the Police force are good people who want to serve and protect the public, sometimes even at great personal sacrifice.

    They need to bring back the Cat-o-nine tails for all but capital crimes. That would help make their jobs much easier and reduce spending on new prisons.

  3. vivi
    August 11, 2011

    h-i-p-p-y to the officers of the Dominica Police Force
    So can any1 tell me what exactly is happening to the young people in the Caribbean? Are they supposed to be the future of the islands?…..Lord help us

  4. mother mary
    August 11, 2011

    Again, I warn us parents, when we see our children with things we did not buy, ASK THEM OH LA ZOR TAPAY SA. iknow of two individuals who started stealing small things and their mother always would fabricate a story after it was known that it was stolen. WHERE ARE THEY TODAY? IN JAIL. IN AND OUT. WHO TO BLAME? SOMETIMES WE AS PARENTS SOO TI WEH.

  5. LawieBawie
    August 11, 2011

    There are not going to be many post in here. We prefere to bash the police than to praise them.

  6. Anti-hate
    August 11, 2011

    Good to see the cops being effective even with all the politically-motivated bashing of the police prevalent right now.

    • dominica
      August 11, 2011

      They need the bashing because the white colour crimes are not being handled properly by the Police. You know that stop the hypocracy.

      • dominican
        August 11, 2011

        Why can’t they catch the big thieves from the top of the chain?

  7. Tol
    August 11, 2011



  8. weh weh weh
    August 11, 2011

    POST THEIR NAMES, don’t be afraid… that would do enough justice.. .they too damn thief!!!

    • dominican
      August 12, 2011

      i agree and the school too.the plice cannot work in isolation the public must come onboard too.

  9. What is happening
    August 11, 2011

    That young girl from kingsHill need to start asking her self a question , i mean she has a todler and she just keeps forming the fool…we need to start looking at our teenagers a little more closely promiscuity and drugs are taking over…the child was nice had a family and all, when i see her i still cannot believe is that same little girl i remeber growing up in the area…grow from this and learn, jail is no place for you…

    • anonymous
      August 11, 2011


      • dominican
        August 12, 2011

        she snorting too much what? wel here we go again. cocaine; so why don t someone please burn all them so called fishing boats on the sea at newtown and investigate the bighouses being built at grand bay. where is the fiu.and them rental companys.so you see the youth isbeing destroy from conception.

      • Stupesssssss
        August 14, 2011

        The big houses that coming up in Grand Bay seems to be hurting your heart. DON’T HATE!

  10. Justice and Truth
    August 11, 2011

    I am pleased to read that the young thieves were apprehended.
    The woman or teenager or child is referred to as “the lady”. She is no lady. There are times in the country in which I reside, murderers and other criminals are called ladies and gentlemen. If we know the meaning of ladies and gentlemen, they should not be referred to as such. As I have known it ever since I was a child, not all women are ladies and not all men are gentlemen. It all depends on their lifestyle and visible ones at that.
    I am certain that the Martinique Scouts are pleased to hear of the arrests. I do hope they will not allow this incident to deter them from returning to Dominica.
    As for those thieves, shame on you. If you, the boys, are from a prominent school (I suspect which one) you should respect yourself, respect the property of others and never indulge in illegal activities. You should live by and project good examples. See what you have done. You have embarrassed your family, the school and your friends. What type of schooling are you receiving? This includes parental discipline.
    Thou Shalt Not Steal. May you learn a lesson from this and know that crime does not pay. For a student, you now have a Police record. Surely, this prominent school should be teaching this to their students.
    I pray and hope that you will receive help to be rehabilitated. You have years ahead of you and a bright future. Do not waste those years which fly fast and utilize them in futility and wrong-doing. God bless you and to see the light!

    • dominican
      August 12, 2011

      welfare needs to take tha child from her and sen he to jail. teac her a serious lessiont hat wil last forever.

  11. observant
    August 11, 2011

    Good job officers. We were very angry about this incident. You guys know better. Your teachers did not teach you this. The sad thing is you all have the brains to do better.

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