Bus driver pays for his tongue

court2A Colihaut bus driver, Gillian Thomas, got a rude awakening for his actions of indiscretion after he blocked a road on the evening of November 3, 2013.

On that day, Thomas willfully parked his bus, registered HB351, on the bridge leading to the Goodwill Link Road causing a major traffic obstruction.

He was approached by a police inspector, dressed in plain clothes, who advised him to stop collecting passengers and move from the area.

Thomas responded with a burst of explicit language to the officer, calling him names in the process. He also refused to give his name and address.

He then drove away but he had not heard the last of the officer who had taken the number of the vehicle and then applied for and obtained a warrant for his arrest.

When Thomas appeared in court on Tuesday, he was a different man.

“I was drunk,” he said and apologized for his behavior.

“I am sorry for my actions…I did not know he was a police officer but I was partying. This will never happen to me again,” the first time offender told the court.

Acting Chief Magistrate, Candia Carette-George, told Thomas that she frowns on people who disrespect the police who are there to keep the peace and protect the citizenry.

“You have pleaded guilty, you did not waste the court’s time, you are also very remorseful … what you did was very serious, don’t drink and drive and learn to behave,” she told him.

He was fined EC$2,500 for obstruction to be paid by April 30, 2014 or in default, go to jail for 6 months.

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  1. Dimples
    December 22, 2013

    After reading this article, I am of the opinion that the driver was not drunk at all. He just said that as an excuse for his actions no necessarily of blocking the road but of cursing the police who he did not know was a police as he (the police) was not in uniform. So more than likely he blocked the road picking up passengers and this man stopped him to correct him on his actions and he cuss-out the man and drove off, only to discover when the man turned-up at his door he discovered he was a police, and his only excuse for his behavior was that he was drunk. He was taking a chance with that as well because he could have really run into trouble with the judge for that but since no DUI test was done, the police nor the judge could have known that for sure. That’s why you see that all the judge could chastise him for was cursing the police.

  2. Francisco Telemaque
    December 19, 2013

    When Thomas appeared in court on Tuesday, he was a different man.

    “I was drunk,” he said and apologized for his behavior”

    You see, this man was arrested, went into court, and admitted he was inebriated (drunken), yet we are talking about he paid for his tongue. I suggest he should be sent to jail. A fine for using profanities could be left out, that’s not a big deal, people curse all of the time, I have never heard of someone been charge here for the use of profanities, eve when we curse the police out.

    Thomas should be sentence to jail, for (DUI), driving while under the influence of an mind altering substance, which is alcohol. That is how accidents happens, driving drunk picking up passengers is absolutely endangering the life’s of people; the moment he refused to give his name to the officer, the officer should have placed him under arrest.

    I would hope the police identified his/herself as a police officer.

    The drunk should be sent to jail, since driving under the influence is a felony, whereas using profanities is nothing more than a minor misdemeanor.

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  3. Grandbay possi.
    December 18, 2013

    The truth is too many bus drivers just stop on the road to pick up passengers and some more drivers need to be made examples of so that we can have order and respect on the roads, coupled with that the authorities made bus stops right on the edge of the main road that is ridiculous, the bus stops are to be made inland with a separate road leading to it so there is absolutely no interference with the flowing traffic.

  4. Tj
    December 18, 2013

    Gillian, I’m happy that you’ve admitted your error and apologized. I don’t condone your behavior. The mere fact you apologized indicates that you don’t condone it either.

    I don’t understand the mentally of my people and the legal system of Dominica. Here is a man that was charge and no doubt will pay his dues and some are requesting stiffer penalties. Based on what? Who in Dominica gets stiff penalties? Did the judge say what the penalty should have been and how much discount/break he received? Do you know of anyone else committing the same offense that got a stiffer penalty? The legal system of Dominica is weak and needs to stand in order to implement stiffer penalties. It needs to be across the board. You don’t just pick and choose who should be penalized.

    I applaud the officer for his due diligence. He did the right thing and did not abuse his power in any form. No one got hurt and the offender was fined.

    Be safe on the road Sapa.

  5. sacway sot
    December 18, 2013

    all you acting like all you never heard about drinking and driving…stuppssse, the police does it all the times and be driving more reckless than any drunken citizen. give me a break.

  6. Hint Hint
    December 18, 2013

    There should be an extra charge for drinking and driving passengers that’s so crazy bus drivers must be responsible, people live are in their hands every day.

  7. Truth
    December 18, 2013

    All of Allu just running allu mouth on the man like allu never made a mistake in allu life. But the truth is the man wasn’t drunk at all the man was just confused in the court and said the wrong ting.

  8. lol
    December 18, 2013

    Padna u too bold eno. Telling the judge u was drunk. I must lol on dat. that fine is pocket change for u, pay it quick. And stop being so reckless on the road with passangers.

  9. committed Dominican
    December 18, 2013

    This bus driver really got away with a slap on the wrist.Admitting that he was drunk and driving, definitely calls months in jail and his license automatically revoked. Knowing our rugged terrain , twists and turns and to be playing with people’ s lives that certainly calls for no more driving for you partner.

    • Bus Driver
      December 18, 2013

      Sometimes these bus drivers think they own the road the way they speak to passengers who is their bread and butter it isn’t funny, it was high time that the police took a stand against them bus drivers

  10. December 18, 2013

    What the Authorities should be Doing, is getting the Concept of the Designated Driver into the heads of all Drivers, because,in D.A. Every Body Drinks and Drive and more so at the festive times.When you have These activities,and drivers bring Bus loades, of People from the various Villiges, to Town to attend and the Cars driven, by the Common Public, What you think they Drinkink? 8-O

  11. faceup
    December 18, 2013

    Drinking and driving passengers, WHAT?

  12. Anonymous
    December 18, 2013

    the more i read about Dominica and its gang of thieves (police) the more i despise coming back

    • Anonymous
      December 18, 2013

      Is anyone fussing you or begging you to come back? Stay away!

    • Setup
      December 18, 2013

      Anonymous who asked you to come back? You are welcome to stay where you are. If you were really living overseas you would know that police everywhere have faults. Stop acting as though Dominican Police officers are the worst on the planet.

      Just listen to American news and you hear of terrible acts done by some police officers. You don’t hear Americans condemning their country. No matter how much corruption and murder that goes on there, people are still flocking in droves to get there. Stop bad mouthing Dominica and start checking on yourself, making sure that you are not worse than those policemen that you criticize.

      Bad or not, let those policemen and them do their jobs. How would you feel if you were one of those

      drivers whose were blocked by the bus driver.

    • Bayside
      December 18, 2013

      What you say….you despise coming back? LOL. You reaching DA so fast, you’ll will not even realize it!!!

      • Dada
        December 18, 2013

        I like that comment!! :-D .so true…lol

    • keepwatching
      December 19, 2013

      Did the den of thieves catch u with your pants down??????? You better stay away because you will be caught again!!!!!!!!!

  13. APGeorge
    December 18, 2013

    This driver should have been chased down by backup police and not allowed to get away. The fact that he drove away, was drunk, carried passengers, obstructed traffic, a threat to public safety and was rude… should be grounds for stiffer penalties. It just maybe that the law does not allow penalties for drinking and driving, among others and the judge was limited in her options.

  14. Friend
    December 17, 2013

    I know for a fact he was not drunk. He chose an excuse which was not appropriate, and was just the wrong excuse, that’s all. He is not the guy who drinks and gets drunk.

    He just felt that it’s a police officer and in addressing him the way he did he might be in serious trouble and he should think of a way out but he though of the wrong way out.

    Truth is the officer did not identify himself properly in performing his duties (since he was not in uniform) and that’s all he should have said.

    Note: Don’t be quick to judge based on what is said.

  15. Alice
    December 17, 2013

    Magistrate did nothing wrong, however, I think the police should have told him he was a police officer. Dominica needs parking lots and bus terminals. No where to park vehicles in town in peace.

    • Bayside
      December 18, 2013

      He could have gone up on the hill to the parking area, stop there to pick up people

  16. December 17, 2013

    When the police officer in plain clothes approached the bus driver:
    1.Did he identify himself to the bus driver? Was he actually on duty?
    2.Did he produce his police ID card to the bus driver? And do they have police ID cards in Dominica?
    3.Did he at any time inform the bus driver that he was a police officer?
    4.Why did he have to apply for an arrest warrant; why did he not arrest the driver immediately when he started being abusive or if he felt threatened?
    5. Is it standard practice for plain clothes officers in Dominica to approach people without first identifying themselves?

    According to the article, the bus driver was fined 2,500 dollars for obstruction; yet the article stated the driver drove away, therefore the obstruction was immediately removed. Interesting.

    I don’t know the full circumstances but you would have expected the driver to be fined for abusive behaviour and not obstruction.

    It seem to me the driver shut himself in the foot by going to court and admitting to his guilt.

    The next question is; did the prosecution have in court any witness/witnesses to back up their charge.If not, then it would have been the officer’s word against the driver’s word.

    A defendant should not be found guilty unless there was sufficient evidence. e.g CCTV,forensic, or witnesses evidence to support the police and prosecution’s case.
    Anyone, including corrupt police officers can fabricate an accusation. You’ve got to have physical evidence.

    The law in Dominica take advantage of people who do not know their rights, and using such cases as opportunities to over penalise people to generate revenue for the treasury.

    The magistrate said to the driver that what he did was “very serious”. Is she really having a laugh?

    What was so serious about a momentary obstruction?
    Did anyone get hurt? and was anyone’s life including the officer put at risk?
    That magistrate should learn to put matters into perspective and stop over exaggerating triviality.

    Finally I will add that their is a culture in Dominica where drivers drive under the influence of alcohol without any due care and consideration for other people’s safety.
    Do not blame the bus drivers, blame the system for allowing it, and for not legislating against drink driving.

      December 17, 2013

      the last passage was particularly interesting…its the quintessence of entire life philosophy in Dominica: dont blame the man – blame the system … interestingly it applies to all aspect of people’s life in Dominica: whatever happens you are innocent…you always find excuse for doing things wrong. Drink and drive – its the absence of legislation, littering on the streets – its the absence of garbage bins, no jobs – its the because of the government, many kids growing without fathers – its because our climate, lawyers smoking ganga since 13y old – its because we love freedom…excuses always irrelevant and shows that Dominicans lack of care and respect for themselves and for other Dominicans. Maybe the biggest changes in the society start not from the magic regulations and laws but from realizing that you should be liable for the things you do…

    • "O" STRESS"
      December 17, 2013

      This is a whole heap of ?????? again if persons have no knowledge on certain subject just stfu” or do proper research before allowing the temptation of the computer to show how little you know on the subject of policing.

    • Day Day
      December 17, 2013

      Grantley, I wonder if you were asked to write and essay how well you would do. I do not want to come to DNO to read an essay. Make your comment short and sweet. Best wishes to you

    • citizen
      December 18, 2013

      It does not matter whether the police officer identified himself or not the man was wrong 1. He was drunk and driving – with passengers on the bus. 2. He stopped on a bridge and holding up traffice. Somebody had to do something. The officer was on the spot and took the correct action. A drunk man is a stupid man!

    • Positive vibration
      December 18, 2013

      @. Grantley. It appears that you are supporting a person who disrespected the law. What is the point of your statement?! Do you know that any citizen can make a civilian arrest? You don’t have to be a police officer and a police officer does not have to be in uniform or have to be on duty to make an arrest.
      I hope you read the other comments on this article, you will realize how pathetic your comments are. It is a good thing that you did not post your real name or else you would have been really embarrassed.

      • December 18, 2013

        Positive Vibration, stop being a Jackass. You are asking me what is my point.Well let me create a hypothetical scenario to you.
        Let us imagine that incident took place late at night at an isolated location.
        Someone in plain clothes approached you in a dark isolated location, and suspected you were doing something wrong, and that person said to you they were a police officer, so you would simply just let them do as they please without saying anything.
        So you are basically saying they don’t need to correctly identify themselves.
        How do you know if that person is not an imposter impersonating a police officer to rub or kill you.
        Carry on with your little primitive thinking because one day you may come unstuck.

    • Tj
      December 18, 2013

      Well written post Grantely! We share similar sentiments and that’s because we reside outside Dominica.

      • Anonymous
        December 18, 2013

        hey, so residing out of Dominica makes you any smarter than someone living here?? I would say the contary, many of you living in the so-called ‘fisrt world’ in foreign lands are forced to accept these cultures and laws whether you like it or not and whether they make sense or not. many of these laws who support are imposed by special interest groups (such as gay lobbies) and unscrupulous politicians. So do not come here and lecture anyone!!! With all our problems and issues DA is still a much better and stress-free place to live than where you are I’m sure. By the way, I am sure that you would be ashamed to admit that you really feel like a second-class citizen in your country of residence don’t matter how much you may try to fit in!!!!

      • Tj
        December 18, 2013

        @ Anonymous . I did not mean smarter at all. Sorry for the miscommunication. I was referring to Grantely’s comment on the culture……….. Unless the law toughens up you can’t blame the folks because it’s culturally acceptable. Mingling with other cultures just makes you see other perspectives. That’s all. I am first and 100% Dominican. No place like home.

  17. Surething
    December 17, 2013

    Outrageous. I think the judge should be the one who gets the fine, and should go to prison! She is not enforcing the law. So what if he admitted it, all the more reason to enforce the law! She obviously doesn’t travel on these buses to see the dangerous way these drivers drive around passengers – and that’s when they’re supposedly sober! Dominica is becoming a lawless society. Police officers drinking on duty, legal officials drinking on duty, taxi and bus drivers drinking on duty. Its not good enough.

  18. Go getter
    December 17, 2013

    What he does not understand a civilian has the authority to tell him that he is obstructing traffic. But its the same mentality of our people. they do not respect the law. And the three quarter idiot has the audacity to tell the magistrate he was drunk. How dere you are drunk and transporting passengers for that matter even driving. Hmmmm the same no law mentality. Heaven help us all in that country.

  19. December 17, 2013

    look there there are officer that drink an drive while there friends are there with them all of them as well.an nottin is bein done about it,LOOK FOR THEM POLICE THAT DRINKS IN THERE UNINFORM

    • citizen
      December 18, 2013

      Does that mean all drivers can drink and drive whenever they want?

  20. canadian/Dominican
    December 17, 2013

    This is unfear the officer was in plain cloths , of duty that’s why did he went to get warrant for the man arrest did the police show him his Police Id badge ,oho

  21. LEE
    December 17, 2013

    This bus driver license should be suspended and driving drunk makes matters worst. He will think twice next time.

    • BEB
      December 18, 2013

      I think that the bus driver used “I was drunk” as an excuse, not thinking that he would be putting himself in deeper trouble with the law

  22. labour
    December 17, 2013

    he-he-he-he-he! ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Man you got no brains. That’s how you burnt the $600.00 we gave you? getting drunk and disorderly, heading for custody!

    • Better thinker
      December 19, 2013

      I did tell my padna to buy back and neck instead; then vote dem out.

  23. December 17, 2013

    “I was drunk,” he said and apologized for his behavior. “I am sorry for my actions…I did not know he was a police officer but I was partying. This will never happen to me again,” the first time offender told the court–News article

    Here we have this man excusing his behavior before the court, against a plain clothes policeman, by claiming he was drunk–say what!

    It is said in the news article that he was picking up passengers at the time the plain clothes policeman approached him; are people in Dominica not aware of the dangers of drunk driving?

    That man should not be allowed to drive one more yard from where the police approached him, much more to drive miles away; drunk driving is deadly and our law in Dominica should be strict against this practice.

    Any driver who was caught by the police with alcohol on their breath would be arrested on the spot and charged for this conduct; even to spend months in jail–that is the law in Canada.

    The other thing is that he said: “I did not know he was a policeman” Policeman or not verbal assault is what it is; and should also be punished when caught expressing it against someone–regardless of who the person is.

    Our people in Dominica are really getting away with murder! Dear God please protect the innocent and the humble, especially my own people in Dominica

  24. Sha
    December 17, 2013

    Are u serious!!! So this guy had the nerve to tell the court he was drunk & all the magistrate could say was “don’t drink & drive” smh. This man should be charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. & to imagine he was transporting people while so drunk could not control his behaviour. I have totally given up on the way matters are handled in this court of “law & no order”

    • December 17, 2013

      Nobody knew if the bus driver was drunk he must have use that to escape any penalties did the police do a breathe test did the officer realize the bus driver was drunk I don’t think so

      • LoL
        December 18, 2013

        Also the charge brought before the court did not include drunk driving..so the judge have no authority to amend the charges. The prosecution that can charge someone not the judge…his/her duties is to listen to the prosecution and defense and then apply the law appropriately

  25. Teddy
    December 17, 2013

    The Judge should take his liscence for good, not just collecting that little two grand and a half.This man had the nerve to say he was drunk easy access for telling the truth.

  26. Anonymous
    December 17, 2013

    The law needs to make an example of these bus drivers who believe they can do whatever they please on the road even putting at risk the lives of pedestrians, passengers and other drivers.

  27. Da.
    December 17, 2013

    They can only drink and drive in Dominica. They don’t have no respect. Those bus drivers need to get some kind of training to know how to address people.

  28. RastarMarn
    December 17, 2013

    Perfect Example how this Candia (Administer of the Court) is full of Jokes, have no concept of adjudication,,,

    These Kids go get degrees and that’s exactly what they get a-degree-of, not the full concept,,,

    Instead of Slapping this dude with a huge fine for operating a commercial vehicle intoxicated by his admission, she fined him for telling-off some dude who could have been anyone pretending to be law-enforcement,,,

    That dude didn’t have standing to bring any charges against this Bus Driver, on the other hand Bus Driver don’t be soh foolish to admit in Court that you Drunk, partying and driving, especially transporting Passengers,,,

  29. Malgraysa
    December 17, 2013

    Good! Now I hope they will also get tough with these beat up trucks driving with no indicator lights, brake lights or even rear lights. How do they pass their test when they go for their road tax licence? Or do they even have one and valid insurance? Time to crack down on these pirates.

  30. Too Hard Too Long
    December 17, 2013

    Bus drivers again!

  31. I Was Drunk
    December 17, 2013

    Anyone who goes to court and uses the excuse “i was drunk” should have their sentence double!!! I’m fed up hearing stupid people use that as an excuse for misbehaving in public. The judge was too lenient. $5000 would have sent a stronger message.

  32. 007
    December 17, 2013

    I think there should be another fine for drinking and driving. As a bus driver he put people lives in danger

  33. Anonymous
    December 17, 2013

    a police officer is never off duty his job is to serve and protect he can’t witness a crime or a breach of law and say i am not getting involved as its my day off can he so to the person who say the officer was off duty and has no powers be aware and dont fall foul of the law

  34. Kieran
    December 17, 2013

    1. If the police officer was off duty then he had no power, if he was on duty then that’s ok.
    2. The offender should loose his license for driving under the influence.

    Dominica needs to take the law seriously or be taken for a joke.

    • Just Wondering
      December 17, 2013

      Kieran…. Your saying the officer don’t have any power. If it was a matter of life and death. Then the office decide to turn his back because of now power. would that be an issue? Its time the bus driver get their act together. Its people life we dealing wiht here.

    • Native
      December 17, 2013

      @ Kieran:::When an individual takes the oath to be an officer they are never really off duty, so your 1st comment is a little of base. I the drunkard killed someone in front of an out of uniform police am I to understand that the officer should not do anything because he was out of uniform? This guy should have lost his driving privilege for a while to let others know that you do not drink and drive;;;;especially in these WIDE ROADS that we have in DA..

    • Rastafari
      December 17, 2013

      # 1 is incorrect!

    • Teddy
      December 17, 2013

      In response if a police is off duty,he is still considered a cop,so in other ways,if a crime is being committed should an off duty cop just walk away? nonsense.

    • Toomatoe Tomato
      December 17, 2013

      If you are hurt should an off duty doctor attend to you? Or better yet what should an off duty police officer do and say – leave you and say I am off duty and wait for an on duty officer to pass by.

      What would be your comment then?

    • say it loud
      December 17, 2013

      You don’t know what the hell you talking about.

    • BEB
      December 18, 2013

      A former police officer was charged disciplinarily for not taking action during a crime which was committed in his presence while he was off duty. The simple answer is “a police officer is always on duty”

  35. jah
    December 17, 2013

    it waas time that the law starts to deal with these bus drivers

    December 17, 2013

    WTF! this person drinks and endangers lives of people on the road and you give him 2500 EC…put him in jail for a couple years
    All civilized world outlawed drink driving…why people have to risk their lives because of some stupid as####le who doesnt understand such simple things. I don’t mind if such drunken donkey smash his stupid head but I dont agree to risk my life and my kids lives because of some idiot…

  37. febreese
    December 17, 2013

    sorry i was drunk, i had an accident and two people got hurt i was partying sorry your honor i will not crash again when i drink and carrying passengers..

    I wonder if a cop shoots someone and say he was drunk what would happen. these bus drivers are playing wid people life..

  38. Mamizoo
    December 17, 2013

    You kidding me -the guy’s license should be suspended. He had the audacity to tell the court that he was transporting passengers under the influence of alcohol.
    The law maker need to impose some serious legislation against such behavior. I see bus drivers on the bus stop drinking beers and then going on the road to pick up passengers. Are we waiting until some people die before some they impose some serious legislation or enforcement.

    This is frightening. The guy is so comfortable telling the court that he was drunk. Seem like just another day.

    • Peeping Tom
      December 17, 2013

      Wow! Mamizoo? Is this you? Well-Said.

      • Mamizoo
        December 18, 2013

        Peeping Tom if this was meant to be funny it isn’t cause bro I am not the one getting the plethora of Hidden Comment and thumbs down on a consistent basis.

        If the same comment came from someone else I would allow my good sense of humor to have me LOL.

  39. December 17, 2013

    He pay for his fastness.

    December 17, 2013

    D LONG Tongue!

  41. Give Thanks
    December 17, 2013

    The magistrate was very lenient I must say. I could understand if she had given the offender leniency on the charge of disrespect to the officer since the story did not indicate whether the officer identified himself however, on the charge of driving under the influence (DUI) she should have sent a message strong enough to deter other would be offenders. Bear in mind that he was operating a passenger vehicle which put the lives of other innocent commuters at risk.
    In my opinion the charge should be $5000.00 and 6 months in prison.
    Just saying.

  42. femmedominique
    December 17, 2013

    but he admitting he was drunk AND picking up passengers ??? Thanks goodness the Officer came on the scence

  43. Boden Formee
    December 17, 2013

    bravo Sapa

  44. Just saying
    December 17, 2013

    Charge him again,he said he was drunk,and he was collecting passengers and he was the driver of the bus.charge him again he was not only endangering his life and the life of his passengers but the lives of anyone he might have hit on his way to wherever,charge him again I say.

    • hope
      December 19, 2013

      :-D my sentiments exactly!

  45. ******
    December 17, 2013

    He is drunk, and he is driving passengers? the Police must charge people for drinking and driving, and enforce seat belts, in Dominica alone, I see all that happening, they must not play with people’s lives.

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