Calibishie men face gun-related charges

courtTwo young men from Calibishie are now on remand at the Stock Farm Prison as they wait for facilities to be put in place to secure a proper surety for bail which is set at $100,000.

Akim and Philsbert George are cousins who pleaded not guilty to several gun-related offences which took place in that community on January 3, 2015.

Allegations are that they shot at Johnny Telemacque and Nigel Ettinoff with the intention to murder them.

They were slapped with seven charges including shooting with intent to murder Telemacque, malicious damage to Toyota pickup PM882 valued at $3,000, possession of firearm without a valid firearms license, possession of 25 rounds of ammunition, discharging of a firearm in a public place, the shooting of Ettinoff with intent to cause grievous bodily harm and shooting with intent to murder Ettinoff.

The prosecution did not object to bail and Chief Magistrate Candia Carette-George said the offences are “very serious” and so set bail at $100,000.

However, Wayne Norde, who represents Akim, and Tiyani Behanzin, who represents Philsbert, told the court that they need some time to get documents in order to secure bail and so asked that the men be brought back to court on January 9, 2015.

The preliminary inquiry is set for Wesley on April 17, 2015.

In another court matter, Manley Timothy of Massacre, who pleaded guilty to theft, was fined $601 with $101 as compensation or in default spend two months and one week in jail.

It is reported that Timothy entered the home of Vandaline Corckrane of Mahaut and stole a bottle of Vodka and Cruzan Rum, a gold plated chain and a bottle of perfume named “Sex in the City.”

He told the court that he believed he was “framed” because he did not enter the house but saw two men in the area with a bag. Timothy said the men “put the bag down” and he subsequently took it.

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  1. January 9, 2015

    Hey!tell me something, is not that same Tiyani Behanzin that was sending all these thgs bums next to nothing son of a gones prison? Now hhe helping them remain in the mix of good citizens , what a shame.

  2. out
    January 9, 2015

    And who say they are cousins ? DNO just doing what they want on here.

    • The Facts
      January 9, 2015

      You made me laugh. It is DNO’s Website. :lol: This may be the information which DNO received. Surely it was not made up.

    January 9, 2015

    Manley, since you were campaigning so hard for your pal rep in Mahaut, go and ask him to help you in the predicament you found yourself in. He should help you pay the fines the court asked you, since you worked so hard for him during the last election. I thought your pocket would be filled and have no need for extra finances right now. What a rude awakening.

  4. Derick Gonsalves
    January 9, 2015

    Wait I am reading these charges and I must ask one question. Why weren’t these charges laid indigtably? Magistrate court for firearm charges and attempted murder?????

  5. mangrove
    January 9, 2015

    Wen people steel people drugs they must get shot after I don’t give them wrong

    • Circus Bear
      January 9, 2015

      Cant spell “Steal” huh… :-|

  6. The Facts
    January 8, 2015

    Where did they get the guns? Intent to kill? They should not be bailed.
    They try to get the best lawyer so that they could be acquitted or receive a lesser sentence.
    They should be placed in a detention center until the case is called and they are sentenced, hopefully imprisonment. Then transferred to the prison.

  7. Grandstar
    January 8, 2015

    Men must learn to respect one another property. Classic example to learn from, if not there will be many more incidents like this one!!! Who vex lostttttt!! PH I there with de support because I know you’re a hard working soldier from way back in high school!!!

  8. January 8, 2015

    WOW! And what’s up wit the Yampiece Gunman! No witnesses! No Arrest!

  9. toyu
    January 8, 2015

    Manley too stupid and ignorant!!!!

  10. anonymous2
    January 8, 2015

    I would say that on the average there are probably between 5-10 of these types of incidents happening per day on DA (violent crime) which do not appear in the news along with all of the thefts occurring. This is not the sleepy little island that it once was. If there was a news reporter stationed at the police dept., they would have more news incidents than they could handle. Too many liars and thieves. What is to become of this place.

  11. grell
    January 8, 2015

    Tiyani your always speaking out about justice ask your client to plead guilty and serve his time and servr his time in jal,also apologize to the victims,these cowards that thik the gun is the only way,but dont worry fresh meat into stockfarm.

    • January 9, 2015

      To Grell.

      Hello and good morning my people. I don’t support any criminal or criminal activity. Mr Behanzin is an Attorney who is representing his client and you don’t understand how the Criminal Justice System works.

      • The Facts
        January 9, 2015

        Sometimes it is too lenient. If criminals knew the end result of their crimes and punishment they would live a law-abiding life to also think twice before they act. The Criminal Justice System should be revamped.

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