Catholic community home burgled

The vehicle that was stolen

On Saturday 12 November 2011, bandits invaded and robbed St. Clement’s Redemptorist community home in Belfast with two elderly priests in the house (85 and 79 years of age).

The bandits went into the room of one of these elderly priests while he was asleep in bed.

These bandits took a bundle of keys and stole a vehicle.

Anyone in Dominica who sees this vehicle please note that whoever is driving it are the ones who invaded our home and stole it.

The license plate number of the vehicle is PK 930.

If you see this vehicle please snap a picture with you cell phone and immediately call the police at 999.

Please also feel free to call Rev. Rodney J. Olive C.Ss.R. at 225-0809.

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  1. Queen
    November 21, 2011

    All you robbing God’s messangers…MAgwaysah

  2. Justice and Truth
    November 16, 2011

    When I read the headline of this article I could not believe it and yet it occurred, therefore it is believable. Never, as we say, in my dreams or not that I would be reading and hearing about this that someone was so bold as to go to the Priests’ home, break and enter while they were sleeping, go into the bedroom, steal the keys and the car. This man should have been sleeping in his bed. Instead he must have spent the day and night planning this theft. Satan does not sleep and those who are performing his work. What would entice him to do such a thing? What was the reason? Where did he plan to drive it and for what?
    My instinct prompts me to ask, is it another who is on drugs, deals with drugs and who wanted to transport his drugs to another part of the country? Where could he hide the car?
    Man, you are such a stupid person. You have no fear of God and of robbing his Priests. You do not fear the results of your action. My words are insufficient to express my feelings about you.
    God knows who you are. You will go from bad to worst. You are cursed. Your soul is at stake for all eternity.
    He may have repainted the vehicle as some do when they steal cars or take them apart and sell the parts for cash of course.
    The police should investigate anyone who may be employed or have been employed as a yard person, doing odds and ends at the Priests’ home including their affiliates. There are times it is someone who knows the area and house and the Priests. Where does this satanic thief expect to go with the car and how far in a small country as Dominica? There must be someone or some people who saw him driving the car, knowing that he does not own one or one like it. If you do, I am stating to report this person incognito, to the police. Help the police to get the car and apprehend this evil and greedy person. If you aid him in hiding it you are equally guilty and in the eyes of God.
    Thieves and criminals in general, you are a menace to society. You make a lot of people unhappy and by stealing their good. You also sadden your family. You did not work for them; obviously they do not belong to you and you have no right to steal them. I urge you to turn yourself in to the police. Then turn your life around and become good and model citizens. You will be happy for this.
    A country is in dire need of good people who will contribute their fair share to society. This is your obligation to God, to your country and to the society in which you reside. If you fail to do this, you will not have a happy life as you age, if you live long enough to age, by no means gracefully and have a happy and peaceful ending to eternity. Mortal and eternal suffering is awaiting you. As God is my witness, mark my words!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 19, 2011

      Whoever you are who gave thumbs down are you the ones who are responsible for the theft and/or who know the perpetrator? Otherwise you would not give thumbs down. Did you give yourself away?
      I am surprised that they have not yet been found. God knows who they are and where they have the vehicle. His punishment awaits them in time. I am praying that they are found and also the vehicle. May God assist.

  3. man of the year
    November 16, 2011

    they know who was there… where the keys were… and what keys for what ride… I only hope they know when to bring it back… or it will bring them for a long hard ride… The Devil never tells us where we will end up,, but always ready to tell us when to go, where to go and what to go with.. if i see the ride, and is not the priest that in it,, i my self will do something.. :lol: foolish volliere

    • Justice and Truth
      November 16, 2011

      @ man of the year

      Excellent comment. Keep it up! Nationals are to assist the police and to at least try to eradicate crimes. You deserve a citation. God bless you!

  4. Anonymous
    November 16, 2011


  5. hmm wat a thing
    November 16, 2011

    priest all u playing with? hmmmm..all i can tell dat thief is go and ask d priest for forgiveness before it’s to late cuz when d priest shake his gown then dats it for d thief..dat thif dont know wat he get his self into. trust me!!!!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 16, 2011

      @ hmm wat a thing

      What a thing indeed! You make me laugh. :lol: They are in serious trouble with God Himself. Such fools spurred down by the devil. They must also return the stolen items. Not so much as shake his gown but God knows the thief or thieves and they will be severely punished in time.

  6. November 16, 2011


    • Justice and Truth
      November 19, 2011


      …And in those days he would bring down the wrath of God on them, telling it like it is without watering down the truth. This is what should be done. God in His time will do this.

  7. Lily
    November 16, 2011

    but how in de world the expect to get away with stealing a car in D/ca. we already under populated , everybody know each other or at least have a friend of a friend in common. i would jail then for just being stupid then i would add sometime for robbing the elderly. SMH. what happening to ‘…help build a prosperous and peaceful nation..’ dont get me wrong compared to majority of the world D/ca is crime free but i dont like the trend that is taking place. Stop it

  8. giving
    November 15, 2011

    i read all the comments that my people had to say about a jeep that was reported stolen,let us forget for a moment that it is the property of the priests, how would you feel if that had happen to you imagine the inconvenience you would have, also remember the news said 2 elderly priests were in the house at the time, how would you feel if that had happen to your elderly family? Dominicans let us be the people we were before we are loosing all our good values, let us spread love all over our island even if there is no money, remember what hurricane David tought us and that was our worst time ever in this country but we had plenty of love flowing all over.

  9. HELLO
    November 15, 2011


  10. Anonymous
    November 15, 2011

    I guess all you priest will not cover up wrong doing again…..Beat me noh. That’s what i say… I will still call th no./police if i see it!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Anonymous

      There are times you state some good words and there are other times you make some silly, senseless and derogatory remarks.
      You are so stupid and ignorant. It appears that your brains are sleeping or dead.
      Do you not have any sense? What has your statement got to do with someone breaking and entering the Catholic community home at Belfast, taking the keys and driving the car?
      Anonymous, you better remain anonymous. When you die your mouth and eyes will remain open. Your feet may be in the air.
      The eyes of Jesus are on every one and you are no exception. You need to bathe in Holy Water to cleanse your body, to brush your teeth and wash your mouth and hands with it.
      Be careful of stones that you throw. You will receive what you spew and two-fold. God is not amused at your words. The only thing is God is patient but beware when He reigns down His wrath upon you and when you least expect it. This goes for anyone who dares to criticize the Priests. Do not tamper with God’s consecrated Priests. God has taken note of your words which came straight from the mouth of Satan, the jaws of his eternal cauldron, Hell. A man will reap what he sows and two-fold. Keep this in mind. You will pay for it sooner or later. You will not escape God’s fair and just judgment.

  11. Mohamed George Bush
    November 15, 2011

    :twisted: they robbing the wrong people fools

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Mohamed George Bush

      I wonder about your name on this Website. :lol: However, you are so correct. You are enlightened. God bless you!

  12. Christian
    November 15, 2011

    Father,….sorry yea but all u hv to do is say a strong pray..n the person will find out what time it is….
    nt surpriseing if is a Jealous CATHOLIC that do that…..

  13. birdy_1964
    November 15, 2011

    Stealing from any body is wrong, priests, pastors they are no different. but my problem is, they are elderly, if this heartless people understand what i mean. they need to move from place to place and on time. I will be reading about you all thieves on dno. The jeep cannot be ship to no neighbouring island,by now every one looking for the priest jeep. park the jeep somewhere save for these piest. that’s is low down shame.

  14. mouth of the south
    November 15, 2011

    oh my…. people aint afraid of priests these days… we all know that priests today are not taught the deep secrets that those of past times were taught…. when last u see a priest in our day go in talk a demon out of someone… even soucouyant doing tricks on priests lol… them priest we have now no nothing about shaking gown etc…. all they can do is ask for help… now back in the old days… a french priest would just say “moun la key pond bargai la… mwen nei veewei demeh… c passa defey cah limeh boh daw” and trust by that night the stuff is returned … i’ve been saying that all the while.. priest nowadays don’t have no power whatsoever….

    • November 15, 2011

      i second that

    • November 15, 2011

      Mots they can have no power, if not the power of God’s Holy Spirit.

      But how can God work through them, and executes His power in them, when they think about Him as if He is in a box.

      Unfortunately this kind of failure is not manifested in priests alone. However those thugs will suffer for their wrong doings.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 16, 2011

        @ Lizavier4Jesus

        You say you are for Jesus but this is not what Jesus thinks of His Consecrated Priests. You are still living in darkness of the truth.
        You were a Catholic and you renounced your faith because you were ignorant in it. Some people, due to the type of ungodly lives they live, leave the Catholic Church and then turn around and lambaste it.
        Not one of you who have left the Catholic Church and others who are not Catholics are experts and do not qualify to speak against them.
        The day is coming when you will see the truth of the matter and your error. Stay tuned when you die if not before. Satan is pleased with your words. He is laughing at you too. It is as if he already owns you for his eternal cauldron of everlasting fire.
        You know nothing and I suggest that you keep your ignorant and unbecoming views to yourself and do not spread them around. God will take care of you in time.
        How dare you say that they have failed. Have you not failed in your life? What was your life previously and what is it now. I am stating that you do not know the ways of God as much as you think you do.
        I am a proud Catholic and happy, thanks be to God that I was born of Catholic parents and continue to practice my faith, cultivate it and be more knowledgeable in it. You failed in this manner. It is something which you did not do and allowed yourself to be falsely indoctrinated and swayed from the truth of the Catholic Church.
        You have failed God and the Catholic Church by leaving it and not knowing about this faith. There is more to Catholicism than meets the eye and for those who lack godly enlightenment.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ mouth of the south

      How stupid you are? You do not make sense. Your comments are uncalled for and do not pertain to the article. Stick to the article.
      You lack godly blessings, graces and inspiration which is why you make such stupid statements. It appears that you have no basic common sense. If you did, you would not have made such senseless comments which do not pertain to the article.
      Priests have to be trained to be exorcists. Not all priests world-wide are.
      In any case, people must not deal with the devil. They are to serve God and not the devil.
      Let me further inform you, you have no power whatsoever. For what you have stated, your prayers are worthless in the eyes of God. You are a person with two minds. You are neither here nor there. Therefore, cease praying.
      The Catholic priests do not need your prayers. There are enough faithful Catholics in Dominica and worldwide who love them, who will pray for them and who will not make such derogatory comments about them.
      You, too, one day will pay for your words which emanated from Satan himself and when you least expect it. Keep watch! Fool! :twisted: :mrgreen:

      • November 16, 2011

        At Truth Justice Peace

        Nice going here, you fool! Sound like you think you are actually God Himself, breaking out with you senseless religious emotion here.

        I challenge you to quote the scriptures from the Holy Bible, that gave you the authority to speak to Mots and myself the way you did in those two posts above.

        When you have done that, write down the Words, that even the devil will notice the power of God’s Holy Spirit in you. For I know that power in a person, by their attitude, conduct, or by reading their words on paper–when they are connected to God.

        Or do you know that the only way you can be connected to God is by the indwelling of His Holy Spirit through your conscience–not by worshiping the Pope–as you stupidly claimed Jesus thinks of the Catholic priest, as His “consecrated priests”

        Don’t you know what consecrated means? Would Jesus consecrate some priests and leaves the others to lust after boys and men like themselves until the satisfy their passion.

        Are you not hearing or reading the stories, from all over the world, of how priests and bishops are satisfying the lust of their flesh?

        Are you telling me that those priests are conscrated by their faith, and filled with God’s Holy Spirit, but cannot control the temptation of the flesh?

        Proud to be a Roman Catholic you say! Lady you and your priests do not know the Living God of Love, in Spirit, Truth, Holiness.

        You have the right to you passion as member of religion, I could not care less! But who do you think you are to rebuke my word, as I speak them based on my wisdom and understanding of Life Principles?

        Mots is right, and I agree with him. The majority of Catholic priests, bishops and who else, are just like most human beings with a carnal mind.

        They do not focus on receiving the anointing of God’s Holy Spirit, who gives them power to function spiritually in Life.

        The apostle Paul tells us that this power is the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. God gives that power. You do no know me, you do not that God can use that power in me to cause you to find your place, you arrogant fool!

        I cannot speak for Mots, but once again, I am telling you, you do not me, much more for God’s authority in me. Now just watch it! You got that?

      • planta
        November 16, 2011

        Lizavier4jesus: She is a ROMAIN Catholic you are a Faith Baptise or whatever where is the problem.

      • November 17, 2011


        That is how you and others do not know me and my relationship with God. He is not about relgion and He does not want me to focus on religion–whether you understand that or not, that is not my concern.

        People who are focused on thinking of themselves as Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Baptiste, Jehovoh Witness and so on and so on are simply practicing theology–the work of religion–which keeps them dead in their tresspasses.

        I am in a Love relationship with God, by which He is transforming me, by the renewing of my mind from the control of conscience–where He lives in me, for He wants me to know the Life He has blessed me with in Spirit and Truth–whihc is Love.

        Personally, I have no problem. I know my direction. So ask the lady who is foolishly barking at me, because of her belief in religion–which will take her no where in Life with God–what her problem is.

  15. FORKIT
    November 15, 2011

    Please also feel free to call Rev. Rodney J. Olive C.Ss.R. at 225-0809.

    you see when it come to their front door they calling for help and busy taking to the air waves. but when it was mano and his wife they wrapped their tongues in their throat and remain mooooooooomoooooooo

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      You are a doomed person and one bitter and miserable one.
      Cease blaming the priests for the woes of people and what they found themselves in.
      It is not only the Priests who should help others. In any case how much money do people give to the Church?
      When some of them are in trouble it is only then they know God, the Priests and the Church. Do you think that God is blind, deaf and sleeping? He knows those who reject Him, reject the Priests, the Church and then when they have nowhere and nobody to turn to they run to the Priests. The little salary that they get cannot support other people.
      God has given us the mandate to help others. Why do people only go to the Priests to help them? They must live godly lives and pray to God to assist them.
      You need godly enlightenment in these matters. Therefore, before you make rash judgments, pray to God for this. People will pay for their words as imbedded in their hearts and generated through their lips/mouths. Some of you need to wash your mouths and with Holy Water. If you cannot do this, wash it with soap and warm water. I hope it helps you so that you will be kinder in your words and compassionate.

  16. gatfe
    November 15, 2011

    The priest shake his gown on vielle case people and note what we hace. Please no more gown shaking.

    • ITASSI
      November 15, 2011


      • Anonymous
        November 15, 2011

        but that is true that is why there is no river in vielle case

    • November 15, 2011

      HA! IS TRUE

    • Anonymous
      November 15, 2011

      HA! HA! HA! I like that one…Shake the gown on them like you did to those Vieillecasians.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ gatfe

      Prior to making statements you should pray to God for discernment. Many of your statements are untrue, unfair and unjust.
      Consider how many of those people left the Catholic Church and are disrespectful to the Priests. They lambaste the Priests, criticize the Doctrines of the Catholic Church and Its religious teachings as if they are experts and know better, when they are no experts and know nothing. They were unfaithful to God’s Church. They renounced their faith. They allowed themselves to be swayed by evil times and the evil one, Satan, the false prophets of our times and joined their religion which God did not establish on this earth. What do you expect?
      Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself said to the Pharisees: “A man is not a king in his own country” and He walked away from them. It appears you are not well-conversant with Holy Scriptures. Read/study Holy Scriptures. :twisted: :twisted:

  17. Poto Catholic
    November 15, 2011

    The is a serious case but the story is very poorly written. – Anyone in Dominica, who sees this vehicle please note that whoever is driving it are the ones who invaded our home and stole it. – is that suppose to be a direct quote from one of the priest??? If so where are the quotation marks or who said it….

    Come on DNO, I have noticed a recent drop in the quality of the articles being written and I am confident your reporters can do better than that.

    ADMIN: You are such a ‘poto’ and blinded you didn’t realize it said bold and clear “press release.” This is what we got directly from the priests who sent it to us.,

    • T
      November 15, 2011

      This ADMIN is the worst. You couldn’t respond to that comment without first saying, “You are such a ‘poto’ and blinded”???? I am constantly amazed by this ADMIN’s lack of professionalism.

      ADMIN: LOL

    • wow
      November 15, 2011

      NO ADMIN IT NOT SAYING PRESS RELEASE NOWHERE ON THE ARTICLE UNLESS YOU EDIT IT NOW….. But you could use your journalism skills and professionalism and indicate somewhere on there that it was sent in by the priests. And btw stop being so defensive and accept a lil constructive criticism its all in the game.

      ADMIN: “Press Release” has been there from the very time the piece was posted. Some of all you like to jump before all you look to much. SMH

      • Justice and Truth
        November 15, 2011

        @ wow

        Wow yourself. :twisted: Why are you arguing with Admin? You are fortunate that your comment is posted and remain posted. Some of you are too bold, aggressive and ungrateful. You lack appreciation. This also means lacking godliness and humility. :twisted: :twisted:

      • 1979
        November 16, 2011

        lolololol you are such an f ing joke so called justice and truth??? ungrateful what???? u sound like the f ing PM…. ADMIN should be grateful that we patronize and give time out of our day to DNO……yes you own the WEBSITE, but you dont own the readers….how much advertising busuiness would u get if we start to boycott DNO???? u see people. it is a mutual relationship…. admin…you fear greatness, u afraid of letting this evolve into what it can be…if the people say yay who the hell can say nay?? just hear how some posters talk about 18-3 once god and the people are behind you whom do you have to fear….you like a kid with a new toy.. lawsuits my rear end… u remember what the lawyer told mark zuckerberg at the end of that movie “the social network??” she said your not a bad guy mark u just trying hard to be an **shole

      • November 16, 2011

        “Press Release” is not in bold but it is there.

        @ ADMIN…you make my day…lol!

    • November 15, 2011

      @birdy_1964 wat does the writing hav to do with the news. u not commenting on the news is saying or rather implying tht u do no care and this is a very serious issue.i feel srry for those of you who find this funny and do not care to state wat a bad thing this is.if u were smart u would no tht the statement “if Anyone in Dominica who sees this vehicle please note that whoever is driving it are the ones who invaded our home and stole it.” is a report of wat the priest said.they do not HAVE to say that it was said by the priest.plz the next time u r commentin think wisely before u type

      • planta
        November 16, 2011

        You all mix politics with religion. To all the malpalen one of these days be careful it will be you all turn cuz a thief will steal any body. Always rejoice on people sorrow.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Poto Catholic

      Are you a Catholic or merely using this name? You are indeed blinded. :twisted: :twisted: You are in dire need of God’s blessing and graces. Go and practice your faith as you should and according to God’s Commandments. Do not forget to say your morning, noon and night prayers that God might bless you and enlighten you.

      This photo Catholic is a fool. Good answer to that silly person who appears to be senseless.

  18. me
    November 15, 2011

    now blame poverty or skerrit that cause that. HOW LOW CAN WE GET.

    • Anonymous
      November 15, 2011

      Well if is not Skerrit to blame, is you that stole the vehicle. You hear me.. SOO TE WER!

  19. D3VIL
    November 15, 2011


    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ D3vil

      Yes! You are the devil. Only the devil could say that. He who hates all who and what is holy. :twisted: :twisted:

  20. anon
    November 15, 2011

    this is very serious, yet… i find it so hilarious hahahahahahahahaahhah lol

    • Dominican overseas
      November 15, 2011

      Me too hahahahahahahahahah Crazy crazy people

      • Justice and Truth
        November 15, 2011

        @ Dominican overseas

        Another stupid and senseless person. Take this! :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen: :twisted: :mrgreen:

    • Pedro
      November 15, 2011

      Anon, are so stupid. what is the Joke in this. are yu a retarded moron?.ok Idiot!!

      • FORKIT
        November 15, 2011

        take it easy peter,

    • WRENK
      November 15, 2011


    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ anon

      He who laughs last laughs best and gets the better laugh. It appears that you will laughing your way to Hell forever and ever. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

  21. Anonymous
    November 15, 2011

    Well, they say when priest shake his gown on you, you are doomed for life! I hope these bandits get what’s coming for them. The priests should shake their gowns on them!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Anonymous

      There you go again you two-faced, hypocritical person, one who is neither here nor there. I have observed about this through your writings. Read what you previously wrote.

      • 1979
        November 16, 2011

        SMDH….u are truly self righteous eh boss….. the person is anonymous….how u know is the same person previously???

      • planta
        November 16, 2011

        Yes 1979, Anonymous,is the same person who ever is right. You still have other names. YOu keep changihg name all the time.

  22. pas la
    November 15, 2011

    dem dere have blight, awa we..say an Our Father and a Holy Mary 4 dem

    • Justice and Truth
      November 16, 2011

      @ pas la

      You are correct. God noticed and so did the Ever Blessed Virgin Mary. Have you seen or read the book entitled, “To The Priests Our Lady’s Beloved Sons?” It contained messages for the Priests. The Blessed Trinity loves the Priests. She loves the Priests and prays for them. She has asked us to love our Priests, pray for them and stand by them. This is what a genuine practicing Catholic will do. Since The Mother of God speaks through the Holy Spirit, her words are that of God or you could say, of her Blessed Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ who allows her to come to earth and bring his messages to visionaries which are messages for us all. I have much to state about her, according to what I have read and also experienced.
      She is praying for every one with no exception, Catholics, non-Catholics, the enemies of God and of herself that all will turn to God, convert, repent and obtain eternal salvation. This is her mission given to her by God Himself when He chose her among all women to bear His/Her Blessed Son. She is the Heavenly Mother of all, the Queen of Heaven. Heaven would not be complete without a spiritual Mother. This makes good sense to me. Hope it does to you.
      God bless you!

  23. Alas
    November 15, 2011

    What is really happening in this place where is the LAW? People now don’t want to work just stay and get everything free now? The LAW need to put this people far far away and if any LAWYER come even though is a job they are doing JAIL them when they come to these CRIMINAL rescue because the MONIES they are paying is not BLESS

  24. Dominican overseas
    November 15, 2011

    It is worst on St.Croix. Bandits went into the St.Joseph Catholic Church and stole the Cross cut the copper pipes of the Air Condition.

  25. Conscious
    November 15, 2011

    Dominica is in a state of decadence. Parents, be firm with your children. Practice tough love.

  26. Satelite
    November 15, 2011

    Where else will they steal from now? I know the priests are praying for them, in many ways asking the good Lord to save them from themselves. Thank God no one was hurt.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Satelite

      The Priests pray for them, for Dominica in general and other Dominicans. At every Holy Mass they are prayed for and throughout the world. I do not know what your religious affiliation is. However, get a Sunday Missal and read the section of the Consecration. There you will note that the Catholic Church prays for every one in general, no exception their very own enemies. This is true Christianity and practice of same as Our Lord taught, “I tell you love one another. Do good to those who hate you…”

  27. Anonymous
    November 15, 2011

    AH AH , what is wrong with the people of today. regardless things are hard in the country doesnt give you the right to steal from people. people learn to earn the legal way. anyways every rope have its end. thieves you will not reach far in life.

  28. Moi
    November 15, 2011

    alas…even stealing from the priests too.

    • pas la
      November 15, 2011

      that’s y sometimes real bad things happen to ppl like these…let’s jus say these 2 priest say 2 prayers 4 them and for d rest of their life they running up and down Belfast whole day without clothes and shoes? it could b worst than that but may the Good Lord have mercy on them.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 15, 2011

        @ pas la

        You are so correct. I reside in Toronto. There are many people who pick pocket others, steal their purses, vandalize property, break and enter their homes and even murder them. Some are caught and others are not caught.
        There are some bleeding hearts today who lobby for the poor and keep talking about it, even demonstrating. Coincidentally, recently during a course of conversation I told someone those people who steal from others who, today, are poor people, some do not age gracefully and are ill, they expect others to feel sorry for them. While I recognize that as a Christian I have to be compassionate, it is fair to state that sooner or later they who harm and steal from others and worst yet break and enter a Rectory, place of residence of Priests and steal from them will surely pay for what they did. God is looking on and took note. He knows who they are. If only they knew what is awaiting them in the future and right on earth and later in eternity, they would live godly lives.
        By the way the Catholic Radio is on as always. As I write this I am listening to it. You should realize what spiritual enlightenment I derive from it. :lol:
        God bless you!

    • Justice and Truth
      November 15, 2011

      @ Moi

      The devil has his soul. He will be wallowing in the fires of Hell and Satan will be constantly jeering at him and reminding him of his unfaithfulness. This will be his eternal punishment. Fool that he is, governed by the influence of Satan, he does not realize that you do not tamper with God’s Consecrated Priests no matter what nor steal from them.

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