Cell phone use by motorists worries Weekes


Police Public Relations Officer Inspector Claude Weekes says he is concerned about the indiscriminate use of mobile phones by motorists on the island.

Weekes told the Hot Seat radio program this morning that most, if not all, motorists have been found guilty of the habit.

He says the use of mobile phones while driving increases the chances of accidents.

Weekes is also supporting calls for legislation to deal with the matter.

“This is a thing that is being done by all and sundry. This is not a good practice. As a driver, the best thing is to be in control of the vehicle and that’s by both hands on the steering wheel,” he said.

He said if persons are distracted by mobile phones when driving, there is a high probability of accident.

“Accidents are called mishaps but some can be avoided. We must be concerned. There are jurisdictions to take care of that and it’s something that we have to look at,” Weekes stated.

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  1. anonymous
    May 24, 2011

    It is time that Dominicans take life seriously. Many people have died in other parts where the driver was using a mobile phone. Dominica with such bends and curves on the roads needs all drivers to be cautious. Dominicans take everything for a joke and think they are the best drivers on the roads. The wake up call will come when something terrible will happen and we will feel sorry.

  2. zam
    May 10, 2011

    Indeed there should be a law to ban mobile use when driving a motor vehicle. But this might take some time to be formulated then become law. That is why – the opposition must go back to parliament to debate and help pass positive laws for the betterment of the nation. Please not that head sets and blue tooth devices are legally permissible. The whole cell phone drama has become almost a papyshow especially when one would witness bus drives chatting and having a nice chat with who ever.
    In addition, what about the seat belt law? hard does one see drives with seat belts fastened. Its is dangerous to be driving without seat belts fastened. You know the sad thing! when Dominicans travell abroad they all obey the laws of other nations but when in Dominica its like paradise and a silly ” I dont care attitude!” So the police should be out there ensuring folks do the right thing. But please don’t let civilians see policemen and those in high office breaking the laws in season and out of season. May God bless Dominica.

  3. PHARM F
    May 9, 2011

    Bro Weekes, i share you concern very deeply….. i drive and i see whats going on on the road when drivers are using cell-phones and driving at the same time.. That is a destructive and hazardous practice.LEGISLATION MUST BE PUT IN PLACE TO ADDRESS THIS MISUSE OF CELL-PHONES

  4. peaceful
    May 9, 2011

    yes the Govt. can make money by passing laws, for people who that is driving on the road and talking on are cell phone, it is dangerous, not only for cell also for drinking and drivig , we all know drinking and driving is dangerous . charge people who drink and drive. there is money for the Govt. to make for D. U . I

  5. Sphynx
    May 9, 2011

    In Guada and Madinina,u pay almost 150euros and still lose about 4 points on the 12 points driving licence;which even risks being withdrawn for a few months.to obtain the lost points,you go back to driving school.we will be more precautious on the road.THIS IS FOR THE MINISTER OF TRANSPORTS!!!

  6. Dominican in the BVI
    May 9, 2011

    Government need to implement a stiff law, against Drivers that use Cell phone while driving. i lived in a Country where a charge of 250.00 is given to drivers forthwith. or go to court. Safety should be our # 1 concern.

  7. sadist
    May 9, 2011


  8. sadist
    May 9, 2011


  9. pafque
    May 9, 2011

    hugo everytime you open your thoughts only sh*t comes from your brain.you must just be one of those who thrive on being an a*s

  10. Cerberus
    May 9, 2011

    mr. Weekes if “most, if not all motorists have been found guilty of the habit” I assume you have the evidence to back up that statement! I’m surely not the only one, who expressly switches off their phones whilst driving. Even properly installed “hands free” phone have been found to be major a distraction and cause of accidents. Stop your vehicle in a safe place and check/answer calls then.
    Enforcing a law prohibiting the use of mobile phones whilst driving faces one major obstacle in Dominica. The increased use of tinted windows in vehicles makes it impossible for law enforcement officers to see what take place inside the vehicle and for a ban to work a law prohibiting tinted windows should also be introduced. After all, people moving about in public are not allowed to do so wearing masks so why should they be allowed to move in total disguise in public whilst driving!?

  11. Patriotic B
    May 9, 2011

    AGAIN we are displaying our ignorance here. It is a proven fact that cell phone use while operating a vehicle leads to tragic accidents. Dominica does not have the level of traffic compared to others but our roads are not the best coupled with the dangerous curves so Weekes have a very valuable point.

    Are we really arguing his point? There is nothing to argue about. Weekes just need to implement a law to charge all those caught in the act period and don’t wait until something happens to tackle the issue. Let’s all be responsible citizens and start practicing safe driving by investing in head set or stay away from using a cell while driving. CHANGE BEGINS WITH US.

  12. Dominican in the Leeward Islands
    May 9, 2011

    Dear Editor,
    Where I live the driver of any vehicle is not allowed use a mobile phone while driving. if caught you face a fine and possibly more and believe me law enforcement has clamped down on that and the use of seat belts which must be on at all times

    • Sphynx
      May 9, 2011

      Ask those who are in wheelchairs because of cell calls.ged a glimpse of the picture.accidents happen in one twentieth of a second

  13. tedash ( vex i vex)
    May 9, 2011

    A driver Looking at a sexy Girl while driving may cause an accident , or listening to loud music , or talking to the person on the pasenger sit . How are we going to legislate against this events. ?

    and the cell phone issue is really a joke because a person driving a standard vehicle keeps one hand on the steering wheel and at the same time keeps conversation with the pasenger siting next to him.
    Using a cell phone means one hand on the steering wheel and the next one holding the phone while talking.
    Are we saying that you can’t talk and keep your eyes on the road. whats the isssue here. is it the phone or talking.
    O.k but really i can see a problem with driving and texting or reading a text or email. But Talking nah.
    What about drinking and driving in dominica. I think this should be given more thought than the cell phone thing. I mean i can drive pass the police station with a red cap in one hand and the other hand on the steerring wheel.

    • sadist
      May 9, 2011

      couple years ago a tourist was charged for drinking and driving. you want to know what he was drinking? DIET COKE.

  14. liz
    May 9, 2011

    I think the government could take hold of this opportunity of making some money to help the country. cell phone could be ban whenever operating any vehicle. we all know how dangerous it is, and if the government pass that law, charge people for driving while using a cell phone that, take that money to fix the country. I also think there should be inspection motor vehicle every year. We have to take care of ourself our country.

  15. charmed
    May 9, 2011

    why do these peole always wait for when something hapens for them to come out and speak amend laws or enforce them. the laws are there please enforce them before more happens.

  16. Trouble intended
    May 9, 2011

    So Hugo Grotius,

    How many accidents do you want to happen before they start talking about this? How many people do you think should die before they take action? 10? 50? 200? And what if one of those is your relative, or even you? Have you thought about that?

    DA has so many mountains, corners and valleys. If cell phone use while driving should be banned anywhere, it should be DA…Great idea Mr. Weeks…I say push for the law.

  17. Ace
    May 9, 2011

    I totally agree with weekes but there are more pressing matters at hand.The safety of paying passengers on these buses,some of these buses have no right being on the road because of poor mentainance.How about spot checks at these bus stops around roseau for bad tires, proper brakes , cracked windshields etc.The dominican public needs to be better served when comes to public transportation. That’s where weekes need to focus if he wants to do something about public safety on the road.

  18. Trouble intended
    May 9, 2011

    how about using head sets? like blue tooth? That will definitely help..

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 9, 2011

      Head sets while driving? This is a bad thought and comment. Are you sane? Surely you should know better that drivers should not be wearing head sets while operating a vehicle just as talking on cell phones and texting. All drivers should be banned from talking on cell phones. Period!

  19. sal man da
    May 9, 2011

    fix the traffic control 1st b4 u start with mobile use YALL DONT EVEN HAVE TRAFFIC LIGHTS!! COME ON NOW!!

    • Hugo Grotius
      May 9, 2011

      Sot they sot, Dominica economic activity too slow for us to have cellphone accidents like faster countries.

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        May 10, 2011

        Whether Dominica is a small country, note that there are many more vehicles today than in the past.
        What do you say about the accidents in Dominica which have cost lives and injured many people, for a small island?
        It is high time to ban cellular phones while driving, for the safety of the drivers, other drivers, passengers and pedestrians. Furthermore, in time the situation could become worst. Better to be safe than sorry before additional accidents occur due to talking on cellular phones and texting while driving. This is for everyone’s safety. Prevention is better than cure; some may never be cured and recover from an accident. Therefore, let us think beyond and ahead of avoiding accidents, injuries and saving lives.

    • Anonymous
      May 9, 2011

      you really need traffic lights in dominica? dominica doesnt have traffic for traffic lights. it works just fine without. that is not the point. the point is that cell phones are dangerous when driving, simple. especially in a place like dominica where you can pull up anywhere safe to answer the call. there is no need for driving with a phone to your head.

    • Trouble intended
      May 9, 2011

      I have a few questions for you:

      # 1 – Who the hell is “YALL”?

      # 2 – Will a traffic light stop you from crashing into someone because you have one hand on your cell phone?

      # 3 – What do you mean when you say, “fix the traffic control”?

      Answering to # 4 is optional:
      # 4 – How old are you and in which country do you live?

      • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
        May 10, 2011

        If you reside in Dominica and Roseau for that matter, have you tried crossing Queen Mary Street now called Independence Street and also Great George Street, especially during rush hours as I call it when people are driving to work and buses are driving passengers to and from the old and new bridges as we called them in those days? Pedestrians take their chances and life in their hands when crossing. Those drivers do not stop for pedestrians. It appears that they own the streets and they are kings and queens of the road. It is as if pedestrians have no right to cross those streets.
        I have stated this for years that there should be traffic lights at those intersections. There are also no Police directing the traffic so that pedestrians could cross safely.
        I consider traffic lights in those areas as necessary and important.
        This is something that the government should look into with the increased vehicular traffic in Roseau.

  20. joop jop
    May 9, 2011

    make it an offence have the government to pass a law forbidden cell usage while driving.using a cell while driving is just like some one who is very drunk and driving

  21. Hugo Grotius
    May 9, 2011

    How many accidents in Dominica is due to mobile use? All u fellas just want innovative ways to find revenue so all u penalizing the people.

    • Edgar Hoover
      May 9, 2011

      My friend it is a proven fact throughout the world that the use of mobile phones whilst driving causes accidents just as do trying to change a cd or lighting a cigarette whist driving. That is why it is banned and a criminal offense in most other countries.

      I’m glad to see that Mr Weekes is in tune with the rest of the world and taking steps to bring Dominica also into the real world.

      One big change I would also welcome is more stringent regulations for bus drivers who everybody knows are currently bordering on lawless with regards to passenger safety.

    • solvent
      May 9, 2011

      That is so sad – while we blame our lack of growth and development on the on the inefficient politicians particularly those in government I cannot help but to ponder on the ignorance of our people. When Hugo Grotius make such a comment it is heart breaking just to think that we still have such level of ignorance in Dominica. After all, this blogger have access to a computor and seem to be fairly educated yet so naive and parochial.
      While hugo may be trying to work up a conspiracy theory which may or may not have any truth the big picture should be safety for all. While Hugo await more DWT accidents ( driving while talking or texting) I sure hope that Hugo or family members will not be victim(s) of DWT before impliment serious regulations against DWT.
      We need to stop this stupid politicizing of every issue and work for the common good.

    • Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
      May 10, 2011

      Experience should dictate that you do not wait until accidents and deaths occur although this is sometimes the norm.
      As an example, some years ago in Toronto in an area close to where I reside, there was a train crossing – across the street. For years the people in the area lobbied the government to construct an overpass for the train. The government did not pay heed. As usual, there are times they cite that they do not have money and that it will be expensive. They prefer saving to protecting lives of taxpayers.
      One evening after work a bus with passengers was crossing. The driver saw the train coming but did not have time to fully drive across that intersection. The train hit the bus. The result was about 8 or more people died.
      Thank God I was not on that bus. I do not usually travel that route to work. Family and friends were worried that I could have been on that bus. When they telephoned I assured them that I was OK.
      There are gates/bars which close when a train is approaching. Sometimes they do not work and sometimes children interfere with them which make them inoperable.
      There are some drivers who rush to cross even though they hear a train approaching and get stuck on the crossing with the bars closed. They may have time to get out of their vehicle and run to a safe place, away from the oncoming train, leaving it on the tracks. The train will obviously hit it.
      When the train is at a certain distance and nearing, a bell also rings to inform both drivers and pedestrians it is approaching. The bars on both sides close.
      The train travels very fast and woe to drivers and pedestrians who get caught on the tracks. When they are hit by a train, they would be fortunate to be alive and only injured, sometimes badly.
      Since that accident an overpass was built but it took the loss of lives and injuries for the government to take action.
      There are different examples of ignoring warnings at the cost of lives and injuries.
      People should not sit back and be complacent as they state that Dominica is small and that few people use cellular phones and text while driving. In simple terms, such a chance cannot be taken. Keep in mind Dominica is becoming more progressive and more cellulars and blackberries, etc. are sold and will be sold in the coming years. The government should immediately implement legislation as a protective measure for both drivers and pedestrians. The time is now to do something concrete about this.

  22. Cal Fawin
    May 9, 2011

    I agree. This legislation should be implemented as soon as possible. A prime example is the alarming number of reckless bus drivers who normally pick up their phones whenever it rings while they’re driving on their usual routes with passengers. Although the number of Accidents by use of cellphones while driving is low in Dominica, does not make for an excuse why this law shouldn’t be put in place before the new west coast road project is finished.

  23. Jade
    May 9, 2011

    We first need the POLICE to set the example…so that we the citizens can follow

    • luclu
      May 9, 2011

      Take your safety into your hands!! Don’t wait for someone else to lead in order for you to follow.

    • queenie
      May 9, 2011

      all changes should begin with u………..police are humans just like us…………….U set the example and stop blaming other people for the bad choices you may be making………..

  24. Sprinter
    May 9, 2011

    Legislation is okay, but nothing will change if everyone turns a blind eye to the implementation of that legislation which is normally the case in Dominica.

    • VAW
      May 10, 2011

      I was just going to say the same thing, more laws on paper and no one implementing them. Another waste of time, and energy and money.

      Good thinking from weekes though, but it won’t work unless the are willing to ENFORce that and MANY other laws already in place.

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