“Codfish man” goes to jail

Steve Pond, the man at the center of the “contaminated codfish fiasco,” has been slapped with a six months jail sentence by magistrate Ossie Lewis after he pleaded guilty to trespassing and removal of waste from the Fond Cole Landfill.

He appeared in a Roseau court on Friday.

The issue arose after reports were made to the police that contaminated codfish, which was disposed at the western end of the landfill, was removed and sold to shops in Tarish Pit/ Stock Farm area.

That matter drew a huge outcry from members of the public who expressed “shock and outrage” at the situation.

This is not the first time Pond has gotten himself in trouble with the law concerning the removal of waste from the landfill. Manager Marcus Francis, in an interview, stated that a court order was in place, barring Pond from entering it since he has already been convicted for offences of waste removal there.

The maximum penalty is $5,000.00 and six months jail but Lewis decided jail was the best thing for Pond.

He received no separate penalty for the charge of trespassing.

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  1. Anonymous
    January 22, 2013

    The shopkeepers knew that the codfish must have been stolen why did they buy it ?

  2. AH
    January 22, 2013

    He should be given couple years in jail and the people who bought the codfish should be fined heavily. This is putting people at high risk for illness. Its disgrace on the seller and buyers. Steve you got a slap on the risk, it was a get-a-away.

  3. Roy
    January 21, 2013

    there should be a proper way of the disposal of exp. foods, not saying the man was rite to do what he did but assuming he is a poor man and poverty will cause anyone of us to do the unthinkable, now the shopkeepers has a part to play to, they should be charged for endangering the health of you, your sons, daughters and other loved ones, because they keep buying the stolen foods or rather they buy it from anyone even if it is known that this particular person has no way of getting the goods if it is not by stealing it. Dominicans stop encouraging ppl to steal, remember what goes around comes around…………..

    • Malgraysa
      January 21, 2013

      Please Roy. Didn’t the teach you about punctuation in school? Have a real problem reading your post.

  4. January 21, 2013

    SA BON That’s a good job mr. Lewis.

  5. King Ping
    January 21, 2013

    “YES I”

  6. real man
    January 20, 2013

    the law is for one set , i cannot beleave he sel the saltfish and ppl buy it and they did not find those that buy it and those that buy it did waste then him

    • Anonymous
      January 21, 2013

      Is this English???

  7. grell
    January 20, 2013

    he tell me after carnival they letting him go.so he cant sell more.

  8. Fair
    January 20, 2013

    Si e pani sitiwez e pani vuoley. What about the shopkeepers who keep encouraging the crime? To solve this problem then those at the root of it must be punished also and their punsihment should be greater!

  9. lydia
    January 20, 2013

    I think the shopkeepers who bought the codfish and sold it to the public should get their license suspended for couple months. receivers encourage thieves

  10. pois
    January 19, 2013

    dam codfish on d menu,no one got hospitalized?shit

  11. poe-ki-toe
    January 19, 2013

    hmmm a photo of the convict should be displayed so that unsuspecting people may have an idea of what he looks like

  12. disgusted
    January 19, 2013

    What are the authorities doing about the shopkeepers who bought the items from this sick individual? Im my opinion they should lose their licenses to operate business they exposed people to illnesses. We do not take these things seriously in Dominica and this is a shame why would a shop keeper buy any goods or commodities from an individual who clearly does not operate a wholesale or some type of business. This is a shame and i am utterly disguted by this. the shop keepers need to be exposed and have the business names listed so folks can stay away from their establishment because only God knows what else the purchase from strays..smh Lord guide n help us all

  13. January 19, 2013

    Boy hear perfect people pass judgement on their fellow man. Have you all tried to think of why that man would sell old cod-fish and why there would be people willing to buy it at risk of their health?
    How many of you have been in the position to buy those “old” foods to stay alive?
    After you have given that some thought then pass your judgement.

    • Malgraysa
      January 21, 2013

      Are you telling us that we are that hard up in Dominica. The P.M. would like to hear from you but….pls. put it in writing!

  14. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    anything for a dollar in that DA

  15. fil
    January 19, 2013

    The shopkeeper should be penalized for selling contaminated goods and accepting goods form none
    business personel.

  16. ?????????????
    January 19, 2013

    This man needs help. Stop sending poor people to jail, while all you have the real criminals high up in society. He is crying out for help. Give him the help,and jail the thieves who are defrauding the country of hundreds of millions of dollars.

  17. eyes to see
    January 19, 2013

    did this guy have a lawyer… the law works where it wants to… yeah he did wrong but there is no law specifically stating that removal of waste is an offence…. ppl dont be ignorant

  18. not suprised
    January 19, 2013

    His a known “paro” who has to maintain his habits.6mnths is nothing for him he probably has his own key to his cell after all prison is his home

  19. Big-Bannan
    January 19, 2013

    Turns out, Codfish isn’t good for you anyway and bad for folks with high blood pressure. History has it that slaves started codfish as a way of preserving fish when there was no electricity.

    • Jay
      January 21, 2013

      That story is “old fish”. Cod is not caught in tropical waters. It typically comes from the nothern hemisphere, the waters of Iceland, Newfoundland, Norway etc. This method of preserving fish (salting and air-curing, in the open) was first practised by native people of those countries and wash easily trzansported to our islands, in days of sail as a standby to feed the local pophlation and not only the slaves. Smoked mackrel, picled herring and “sauce” are in the same category.

  20. warma
    January 19, 2013

    Feed him the same ole codfish he take and sell to people – lets see how he like sitting on di bowl continuously

    • January 21, 2013

      you seating on the bowl man

  21. Jaime Lewis
    January 19, 2013

    Now what about the shopkeepers who bought the contaminated codfish? They should also be prosecuted for purchasing from an unlicensed person.
    What about the people who bought the codfish? Should they be given some type of medical test and then treated against whatever the contamination could cause?
    Now, isn’t it amazing that this man was brought to justice within one week, but the fire bomb perpetrator is still smiling. What justice!

  22. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    If this guy if he seem to like the dump so much, maybe they should build a small cage close to the labasse for him, if garbage is what he want to eat, he can be the scavenger like a pig and have his three square meals and deserts in front him…and the shop keepers punishment should be to visit him daily….

    It’s way time the health inspector pay shopkeepers a visit..who knows what expired food they might be selling to the public…..

  23. Anonymous
    January 19, 2013

    Always amazed how swiftly the justice system moves -how come they are slow when it comes to drug dealers and murderers

  24. bad
    January 19, 2013

    U goin 2 hav a codfish val in dat jail band u alone dat goin 2 be jumpin behind dat band

  25. Luga
    January 18, 2013

    Instead of sending people to jail for stupidity why u don’t leave dem do hard work without getting any pay as an punishment ….

  26. Anonymous
    January 18, 2013

    Instead of sending people to jail for stupidity why u don’t leave dem do hard work without getting any pay as an punishment ….

    • hmmm
      January 21, 2013

      I agree with the hard work for no pay – like a community sentence to clean up. But i disagree that you consider this stupidness. If someone had died from eating the codfish, it would have been a different tune you’d be singing.

      It was wrong and he needed to be punished, along with the shop keepers. However, the punishment perhaps shoudl ahve been a mental institution.

      Which reasonable person of sound mind would go in a garbage dump and take old food to resell?

  27. safe
    January 18, 2013

    I’m happy they sent him to jail. The shop keepers should reimburse the customers, pay a fine and go to jail for a while. They did not care about human life, just greedy for money. Food poisoning is not a joke, it could also lead to death.

    Dominican’s should know, good codfish should be white, not too heavy and not too strong odor. The only way codfish should be wet is when you are ready to cook it or soak before cooking. Also, codfish has no nutritional value, it taste good, but loaded with salt. Anything you have to ingest, must not be taken lightly. Dominican’s, also be your first to what you buy and eat.

  28. Councelor
    January 18, 2013

    As the saying goes, integrity is everything, but if you do not have it you’ve got nothing. What a shame and embarrassment for a human being to have to live with in his life.I think that he needs some psychiatric evaluation and counseling while incarcerated.I know the man, he and I went to elementary school together. There was a time when he was the fastest sprinter in the entire school.He was also a leader in the scouts. I feel sad for him. He must be a troubled soul to go to a dump yard and retrieve food to sell for others.

  29. Peeping Tom
    January 18, 2013

    This guy got off easily. First, he was already barred from the area. Second, the potential harm to the public warrants a stiff sentence. Third, in light of his previous offence and the fact that he has disregarded the order against him, he should have been penalized for the charge of trespassing.

  30. .............
    January 18, 2013

    the sadest vibs is on the 18th of may 2013, mr out of jail.

  31. Choice - X
    January 18, 2013

    That tradition of singling out the lesser factor in a crime and punishing him needs to be re-examined. There are many a crime committed by groups, yet in the end is one person who faces the court.

    Whilst the convicted trespasser may have committed a heinous crime he was indeed aided and abetted by the network of vendors who distributed the product. Furthermore, one must not overlook the gross negligence committed by the Landfill management who initiated this entire fiasco by failure to destroy and/or secure the contaminated material in a responsible manner

  32. pa mele
    January 18, 2013

    steve you that do that…awa for you .you need help or you greed.

  33. jeanmarie
    January 18, 2013

    6 months for endangering the lives of others.,.what if people died as a result of consuming the contaminated cod fish?

  34. CIA on the watch
    January 18, 2013

    I am wonder if this man was given a psychological evaluation? what is his social condition he is surviving under? is he gainfully employed? he might repeat that offense once he comes out of jail

    • EB.
      January 19, 2013

      I can see your point (CIA on the watch) to some extent; may be desperate for food, but why sell it to other people especially shop(s)?

      I would also indict the shop owners who purchased the stolen commodity for resale.

    • emmm
      January 19, 2013

      how is it that the man needs the psychological evaluation WHY ARE THE PEOPLE BUYING IT FROM HIM they are the ones who needs to take jail that pissing me off a set of foolish people

    • Angela
      January 19, 2013

      Gosh we are talking about Dominica. In Dominica there is no such thing. Just as children with learning disabilities, one system for all.

  35. truth
    January 18, 2013

    Six months no wonder he keeps repeating the crime. That’s a joke.

    • anonymous
      January 19, 2013

      very true to ur comment wen he comes out of jail he is goin to do the same thing am a dominican and the law in dominicais a joke

  36. Sybil
    January 18, 2013

    The shopkeepers who bought the codfish should also be punished. Pond is not a licensed wholesaler so they break the law when they buy stuff from him.

    • MIA
      January 20, 2013

      You’re right. They should be brought before the court for receiving stolen goods, and be charged the maximum fine.

  37. Anonymous
    January 18, 2013

    Sent him five years

      January 21, 2013

      what jail ? mister find free salt fish he selling < and the murderers on the street eh eh ?

  38. T mama
    January 18, 2013

    Not enough jail time….

      January 19, 2013

      i wonder if the law mwkers do read these sad stories. they are the ones who have man getting a pinch on the hand when crimes are committed

  39. A Voice
    January 18, 2013

    Weh boy, steve you that do that? You taking jail for foolishness.

    What about the shopkeepers that bought from him and sold it the unsuspecting public?

    I hope they get dragged before the courts too…

    • Peeping Tom
      January 18, 2013

      Hmmm! Interesting, because probably they could be charged for receiving stolen goods. Maybe they too, will be charged.

  40. Listener
    January 18, 2013

    Good that he get some time in jail but the shopkeeper or keepers should spend some time too even more than him ,is high time they stop with nonesence of putting peoples life at risk,greedy people.

    • watching allu
      January 21, 2013

      So most D/canslike shop keepers? lol

  41. Malgraysa
    January 18, 2013

    Astounded, perplexed and impressed, all at the same time. For “liberating” spoilt fish from the landfill a man is convicted and sentenced within a week but if your name is “Easy Door” and you are sued for over $6 million you get protection from prosecutiion. Dominica is a very strange place.

    • Peeping Tom
      January 18, 2013

      :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    • %
      January 18, 2013

      @Malgraysa That’s the type of Dominica we are living in bro. The jail is not for the scamps who are leaders in this country. It is for the poor man… This man obviously needs help, because if not he will be out and try something worse. Some people will rape the state and go free. It all depends on which political fence you are standing.

    • Anonymous
      January 19, 2013

      Strange indeed

    • Anonymous
      January 19, 2013

      @ Malgraysa It’s people like you i would refer to as being “REAL DOMINICANS”.

    • watching allu
      January 21, 2013

      Malgrasa Jamie died from a massive heart attack.
      Saltfish did not cause his pressure to go up did it in the steroid with Ben did it? Now here I agre with you they should close the door on the eZdoor. nomore sliding.

    • Setup
      January 21, 2013

      Once a thief pleads guilty to those crimes the case is always called quickly, because the man did not waste the court’s time. this has been happening since I was a student, and that is over 45 years now. The man is always in trouble for stealing, so he is well known in court. Let him pass by your place see how fast he will carry your stuff go. Steve was not raised hungry, his parents are not poor, her is a thief, and he is also a drug addict.

  42. EBEH
    January 18, 2013

    They should put him to sit down and make him eat all the codfish! How dare he do such a thing. Doesn’t he realise that he could have wiped out whole communities by doing what he did? geezzzz

  43. B.E.B
    January 18, 2013

    While he will be enjoying carnival and the Easter season in jail, so might be going to ‘Gentle Rest’

  44. mango temptation
    January 18, 2013

    and what about the shopkeeper that buy the saltfish from pon knowing well that Pond dont have a wholesale?

  45. lee
    January 18, 2013

    He got in trouble the first time he did not behave himself so who don’t want to listen will have to feel. Being in jail this time will teach him a lesson.

    • him
      January 18, 2013

      How do you know?

    • Setup
      January 21, 2013

      Muster is unteachable. Only God can change him, but he has to allow the Holy Spirit to dwell in his heart. No amount of talking to him, nor jail time will change him

  46. Jedi Queen
    January 18, 2013

    All I can do is laugh. Laugh and smh.

    • bone
      January 19, 2013

      The last time i checked…this was and is NO LUAGHING MATTER!!!! :-x

    • disgusted
      January 19, 2013

      that’s not funny

  47. Hmm
    January 18, 2013

    Good for him. Greedy man. Putting other’s live in risk for money.

    • Malgraysa
      January 21, 2013

      The same could be said about granting a license for the asphalt plant at Layou, not so!?

      • Nkrumah Kwame
        January 21, 2013

        Eye of the needle!!

  48. Not a herd follower
    January 18, 2013

    The maximum penaltry should have been higher. This guy deserves a longer prison term than six months for putting peopl’s health at risk,being a damned public nuisance and for disobeying the ban the Court had previously imposed on him.

  49. Brohim
    January 18, 2013

    Contaminated saltfish smelling so bad… If you know what I mean… :lol:

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