Counterfeit money in circulation – police warns

Police are advising citizens to be conscious of counterfeit money circulating in the country.

Public Relations Officer and Chief Police Prosecutor Inspector Claude Weekes told Dominica News Online that the illegal notes have so far come in the form of Eastern Caribbean $100 and $50 bills.

“Last week reports were made and the Criminal Investigations Department continue to do their investigations, but what is important is that the public must be well aware of the fact that those monies are being circulated. You want to remember that Christmas is approaching as well, and you have those who have the propensity to committing mischief would look forward to that kind of opportunity on our unsuspecting nationals,” he stated.

“So therefore we are asking, we are imploring the public to be mindful… especially those  who are involved in business, you know, the shop keepers, the business places, the taxi operators and alike should be well aware,” he told DNO.

Weekes explained that although the illegal notes look very similar to the real money, there are differences.

“The texture of the money can be different. Sometimes you see two heads, for example, if it were the queen that was on it…maybe you would see two different serial numbers. The money might be flimsy although it looks absolutely genuine, but indeed it’s fake…So we’re really asking the public to be mindful of that,” he urged.

He also asked persons to be aware of the intent of the persons committing these crimes, which is to gain genuine cash in exchange for the fake notes.

He called on citizens not to join the cycle and continue to circulate the bills if they come contact with them but instead should inform the police immediately.

“We’re saying as well, those people who may come across the counterfeit money, that they must not go on to circulate it…it does not make sense that if you are the victim of counterfeit money, that you should try to pass it on. In other words somebody has done it to you, and then you want to do it back to the person. I think the best way to go is to report it, and let us see if we can stop its circulation in the community,” he stated.

Weekes said that though the public is generally on the alert as it regards to these crimes, it is sometimes difficult to trace and catch the perpetrators.

“Well I must admit the public in that regard, they are always on the alert when these things happen so when they pass on information, sometimes it is very difficult to get the information…” he stated.

“We are definitely hoping that the public will work with us and we will work with them as well because it will affect all of us in one way or the other,”  he stated.

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  1. we
    November 24, 2010

    is de cry times and things are hard in DA….govt going build state palace…27 million while da ppl do have money what a shame on Labour~

  2. Anthony Ismael
    November 23, 2010

    The EC Dollar changes designs frequently, so it should be easy to detect the fake ones from the real ones. Additionally, all concerned should not accept large notes.

  3. marzhie alone
    November 23, 2010

    NEXT LEVEL ………

  4. Jay
    November 22, 2010

    @Mikes: I agree, they just like to hear themselves talk and at the end of the day they say nothing

    November 22, 2010

    OMG – blame the young. Why is it presumed that the counterfeiters are young, criminals come from all ages, shapes and sizes.

    Counterfeiting is a age old crime affecting people all over the world.

    What baffles me is that Dominica is a small place where everyone seems to know everyone elses business, surely someone has a tip for the police. Lets all hope that if the police get a lead, they act on it and prosecute the criminals giving them the maximum sentence thus showing any would be chancers that they mean business. If the notes are being printed in Dominica, the police must find where the printing is being done and destroy the plates and machinery.

    I worked in accounts and when a customer paid in cash we used a pen with a infra ray that detected if the notes were real. That pen only cost a few pounds, so surely all establishments should purchase such pens (time I phoned the UK and ask for a pen to be sent to Dominica).

    Lets not forget that when shops lose money through counterfeit/shop lifting etc, prices go up.
    Also there are many people in Dominica who could afford to lose $50 – $100 and not suffer.

  6. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    November 22, 2010

    It takes a certain type of machinery to produce fake dollars. I would think that this may originate from overseas or that they are brought to Dominica. Children are not the ones who could devise them but adults.
    Immigration and Customs will have to be vigilant about what is brought into Dominica.
    Government and Police do your work to assist those merchants and especially small businesses.
    Now that Dominica has become what it is and sadly so with increased crimes, criminals will find ways and means of cheating financial institutions as banks, businesses and the public in general who are, primarily the vulnerable ones.
    The time has come and with no hesitation to purchase scanners which will detect fake dollars from authentic ones.
    There are some businesses in Toronto that will not accept $100 and $50 dollar bills. These could be suspects.
    In Toronto, I shop at a grocery store which has a scanner. Even $5 bills are scanned. This is not the only grocery store or general store that I shop at but I have noticed that this specific store has a scanner. Otherwise they may operate at a loss. If they receive too many fake bills, their insurance coverage will increase. Therefore, it is to their financial benefit that they take such security precautions.
    Staff are trained to touch the dollar bills and to detect if they are fake. If they feel thick, they may be rejected. However, generally, a scanner is used which is a safer and surer method.
    Some cash registers have scanners or a separate scanner.
    Dominican merchants will have to invest in those for their financial protection.
    The big corporations in Canada have insurance coverage for this purpose. This is another reason why they prefer their customers using credit or ATM cards. This is another reason why it is stated that we are becoming a cashless as well as paperless society. Businesses will then deal financially with banks. No money is exchanged between customers and businesses.
    As crimes escalate worldwide, this may be a way of life in the future. The government must do its utmost to put a spoke in the wheel of criminals who want free money without working for it. This is one way of stopping them in their tracks. Society the loser, needs to be safe from criminals. We need to become the winner with the help of the government authorities.

  7. Truth, Justice, Love, Peace and Unity
    November 22, 2010


    Children must not always be accused or branded. Nevertheless, there are adults who use children to commit crimes. No exception in Canada and thhe US because children are the last ones to be detected.

  8. For your info
    November 22, 2010

    @Mikes: Visit or you can contact the ECCB’s Agency office or commercial banks for brochures and leaflets.

  9. Lizavier4Jesus
    November 22, 2010


    But why do you assume or conclude that this wicked scheme is an action of young people? I was once a young person, so I am aware of the difficult challenges a young person must face before he/she can even realize the significance of existing as a person.

    I now have a son, who is now a young adult. The children of my brothers and sisters are all youth or young adults as well. That is the reason I resent the fact that young people are always the first to be labelled with the responsibility for every bad thing that comes into form. We have failed to realize that the most destructive and wicked activities are devised and executed by grown men and women. That counterfeit money idea is definitely not be an exception.

    The banks of Canada had to stop distributing hundred dollar bills for quite a while in 2007/2008. Merchants would not accept them, for that same counterfeit reason. This sort of thing happens quite often, and in every country.

    Please, as adults we put too much pressure on our young people. Let us give them a reason to maintain some form of self-esteem. Let us encourage them to develop into mature adults with self confidence and hope for the future Life.

  10. MangoSweet
    November 22, 2010

    Christmas is coming, so I guess some tricksters want the geese and the piglets to fatten real fast.

  11. Lizavier4Jesus
    November 22, 2010

    When I was in Dominica two years ago, I noticed that it was very easy for players to throw out a hundred dollar bill when having fun like playing a domino game with a one or two dollar bet. These are the areas where those fake money can be easily circulated, for example.

    It is unfortunate that quite a few people will be victimized through this wicked scheme. But I would hope that there are ways and means by which banks, merchants, other groups or persons from the public sector, who distribute those bills, are able to scan and make sure they do not receive them from private individuals in the first place. This is the time that vendors should be careful that they do not receive those bills from people whom they sell too.

    This is an awful situation for us, right into the Christmas season.

    For precaution, if persons are uncertain that the hundred or fifty dollar bill they receive is not the real thing, they should not accept it.

  12. Sexy Shorty
    November 22, 2010

    *aling = along

  13. Sexy Shorty
    November 22, 2010

    During the East Fest at Marigot two men trying to pass of counterfeit at the bar were handed over to the police aling with the fake notes and you know what happened? Those plastic police we have released those men. Now they advising the public. Stupppeeeessssssss

  14. Mikes
    November 22, 2010

    I wish this statement was made with a little more clarity and simplicity. the gentleman needs to be more fluent in communicating, especially on such important matters, to the general public. I did not read anything here for example, advising of the security features of the geuine notes which distinguish them from fake ones. Just a thought.

  15. The Third Side
    November 22, 2010

    OD Jerry

  16. mouth of the south
    November 22, 2010

    well well they better not try me eh,,,,cuz i chapping both hands!!!!

  17. BS
    November 22, 2010

    why cant young people work for what they need,the bible tells us so, that by our sweat we shall eat,why do some people sweat to eat and others fail to do so.plz people come on we can do better than that.

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