Couple praises St. Joseph cops

It’s quite commonplace – lately it seems – whether you’re reading the local news online or flipping through the two national newspapers, to find the odd reference to the inabilities of the Dominican Police Force for one reason or another.

How refreshing it is then to be able to reverse the coin and report a positive and successful result to a recent crime committed in the Layou Valley area.

On the morning of April 19th 2011 we awoke after a full moon night and dogs in high barking mode to find our 20-foot container forced open and a depleted list of contents strewn all over the place. The St Joseph Police, spearheaded by Const. Rene Samuels were called and amazingly three of them arrived after covering the 10 miles or so to our patch in 15 minutes.

After a basic list was compiled of what was missing, we began to think that a vehicle must have been used, purely because of the bulk involved and the remoteness of our location. It was evident that the adrenalin was pumping through the officers’ veins and they scooted off after professionally interviewing us and ensuring they would keep us informed as the day went on – and they did. What transpired one can only say was good old fashioned policing?

Over the next two and a half days various people in local communities were interviewed regarding their opinions on who could have orchestrated the heist and from information received certain stakeouts were put in place involving a heavy lack of sleep for the intrepid Const. Samuels and team.

Certain domestic items were found stashed under banana leaves in thick bush less than a mile from the container, but the brunt of the electrical hardware, brushcutter, mountain bike and PA systems were recovered from private addresses on the east coast.

The diligence and dedication of these well trained officers cannot be underestimated; proof of this is simple: everything on the ‘stolen’ list – costing about $30,000 EC to replace – was recovered and relatively undamaged.
Two suspects were arrested and charged; they appeared in No.1 Magistrates Court Tuesday 26th April. One pleaded guilty, one pleaded not guilty. All this in the space of a week, we presume that is speedy by anyone’s standards.

The newly appointed Commissioner of Police, Mr. Carette was extremely supportive to us and his police officers and took a personal interest in the case.  The commissioner is dedicated to making Dominica a safe place to live. The commissioner is in a very good place if the rest of his police force is as committed as Const. Rene Samuels, the Inspector and the officers stationed at St Joseph police station!  We say a big thank you to them all.

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  1. Patriot
    May 1, 2011

    Is this A COMMUNIST FORUM? What was wrong with what I wrote here? And on two previous occasions? very funny!!! Then why Am I being subjected with viles expressions and sometimes foul language when my perfectly decent questions are inadmissible to this forum. Is it something personal?

    • ?????
      May 1, 2011

      Wa a gu aan, sa?

  2. GIRL
    April 30, 2011


  3. Wacky
    April 30, 2011

    So long Samuel bursting his tale in the force solving all kinds of crime in C.I D..They did not make news so many don’t know.They just made 30 Corporals and it was like he does not exist. I am happy the victims of that crime have recorgnized him. Keep up the good work my friend.

    April 29, 2011

    As we were always told from the first day on the force Police work is a thank less job and as public workers the main focus is to protect life and property and last but by no means least arrest offenders and law breakers fot the likes of certain persons with their own agenda that seems to be verey difficult to understand untill the ball is in their court or as we say in D/A who they`re gonna call when the bad boys come for them? The Pollice of course”. As trained individuals the police is equipt to deal with almost any situation which may confront them while doing their job. But like any thing in life give jack his jacket when its deserving that goes for every body not only police officers. For the persons who think the police should not be given credit for doing a good job hope those persons does not have kids to raise cause the same applies in giving guidance and raising our children properly. So coodoes to our police officers and all those who make life enjoyable and crime free in Dominica. WIKI -SO-LEAKS And his or her types must be eating their hearts out by reading this on D.N.O. But dont worry every Dog has its day.

    • Observer
      April 29, 2011

      Excellent police work. The Police officer’s dedication and timely response to the “call to serve” should be applauded at every level of our society. We need more police officers like this crew to send a clear message to criminals, at home and abroad, that Dominica is an island of Law and Order. It’s refreshing to hear some positive works of the police.

      Thanks a million

    • Ho Hum
      May 1, 2011

      There is someone called Wikileaks? :-D You mean Willyleaks? :lol:

  5. Anonymous
    April 29, 2011

    wel done RENE

  6. Press Peter
    April 29, 2011

    The Commissioner need to publish their commendations in his Force Orders.

  7. Patriot
    April 29, 2011

    It would be nice if the responded that quickly to locals. I am still awaiting their visit to the crime scene since November 2010.

    • hopefull
      April 30, 2011

      me too and in d same st joseph

  8. My heart belongs to Melody
    April 29, 2011

    Good work Police Force especially constable Samuel. Hope when people criticize the Police Force for all its inadequacies it is also taken in the same vein

  9. papa dom
    April 29, 2011

    I not buying that story at all

    • Anonymous
      April 29, 2011

      shutup you fool

  10. American Dominican
    April 29, 2011

    OMG!!!!! What about giving them some awards? You mean to tell me things are so bad in Dominica that when people do THIER JOBS as they are hired to, it makes a news item? People, you may not notice this, but for people who THINK something is very wrong with that picture.. Soon every nurse who does what they are SUPPOEd to do with will get a medal, and every teacher, and every extenson officer? It says speaks to the low standards we set for workers in Dominica.

    • Annonymous Reader
      April 29, 2011

      And your point being what??? You never watch parade on 3rd of November every year??? Even a bus-driver got an award for good service…yes it was his job, but people appreciated it. So what wrong in bigging up somebody for doing their JOB??!! Is people like you that are so unappreciative of other’s efforts, that does cause frustration in the work-place. Chah man!!

      • American Dominican
        April 29, 2011

        Ok I agree, my kudos to the team!! Unfortunately however, the local poulation cannot boast of such excellent service given to them by the officers.. It would appear that this team is good, may I recommend that the commissioner assign them to the Dom Emmanuel case? Looks like they could really solev that one and bring some closure to the hanging questions, and speculations!! Do you me Mr. carrette?/

        • fond cole (V.4.L)
          May 1, 2011

          this could not have been said better, they need to do something aboute that case as soon as posible. the police is draging there feet they solve what they want to solve.

    • hmm
      April 29, 2011

      ye really low standards but what you expect when we have folks like you around? :mrgreen:

      • American Dominican
        April 29, 2011

        Could you please explain what you just wrote? I don’t get it.. What do you really mean. You reply is a perfect indication of who is the low standard. You don’t even know who is saying something that is quite relevant, instead you come with your stupid insults.. Who am I? Do you even know who you are saying that to? See how silly people can be? Just throw it on the wall, if it stiscks it sticks. Honey your mud is not sticking on this wall.. )Ala sucheaw sark oui la oui van shabonie..) Go and shake your bag where you bought your coal. I suspect it is Layou Park.

      May 1, 2011

      American Dominican so you telling me you not aware that every time the American police officers does some good job and some bad job such as the unfortunate shooting of the University student last October one of the police officers was given an award. Need I say more of your motive of your post. NO! check your self and look in the mirror.

  11. i glad for you.
    April 29, 2011

    only because you spend time in foreign… if it was a poor man they wouldn’t even bother, trust me!

  12. Anonymous
    April 29, 2011

    That’s good that someone recognized the good work of the police…. kudos to the officers. I always say without the police law and order would not be maintain.

  13. pedro
    April 29, 2011

    Give praises where it is due – hats off to the police! well written article too.

  14. Retard
    April 29, 2011

    police supose to be heroes, good job officers!! way to go, i love stories like that they make my day, keep up the good works,fighting crime and coruption, did i say coruption! i meant they would have to fight coruption with that same haste too. step on it officers you have regained our confidence. congratulation, salutation to the st.joe police station,for the protection to that part of de nation.

  15. Peeping Tom
    April 29, 2011


  16. mouth from the north
    April 29, 2011

    too much long hands in the place, as 4 portsmouth, they marking them students like teeli lee. Bouquets to the police for doing agood job. Now and then allways watch alitle Law and Order. Learn some tecqnics from Ice Tea. Brickbats on them long hands. Send them by me let me chap off thier hands. If is long they too long i will shorten it…..

    • Justice mi seh
      April 30, 2011

      Im happy for the people who got their items speedily, but i think we need to start giving some of those sakway volehs long sleeve and short sleeve if they cannot see people thing..

  17. Big Man
    April 29, 2011

    My first immpression of Dominicans were that they hated the law and the police, but im starting to think different, there are still a few good citizens. Good DA

  18. genius
    April 29, 2011

    I’m happy that there are still some wise Dominicans who recognise our police force and support them. That’s patriotism making Dominica a better place for us and our children.

  19. nite
    April 29, 2011

    well dats good news for the police .. when it’s good say it’s good..

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