Dominica police called to be ‘more visible and vigilant’ as 53 recruits join their ranks

Police recruits at graduation in January 2020

Fifty-three (53) police recruits have now joined the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force.

“On Monday the 6th and Tuesday the 7th of September 2021, 53 police recruits 14 females and 39 males took the oath of office and will undergo a 6 months period of training,” Minister for National Security and Home Affairs, Rayburn Blackmoore, said in statement.

He said the active recruitment of new police officers that is currently ongoing is in keeping with the government’s policy to increase the police establishment from 500 to 600 police officers.

The National Security Minister noted that increasing man power is not only about increasing numbers nor it is about proceeding with business as usual, “therefore, this drive is cemented by the role of the police to protect and serve the citizens of Dominica and to increase capacity and skill within the police force.”

He pointed out that in order to effectively execute the mandate to protect and serve, police officers need to be more visible and vigilant in their respective communities.

Blackmoore went on to say that over the years the Government of Dominica, through the Ministry of National Security and Home Affairs, has intensified its effort to build a robust community policing platform, increase police capacity and provide the police service with as many resources as possible.

“Therefore, there is a reasonable expectation by the government that an increase in manpower will actively give rise to greater police presence on the streets and more efficient police response time and more visible and vigilant police presence and more efficient service to the public,” the minister stated.

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  1. Watchman
    September 11, 2021

    The fact remains that the laws of our country are very seldom enforced. Crime is on the up, RTAs are on the up and white collar crime is on the up. In most instances the police doesn’t even investigate and on the few occasions they do, there is very seldom a result let alone a conviction. Now that begs the question: why does our country require a larger police force? The answer is a simple one, they are not needed to prevent and investigate crime but they are required to protect the dictator, his family, his friends and the cabal and their interests. THAT is not what a police force is for. All you should refer to the oath they swear but Skerrit uses them instead for his dirty business. Dominicans should never forget what they were ordered to do in Salisbury. You all get my drift?

  2. Oppressed
    September 10, 2021

    In the time of such a deadly COVID pandemic, 53 more police to fight the deadly disease?

    Why not 53 nurses or teachers or 53 workers in manufacturing or agriculture? Production must be our priority. But alas.

    Citizens detect the reason for the increase in the police force. That force has been tainted. People talk of a mongoose gang or TomTom macoute section within. It is about suppressing the people’s advocacy and protest and to protect and defend those in govt.

  3. Jonathan Y St Jean
    September 10, 2021

    I pray to the God that I serve that the facilitators inculcated into the minds and hearts and the conscience of these recruits that their oath is to the constitution, the laws of the land and not to politicians. That they are to uphold the laws and serve without fear or favor. Policing used to be an honorable profession.

    • Ibo France
      September 10, 2021

      Are you serious Mr. Y? Hoping for that to happen is like hoping for the mango tree in your backyard to bear money instead of mangoes. Get real!

  4. Original
    September 10, 2021

    I hope that, they’re being taught the constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica.

  5. Lillyput
    September 10, 2021

    Skerro gestapo!!

  6. Trucker
    September 9, 2021

    I sorry for them in that coshony..lord have mercy on them for they don’t know what they have done …

  7. Lin clown
    September 9, 2021

    You are right FALSE Skerrit what do you expect when you give your land to the Haitians.Now you’re buying dasheen,plantain,eggs,cabbage,tanians(shoe)and fig(bananas) from them,causing them to send millions of dollars to Haiti.They build houses and open businesses,while you sit by the side of the taking advise from the likes of Francisco-DOGS,IBO France,Viewsexpressed and the biggest JACKA of all %,……………………..LAZY.

    • Yep
      September 10, 2021

      They are the chief of land squatters on the island. Soon Dominica won’t have any forest left to provide oxygen, as they keep on cutting wood to make coal.

  8. Shaka zulu
    September 9, 2021

    Increase vigilance on the streets. The crimes seem to have moved into government establishments. Housing deputy passport scam, custom officer gun trafficking, port worker marijuana shipment, money missing at village council and police stations the list goes on. The head of the force is rotten and stinking and i feel sorry for these kids who took oath but have some terrible examples leading. I think these 20 year olds know nothing else but corruption and that is just a labour party militia using state instruments.

  9. If we knew better
    September 9, 2021

    Soon the whole of Dominica will be the police force because they alone that hiring. Once you join, and you sing the song while you drinking the cool-aid, you in. In a few years, POLICE COMMISSIONER for you! but you have to sing the song while drinking the cool aid.

    Now, my only question here is, when you apply to become a police officer, are there psychological evaluations conducted? I would subject every recruit to a series of psychological tests and evaluations. Too many of our police force officers have joined the police force for the wrong reasons.

  10. Jonathan Y St Jean
    September 9, 2021

    I need someone to explain things about policing in Dominca to me. With a population decreasing due to poverty, hurricanes and other natural disasters, also net out migration because of lack of opportunities and the large number of young people who were afforded education scholarships and couldn’t find employment in the country so they opened to not return to Dominica, plus policemen/women leaving the service because of attrition, why does the country need to go from 500 to 600 police officers? Is it that there aren’t too many other employment opportunities for the youth? or has crime increased exponentially in the country? The inverse relationship between population decreasing and police increasing doesn’t add up for me. Will someone please explain!!. I also hope that the new recruits are inculcated with the true meaning of protect and serve. I hope they understand that the badge and uniform doesn’t mean they have to kill people and brutalize the citizenry.

    • Navy Walrus
      September 10, 2021

      You don’t see them very often in uniform anymore but rather in their militia camouflage. That in essence answers your question. Furthermore, in reality the CDPF should have no more than 250 officers. That again begs the question, why does Skerrit require 600 and how can he afford to pay them. The missing CBI money perhaps? He knows that sooner rather than later there will be an uprising in Dominica and he believes the CDPF are the ones that will keep him in power. Keep on dreaming, Skerrit…

  11. Bwa-Banday
    September 9, 2021

    I sincerely hope that ASP. Weeks and Sgt. Bertrand are back in training school so the initial grooming of these recruits can be done properly. It also my sincere hope that they are reminded daily on the importance of serving the people and not the government or cabal of the day.

  12. Calm down
    September 9, 2021

    By the time they legalize weed all these fellas will have nothing to do but have domino tournaments. Alas it’s a job anyway hope they are taught good attitude as some lost it when they get out.

  13. Ibo France
    September 9, 2021

    The only place to procure mass employment in Dominica is in Serrit’s militia lethal force.

    Research any dictatorship around the globe. The military always have space for employment. It’s a self preservation strategy of all cowardly autocrats to train, equip and use these robot-like creatures against the citizenry when these said despots become unpopular and the people en masse turn against them.

  14. RandyX
    September 9, 2021

    Look it, the dictator reinforces his private army. Why does Dominica require 600 police officer since hardly any laws are enforced anyway? Just imagine, DA has a police force which equates to 1% of the population. Imagine, if for example the UK had a police force which equates to 1% of the population that would mean 650,000 officer. But the UK which is the fifth largest economy in the world can’t afford that, in fact they struggle to afford 100,000 which equates to approx. 0.15%. By this calculation Dominica’s police force should have 100 officers. So how can Dominica afford a force like that and WHY does Skerrit need a large force like that? Does anybody have a plausible answer?? Maybe I’m missing something!

  15. %
    September 9, 2021

    My advice to the recruits is that upon graduation later down the road, to remember their oath which is basically to protect and serve the citizenry, and not a fetid, corrupt and sleazy system…or a highly corrupt leader or misleader. My hope is that those recruits will also get the requisite training in proper english, good communication skills with the public, law, psychology, among others. Many present CDPF officers are woefully deficient in so many aspects, it’s shameful….Policing to them seem to mean using force on people….! Finally, i see no reason why the training period should not be up to 12 months or 18months..Teachers, nurses, etc train for 2 yrs, why police recruits can’t be trained for 2 years???? Is that among the reasons why we have so many terrible police officers in Dominica????????????

  16. Lin clown
    September 9, 2021

    Mr.Black- E- more,more police officers mean nothing.In your days as a police officer the strength was about 300,and the officers were far more efficient than the officers today.Vehicles are parked on pedestrian crossings the police do nothing.Vehicles are parked less than 2 feet from a corner the police see and do nothing.People are walking the length and breadth of Dominica(especially Roseau) not wearing a mask,the police see and do nothing.Community policing is DEAD.In the 70’s and 80’s,when there were less policemen there was better POLICE-PUBLIC relations.Blackmore know the police depend on the cooperation of the public to solve major crimes.The public would go to the police stations to cook,drink,play trump ,dominoes and draughts.Every village had a policeman on one of their sports team.There use to be more police godfathers in Dominica than any other country.POLICE WAS KING.

    • If we knew better
      September 10, 2021

      Police was never king. Just an excuse to wear a gun and play heavy while driving Government’s vehicles. Police never got much pay or got much respect unless you are top brass. Police was never king. Country people that dont know any better alone that does look at them police so. I used to tell my sister, dont ever find yourself involved with a police man. you better of loving a musician.

  17. De Big man scared
    September 9, 2021

    Looks like Dominica has more police officers than school teachers, nurses, private sector workers etc., Soon to come under DIS hardministration is more prisons and police stations. But no amount of power and force can keep this labor party in power. Real power belongs to the people. The genuine citizens of Dominica. I will see who these new recruits are. But I doubt any of my friends are in that gang. See what they did to a bus driver? Kicked him like a rubber ball all up in his ribs. Then moved ahead and charged him. Yes, Dominica is getting real interested. I’d really like to hear what oath they took. A good amount of them will be stationed at Morne Daniel. The captain must be running scared! Hehehe It’s coming, bro.

  18. Skerro
    September 9, 2021

    What else da have to do more than police

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