Dominican cleared of cocaine charges in St. Vincent

Telemacque. Photo credit: The Vincentian

Two men who were charged in connection with a cocaine seizure on the Morne Ronde Beach, July 11, 2011, were cleared of those charges last Tuesday, November 1, at the Serious Offences Court.

Dominican national Jones Telemaque, 38, and Vincentian, Glenroy Pierre, 33, of Queen’s Drive were charged jointly with possession of 34,050 grammes of cocaine approximately 31Kg or 74 lbs, with intent to supply. They were also charged with attempting to export the drug. The men originally appeared before Chief Magistrate Sonya Young at the Serious Offences Court on July 13. They pleaded not guilty to the charges and were remanded to Her Majesty’s Prisons.


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    January 26, 2012

    nice neard we

    damn fulll

  2. November 9, 2011

    November 7, 2011
    ” Like or Dislike: 1 0 @Francisco I am well educated i choose to write in upper case so people like u would see properly. It takes an idiot to know one.I have a right to express my opinion and i personally think giving your life to God is the best thing that one can do.”(Anonymous)

    Anaonymous, I do not believe a word you say, concerning you are well educated, if so why do you write in all block letters?

    That sort of thing should be beneath an scholastic, or academically educated person. If you are educated you should not be writing under ” Anonymous, ” or any other fictitious manes, unless you have something to hide, or fear of victimization, or reprisial: where is your name, what is your name?

    Right now I do not know if I am dealing with a human or beast!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  3. mary
    November 9, 2011

    I know mr.Jones personally and i have always known him to be a very hard working man.He is a hard working farmer who has supply me with produce along the years,the only thing i can say is i am very happy for him.The decision of him putting water in his wine is only up to him and no one else.May he be guilty or not the court has the final words,i just think we all should be happy for him and stop saying what he use to be or what he is because in the long run we have no idea where we will fall later.i know i am no one to judge so go ahead if you all think is all you place to do so.Again i am very happy for Jones.

    • saddam hossein
      November 10, 2011

      it must have been yours he went to pick up.hard workin my foot.a big hard back married man at that age still cant put water in his wine u think he’ll do it now..soon he’s sailing out again i wish him good luck next time.

  4. Mane
    November 8, 2011

    Good luck my man. Do your thing. God is the Judge.

  5. Calibishie
    November 8, 2011

    Jones we are glad you got away with this one. Now stop and think for once, you might run out of luck the next time, Remember your partner died in the process. So do please do the right thing.

  6. jobe
    November 7, 2011

    Here is a case where Telemacque was remanded without caused and a dominica was innocently killed and it appears the local authority didnt even intervene. There was no drugs thats why they had to throw the case and if there was an illigal gun Telemacque’s boat it would be mentioned.We need to suport our own because if it was a case where Jones had done something wrong in Vinci our authorities would have turn him over to Vinci police

  7. We the People
    November 7, 2011

    Drug dealer end up in two places – in jail or in a coffin. If he is a drug dealer, sooner or later that will be his fate. This is not rocket science.

    His defenders are not doing him a favor. He needs to be told the truth. Drug dealing is never a good thing.

  8. tiny
    November 7, 2011

    Fransisco telem…mannnnnnnnn are you christian? so please refresh my memory….the bible says that God is a respecter of rich educated eloquent sophisticated self righteous persons right? i forgot the scripture verse…can you remind me where i can find it

    • November 9, 2011

      What have I done to deserve such kind compliment from you?

      I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and his father Jehovah, if that makes me a Christian, then I suppose I am a Christian; what about you?

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  9. ghost
    November 7, 2011

    fool no mankind can be as perfect as god, for we are all siners

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ ghost

      Coming from a ghost this is great! :oops:
      Do you mean the Holy Ghost or the ghost of people and of Satan? Make yourself explicit.

  10. go
    November 6, 2011

    i thought is dominica alone dat had a messy court system. it looks like politians have dere money tie up in drugs too because i cannot understand dey caught when wit d drugs and they go free. mr have to give his life to christ now. he just got another chance at life

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ go

      St. Vincent is a West Indian island. Just as messed up. Figure this out. :lol:

  11. wesley
    November 6, 2011

    sell drugs, make money,that’s the deal cuz d economy is tight and if there is no law or constitution for those in authority, why should their be laws for the hu$tlers in the street?

  12. marigot
    November 6, 2011

    i’m happy that jones walked free. and too the fools thats speaking about repenting, they need to shut their hypocrite a$$e$$ cus their are many aristocrates in society who are involved in the drug trade that are never being caught. they tend to point fingers at the young hustlers whereas their dirty faults are being hidden by their positions in society.

  13. November 6, 2011

    All of you little weasels, and nobody, people of insignificant’s who are suggesting that he turn to God: have you stop to think for a moment that he is better protected by God, more than God is protecting all of you, otherwise he would be destine to spend a number of years in a Vincent jail?

    Pick the mot out of thine own eyes before you attempt to pick the mot out of Telemaque eye!

    Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

    • still
      November 6, 2011

      Defend your family my padner. See how different it is when the shoe is on the other foot.

    • forreal
      November 6, 2011

      well then you should be moved then,seeing that god has done this good thing in your family life,you need to go forward and teach mankind,what a wonderful miracle god has done,and here is your testament.

    • *123#
      November 6, 2011

      Is turning to God a bad thing to do? u must be very evil it it offended u so much

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ Francisco

      Defending your relative and angrily too? Why are you upset about what others state? You provide your comment and they provide theirs.
      You are of the opinion that he is better protected by God than by others. What a silly comment. You are so misled, misinformed and uninformed of the ways of God.
      Who knows whom God protects more than others? I will inform you that God does not protect criminals/murderers/ drug addicts/pushers and the likes. To as much as think so is taking God for granted and deceiving yourself.

      • Justice and Truth
        November 7, 2011

        Furthermore, those who love God will do His Will, to obey His Commandments and also stay away from bad company and avoid evil practices.
        Coincidentally, at a Holy Mass I recently attended, during the Homily the Priest stated that those who are trying to be godly spiritual, to perfect themselves will not associate with murderers, abductors and drug addicts. I state this not to commence a hated debate but to inform you that those who turn their backs on God, do not worship Him and live according to their ways and their own understanding are not lovers of God. I also wonder are they lovers of humanity? They will surely go astray and end up where they end up. As the saying, show me your friends and I will show you who you are and “Birds of a feather flock together.” You must defend who and what is right and not who and what is wrong. You are being unfair.

      • Sout Man
        November 7, 2011

        With all due respects, does “show me your friends…..” and “birds of a feather….” apply to all the pedophile priests and bishops in the Roman Catholic Church? How do we explain our association with them and the protection other bishops , and possibly the Pope, have given them by transfering instead of prosecuting them?

      • November 9, 2011

        Well since you know that does not protect thieves, murderers, all kinds of criminals, how come the charges were dropped?

        I suggest that God, protects baby’s infants, the innocent and fools!


        In this case God seem to have protected an innocent man. And by the way what make you believe I am angry?

        Nothing any Dominican say about any of my relatives or me personally will ever cause me any concern that will make me angry. I was born in Dominica remember; I am aware that some of us Dominicans have a reputation of running off our mouth, with nothing of substance falling out of that mouth, so nothing said here I have not dealt with in the past, and I mean from the time I was a child walking without pants in Wesley, and bare feet to this day.

        Some of those people who are giving advise, they themselves might be heavily involve in dealing drugs, that is why they feel so certain that Telemaque is guilty.

        Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

  14. Anonymous
    November 6, 2011

    Ah Jones, this is a lifeline for you boy, most of us know that you are not a bad boy, grab this lifeline boy and mend yourself now, forget about that drugs business and try to leave a good life, when people wnat their thing let them do it themself. Good luck to you.

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ Anonymous

      Do you know the difference between good and bad? What do you think of people who willingly associate with bad company, continue to remain in their company and get into trouble with the Law? Will you call them good people? He is an adult and he should have known what type of person(s) he was associating with. What type of mind he has is another matter. You do not know that to call him a good person. When he returns to Dominica, you will hear more. Time will tell. Let us see how well he will do in DA.

  15. real possie
    November 6, 2011

    And we talk about da, how the hell u found with drugs say its not yours and walk free?

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ real possie

      I am also questioning this that he got off free.

  16. Anonymous
    November 6, 2011


    • November 6, 2011

      Anonymous, you are an idiot!

      Rather than remembering you heard his name calling in drugs, you need to get an education, because to me you are a nobody without a name, at least we know his name is Telemaque, okay!

      If you had any intelligence you would not be writing in all upper case, ( block) or capitalized letters, if you were not a fool, you would know that the names of animals, places and things; the first letter is capitalized, and the continuing are written in lower case letters.

      If you could read, you would have noticed that the charges were withdrawn, because the prosecution could not substantiate their case against him, the allegations against the man was false, that is why the prosecution contended to continue with the case would be persecution rather than prosecution.

      There is a vast difference between persecution, and prosecution!

      For your information the matter was fabricated, The Vincentian charged in the matter was picked up on land and taken aboard the boat, what do you make of that Miss/Mr.idiot

      Mind your bloody business you idiot!

      Francisco Etienne-Dods Telemaque

      • Anonymous
        November 6, 2011

        Francisco E.D T, why don’t you just SHUT UP, and let people make their comments. Stop insulting other people, calling them idiots. Remember the old saying, “it takes an idiot to know another idiot.”

      • CHARMER
        November 6, 2011

        Who the hell do you think you are, insulting people like this?

      • Vincy PD
        November 6, 2011

        Only a fool like you would buy that story. You need to get the fact straight about this case. Telemaque is the small fish so they will let him walk. You should have read the vincy papers when this happen then you would ask yourself what was he doing on the beach at that time of the night with 3 men. That idiot must be related to you. Don’t worry xmas comes once a year.

      • B. E .B
        November 6, 2011

        Yes Mr.Francisco Telemacque, that’s the guy’s defense, you and I were not there, so he has to stick to his defense, why they did’nt pick you up and put on board the boat? I think to myself, he was some what connected to the drug. So he got away, thats it

      • Justice and Truth
        November 7, 2011

        @ Francisco

        Cool down! Allow people their freedom of right to comment on this article. You are taking it personally as if you are the one who was caught and are acquitted.
        Drugs were found on them. It is strange that they were acquitted. The prosecution probably did not do their homework/investigation as they should.

      • BIGGERS
        November 7, 2011

        franco! you see how everything is for one set??? two cases where evidence is not there to corroborate. they cutting their neck that Telemaque is guilty and on the other hand they cutting their neck that RMS is innocent….life funny eh~!

      • gods choosen child
        November 7, 2011


      • Anonymous
        November 7, 2011

        @Francisco I am well educated i choose to write in upper case so people like u would see properly. It takes an idiot to know one.I have a right to express my opinion and i personally think giving your life to God is the best thing that one can do.

  17. MAY
    November 6, 2011


  18. ....................
    November 6, 2011

    If you do not give it up, you may not be lucky the second time around..Go to God.!

  19. forreal
    November 6, 2011

    well bro you need to turn to god, and give him thanks and praises for the rest of your life

    • Justice and Truth
      November 7, 2011

      @ forreal

      There is more to it than to turn to God. It entails, recognizing God, worshipping Him, prayer, penance and sacrifice, performing acts of love, unselfishly and without getting tired of doing so. This includes not thinking solely of oneself.
      It is my feeling that he has a lot to learn about God, turning to Him, obeying Him and His Commandments and persevering to the end.
      Our Lord Jesus Christ said: “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is.”

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